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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11133148 No.11133148[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any reason why cooking is such a rarity among young adults? Mainly women.

>> No.11133176

That shit is like blaming trees for forest fires. Who writes this brainlet garbage?

>> No.11133269


>> No.11133288


>> No.11133307

Here in France most young people cook, espceially young women

>> No.11133316

Why what do they get out of it? Drugs? Is it drugs?

>> No.11133347

living in a modern society where restaurants are flippin everywhere, and microwaveable frozen dinners are cheap and easy.

>> No.11133387

Men are childish? Sure. Because what else could we possibly be? Men have wisened up over the last decade. We know that time is on our side. Women hit 30 and realize all that campus feminism lied to them. They operate on a timer. Tick tock. Tick tock.

>> No.11133444

>Women hit 30 and..
already have 4 kids from 2 fathers.

>> No.11133465

The "debt free virgins with no tattoos" thing may be an exaggeration, but that's how you prove a point. Women don't seem to be of very good quality. And making a baby with another guy instantly lowers her on a scale of 1-10 to a maximum of '5'. She can rise no further. for me at least.

>> No.11133472

>may 13th 2017

>> No.11133725
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>not 4-6 additional years of highschool called "college" and sky high costs of living that force dual income families

>> No.11133736

Because cooking has been associated with an oppressive, unfair expectation placed on women by a patriarchal society.

>> No.11133746
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Currently with a girl who claims she won’t have kids until after med school. Not sure if I want to wait ten years to have kids, desu. But who knows, maybe she’ll change her mind if it’s meant to be.

>> No.11133849

our ancestors wouldn't have cooked if they had all the great brands that are available to us.

>> No.11133877

Then why are all of the best chefs in the world male?

>> No.11133885

She's gonna drop you once she starts her career and the money is rolling in.

>> No.11133939


>> No.11133948

that are both black lmfaoooooo

>> No.11133986

Men are more competitive and generally speaking work harder for tangible achievements.

My first post was about why most young women, specifically, don't cook.

>> No.11134016

80% of relationships begun before residency are over before they pass their boards. You should keep that in mind because she will be working 80 hours a week during that entire period, assuming you are American
t. Doctor who broke up with 3 women during this period

>> No.11134133
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>80 hours a week

What if I could put up with that, though? What if I got her to fall for me, would she want to stay together, or would she leave me for some hymie doctor? Don't even get me started on her making more money than me. Whew!

>> No.11134149

>Melanie Notkin
Obvious pseudonym = probable troll.

>> No.11134378

I wonder if it has to do with people being raised by two working parents, leading to fewer home cooked meals growing up.

I only know how to cook because I watched a ton of Food Network as a kid, my dad can't cook and my mom was usually too tired (except maybe 1-2x/wk).

>> No.11134385

It seems a lot of people have learned to cook on their own nowadays, around college age. It's a different plight than back in the day, but just like with Youtube there's no reason not to know how you change your oil in current times, same with cooking something halfway decent.

>> No.11134616

LOL you better be making doctor tier money otherwise you're gonna be tossed aside when she can pick from a pool of other high income people (who also want to date other high income people.)

>> No.11134697

At least those are guaranteed alpha females which is basically what nature is.

>> No.11134702

what do you mean?
i literally know noone who doesn't cook essentially daily

>> No.11134749


>> No.11134757


This, if you can make it work, more power to ya, but she will be a freaking zombie during this period. It's not much of an exaggeration that she will not have much, if any free time if she's serious about passing her courses and racking up her hours. It's basically going to be a test to see if you two are committed for the long haul.

>> No.11134774

Not just women, gays as well.

I just so happened to be shopping the other day where I saw a fag with whom I see at work sometimes. As I begun to check out, he was ahead of me and I kid you not all that it was buying were frozen meals by the dozen. Not one fresh item was scanned through the checkout line that day by his doing. It was a not so gregarious experience.

>> No.11134779

You want to blame young people for being childish? Better blame yourself for setting up society in a way that produced childish young people.

>> No.11134781

every young woman i know is childish too and doesn't want to have kids until she's done having casual sex (probably when they're 50)

>> No.11134794


Cooking has become more common in actuality, and quality has increased. It's just that younger adults often go through an awkward transition because they don't learn much from their parents and have less options to smooth out the transition.

American recipes have a tendency to be overcooked, underseasoned, not terribly nutritional, and be supplimented with a lot of eating out at places that have been increasing in price and declining in quality.

Meaning once someone is an adult and moving out for the first time they essentially need to relearn from zero. That's why cooking channels have exploded in popularity and shit like Blue Apron exists. You have a lot of people who want to learn but their only source before now was boomers raised on T.G.I. fridays and meatloaf.

