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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11141611 No.11141611 [Reply] [Original]

>Tfw just ate this for dinner
I know it’s a lot, but it’s not that bad right?
What’s the most you’ve ever eaten for a meal?

>> No.11141620

It’s a party package, so it depends on how many people shared it.

>> No.11141633
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>> No.11141636

i've eaten two large pizzas over the course of an evening before.
and i crushed one of those 12 serving stouffers mac n cheese with half a pound of mixed veggies in one sitting once.

>> No.11141646

youtube mukbangs and then prepare your anus.

>> No.11141657

3200 calories for both pizzas, couldn't find that monster cookie but easily another 1k, and probably a few hundred for the rest. Around 5000 calories, that's pretty fucking bad.

>> No.11141663

just 5000
not that much

>> No.11141665

last night i cooked 2lbs of hamburger into meat sauce and ate it with 2 boxes of spaghetti. then i took a shower and jacked off 3 times and went to bed. if you live in a first world country you might as well revel in excess

>> No.11141666

If you're a gigantic fatass, sure.

>> No.11141671

>omg 5000 kcal you must be so fat omg like that's double the recommended daily intake

shut the fuck of veg fag

>> No.11141764

>eating two 'zas, one chocolate chip cookie pie, a bunch of moggiarella stix, freedom fries, marinara sauce and ranch
As an American, it's your constitutional right to do this. Anyone who says differently is a literal communist.

>> No.11141772
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True that brother. Noah preached it best. It's America and its our right to eat what we want, when we want it

>> No.11141776

a frozen packet of orange chicken meant for 4 people, a liter of water and a big bowl of steam rice

>> No.11141785

I just ate 3 cheeseburgers, 2 fries and a 20 nugget share box I'm feeling good lads

>> No.11141788
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2x big king xxl

>> No.11141793

You didn't even deny being fat.

>> No.11141795

xD fuck you got me there I'm literally morbidly obese xD

>> No.11141796

Probably not too awful calorie wise but just the content of it.

One day I had made a gyros, feta onion omelette for breakfast using a leftover gyro because a place was running a buy one get one.

Then for lunch I ate the remainder of the other gyro mixed in with the remainder of a cheesesteak on the extra pita from the original gyro that i turned into an omelette.

Then for dinner my mom, not knowing what I had eaten before in the day brought me a gyros and figuring fuck it at that point, I indulged.

It was honestly great.

>> No.11141824

There isn't a pizza hut near me!!!

>> No.11141830

i see you went to a public school

>> No.11141904

Public school? Yeah, right...
Sorry to burst your libtard bubble, but I was home schooled. I wasn't force-fed commie propaganda like you.

>> No.11141941 [DELETED] 
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God bless America

>> No.11141949
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One time I got high

I had one of those frozen large pizzas with a bunch of shit on it
3 sandwhiches filled to the brim with ham,cheese,tomatoes and mayo
2 bowls of cereal and milk
A bag of chips
2 ice cream sandwhiches

I might have had more but I dont remember anymore

>> No.11142011

triple "threat"

>> No.11142028

Rest in peace Jack. I'll pray for your soul.

>> No.11142029

>two pizzas
>some horrible cookie pizza thing
>mozz sticks
>are those breadsticks on the bottom on the left?
nigga that's probably 3000+ calories for that entire thing, yes it IS that bad you piece of shit

>> No.11142094

triple bypass triple threat

>> No.11142150

>it’s not that bad right?
If it's a rare occurrence then sure. I'm 55kg but I could (and happily would) pack that away. Doesn't make me a fatass, because I literally am not a fatass.

>> No.11142248

One time I ate a whole costco pizza by myself and I was so tired afterwards I slept for 12 hours and felt groggy as shit most of the next day, I didn't even feel like eating until 2 days later.

I don't know how you could stomaching eating several pizzas and a PIE and fried cheese to go with it, all in one sitting

>> No.11142295

>all that fucking bread with a hint of cheese scattered across the top
enjoy your week-long blocked colon

>> No.11142305

just throw that shit up

>> No.11142311

Do Americans really eat this?

