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File: 195 KB, 576x647, REEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11134100 No.11134100[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>McDonald's literally naming the NEETs

>> No.11134128

Do you think the term was invented by 4chan or that NEETs came up with it themselves or something? It was a category for statisticians before slackers ever took it as a badge of pride.

>> No.11134135
File: 116 KB, 467x588, McDonalds Employee Savings Book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a wagecuck for McDonalds that earns so little that you can't afford to live on your own is worse than being a NEET.

Everytime I see those late 20's-40's minimum salary cucks working the griddle I feel rage. Makes me unironically wish for some kind of commie revolution.

Pic related is what (((Visa))) and McDonalds gave their employees as a "budget guideline". Fucking crooks

>> No.11134136

Would unironically kill myself before having to work at Mickey Dees

>> No.11134147

i was going to say the term started in japan and was spread by weebs but quick google search to back my claim shows that The acronym NEET was first used in the United Kingdom

>> No.11134157

Do you even have a job? $15 for flipping patties is pretty damn good for what little you have to do, and nobody ever called it a living wage ya dundercunt.

>> No.11134158

>mortgage/rent 600

>> No.11134166

>Heat $0
Haha holy fuck

>> No.11134168
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A crawlspace around here costs $600 (Utilities not included ofc)

>> No.11134176

any wage needs to be a living wage just depends on the level of work as a burger fliper you should be able to aforred an apartment and food shit you need to live a doctor wage gets you a nice car a very nice 2 story house and other shit

>> No.11134179

Gee, good thing McDick's pays more than minimum in your shithole of Florida, faggot. Maybe you should kill yourself, and then go dig a grave, and kill yourself again.

>> No.11134189
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Mcdonald's does not pay $15 an hour you uninformed shit

>> No.11134196

Mine does, don't live in Florida or get your news from Bloomberg you unfathomable dipplecocked fuckface tallywhacker.

>> No.11134200
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Prove it

>> No.11134206
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I wasn't suggesting anything of the sort. What I am suggesting is that purposeful NEETS would rather die than work at McDicks for $8.25/hr

>> No.11134212

Daily reminder that if you aren't a student and work at a McDonald's then you should reconsider your choice.

>> No.11134214


>> No.11134231

>Rent $600
I live in New York and section 8 housing is 1000 dollars in many cases.

>> No.11134242

I live in WV and section 8 ls less than $200

>> No.11134412

i'd rather kill myself than live in a flyover state

>> No.11134425

Don't worry, I'd rather you kill yourself too.

>> No.11134467

I'd rather kill you than kill myself

>> No.11134470

I'd rather your rathering be rather better.

>> No.11134680

the virgin neet vs the chad freeter

>> No.11134777
File: 187 KB, 388x249, 1502148443788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cable 100 dollars
What year was this made

>> No.11134793

and whose fault is that? adults who brought about worldwide scourges such as mcdonald's

>> No.11134809

It's not so bad.
If you're lucky you will get some qt high schoolers as your coworkers and get invited to high school partys and smash stacey

>> No.11134844

Is this delicately crafted ironic bait?

>Look at those subtle orthographical errors. The tasteful lack of punctuation. Oh my God...it even has a reference to a "nice car."

>> No.11134846

Never understood how people can't survive on minimum wage. I can see how raising a family by yourself is hard, but a single adult should be able to manage. Not thrive, but survive.
If flipping burgers is beneath you, then become a small businessman and work for yourself. Mow lawns, clean houses, sell firewood. There are so many ways to make money if you're willing to work and are motivated. Even if you just need to supplement your income.
Personally, my wife works at Safeway, and I work labor. I make just a little over minimum and I supplement our income by flipping cheap cars and trucks, selling firewood, and any other way i can make a quick buck. We have 3 kids and manage pretty well.

>> No.11134884

You don't need heat when you weigh 400lbs like a real healthy American.

>> No.11134893

>Never understood how people can't survive on minimum wage
The minimum wage is $7.25 dude.
If you work full-time that puts you in the 15% tax bracket, so really you're making $6.16 an hour.
Now, let's assume the absolute best case scenario, that you're getting 40 hours a week. In real life it's more likely to be something like 28-32, but for the sake of argument let's say 40.
That gives you $986 a month.
Next let's say you pay $430 a month in rent.
BTW, I lived in a fucking sardine can in rural Oklahoma and that's what I paid, so I'm sure people in other parts of the country pay much more. But even if you lowball it at $430, now you're at $556.
Now let's take off $50 for water.
What do you want to take off for electricity? Low ball it again and say $100?
You sound like the kind of guy who wouldn't consider the internet an essential utility so let's not even count that.
You're already at $400.
We haven't even gotten to fucking food and gas yet. And we low balled EVERYTHING.
You MIGHT be able to barely scrap by and live in absolute squalor like this. One trip to the doctor and you're wiped out though. One car problem and you're wiped out. One unexpected expense and you're wiped out.

