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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 127 KB, 575x364, how-to-clean-a-cast-iron-pan-1-575x364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11140962 No.11140962 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst type of cookware, and why is it cast iron?

>> No.11140991

cast iron is best for searing with that heat retention

non-stick is the worst, limited lifespan and questionable healthwise

>> No.11141200
File: 347 KB, 945x1260, C743EDF0-0732-4EF7-AC24-F4CDC78E35E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your bait thread’s not doin to well is it, cast iron hater?

>> No.11141218

non stick shit

>> No.11141245
File: 66 KB, 708x588, huehuehero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those whole garlic cloves

>> No.11141259

>what is the worst/best X and why is it Y

fuckin dumbshits and their boring ass shitposting, can someone do a bloody filter already?

>> No.11141298

>discussing food and cooking on the food and cooking board is shitposting
interesting logic

>> No.11141739

Have fun with your high maintenance rusty bullshit.

>> No.11141744

>that time anon was too stupid to dry his pan

>> No.11141747

So you like the taste of iron in all your food?

>> No.11141749

those cloves are doing fuck all for that steak sitting on top of it away from the heat

>> No.11141753

keeps my iron up, keeping me strong and healthy

>> No.11141759

There really isn't enough iron to notice a difference in taste. Don't be stupid.

>> No.11141765

Stainless steel > cast iron >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else including toxic chemical coated pans and Alzheimer causing aluminium.

>> No.11141767

Confirmed for obliterated palates.

>> No.11141769

Confirmed for down syndrome.

>> No.11141773

Anemic baby detected

>> No.11141778

what's it to you?

>> No.11141805
File: 432 KB, 1291x678, 1485239768745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like food that doesn't taste like a scrapyard.
Just reaffirming the circlejerk.

>> No.11141807

there's a whole website dedicated to that called reddit

>> No.11142840

What is the dumbest poster, and why is it OP?

>> No.11142853

>spray off with water
>wipe clean
>wipe dry with paper towel
It's almost like Mommy did it for you

>> No.11142859

>He doesn't know how to season his pan

>> No.11142881

What is the worst type of poster, and why is it (you)?

>> No.11143753

>use 1 steel pan, pot, and sheet for 90% of my cooking
I really don’t understand having a huge cookware collection. Although I do have a small non stick pan for no mess eggs.

>> No.11143910
File: 1.46 MB, 320x240, cast_iron.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high maintenance

>> No.11143980

You can't saute garlic cloves and sear a steak at the same time. The garlic would rapidly burn. Do you even cook?

>> No.11144028
File: 7 KB, 206x245, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sure as fuck doesn't sound like you do. The top of that steak is not putting off near enough heat to roast/cook the garlic. It's literally one of the most autistic things I've seen on /ck/ in a long time.

Why not cook it in a separate pan or on a tray in the oven? Then you can add it back in at the end when you're finishing off the last flip/baste/etc. Nope! I'll hurr durr I'll put it on top of my steak! Look out guys a REAL cook is in the kitchen.

>> No.11144038

Aren't you supposed to add the garlic during the final step where you baste your steak with butter? You don't add butter at the start either. Just cut a bulb of garlic in half horizontally and put the halves cut side down in the butter. Add a sprig of rosemary and start spooning the butter over your steak.

>> No.11144043
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>> No.11144045

You're a fucking retard.
I wasn't defending putting garlic cloves on the steak. Read my post and the post to which I replied again. What's it like being too stupid to follow a conversation that's only 3 posts long?

>> No.11144047

what dose that ever mean

>> No.11144048

Yes exactly... It's added during the final basting/finishing phase.

>> No.11144050

You have to put oil on the pan after drying it so it doesn’t rust.

I can’t believe people, on the cooking board of a Indonesian silk weaving forum, can’t grasp that concept and complain about rust

>> No.11144062

I've been using cast iron for a couple of years. I've given up seasoning it. It's such a pain to have to maintain a fucking pan. A pan should be a pan not a project. So my pan has no seasoning on it and food is just directly on the iron. It still works and is literally no effort. Use non stick spray and stir regularly and your shit won't stick.

Unless it's possible for me to get led poisoning or something, I don't see why I shouldn't just do it this way.

>> No.11144093

I seasoned my pan when I got it 5 years ago and haven't had to season it since. Sounds like you're just retarded.