>> No.11142433

Don't scare me like that

>> No.11142445
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Just placed my dinner order

>> No.11142672

>jacked off 3 times
did you eat that too?

>> No.11142746

Sixteen large pepperoni lovers for me, op

>> No.11142757

What is that, I've never heard that word before just now

>> No.11142771

Looks good but fuck the specialty chicken, that shit is baffling

>> No.11142801

i usually get the buffalo chicken specialty pizza

>> No.11142809

It's your rectal area. Where poop comes out.

>> No.11142857

>shut the fuck of
The fat is clogging your brain.
Someone rush OP to some medical attention

>> No.11142863

It's actually not that unhealthy if you didn't consume the desert but regardless, you can burn that off in a day ez.

>> No.11142883

i don't like Pizza Hut but i would that giant cookie

>> No.11142950
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box of mac and cheese but i had a container of plain rice that they give you at Chinese restaurants that i was just gonna throw it away. put it in with mac to make it last. ate all of it.
>ate more Chinese about an hour later
>mfw i watched my 600 pound life while eating it all

>> No.11142973

Damn, you're fat as fuck.

>> No.11142976

everyones calling him a fat american but i can't find this in america. just the big dinner box. what op had hasn't been in america since 2016

>> No.11143101
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When I lived in flyoverville as a child I visited California for my Uncle's wedding. He was very successful, so instead of having catering he held the wedding dinner at a very ritzy Italian restaurant where he rented a private dining room that overlooked the ocean.

As a flyover "good food" was Outback Steakhouse, Romano's Macaroni Grill and P.F Changs. So this food naturally blew my mind. We were served so much of it, the bill probably reached several thousand dollars, and I ate more than any adult despite being thin as a rail

The trick? After getting full I would go to the bathroom, stick my finger down my throat and vomit until I couldn't anymore. I did this 4 times. The next day my throat hurt so much from the acid burn I could hardly drink water.

But it was worth it. Because for a moment this flyoverboy had tasted real, good food. And I made it my mission to leave my town and never come back.

>> No.11143106
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Pretty good for $7.20

>> No.11143107

No. Let him go.

>> No.11143493

Once I ate a whole loaf of bread with butter. I don’t know what the deal is with bread, like if I eat 8oz of protein or fiber, I feel full to fuckin puking but a loaf of bread, I got that.

>> No.11143731

Good for bulking

>> No.11143745

I've done this. Right out of the oven and I ate some with butter and some with an olive oil/balsamic dip.

>> No.11143777

13 packets of Tim Tams and 3 gallons of Pepsi. Was consumed in the span of about 1.5-2hrs while playing WoW

>> No.11143937

Being a manlet is worse then being a fat ass. At least the fatass has the potential to lose weight an become desirable

>> No.11144109

Eh, I'm 5'10. I know that's a "manlet" in meme terms but it's pretty average IRL. I'm just excessively thin and devoid of muscle.

>> No.11144115

I regularly eat two pizzas, not super large ones but still.
Somewhere between once a week and once every two weeks.

>> No.11144217

That's what you get for smoking crack

>> No.11144239
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my dad bought this for just me and him and i ended up eating all that i circled in the course of like 90min
my body was literally vibrating after and i had a nightmare when i went to sleep

>> No.11144312

>a Big Mac
>two cheeseburgers
>modest portion of nuggets
>two small fries
Ehh, it's not that much.

>> No.11144315

omit the cola and it's quite a fine dinner

>> No.11144441
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I also had some sweets

>> No.11144499
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>butter cake

>> No.11144520

I feel bad for reading this thread while eating a normal meal. Like I shouldn't put food in my body anymore.

>> No.11144823

that thing is a literal orgasm in physical form

>> No.11144877

Not him but that sounds like a good combination to me. Nice digits, btw.

>> No.11144930

Fucking Manlet
I can eat a whole Costco pizza and work a 12 hour shift afterwards

>> No.11144949

And you'd never have to leave the store.