>> No.11134795


The notion of casual sex is such an appalling one. Who in their right mind would want to settle down with a women who has had more than her share of dick inside of her. I woulds never touch such a woman of debauchery, of which they encompass the majority in this day of progressive immorality.

>> No.11134798

As for why folks don't cook?

I think it's several things:

The proliferation of convenience services that have sprung up in the past decade or so. The fact you have multiple different food delivery services that will go to a fast food joint and drop stuff off for you, when a large pizza can be had for under 10 bucks that you can wolf down while you're playing games or working on a paper and will probably give you leftovers for another day kinda takes a lot of drive out of learning to cook. Plus it also starts with parents. With the way the economy is, and the cost of living constantly climbing, often requiring two incomes to make a household work, you don't have parents teaching their kids how to cook anymore. I'm pretty damn lucky my mom and dad taught me a whole bunch of basic home ec shit I see my friends simply don't know and don't care to know.

I damn near blew my friend's mind when I cooked a 4 course meal for his family by myself and didn't have to use a frozen dinner as the main course to start with.

>> No.11134815

the women i know tell me "you just don't tell the guy about that"

the guys i know all shudder at hearing how many dicks their ex-girlfriends have had inside of them after they've split (these same guys being apparently blissfully unaware that their current gfs almost certainly are not virgins)

but yeah, disgust at a woman having been with upwards of 20 dudes is some sort of base animal reaction that probably exists to stave off stds

which by the way for the first time in recorded history are skyrocketing among white heterosexual americans (who knows why???)

>> No.11134829

bruh just google her name, she has a website and photos and everything.
she's jewish btw

>> No.11134839

>Why don't people cook anymore?
Wow what a mystery. The existence of modern conveniences and people being spoiled rotten by them to the point that they don't ever feel like cooking. Is that so hard to understand?

>> No.11135696
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Well, here's to trying it out.

>> No.11135705

right I was about to say med school is just the first hurdle, then you have residency, you have the time it takes to establish yourself and she'll be working like a madman the entire time

>> No.11135708

>Is that so hard to understand?

I'm not sure why "feels like cooking" matters. It's no different than any other chore. I don't like brushing my teeth every day or scrubbing out the bathroom once a week either, but I still do it.

There's also the financial angle. It's amazing how much money people waste eating out. In fact, that's what motivated me to learn how to cook. When I was in college going over my budget I was shocked to see how much I spent eating out, even though it was just fast food places. I wanted money for fun stuff so I started cooking for myself so I could actually afford some recreational expenses. It boggles my mind how many of my friends are always bitching about how they can't afford anything yet they seem to think there's nothing strange about spending $30 or more a day on fast food.

>> No.11135713

>you have the time it takes to establish yourself and she'll be working like a madman the entire time

I'm only 24 and not established at all. She's younger than me. If we were to stay together, perhaps I can establish myself, as you say, with a solid career and take care of the bills and maybe even help her pay for med school. Regardless of what I do, though, I know she will end up making more bread than me. If I'm established by then, maybe she won't leave me when she's finally done with everything.

>> No.11135744

Ah yes, American women. The paragon of responsibility and maturity. At 18 I was all about having a kind woman and starting a nice family. These days I wouldn't trust a woman to raise a dog.

>> No.11135751

>it'd men's fault! Not the sexual revolution, condoms, contraceptives, or feminism!


>> No.11135758

Go to bed incel

>> No.11135762

All except that last one, invented by male to have more fuck without need to raise kid, because now male hate traditional family.

>> No.11135767

>know I ruined my parent’s life
>can’t imagine having that kind of responsibility and working and still doing the things I like

if being childish means enjoying what little life affords you then hell yeah, kids are little shitheads anyway

wrap before you tap fuccbois

>> No.11135775

Males don't hate traditional family
Males dont want traditional families with the high school whore because she's not a good mother

>> No.11135777

>Better blame yourself for setting up society in a way that produced childish young people
its not even just some abstract "society is to blame" situation, but a clear-cut case of retarded boomer parents failing at parenting on a large scale.

it's easy to blame millennials for being coddled, whiny, weak, soft and childish - but at the end of the day, kids become what their parents set them up for.

>> No.11135787

The most French thing I've ever heard.

>> No.11135788

>disgust at a woman having been with upwards of 20 dudes is some sort of base animal reaction that probably exists to stave off stds

no, it exists to protect your lineage.
unfaithful woman = her kids likely won't be yours = you are getting cucked.

>> No.11135792


>> No.11135795

>I'm only 24 and not established at all. She's younger than me. If we were to stay together, perhaps I can establish myself, as you say, with a solid career and take care of the bills and maybe even help her pay for med school.

she's gonna take your money and support until she's a doctor, then she'll dump your ass for another doctor who makes more than you and has higher status than you.

