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File: 512 KB, 1250x982, menchanko_tei_shoyu_ramen3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11136254 No.11136254 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone with experience making homemade ramen?
What recipe you like the most?

>> No.11136259

The one in my favorite anime.

>> No.11136263

I've done it a bunch of times. It's hard to fuck up as long as you make good stock with plenty of bones.

David Chang's recipe is the only one I can recall by name that I liked, but I usually just wing it.

>> No.11136264 [DELETED] 
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Ramen > Sushi

>> No.11136277

not really worth the effort to stick everything right, instant with your own toppings added is 70% as good with 5% of the effort, if I want the other 30% quality I'd go to a shop

>> No.11136284

Use red chili peppers and lime with instant beef ramen.

>> No.11136290

making it is fun though, and cheaper
and you can adapt it to your taste

>> No.11136308

it's not cheaper, because there are tons of steps to get every ingredient right and making a good stock broth base takes forever unless you just want to use modified dashi but then you're limited to certain styles

making good ramen is equivalent effort to making 5+ other meals, the time cost is insane

>> No.11136313 [DELETED] 


you fellas are just inefficient

>> No.11136322

So you don't enjoy cooking gotcha.
It's still cheaper and totally worth it, the reward of that first bite never gets old.

>> No.11136326

>7 hour soups
NEET weebs

>> No.11136331

kek, pathetic.

>> No.11136337 [DELETED] 

the only part of it that takes time is the egg has to be made the previous night

but you don't have to put an egg in it, even

>> No.11136340

>the only part of it that takes time is the egg
?? what about the broth?

>> No.11136346

I enjoy not spending 100% of my limited freetime cooking for only modest quality returns

your time would have to be worthless to think ramen is inexpensive to make compared to just buying it

>> No.11136399

>my limited freetime
How's that my fault? Tough shit.
>your time would have to be worthless
Again, you don't enjoy cooking. For me it's a hobby.

>> No.11136446

Nah. the broth alone is 70% of the dish, and instant still has shitty broth.

Making ramen broth is often quoted as being hard, but that's a load of shit. It does take a long time, but the effort is terribly low. You can even make it in a crock pot if you are super lazy.

>> No.11136452

the quality return is huge.
and the effort required is minimal. chuck bones in a pot. Let it simmer while you're doing something else. come and get it when its done.

remember to make a big batch. Now portion it up and freeze it. Now when you want tasty ramen you can just grab a frozen block out and go. super fucking easy.

>> No.11136460 [DELETED] 

>spending 8 straight hours in the home that isn't sleeping
You basement dwellers make me laugh.

>> No.11136462

Most gook restaurants make their stock in a pressure cooker. All,this shit about slow simmering for days is bullshit.

>> No.11136487

not pork stock. you need boiling action to emulsify the fats.

>> No.11136509

Depends on what you mean exactly.
Normal pork stock does not boil.

The emulsified one is not normal pork stock. The Japs would call it Tonkotsu, the Chinese would call it Báitāng. That one does require a full rolling boil, but it's also unique in that regard.

If the constant attention for that is a problem then just make one of the other zillion ramen stocks out there.

>> No.11136513

>The Japs would call it Tonkotsu
yeah, that's the one i'm talking about.
Thanks for the confirmation.

>> No.11136532

>green yolk
pleb tier

>> No.11136533

I mean stock does take a long time but it's not like you have to watch the pot for 8 hours

>> No.11136540
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>Not having a home comfy and fun enough to have guests over
Fuck your life sounds depressing bro

>> No.11136557

it's a google pic you dip

>> No.11136570

>it's a google pic
stay pleb

>> No.11136594

>leaving a burner on while out of the house
You're why I won't live in apartments.