>> No.11144983

That was a mirror, anon

>> No.11145013

I eat roughly 2lbs of fruits/veg everyday and very little of anything else, including meat and grains, but when you get me to an AYCE joint, I'll fuck that place up.
One time I went and ate four whole steamed flounders/soles/dabs (not sure which fish it was), seven plates of fried noodles, a gigantic bowl of crayfish then had dessert consisting of 1 slice each frosted chocolate cake, cheesecake, vanilla-frosted poundcake and some pink cake that I thought would be strawberry but wasn't. Also some fruit and veg.

>> No.11145083

imagine being this fat

like holy fuck im 300 pounds of fat fuck and eating 3000 calories is pushing it hell that was the amount i was eating to be over 330 lbs of fat ass

hell on my current diet im eating between 1800 and 2300 to lose fat ass weight

>> No.11145092

If PH spent half as much time improving the quality of their pizzas as they do coming up with stupid gimmicks they probably wouldn't be the worst chain by far.

>> No.11145098

Double quarterpounder meal, 2 mcchickens, 2 mcdoubles, two apple pies is my regular order. I eat it in the parking lot.

>> No.11145108
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don't forget the gallon of soda to wash it down

>> No.11145112

You can only absorb so many calories at once anyways. It is no different than eating 2000 cal at the same time.

>> No.11145118

i can't tell if your story was inspiring or dreadfull.

>> No.11145140

Don't know why autists are sperging out at OP. As long as you work out and not a super manlet, you should be burning like 2600+ cals a day. Pretty good for bulking or a cheat meal

>> No.11145146
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I ate 16 lahmacun every day for 4 days straight. It's basically known as "turkish pizza".

>> No.11145158

I ate a lot when I was a growing teenager who was actually active. Most I ate was 7 cheeseburgers in one hour. Went over to my buddy's house and his dad was grilling some awesome burgers.

>> No.11145341

I've eaten a plastic carrier bag full of scones my granny made me. Just the dry scones on their own, no butter or anything like that.

>> No.11145373

Does medicare pay for your scooter?

>> No.11145402

>Sixteen large pepperoni lovers
is that your family?

>> No.11145411

If you have to ask you already know it's too much.

>> No.11145417
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>> No.11145515

That's exactly what a pizza with a vore fetish would say!

>> No.11145645

What was your nightmare about?

>> No.11146126

What the fuck are you on about

>> No.11146141

Ignore him, he's the local windowlicker

>> No.11146148

Its a lot Little obese USA-kun

>> No.11146255

It is stupid uneducated obese USA-anon

>> No.11146691

20 hot wings, 20 nugs, 75cl diet Coke and sweet chilli sauce

>> No.11146703

>tfw you ate so much yesterday that whole chunks of barely-chewed chicken are coming out your ass

>> No.11147007

They're actually pretty fucking good, I must admit.
They taste like a pie crust that got mixed up with a thick, icing-like filling.

>> No.11147153

Whenever I eat a lot of food then go to sleep, I get a nightmare. Its a fun way to get through the night. A lot of food being about two big cheesebugers, or perhaps a platter of fried rice + some chicken dish from a chinese restaurant.

>> No.11147159

I love night terrors, but I can't find a way to consistently experience them. I wish your technique worked for me.

>> No.11147182

i go through phases and i work a physical job. i'll likely just drop dead from a heart attack in my mid 40's while being a regular fat guy up until then.

>> No.11147271

That happens to me sometimes too. Except I don't eat a lot before I go to bed.

>> No.11147275

That's a good day.

>> No.11147309

Lucid dreams and dream manipulation was my main hobby for about 2 years. The main takeaways food-wise are that very spicy food gives me memorable wild dreams, but I was never in control. 50/50 positive or nightmare, but the nightmares were like generic horror movies and not like horrible "you are a failure" bad acid trips.