>> No.11135820
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>she's gonna take your money and support until she's a doctor, then she'll dump your ass for another doctor who makes more than you and has higher status than you.

In that case, what will happen to me? Do I just kill myself? Do I become a morose recluse? I like to think that she won't be drawn to someone else's bigger salary. But after all, she's still a woman, so you never fucking know. I'm sure I'll still be more /fit/lit/ than any other faggot doctors she'll work with, so I've got that going for me. Besides, all the doctors by then will either be Asian, Indian, Jewish, or Gay. I'm hopeful. Maybe it will help if we get a pupper together...

>> No.11135850

>In that case, what will happen to me?
youll either suicide, or murder-suicide and take her with you, or become a bitter mgtow and post about how shit women are on the internet for the rest of your life

>Maybe it will help if we get a pupper together...
no lmao
even marriage and having kids isnt a reliable safeguard

fact of the matter is just that she'll be surrounded by high quality men all day. it is only natural for her to compare you to them, and some of them will simply outclass you. more money, higher status, taller, funnier, more extroverted, whatever.
as soon as one such man starts making moves on her, it's basically over for you. she will ditch you and get with the new guy, and that'll be the end of it.

>> No.11135865

grounded and informed

>> No.11135888

>Implying wages didnt fall when the other gender entered the workforce

>> No.11135891

too big of a blackpill to swallow, desu

>> No.11135904


>> No.11135912

Convenience is a more powerful influence than finances or skill development.

>> No.11135935

no lol
blackpill is something like "youre a worthless disgusting piece of garbage and no girl except hookers will ever touch you and you deserve it because of your subhuman genetics"

this is just common sense and observation - women in high status careers are particularly likely to leave their man for a better one as soon as the opportunity arises.
having mor money and/or status than a man will make a woman look down on him. she will see him as an inferior being, not worthy of her, and feel contempt for him. it's unavoidable, it's why women usually aim for men who are higher in status than they themselves are.

as a man, having your woman surpass you in status or money is a ticking time bomb, and having her spend lots of time in an environment full of high status men who outclass you is a recipe for disaster. it's like letting a dog loose in a butcher's shop and expect it to not touch any of the meat.

>> No.11135942

>tfw gf makes more than me but is a huge sub in the bedroom
Is my time running out?

>> No.11135944

Literally nothing to do with what he said.

>> No.11135953

>is a huge sub in the bedroom

What did he mean by this?

>> No.11135956

Even if you’re both in love? It’s fucked how all that goes out the window. I suppose a woman can never truly love a man the way a man loves a woman. It’s a shame that’s the way things are. I wish it didn’t have to be so. The only way to ensure it works out is for me to surpass her in career success, I suppose. I should probably get the fuck off 4cuck, then...

>> No.11135959

Still waiting for my tall and lanky /ck/ waifu.

>> No.11135961

This and also
>Going through 10 years of school and into insane debt to enter the medical field
>at which point she may or may not give-up her career to have a child
It'll either take much longer than 10 years, or she'll realize how shit the medical field is and give it up to leech off of you as a stay-at-home mom

>> No.11135964

Don't even have to learn to cook decent. I mean, what's it take to make spaghetti? Jar of sauce, boiled noodles, and fried ground beef. Any dumbass except the /r9k/ shitposters can figure that out.

>> No.11135965

his girlfriend is a sandwich

>> No.11135968

women dont "love" men like men love women

a man loves a woman for being a woman
a woman loves a man for what he can provide to her and her future children

>> No.11135970

she's obese

>> No.11135972

how the fuck am I supposed to grind the beef I don't have a beef grinder ffs

>> No.11135973

you shouldn't take relationship advise from 4chan on the first place anon.

>> No.11135974

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.11135977

Throw this work out of your lexicon. It has lost all meaning.

>> No.11135978
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>not wanting to stick your dick in this

>> No.11135982
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Oh fuck

>> No.11135989

Dual CCK wield

>> No.11135990

Where else would I get relationship advice, though, friend? (>inb4 Reddit) Are you saying I shouldn’t give any credence to what has been said to me in this thread?

>> No.11136000

>waaaah nobody wants to marry my crazy toxic ass

As to the OP question, millenials and younger are dumb, lazy fucks devoid of passion or skill.

>> No.11136001

Take advice from reddit if you want a progressive relationship. Take advise from 4chan if you want a failed relationship.

