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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 400x369, thanksgiving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11146582 No.11146582[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why ypipo can't cook?

>> No.11146591

le epic bait
fuck off to /pol/, you sad moron

>> No.11146593

Who even cooked up this nonsense?

>> No.11146594

what is ypipo?

>> No.11146596

Left looks like a school lunch

>> No.11146602

The left looks like Thanksgiving in prison. So its gotta be the blacks Thanksgiving.

>> No.11146604

Both are plebeian trash on disposable plates

>> No.11146607 [DELETED] 

Why tf are you ucle tom niggas soooo attached to yalls whypipo? they giving u bomb dick r wha????

>> No.11146614

is this english?

>> No.11146617

niggers are literally subhuman

>> No.11146625

Why do black people celebrate Thanksgiving? It's about white people sharing food with the Redman. It's got nothing to do with blacks.

>> No.11146636

some blacks like america

>> No.11146645

Yppo really can't fathom blacc language cause they spend all day hating on they POC, gossipping about them and being in secret competition with them

>> No.11146648
File: 24 KB, 344x425, 073-hugh_grant2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using paper plates

>> No.11146649

Blacks helped build this country. They have every right to celebrate Thanksgiving

>> No.11146652
File: 177 KB, 500x419, 1445738810070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats thanksgiving?

>> No.11146653

Imagine having so little impact on the world that your only accomplishment as a culture is eating food that will put you into an early grave.

>> No.11146667

Imagine how desperate you have to be to constantly compare yourself as being better than white trash

>> No.11146673

Imagine samefagging so hard you feel the need to link to the OP in your second post in the hopes of maybe looking like another person

>> No.11146676

Yeah but blacku gorrira eats mcdonalds the rest of the year.

>> No.11146690

>I say "nigger" a lot on an anime imageboard, therefore I feel justified in taking credit for the accomplishments of other white people.

>> No.11146697


>> No.11146698

young people

>> No.11146707

in yiddish?

>> No.11146733

America wasnt built on cotton, nigger

>> No.11146755

Do black people really think white people have single serve cartons of milk at home?

>> No.11146759

its funny because blacks are more likely to eat left pic because they are homeless

>> No.11147051

in prison

>> No.11147064

>he didn't finish 9th grade American history

>> No.11147074

fuck off you race baiting useless neoliberal >>11146582

>> No.11147075

Oh, sweaty

>> No.11147094

no they don't, they have their own christmas. Thanksgiving was white christians and savage indians only, they can go fuck off and be black and have their own holidays.

>> No.11147096

Technically true
There were multiple cash crops that black slaves had to harvest
thanks for that clarification

>> No.11147109

American holiday based on the first big dinner held by the Native Americans and the Pilgrims as a sign of goodwill and cooperation. Turned into a family get together holiday where everyone eats a lot.

>> No.11147113

show me an empire that didnt use slave labor

>> No.11147124

That wasnt the point

>> No.11147127

Retarded black speech for "white people"

>> No.11147137

Because it's an inconvenient point for you. Slavery, and the civil war, was only a thing for economic reasons. Slavery degraded labor, inhibited urbanization and mechanization, thwarted industrialization, and stifled progress, and associated slavery with economic backwardness, inefficiency, indebtedness, and economic and social stagnation. When the North waged war on slavery, it was not because it had overcome racism; rather, it was because Northerners in increasing numbers identified their society with progress and viewed slavery as an intolerable obstacle to innovation, moral improvement, free labor, and commercial and economic growth. You won't find one northern diary entry saying how they joined the fight to free niggers. And where is slavery most present today? Where? Africa.

>> No.11147145

it happens everywhere anon. lots of arabs celebrate christmas in yurop

>> No.11147146
File: 46 KB, 640x945, TVUG0LL_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whypipo only care for blood. That's why y'all eat steak so rare.

>> No.11147149

I love revisionist history!

>> No.11147152

>You won't find one northern diary entry saying how they joined the fight to free niggers.
I get what you're trying to say, but you're being an idiot

>> No.11147156
File: 732 KB, 776x5032, blackfood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11147163

>You won't find one northern diary entry saying how they joined the fight to free niggers
Who were Walt Whitman, Thoreau, Stowe and Twain, to name just s few.

>> No.11147165

and we all know white people are known for eating school lunch

>> No.11147166

Keep /pol/ shit in /b/

>> No.11147169

by celebrate you mean don't work, right?
i tried calling out for MLK day once and got fired.

>> No.11147174

twain, aka clemens?

>> No.11147178

you were probably fired for multiple reasons, among which calling out for MLK day was the final straw
There's honestly not a single job that will fire you just for calling out MLK day one time
don't be an idiot where everyone can see you, stupid

>> No.11147179

Many indulge their kids who see what all the other kids are doing and want to have fun too.

>> No.11147183

wakandan slang for whitetoid subhumans

>> No.11147185

Because whites go to school while blacks drop out?

>> No.11147199


>> No.11147218

No it just straight up wasnt even the point.

>> No.11147222

they celebrate. christmas tree, santa and all the shit

>> No.11147229

>moral growth
KEK look where we are now

>> No.11147235

That and also blacks and spics get free school lunches.