Cheese (but only real cheese, not bullshit American style cheese product shreds) gave me dreams that while profound wre very emotional and called me out on a bunch of my bullshit and bad choices, sort of like a heavy trip.

The most consistent "ok now it's time to lucid dream" food was szechuan peppercorns and normal chilis in a smallish meal but with enough simple starch that the spice doesn't rek your stomach lining or give you the squirts, which would wake you up. Something like 1/3 of an order of extra hot szechuan chicken from a real szech place plus the whole pint of white rice, or make it homemade and double up on the chilis and szechuan peppercorns advised in most recipes. The above plus b12 + melotonin combo wound up working about 2/3 of the time. Happy psychonauting.

>> No.11147323

cheddar cheese before bed is the best way to have weird fucking dreams

>> No.11147326

He better have. A real American recycles.

>> No.11147333
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>Cookie Two Step
My most favorite Blue Bell. I miss Texas so much

>> No.11147335

I actually prefer when they're not lucid, because I can spend the next day mulling over my instinctive dreamworld behaviour. I haven't found cheese very helpful in the past, but maybe I'll give extreme heat a try.

>> No.11147378

Yeah in the long run I find lucid dreaming a pretty stressful goal since you wake up less rested than you went to bed, not to mention the pressure of trying to lucid dream. Also for me it opened the door to a month of sleep paralysis that genuinely had me questioning reality.

Agreed though, for the most part I like analyzing the places my dream-self goes or doesnt, with free reign. I'd suggest try a spicy dish that's notably strong but not "this isn't food" level, see how it goes.

>> No.11147388

Europe thing. You eat bunch of food while being filmed.

>> No.11147469
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I wanted sriracha shrimp but I only wanted to turn on the stove once that week, so I cooked the whole 2lb bag of black tiger shrimp. Pic is the end result.

>> No.11147487

I think you're missing some steps, anon. You can definitely absorb that many calories in a day. The issue your body has is when you ingest that many calories in 20 minutes.

>> No.11147504
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Banquet bbq riblets. This was dinner for 2

>> No.11147505 [DELETED] 

>ate godfather's pizza and drank their free cokes (back when they gave free fills for their glass mugs) until I literally puked.

(was literally 11yo)

>> No.11147523


>> No.11147628

>Europe thing.
No, it's Korean. One explanation is that eating is supposed to be social and that one shouldn't eat alone so Youtubers started doing interactive live shows where audience members who are eating alone in real life can share a mealtime with others.

>> No.11148950
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i want to see this faggot eat all of it

>> No.11149190

Once at 4 big macs when I was like 12, no I wasn't overweight

>> No.11149229
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I made some of those a while ago. Really tasty.

>> No.11149233

I only eat once a day and burn 3000 to 4000 calories most workdays, so

>> No.11149238
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>> No.11149242

so what?

>> No.11149511

Look, I admit we just stole doner from you and renamed it shawarma, but are Turks really so lazy as to steal lahmajun from Lebanon and not even change the name into Roachspeak other than changing a single letter? For fuck's sake, the phrase means "meat on dough" in sandspeak. Obviously, if the name is fucking Arabic, stands to reason we're the ones who invented it.
And fuck you, we want falafel back, too. It's Arab lenten food. You have like, what... three Christians in your country? You don't deserve falafel.

>> No.11149980
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>robust inspired tomato sauce

>> No.11150177

you disgusting piece of shit, you're an abomination, a waste of space that only lives to consume resources
when your failing heart finally decides it's had enough, I hope you kill yourself to save tax payer's money, which can be used to treat actual human beings

>> No.11150343

Dude I don't even give a shit about who invented it or whatnot, who cares.

>> No.11150485

>that effeminate europoor who just sits around all day waiting to collect his welfare check instead of working at a manly job or participating in manly sports which burn calories

>> No.11150502

I would happily eat that shit just so I could get those lovely drawer boxes to hold stuff in my workshop

>> No.11150517

In high school, I'd regularly eat one to one and a half 10"x14" pans of stuffed manicotti for dinner.