>> No.11136596

>and cheaper
I've never seen a ramen restaurant before, so I can't compare prices, but I just worked out that getting the ingredients for 6 ramen meals (6 so none of the ingredients go wasted) costs about £30, so that's £5 ($6.50 (also yay the pound has fallen in strength again apparently)) a bowl. Not diabolical but still pricey, though it'd be much cheaper to swap bonito flakes for dried anchovies or something.

>> No.11136607

I love to add mayonnaise to my ramen, this started when I was around 15-16. I then became obsessed with adding more and more to my ramen until I was dropping big heaping spoonfuls into it. I like to dip my sandwiches into my mayo ramen as well. The broth really adds to the taste of the mayo and turkey of the sandwich. After a while the mayo flavor couldn't satisfy me anymore, so I began adding Sriracha to it at well. The amount varies depending on the amount of spiciness I'm feeling that day. And just recently I've began adding spoonfuls of sesame seed oil to every batch of 2 or 3 ramens I make for my "ramen snacks". I really like it and it makes a great dish every time.

>> No.11136621

who said you had to leave the house? Leave it going while you're there doing other things.

>> No.11136628

>who said you had to leave the house?
life says. I know you haven't reached maturity so it's foreign to you...

>> No.11136647

depends on the ramen you make, there's simple chicken ramen you know?
ramen is a cheap dish

>> No.11136655


>> No.11136662
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I've made my own simple one just from beef stock, soy sauce, sake, mirin and seaweed. I can't remember everything I put in the stock though. I put a couple soft-boiled eggs, a sheet of nori and topped it with some thinly sliced beef that I cooked in a pan real quick. I used angel hair pasta which I boiled with baking soda.

That's all I recall. I really just tossed shit I felt was "needed" in the pot and made it on a whim. It was pretty fucking delicious.

I still really want to make a proper one, and if I could choose a recipe, this is the one I plan on making at some point:

This nip is a fucking wizard, and all his shit looks incredible.

>> No.11136674

>life says
So you're saying that you're never home for more than 6 hours at a time? Horseshit.

>> No.11136786
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BTB Broth hacks:

housin sauce
fish sauce
soy sauce
sesame oil
chili oil
miso paste
chili paste
curry paste
fresh herbs
fresh leafy greens
diced veg
fucking seaweed for some reason

Your choice of proteins:

Soft boiled egg (marinated)
Poached egg (poached while cooking)

>> No.11136801
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Also related.

>> No.11136812

None of that addresses the primary failing of instant broth concentrates or bullion cubes--They lack gelatin and therefore the texture sucks.

To fix that, which is easily the most important angle of ramen broth, you need to add fucking gelatin. Powder or sheets works if you are too lazy to make your own broth in a crock pot.

>> No.11136836

dashi is thicker than water, you can just add dashi to instant broth powder

>> No.11136851

Dashi is the one broth that doesn't (and shouldn't) contain gelatin.

do you even understand the basics of the dish you are talking about?

>> No.11137009

If someone roasts anything I take the fat/drippings + leftover meat and turn it into ramen broth.

There are a dozen ways to make good ramen broths without spending hours to do it.

>> No.11137029

I used the carcass of a roasted chicken to make a broth today, it's was really good

>> No.11137038

>If someone roasts anything
who is the "someone"
are they neighbors? your parents?

>> No.11137142

>sit at computer on a weekend making stock and shitposting
>have a timer going and check on it to make sure it's all good and skim foam
>ideally raining outside
>max comfy

Do you fucks even cook?

>> No.11137162

Do you not have friends?

>> No.11137189

has a good guide on making it in a pressure cooker. I did that and my roommate made really good chasu and it was some of the best stuff I ever had.

>> No.11137202

How much did you pay him for his time?

>> No.11137204

that's personal, pervert

>> No.11137220

Do you go over your friends houses after they roast something and ask for their drippings lmao

>> No.11137233

Where the fuck do you think you are, lost Resetera subhuman?
Fuck off back to where you crawled from and never return.