>> No.11147265


fuck you, ron

>> No.11147360

no the other one

>> No.11147395

this is very reminiscent of english. any idea what idea is trying to be conveyed here?

>> No.11147400

It's a white guy angry about black people joking about white people

>> No.11147405

Absolutely based and redpilled

>> No.11147407

The one on the left is the black persons because it looks like it’s been served in a prison.

>> No.11147422

it is a trick, both are black people food. institutional food (school / prison) and 'soul food' aka every thing to kill a nigger with high blood pressure.

>> No.11147428

This Nigga Sad Af Lmaooooo
y a niBBa gotta get me livin section 8 in he head i ain't built for this shit damn

>> No.11147449

this is called 'pidgin'?

>> No.11147471


ftfy learn to spell yt retard

>> No.11147923

obviously, you are not white.

>> No.11147925

nothing gets past this guy

>> No.11147935

Ok smarty pants

>> No.11147953


>> No.11147958

>t. I don't understand what samefagging is
stay mad tyrone

>> No.11147972

you got the sides swapped, you can tell because the one on the left is a prison meal

>> No.11148034

This thread proves white people's humor is as bland as their food. The only thing a white person won't take from a POC is a joke.

>> No.11148057

>t.black knighting
you are gross.

>> No.11148063
File: 866 KB, 1000x667, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

African breakfast

>> No.11148070
File: 57 KB, 685x397, lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

African lunch

>> No.11148077 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 1280x960, dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

African dinner

Fuck you, mods and janitors, for allowing this racebaiting shit on /ck/. You want this place to become /pol/ 2.0? Because that's what you're opening the door to. You fucking faggots, do your fucking jobs.

>> No.11148084

I don't care if you ban me, I'd rather be banned than see this board become racebaiting shit.

>> No.11148090

Why all the hate nigga?

>> No.11148106

Because /ck/ is not a food-themed /b/ or /pol/ and OP is not actually posting about food or cooking.
Shitty fucking racebaiting threads like this have no place on /ck/ but I guarantee they'll be allowed as long as they make fun of whites. Just waiting to see how much of this thread the faggot mods censor.
I'm trying to keep /pol/ out of /ck/ and the mods are doing nothing. Faggotry abounds.

>> No.11148112
File: 60 KB, 960x698, millennials constitution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow up, loser. Are you really so absolutely sensitive about race that you think everyone shouldn't be allowed to have a 'compare and contrast' discussion about black american and white american cooking? Stop whining for a second and just participate, and maybe you'll learn a thing or two about cooking

>> No.11148183

Fuck off. This thread clearly isn't a discussion about different styles of cooking, it's blatant racebaiting. Read the OP's post again you cunt, and point out where it opens the door to "a 'compare and contrast' discussion about black american and white american cooking".

>> No.11148188

really, it's weird to get offended at a desperate attempt for identity. Black people posting the we be good cooks meme is as embarrassing as white boys seeking a masculine white identity in metal.

Lets be clear, the richest person eats the best food. Whitey shops at whole foods, not big lots.

>> No.11148190

It is what you make of it.

>> No.11148195

And what I make of it is a blatant shitpost, as is evidenced by the complete lack of substantial discussion of differences between soul food and regular food in America.

>> No.11148209

>Lets be clear, the richest person eats the best food. Whitey shops at whole foods, not big lots.
This is completely incorrect. The richest person I've ever known, an ex-girlfriend who was a minor Wall Street heiress, was also the worst cook I've ever known. Notably, she once tried to make a grilled cheese sandwich by putting a piece of cheese on bread in a bowl in the microwave, ending up with a bowl of slop; I'm honestly not sure how she even managed to fuck up that bad.

I'm of the opinion that once you can afford basic staples ingredients and such (not just bodega trash) the main determinant of quality is technique. You can buy cheap eggs or expensive eggs, but if you consistently overcook your eggs they'll be gross either way. If you cook cheap eggs well, such as a baveuse french omelette (which can take as little as technique, eggs, and butter) then, cheap eggs or not, you'll end up with a nice final product

>> No.11148214

why are you so retarded

>> No.11148313

I work in a prison so I guess I am thankful for blacks

>> No.11148349

I teach drafting, advanced geometry, and history at a highschool.
America was not built by blacks, or black labor. Black immigration has always been low, and US slavery (first US slave owner was a black man) only brought in a small number. America was built by the original colonists and each surge of legitimate immigration as the US grew. Blacks only had small amounts of participation in any form.
As a teacher, black students have been the #1 discipline problem, followed in a close 2nd by white kids imitating modern black culture.
Black males are 6% of the general population, and 60% of the prison population.
95% of blacks who are murdered are killed by another black person.
While I can not openly speak about how little blacks have contributed to society, I am required by the ultra-liberal doctrine forced by the education system to speak of this worst ethnicity in light and neutral terms.
And here I am posting in a poor quality bait thread.

>> No.11148371

>And here I am posting in a poor quality bait thread.
It's not poor quality if we can come to the consensus that niggers are fucked.