>> No.11134895

But minimum wage doesn't let me pay for my Fortnite and all the loot boxes!

>> No.11134904


>> No.11134931

>2nd job
i'd rather be homeless than have to work 2 jobs to survive

>> No.11134937

>tfw can't get a call back from mcdonalds
dropping out of school was a mistake how do i get a job

>> No.11134939

>any wage needs to be a living wage

t. commie

>> No.11134940

Let me give you actual numbers from when I was single. I worked 40 hours as a janitor right out of high school in Portland, Oregon. I made 1100 a month. Can't remember actual minimum wage amount, but I remember my monthly income. I found a place for 500 a month, but I opted to get a roommate at a 2 bedroom apartment for 700. Split down the middle. So that's 350. Water was about 65, and electric was about 120. That's about, what, 535? And that's assuming I paid ultilities by myself, which I didn't. I opted for cable and Internet, while roommate only wanted internet so we could game. It was 140 a month, and he paid 40 of that. Let's just assume I paid it all. That's 680ish. That left m with 400 a month. Now this was in Portland, where I didn't need a car to get around. I still had money left over for food, alcohol, and weed. Not much, but enough.

Now since I wasn't a lazy cunt, I actually worked another 20-30 hours a week on top of this by working a few hours a day at subway and stocking the fridges at my local deli mart in the morning and at night. Let's not forget the yearly income tax money you get as a poor person.
The point im trying to make is that if you want to make money, there is endless opportunity out there, as long as you're not lazy.

>> No.11134941

jokes on them im a 25 y/o boomer neet

>> No.11134945

this tbqh

the participation medal generation hate hard work though

>> No.11134947

>One trip to the doctor and you're wiped out though. One car problem and you're wiped out. One unexpected expense and you're wiped out.

practise fiscal responsibility

>> No.11134951

I see it all around me too. I grew up in San Diego, where even a two income household usually struggles. I moved to rural Oregon, where most people my age and younger are too lazy or tweaked out to work. You can get a job a the lumber mill here making 20 dollars an hour, and all they ask is that you show up on time and piss clean. The work is fucking simple too. My cousin spends all day just putting stamps on plywood, and he's taking in 3000 a month.

>> No.11134964

How hard is it to get a McJob? I have past experience in food industry but not fast food. The structure seems appealing to me

>> No.11134972

1/4 of young people
When 40% of the rest of the population is not employed. Really with people knew facts instead of (((facts))).

>> No.11134977

How long ago was this? Because that kind of living space doesnt exist in portland anymore. It doesnt even exist in flyover land where I am.

>> No.11134978

This means war. We've remained hidden and now you try to indoctrinate us into your little game McDonald's. All the tendies in the world can't save you now.

>> No.11134982

> rent $600
> health insurance $20
> heat $0
This is fucking fantasy land.

>> No.11135000

working more than 40 hours a week is slave tier, no thanks

>> No.11135035

You're still stuck in 2004. Do your research first before you try to talk someone off outdated facts. A 2 bedroom apartment costs at least thrice what you paid back then.

>> No.11135080

if they want young people to work maybe fire all the illegals and people over age 21.
stop requiring 3 years minimum fry cook experience for an entry level job that is 90% automated by a timer.

>> No.11135090

you probably spend more than that jerking off

>> No.11135094

Where do you live that a two bedroom apartment costs $2100? Are you sure it's even then cheapest option? I'm paying $1345 a month on a 3 bedroom house, and that's after utilities. Even in 2013-2014 I only paid around $600 for a two bedroom apartment.

>> No.11135098

If both of those jobs are federal minimum wage and 37+ hours, that’s like 70 hours or more after taxes to earn that kind of takehome pay lmao.

>> No.11135172

underrated post.

>> No.11135180

Spoken like true republicucks.
>I surely cannot understand the plight of another for my worldview is too self-centric to possibly understand varying conditions. Woe is me, I am the beacon of truth.

>> No.11135183

>Worried about NEETs
>Replaces people with terminals
I didn't know McDonald's engaged in ironic shitposting.