>> No.11144107

How the fuck is that possible, I followed all of those guides and ck advice, even used flax seed oil, wipe out with water, put oil on after cleaning, and still the seasoning flaked off.

I honestly believe that fucks who are just like "works for me lol" are straight up lying

>> No.11144114

kek whats with the garlic? I like garlic but what the fuck?

>> No.11144146

Why are you wiping off oil with water. It sounds like you're doing things out of order or washing the seasoning out yourself. Your first seasoning will take a few hours going in and out of the oven and you should be wiping off excess oil so it fills cracks and builds a smooth even layer. Too much oil will make bumps that will flake off easily. If you must wash it, don't use soap or anything too abrasive. A blast with warm water and light scrubbing will do fine. Personally, I just do this >>11143910

Cast iron for dummies

>> No.11144150

It's a combination of the fact that nobody can verify how incompetent they are through the medium of 4chan, and also the fact that cast iron spergs are fatasses who think corn bread, hamburgers, bacon, pork chops, and steak = "everything" and so the concept of actually needing versatile, flexible cookware is beyond them.

>> No.11144171

Couple things. I know how seasoning works, and I did it properly, I even did multiple coats and had it 100% perfectly seasoned. Just over time it flaked off or scraped off. I only used hot water and a soft dish brush to clean it.

I bought a cast iron because I was tired of babying my non stick pan.
>Don't scrape it or use metal utensils
Ok, I'll just get a solid metal pan that can take some abuse
>Ck says cast iron are indestructible heirlooms
Okay, I'll try it
>WHAT THE FUCK YOU WASHED IT?! Also are you using scraping it or using a metal utensil?!?!?
I got a fucking solid iron pan because I was tired of having to baby my nonstick. And who would of fucking thought that a solid iron pan is even more picky.
>You're just retarded for not taking care of it.
I'm sorry I don't want to go through a 6 step process just to make sure my pan is okay after every time I use it.

I fell for the cast iron is good meme so hard. Never again. They are easily the most pussy pan, pretending to be indestructible.

>> No.11144192

>put oil in pan
>put salt in pan
>wipe it down
>throw salt away

I'm sorry that's too much work to ask of you. Just sell all of your kitchen utensils and stick to fast food, dipshit.

>> No.11144203

Your problem is you're trying to cook actual food in it, as opposed to hamburgers, pork chops, and bacon

>went from MacDonalds hamburgers to real ho-made burgers
>everyone is stupid except me!
The mind of the cast iron fag

>> No.11144215

Literally every other pan in existence is
>Cook in it
>Wash it

Those 4 steps you listed are not worth using an overly bulky, outdated meme pan.
>You're not supposed to cook food in your pan dipshit

Cast iron fags are clinically retarded

>> No.11144237

if this is not bait, i feel fucking sorry for you panlet.
holy shit how fucking hard of a concept is this--
SCRUB THE FUCKING PAN--WATER, STEEL WOOL, ONE TWO DROPS OF SOAP IF REALLY BAD- if any panlet says this will remove a patina they need shot
how is this any more difficult than any other pan aside from the seasoning step? the pans a fucking tank you cant do shit to it.
iron rusts, so you have to dry the shit out of it. so while you dry it, you throw another season on there.

>> No.11144242

Why are cast iron fags so spergy, angry, and autistic?

>> No.11144246

Holy fuck I baste with like one clove what is this shit

>> No.11144265

i see that this was bait.
to honestly answer this, it comes from having to deal with mentally inept adults with limited comprehension on a constant basis and being annoyed with the child-like manner of explaining every concept in like that isnt "push-button."
lets admit it though, you probably spent a few weeks paychecks at your artisanal reclaimed soap company (aka dads shed) saving up for a $20 lodge pan, then got all angry when ol moustache handles found his brand new pan all rusty the next time he wanted to take a picture for reddit.

>> No.11144273

Yes, we know you're broke and resentful, the question is why spergy, angry, and autistic?

>> No.11144279

Lmao lemme summarize this
>You're retarded and need murded if you don't think

>Then this

>It's easy! That's all you have to do!
>Except this
>But that's only if you don't do this

You can call me retarded all you want but my man, using a pan should not be this complicated. Any other pan it's one step
Cast iron is such a meme and you are the retarded one if you don't see that

>> No.11144295

>one step
he doesn't understand algorithms
enough (you)s for you ol hipster beard

>> No.11144300

Minimal advantage over carbon steel, much heavier.