>> No.11136005


>> No.11136006

>Where else would I get relationship advice
from friends (who are just as clueless as you), or from professional therapists (who have monetary interest in keeping you coming back to them as often as possible)

on the internet, this site is unironically the most honest place you can find. shitholes like reddit are just circlejerks one way or the other:
if you go to the normie board there, they will just give you useless bluepilled feel-good advice like "just be yourself" and "love trumps all".
if you go to the edgelords boards they will either bombard you with redpill shit like "lmao fuck relationships, you should dump her immediately and go fuck a hundred college sluts instead" or bog you down with blackpill nihilism like "you wont ever find a girl anyway whats the point in trying might as well kill yourself right now instead"

>> No.11136007


>> No.11136011

Truly a waste of digits

>> No.11136013
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>> No.11136014


>> No.11136022

i'm beginning to be scared for you anon, because i fear that the average troll '' wymin are goldigger who only care for money lol, drop her ass lulz they aren't even real humain being like men anyway '' is gonna make you doubt of your relationship.

Go talk to friend, coworker, family, and above all, you gf.

>> No.11136032

Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot and just tell me everything will work out fine

>> No.11136039

I never would have seen that article unless I came to 4chan. Really makes you think...

>> No.11136042

see >>11134016

it's easy to just dismiss everything you dont like by calling people trolls, but that does nothing to invalidate their points

>> No.11136045

Is she fat? If yes then, you are fine go on about your business.
Do you live in a city? If yes, then you are fucked.
If you aren't rich and own a house and could raise children if you wanted to the you are even more fucked if you live in a city.

>> No.11136047

>Go talk to friend, coworker, family, and above all, you gf.

what, you think he will walk up to his gf and ask her "hey honey, will you dump me for a rich doctor in the future?" and get a useful answer? fucking lmao

>> No.11136058

The best chefs are also white, butthe average white midwestern boomers cooking doesnt compare to the average mexican or Jamaicans food.

>> No.11136060

I find it's usually that their parents can't cook worth a fuck either.

I've taught girls how to cook before, it's not like they weren't interested, they just never had to and/or didn't have a willing teacher.

When I met my fiance she had as much to teach me as I did her about cooking, she knew a lot.

>> No.11136062

I used to offer this advice. I use to be a champion of "communication is everything," but one day you're going to realize as I have just how meaningless and pointless words are.

>> No.11136065

This. Talking with your dick is much more effective.

>> No.11136070

Like my pastor used to say, "Be a good lay or pray."

>> No.11136073

Chew it up, retard.

>> No.11136087

Women start sleeping and partying around at age 16 and at 35 come to the sudden realization that their biological clock is ticking, but then are shocked when no man wants to have a child with a slut. Tough shit.

>> No.11136300

Way to state the obvious, kiddo

>> No.11136944


>> No.11136964

Women can't think for themselves. They are hollow receptacles that are told how to Iive and what to do from cosmetic advertisements, life style blogs and soap operas. Male apes are more cognizant than the human female. Their sole purpose is to breed. Their biggest flaw is they don't self destruct upon giving birth. Their second biggest flaw is not having more orifices to stick erect cock into. Women are literal fuck puppets. They get their temporary ideologies and convictions from whomever is currently filling their sleeves. The cock is puppeteering then, controlling when to speak, when to not speak and what to say. When a woman talks, she is nothing more than the proxy for the man who is currently fucking her or she is improvising her speech to match that of the type of man she wants to be fucked by. She is less than a chameleon. She is an empty vessel.

>> No.11136980

rip anon

>> No.11137146

This board seems to have a resident black incel population. I see these insecure, unrelated posts all the time.

>> No.11137157

In addition to the standard /r9k/ types, I mean.

>> No.11137174
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>but one day you're going to realize as I have just how meaningless and pointless words are

Care to expound, friend?

>> No.11137187

>If you aren't rich and own a house and could raise children if you wanted to the you are even more fucked if you live in a city.


>> No.11137361

women are incapable of loving anything except for money

>> No.11137384

>I find it's usually that their parents can't cook worth a fuck either

Daily reminder that however bad you think your gf is at cooking, she isn’t wrapping pears in mayonnaise and bologna slices and entombing them in Jell-O like her mother did.

>> No.11137398

Can I use that recipe? Sounds good. What type of pear? What flavor of Jello?

>> No.11137403
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Because boomers didn't pass knowledge onto their kids, hence the fall of western civilization.

>> No.11137683


you write like you're 14 and trying to sound smart

>> No.11137747

really makes you think

>> No.11137784

you fucking goofball, the only way you can stay with her is to make yourself more successful than her. Dont pay for her shit because she could outright leave you. Women only get with men who are better than them and will NEVER settle for someone less. A women's greatest virtue is her man, and all women stride for the best man they can get. Dont just moap around and worry because that will certainly get you the boot, if you really want to stay with her do something about it and improve the shit outta yourself.
Shit deadass sucks as a man where you are only able to choose from those under you, so you gotta set yourself higher than those you want.