>> No.11137259

>Go over to friends house
>bring a side or something, have some food, chill and play vidya or whatever
>Take chicken carcass or what have you
>Cook and invite friends over for dinner because cooking for 4-6 takes pretty much just as much effort as cooking for one

Do you just eat every meal alone in your apartment lmao

>> No.11137534

>anon if you ask for my wifes drippins' we can't be friends anymore
I know all that shit is made up but thanks for the laugh.

>> No.11137751

I live in italy and here, ramen ingredients are non-existent, so I made a lot of substitutions.
What I found effective has been using egg tagliatelle instead of chinese noodles, and adding a dash of soy sauce to some broth preparation.
For the meat I use a fat cut of ham taken from the neck, seasoned with salt and pepper and cooked with the start of a spring onion and common mushroom in some oil and a splash of soy sauce. To serve it I cut it in vertical slices, bite sized.
Then I add an egg cooked in boiling water for 6 minutes, instantly cooled and cut in half, so that the yolk remains liquid, but the white is cooked through, cut it in half and let it float in the broth, then top everything with the stem of the same spring onion I used for the meat.

>> No.11137787


I always add the contents of that little foil packet that comes with the noodles. Makes all the difference in the world, flavor wise.

>> No.11137900

Italian here. In north Italy you can buy pretty much everything you need.
Also Japanese cuisine is pleb tier and objectively inferior compared to Italian. Don't be a weeb and try to learn how to cook properly Italian dishes

>> No.11137931

>objectively inferior compared to Italian
kek, step aside subhuman

>> No.11138115

I fucking know how to cook, ramen is the ultimate comfort food you pleb.
Where the fuck are you buying Katsuobushi in italy? Or chinese noodles for less than e1 a serving? It's just a highway robbery at that point.

>> No.11138123

Based Germainic poster.

>> No.11138200

Thruth hurt sometimes

>> No.11138219

Yeah, sometimes.
That was neither truth or one of those times though.

>> No.11138224

> Ramen is the ultimate comfort food
It is clear you don't know shit you fucking weaboo, go choke on a dick.
If you live near Milano you can find everything, it's not cheap, luckily

>> No.11138225
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Any suggestions if your going the cheap route? Such as pic related?

>> No.11138229

You sound mad, ricchionazzo

>> No.11138231

anything but maruchan
sapporo ichiban is probably the best price/quality balance

>> No.11138239

> Cockroach cuisine is not pleb tier
Ok weeb

>> No.11138248

Nah I'm cool, you just have shit taste. It's not your fault, maybe it's your parents' fault

>> No.11138253

I dunno, someone cool wouldn't care much what others enjoy. It sounds like you have really nothing better to do with your life.
Who hurt you?

>> No.11138256

I'll take that into consideration. How bout spices orthings to add? Should I just toss standard ramen ingredients in?

>> No.11138260

That's really cringeworthy, stop it. Please trip yourself so I can filter you

>> No.11138265


Nevermind, just saw the infographic post.

>> No.11138270
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It must be sad being you.

>> No.11138295

no one here has ever made homemade anything

>> No.11138466

Dude you just add bones and onions to water and simmer it for 12 hours. It takes about 5 minutes to start and 5 seconds to add water before you go to bed or before you leave for work.

Or do you think making food in a slow cooker also takes 8 hours of actual work?

>> No.11138474

probably doesn't have a slow cucker

>> No.11138503

>Dude you just add bones and onions to water and simmer it for 12 hours
see >>11136594

>> No.11139831
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>> No.11140119
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t. 12y old fornite streamer

>> No.11140158

who said anything about a "burner"? what part of "Slow cooker" do you fail to grasp?