>> No.11135184

>lets not forget the yearly income tax money you get as a poor person.
What a deluded faggot.
Yeah, being poor means you pay negative taxes...
Wake up retard. Only the rich pay negative taxes.

>> No.11135186

You're clearly outdated. Rent in my city is easily 800-1000 for a 1 bedroom apartment. And that's in a city of ~250,000.
There is little consideration shown by landlords for people trying to earn an honest living.
Fucking slum lords should be hanged.

>> No.11135189


>> No.11135191

God I hate you people.

>> No.11135195

I live in the country. Median 1 bedroom was 1k and median 2 bedroom was 1.1k according to the paper a few years ago. About 6 or 7 years ago I knew someone trying to find a $800 apartment. They couldn't find one.

>> No.11135217

>my rent
>$1,250 split between 3 people in 2 bedroom
kiss my dick mcshitters

>> No.11135219

>Where do you live that a two bedroom apartment costs $2100?
Somewhere that is actually relevant in the modern world presumably, unlike yourself.

>> No.11135225

tl;dr: if you work at McDonalds you need to be on public assistance

This is why McDonalds needs to go out of business. I'm tired of subsidizing their payroll through my taxes, make room for businesses that are actually solvent by design

>> No.11135233

At the risk of being yelled at for being OBSESSED, is this really how bad things are in America? According to Glassdoor, the average wage in Australia for a Mcdonalds worker is $16 an hour, whereas the average wage for an American Mcdonalds worker is $8 an hour. How can a country that brags about its wealth so much pay its minimum-wagers literally half of what another country does?

>> No.11135234
File: 7 KB, 300x168, ?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where do you live that a two bedroom apartment costs $2100?
Are you talking about the maintenance/common charges for a coop? That's pretty standard for a decent neighborhood for an ok-tier place, although in a less "fancy" building (like, no gym, no doorman, no rooftop garden, etc) you can sometimes see maintenance in the $1000-$1500 range.

>> No.11135235

It's called hypocrisy, much like the screeching anti-abortion/abstinence "education" maniacs who suddenly change their tune when their teen daughter gets knocked up

>> No.11135244

The rich stay rich by keeping the poor poor. This country is unsustainable. Something will have to give.

>> No.11135247

It's bad for everyone too, because when poor people get money they spend it, which is what the economy needs. When rich people get money they hoard it, which is exactly what the economy is struggling to deal with.

>> No.11135248

They are talking about rent for an apartment.

>> No.11135253

That's why there is such an obsession with denying people guns because they can smell the revolution coming. It might be many decades but it keeps getting worse.

>> No.11135256

The rich invest their money, and businesses need that capital. Hoarding cash is a mug's game. You lose out on inflation.

>> No.11135271

But ask yourself how do they keep the poor poor? What they do is they pit the poor against the middle class, because the human mind has a hard time grasping differences outside the immediate frame of reference, especially without education. If you're a dropout making $8 an hour then "the rich people keeping me down" are the ones making $100k with a cheap home and a shitty 401(k) plan, even though those people have zero sway over politicians and zero decision making power to impact the $8/hour schmuck living 6 to an illegal basement unit.

So the voters clamor for punishing the middle class and shutting down tech jobs, so that we can have our good honest "bashing iron on a factory floor" jobs back, which are really only sustainable with massive government subsidies but hey that's ok because technological progress isn't real and taxing high net worth individuals would make them quit, like Howard Roark or Hank Reardon or whatever.

>> No.11135274

And now you know why inflation is good

>> No.11135277

There's no revolution coming, there's just a lot of turbo-sperg incels going postal and shooting "chads", and we've already reached that fantasy future, and nobody wants it.

People who aren't total losers will always find a way to make their life work out.

>> No.11135279

That's conspiracy-theorist bull. It isn't the stupid Jews or whatever you think it is running the world, it's big corporations and they don't give a shit about random civilians with guns.

>> No.11135289
File: 46 KB, 758x506, 41727b9242cb685f1c8fea97ed79c7f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like normal people might have an interest in not getting shot by a "redpill" nutjob with 5 TB worth of pepe images on his triple-encrypted flash drive and a fluent command of q-anon conspiracy slang. I dunno though. Must be DA JOOZ

>> No.11135293

>People who aren't total losers will always find a way to make their life work out.
Like George Washington

>> No.11135295

Dude I was paying 800 to 900 pretty much everywhere in 2011 for a shitty little one bedroom in a shitty area

>> No.11135302

>dylan roof = george washington
I hope your parents find your stash of guns before you hurt someone

>> No.11135311

look at who works at fast food joints in america
most of them have english as a second language, and their immigration status is less than legal

>> No.11135316

Dylan Roof wasn't apart of any revolution. There hasn't been one yet.