>> No.11148380

go back to /pol/!
/ck/ is a soul food board for persons of color ONLY

>> No.11148385

he never said they are the best cooks, just that they eat the best food. I bet the bread, the ccheese and the microwave were really expensive.

>> No.11148391

>I am posting in a poor quality bait thread
It's not bait if it's just plain facts, in olden times also known as "the truth".

>> No.11148414

You're missing the point. The price is neither here nor there. You can spend as much as you want on the bread and the cheese, but if you microwave it like a retard and end up with a bowl of slop, it'll be disgusting either way. In contrast to said bowl of slop, you can take factory white bread and American cheese slices, and executed properly, a true grilled cheese sandwich with cheap ingredients can be comparably delicious.

In this case of grilled cheese sandwiches, as with many others, the person with technique is better off than the person with money in the realm of food. The only time this isn't true is when you leave the realm of home-cooking, and start looking what rich and poor can afford at restaurants.

>> No.11148437

>You're missing the point.
I think the misunderstanding is I was talking about ingredients/produce, you meant the end product. Or maybe you could say the issue is quality vs. taste. While I understand your point the fact remains that premium healthy crap-free ingredients may not taste as good when prepared by a sitty ccook but will still be healthier and better for the body than shit ingredients that have been prepared masterfully.

>> No.11149135

Can't you niggas just post thanksgiving meals instead of humoring racebaiting bullshit.

>> No.11149156

Because that's what the Help is supposed to do.

>> No.11149162

He didn't though.

>> No.11149319

Historically, wh*tes immigrated from northern europe and brought with them the bland, flavorless cuisines and a loony puritan ethic that preached anything that gives one pleasure or enjoyment derives from the devil which they implemented by making food with the least amount of flavor possible to thwart the devil. In the south, blacks and based catholics brought a "joie de vivre" approach to life and developed food traditions like Cajun, Creole, BBQ and soul food which the southern wh*tes adopted since it was a great improvement over their bland unspiced corn pone, ditchweed and boiled meat.

Thus, we see one really needs to distinguish between the foods of the wh*tes who were taught and influenced by southern european catholics and blacks, and those who still suffer under the yoke of shitty northern european puritan tradition of self flagellation and suffering.

>> No.11149397

You sound like a mad nigger. Kill yourself monkey.

>> No.11149532

>hot spices grow in northern europe

sure is dumb in here

>> No.11149641

>comment is literally the opposite of what the post proposed
Reading not your strong suit, I see. Were you home schooled by evangelicals, perchance?

>> No.11150240

>they banned the porn poster
/polck/ is legal, seeth harder libcucks

>> No.11150374

I bet you do. Now be a good boy and go back to worshipping your communist god-prophet MLK.

>> No.11150392

so the left is the black one? cause it looks like a prison meal

>> No.11150407

Isn't it racist to assume all black people can cook? You know you're just going to make the black people who can't cook feel bad, right? Why do you hate black people, OP?

>> No.11150414

fuck off to pol was the bait anon, he.. he got you

>> No.11150419

A lot of black people's cooking seems to involve a suicidal overdose amount of salt to be honest.

>> No.11150861
File: 12 KB, 184x184, 267bd26b2d98b23a2cfc7407e0de92ca0b8dae41_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why this thread has been allowed to stay up this long

>> No.11150894

Dat Collar Greems mmmmmmm love me summa dat sheeeeit

>> No.11151211

id take left because at least its not overcooked

>> No.11151444

Left is what they give to kids at school around the holiday season. Every white person loads up plates like on the right. Black people learned how to feast from white people.

>> No.11151773
File: 44 KB, 400x369, 1535843083776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow i showed them

>> No.11151784


Both plates look like shit. One is a lunch tray and the other is a paper plate. My family actually uses plates that are reusable but we're European Americans so it's expected.

>> No.11151836

The US wasn't built on slavery you retard slavery just made some people rich.

>> No.11151895
File: 58 KB, 375x530, niggerinvention5fastfood_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black power

>> No.11151932
File: 2.61 MB, 500x281, Protein in the air.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have chickens
>wave your arms around instead of breeding them

>> No.11152358
File: 70 KB, 1000x1000, 05812.MAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11152444

>Slavery, and the civil war, was only a thing for economic reasons.

>> No.11152451

You got fired from your bullshit ass job because you were probably a horrible employee to deal with. They just used that as an excuse.

>> No.11152471

this but also one of the biggest reasons racism was a thing was because the upper class who actually had slaves made a shit ton of propaganda that backed them up with "science" and social reform

>> No.11152475

(((Some people)))

>> No.11152568

Every civilization that has ever existed was built on slavery. Including this one, even in the present day. Whether it is institutionally termed "slavery" or not. It's all the same shit and didn't diametrically change just because we have electricity and fossil fuels. Unless something even more revolutionary happens (like automation, although that's doubtful, or at the very least another millennium away) building and maintaining civilization will always require untold masses of discontents.

>> No.11152606


>> No.11152627

>suicidal overdose
Yeah I friggin' wish.

>> No.11152664

Government subsidized school lunch paid for by whites
Government subsidized supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP aka food stamps) paid for by whites
Really made me think