>> No.11140409

I'm too poor to make ramen, here's what I make
>Cook some spaghetti
>Make broth with chicken bouillion cubes
>Put in 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
>Put in 2 teaspoons of sesame oil
>Sprinkle in some onion powder unless I have green onion then use that
>Add spaghetti to broth when it's done, cook an egg in the spaghetti water
>Cook egg for like 5-6 minutes so it's still gooey and liquidy inside, cut it in half and put it in bowl with my spaghetti and broth
It's tasty and cheap and better than eating the fake instant ramen packets you get

>> No.11140420

>Dude you just add bones and onions to water and simmer it for 12 hours. It takes about 5 minutes to start and 5 seconds to add water before you go to bed or before you leave for work.

It's almost like he had two completely different posts in one post.

>> No.11140589

Why are you on a food and cooking board if you don't enjoy cooking?

>> No.11140613

Ramen has disproportionately low return for the effort. There are many things with a much higher return that still take less effort and time. To make ramen yourself either is disgustingly indulgent or means your time has no value. Most of the people who would want to are weeb neets.

>> No.11140638

You don't even have to do any fancy shmancy jap cooking techniques. Just make a simple chicken stock and buy some fresh noodles from an Asian grocery, you're pretty much have a legit ramen.

>> No.11140644

I'm not sure what your point is.

You know that slow cookers cause simmering when you set them on "high" right"?

>> No.11140657

I think it's the exact opposite.
Making ramen stock takes very little effort, just hands-off time, which is something that everyone has. It takes very little actual effort. Once you have a big batch of it it's easy as fuck to just freeze it in baggies or tupperware or whatever. Then when you want ramen you just grab a block from the freezer and microwave it. It's super delicious and very minimum effort.

Need something to put in it? Random leftovers from your fridge. If for some reason you don't have leftovers you can add frozen or canned veggies, egg, or just about anything really.

I can't think of much which as a higher return, even if you're willing to put in a lot more work.

>> No.11140662

Do you see anything about a slow cooking in that paragraph? NO! He talks about a slow cooker taking 8 hours in the next paragraph.
Do you know how the english language works? Do you know how paragraphs work?

>> No.11140665

Fucking weebs, do you wear naruto headbands while eating it too?

>> No.11140676

I spent a year in Japan and loved the food and want to replicate it, eat my ass.

>> No.11140681

So what is your point exactly? You can't use a slow-cooker to make your ramen stock because anon used the term "slow cooker" in one paragraph but not the other?

We're talking about whether or not you can make ramen stock by leaving the stove unattended. A slow cooker can do that easily. Problem solved. You have no excuses. Don't have a slow cooker? Get one, they're cheap as hell.

>> No.11140921

Poor isn't an excuse to make broth with bullion cubes my dude.
You can buy organic already made and it's cheap, and it will taste much better than that
Hell, use leftover chicken and some leftover veggies to make the broth yourself

>> No.11140961
File: 243 KB, 268x557, Fuck you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make italian food
>nothing happens
>make mexican food
>nothing happens
>make indian food
>nothing happens
>make japanese food

>> No.11140972

It's almost like we hate weebs, almost.

>> No.11141111
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>> No.11141124

it's called projecting

>> No.11141125

Making JP food is fine. I make tons of JP food. Making ramen is weeb.

>> No.11141236

Because Japanese cuisine is shit. The only reason why someone would attempt to make a Japanese dish is because, that one guy, is a wapanase with probability 0.99. I'm taking the 0.1 risk of being wrong

>> No.11141243

>Because Japanese cuisine is shit


>> No.11141319

While it has some subjectivity, Japanese cuisine range from nothing-special to shit.
The few good dishes are stolen from other cultures (curry, tempura) the others are a combination of the same ingredients (sake, mirin, soy sauce, sugar, bonito flakes) and then there's the retarded group(mochi, etc).

The only remarkable part of Japanese food culture is seaweed consumption and tea.

>> No.11142775


>> No.11142821

Np bud :) Make sure to post a pic here when you make it so we can see how it went

>> No.11142827


how retarded do you have to be to use this word in relation to cooking?

>> No.11142833

>palatebabby only likes the safe fatty dishes a culture offers
Every time