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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11138646 No.11138646 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you drink coffee I'm at like 2-3 cups a day

>> No.11138659

1 after every meal + another if guests are over between meals. I think 2-3 is a good amount

>> No.11138668

I consume at least a gram of caffeine throughout the day.

That's equivalent to 5-7 cups of coffee.

>> No.11138672

I drink 4 cups a day which is one giant mug I sip on all morning.

>> No.11138675

I’d say about the equivalent of 6 measuring cups

>> No.11138686
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I don't drink coffee because I'm not a caffeine addict

>> No.11138709
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>> No.11138716

I'll drink a cup at 7am and a cup at 3pm.

Usually just buy basic shit and then sprinkle a little cinnamon on top before brewing

>> No.11138719
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Cutting back significantly and back down to single digit cups a day.
Most days now I limit myself to 3.

>> No.11138720

Between 1 - 4 cups a day depending on what I have planned for the day. Maybe I have class so I'll have coffee first or if my class is at 3pm so I'll wake up at 1pm and have lunch then head out.

>> No.11138751

Cinnamon on black coffee??
I have some but never tried it..
Will give it a try in the morning

>> No.11138753

2 cups in the morning

>> No.11138772

Up to 2 a day
If I drink 3 I'll have trouble sleeping
Anymore and I won't sleep at all. I think it's the sugar rather than the caffeine causing this

>> No.11138794

Used to be about 1-2 cups a day. Recently started a job that offers free coffee though and now I'm up to 3-4.

>> No.11138815
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Time to take the cig-pill sweety

>> No.11138819

2-3 pots of coffee a day when I'm at work
0 on days off
I work 12 hour shifts at a jail and it gets boring as fuck

>> No.11138825

I dip wintergreen or skoal!!!!!!!
I'm trying to quit (barely) that nicotine buzz is serious shit

>> No.11138827

Our office just got a nitro coldbrew kegerator. One pint of those and I'm properly wired all day. Used to do 3 cups of drip.

>> No.11138831
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I'm dipping some grizz right now. Never at work, though.

>> No.11138836
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Lmao at ur spitter
Based and red pilled

>> No.11138839

I drink coffee twice a week, on weekends only.
One weekend day I'll wake up early and walk an hour or so to a little cafe downtown for breakfast with a black iced coffee.
On the other day I'll go to an Indian restaurant and get their curry of the day with a black iced coffee.

>> No.11138842

I’d bet money you’re french

>> No.11138847

Thanks anon. I was rummaging through the recyclables for a spitter and I couldnt resist the irony

>> No.11138876

2-3 per day. Would probably drink more if the coffee at work wasn't utter shit.

>> No.11138915
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1 very strong cup a day for 2-3 days every 2-3+ months

>> No.11138918

I don't like bitter things much, plus the idea of putting sugar into something bitter makes me angry so I don't drink it.

>> No.11138922

you seem not autistic

>> No.11138924

if your coffee is bitter, you're shit at making coffee
make cold brew if you're an idiot or like to keep it simple

>> No.11138930

if your coffee is bitter you can put salt in it to cut the bitterness without making it sweet

>> No.11138933

>if your coffee is bitter, you're shit at making coffee
Caffeine is bitter. What you consider bitter and what someone else considers bitter are probably different, but all coffee is inherently going to have bitterness to it, and some people just won't like that.

>> No.11139144


>> No.11139179

ITT: caffeine addiction

>> No.11139193

Rarely 1 cup a day. Nevermore

>> No.11139205

Just go black

>> No.11139208

If I had a machine I'd just kinda drink through out the day. More for the purpose of doing something though, hardy need it.

>> No.11139274
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black coffee and a cigarette is my favorite breakfast

>> No.11139291

>single digits
...you used to drink 10+ cups a day?

>> No.11139298

Ever since I got my own espresso machine I can't drink the slop they call coffee at work anymore. So usually 1-2 cups at home in the morning and maybe 1 small cup in the evening.
More on the weekend.

>> No.11139489
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i don't drink coffee because i have an addictive personality and i'm not dumb enough to start something as notoriously addictive and expensive as a coffee habit
i don't feel like i'm really missing out on much though

>> No.11139502

I don't ever drink coffee for its own sake. It's almost always an accompaniment to a dessert, like cake, pie, or donuts. So maybe twice a month, at most. I don't have a huge sweet tooth, so I like the coffee to balance it out. Dropping a couple dollops of ice cream in there is pretty nice. I always take my coffee black, otherwise. Semi-sweet or <70% dark chocolate is also great with it, and it might be placebo, but the chocolate with caffeine gives me kind of a rush without any jitters.

>> No.11139539

I have a manual grinder to keep me from drinking too much at home. If coffee is easily accessible to me then I will drink it constantly without stopping to count cups.

I drink it black cut with cold water so it's not hot.

My work has an endless supply of coffee so at work I'm just always drinking it.

>> No.11139542

do it

>> No.11139544
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make me

>> No.11139551

antioxidants, you don't want cancer do you? Also makes you smarter

>> No.11139554

Is this the current coffee thread? Couldn't find another one.

Is there anything wrong with using an electric blade grinder? Fuck manual grinders, they take way too long, especially if you're making more than a single small pot. And electric Burr grinders like like $50-$100

>> No.11139560

>notoriously addictive
Are people really that dumb? I usually drink 2-3 cups a day because I enjoy it but a lot of days I can easily drink only 1 or none at all especially if it's a busy day and I don't have much time to sit down and brew me a nice cup of coffee. Decaf exists, too, if one or two cups of coffee are somehow enough to give you an addiction.

>> No.11139857

It's literally a couple of cents per cup unless you're a retard and pay for StarJew

>> No.11140737

I don't keep count but I try not to exceed 3 cups a day. I drink a mix of regular and decaf coffee so caffeine levels vary.

Blade grinders destroy your beans and in turn will produce an unfortunate cup of coffee. Burr is the only way to go. If you're ponying up for nice beans don't sell yourself short with a bad grinder. On the other hand, if you don't mind the difference out of convenience then you might be better off considering the pre-ground stuff and skipping grinding altogether.

>> No.11140748

not him but it's good. mix well if you add it after brewing or you get slimy pieces balled up at the bottom

>> No.11140758

I drink coffee 1 time a week on average. Some weeks I'll drink a little more (3 times max) and some weeks I drink none.

>> No.11141640

weekdays 5 + 1 espresso
weekends 2

>> No.11141696

Yeah, lucky you. No one told me how addictive is coffee, now I can't live without at least a ristretto shot. Well, I'm off mugging, killing and torching innocents to keep my addiction satisfied. Bye.

>> No.11141724

1 750ml of BLACKED coffee in the morning and that's it, I don't like drinking at any other time since it fucks with my sleep.