>> No.11144336

ok so a thick heavy skillet has no advantage over a thin one?
go away.

>> No.11144348
File: 18 KB, 355x236, 21-ways-the-oregon-trail-traumatized-you-as-a-chi-1-6034-1363041837-2_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need a thick skillet that implies the flame isn't doing all the work

If the flame isn't doing all the work then you want the best performing pan possible, which would be aluminum or copper

Steak has been cooked on carbon steel since forever, since you're just doing it blast furnace style anyway

It's really just spergy neckbeards on the internet who obsess over cast iron because they want to be like the stick figure in "oregon trail" by MECC

Here's some advice for you: get dysentery and die please

>> No.11144477


Thin aluminum pots that cost $2 at the dollar store that warp if you leave them in the sun and you could punch through.

Most pans with plastic handles. They either break/jiggle or they're a bitch to clean.

Mini cocottes, mini anything really.

Grill pattern pans. All the difficulty of cleaning a grill, none of the taste.

Ceramic non stick pans. They last a month.
There's a lot worse than an oven ready pan you can make pretty non-stick and can potentially outlive you.

>> No.11144550
File: 216 KB, 780x433, Laughing_at_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He doesn't know how to season his cast iron pans.

You literally have to be a nigger to not understand how to do it. Are you the same poster that complains about not being able to cook rice?

>> No.11144581
File: 114 KB, 1600x1067, dutch-babby-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to make a Dutch Baby in other type of pan and then get back to me

>> No.11144582


If you need a thick skillet that implies the flame isn't doing all the work
>this sentence does not make sense in any way.
If the flame isn't doing all the work then you want the best performing pan possible, which would be aluminum or copper
>do you use this login in everyday life?
Steak has been cooked on carbon steel since forever, since you're just doing it blast furnace style anyway
>since forever
>sound and logical argument
It's really just spergy neckbeards on the internet who obsess over cast iron because they want to be like the stick figure in "oregon trail" by MECC
>is this humor?
Here's some advice for you: get dysentery and die please
>because oregon trail, got it.

>> No.11144619
File: 837 KB, 384x269, retard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you need a thick skillet that implies the flame isn't doing all the work

>> No.11144644


Are you experiencing problems with vampires, my dude?

>> No.11144657



>> No.11144874
File: 75 KB, 640x360, 32873609011_a5680861ec_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11144896

>the concept of actually needing versatile, flexible cookware is beyond them.
if you are not an absolute poorfag you can afford cast iron, stainless steel AND non-stick pans all at the same time .... that's why I dont need "versatile" cookware, I always just use the one that is ideal for the job.

>> No.11144968

inb4 what's the best thing to eat while watching the yanks win

>> No.11144978

the only job cast iron is ideal for is giving neckbeards a much needed sense of purpose in life

>> No.11144981


I'm pretty poor and I have all that shit and more, just didn't get it all at once.

>> No.11144989

People fall for it every goddamn time so we keep doing it because it's hilarious. Baiting redditors is one of the easiest things to do.

>> No.11145045

>kosher salt
gee i wonder who is behind that pan

>> No.11145067

/ck/ equivalent of "post body"

>> No.11145075

post ur mums feet, nigger

>> No.11145091

is that supposed to resemble a markup language? never post here again

>> No.11145099

it's not, it's cheap non scratch resistant chinese non stick cookware.

>> No.11145311

It is pretty great for frying potatoes and searing meat. The difference is noticeable. Even my cheap ass 12€ carbon steel pans work better for that than my 90€ Woll name brand non-stick pan.

>> No.11145324

Exactly. Start out with a non-stick or a stainless pan and get the rest as needed. PLus there is no reason not to buy used or ask family/freinds if they have old stuff they want to get rid of. Both my grandmothers died a few years ago, I have now enough perfectly fine cookware to last me three lifetimes.

>> No.11145721
File: 134 KB, 496x496, 8c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high matanince

>> No.11146195


>> No.11147450
File: 525 KB, 1278x1352, SmartSelect_20180901-174743_reddit is fun golden platinum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fuck is this