>> No.11135319

Not at my McD's.

>> No.11135321

>look at who works at fast food joints in america
Pre-criminal-record black teenagers, and adults with developmental disorders?
>most of them have english as a second language, and their immigration status is less than legal
Huh? You must be thinking of the delivery workers on bicycles working for neighborhood Chinese takeouts and that sort of thing. McDonalds is extremely corporate and by the book.

>> No.11135721
File: 16 KB, 260x282, 1383105834972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choosing 1/4 when 1/5 is closer

>> No.11135732

>1 in 4
>Scale for Good

They don't even fucking try my god

>> No.11135756


>> No.11135759

>Look at those subtle orthographical errors. The tasteful lack of punctuation. Oh my God...it even has a reference to a "nice car."
Underrated post

>> No.11135800

brb getting a mcjob

>> No.11135827

Drumpf will change this for us


>> No.11135838


1 USD is 1.4 AUD and climbing

>> No.11135873

I live in a stidio, all expences included, just 618 a month. Its nice too. Just a college kid but technically i could make it work on wagecuck salaries

Ohio btw

>> No.11135883

must be FL

>> No.11135927

haven't worked (at an actual job) a day in my life, why exactly are neets so angry about having a job, even if it doesn't pay for an apartment? Whenever I had long breaks and no plans with friends, the first half of the day was insufferable and boring anyway desu,

>> No.11135952

>being this mad

>> No.11135979

McDonald's is literally leading the charge in automating low skill positions and they have the audacity to act like they are some angel of opportunity?

Fuck this gay-ass company. Literally the only social good that has ever come from them was providing job opportunities for societies most under experienced and innept people and they are quickly eliminating that.

>> No.11135986

I'm the bad guy?

>> No.11135998

Can you blame McD's for that? they're a business. they are supposed to cater the demands of their customers.

If you want to point fingers, point them at the McD's customers. They are the ones who are willing to sacrifice everything for muh faster and muh cheaper.

>> No.11136021
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>> No.11136082

>invented by 4chan or that NEETs came up with it themselves
same thing

>> No.11136108

we need another 9/11

>> No.11136395

>1250 split between 3 people
So you are paying just over $400 a month on rent, mcgenius. Maybe if you could do simple math you'd be able to budget better and get a nicer place.

>> No.11136402

I live in Phoenix and literally never heat my house.

>> No.11136411

On the down side, you live in Phoenix.

>> No.11136415

I have never worked minimum wage in my life. Not even as a clerk at Kohls when I was 19.

Fucking WHO accepts minimum wage as their pay? Just ask for more and they give it to you when you aren't a pants on head retard and actually do your job well.

>> No.11136423

Phoenix is pretty great. The roads are on a grid. The neighborhoods are well segregated. The cost of living is cheap. There are many restaurants. It's basically if LA didn't have a rampant homeless liberal problem and was run by mormons instead of jews.

>> No.11136431

Don't live in New York then.

>> No.11136839

Not even an entry for food. I guess they assume you will steal food at work.

>> No.11136998

>1 in 4 young people (21.8%)
that's closer to 1 in 5 reeeee

>> No.11137432

over half of those 'expenses' could be avoided anyways by living in your car. some people are retarded, i swear.

>> No.11137438

for what purpose, that's just retarded.

>> No.11137442

They didn't want to call it a quarter, because then people would make jokes about their "new" sandwich

>> No.11137513

The mcdonalds near me is Mexicans and high school kids

>> No.11137542

This. Even the car is excessive if your city has decent public transport. I personally sold my car, invested in a gym membership, and lived on the street for a few years. Practically no overhead, access to gym facilities to keep clean with, and you can earn extra money after work just by falling asleep next to a paper cup. I earned enough money in two years and eleven months to buy a single bedroom apartment outright, which I rented out until I was able to buy a decent home for myself.

>> No.11137561

I guess I don't blame McDonalds for that no, but I do blame them for false virtue. If you are gutting low income opportunity you don't get to turn around and act like a heaven sent bastion of employment for all.

I haven't eaten McDicks for 3 years now because of this. If you want to be the big, greasy, palm rubbing creep of the fast-food world then at very very least own it

>> No.11137657

Are there places that really only pay 7$/hr? I live in rural Washington and my first retail job was 12.50.

>> No.11137674

NEETs should be forced into military service if they are NEET for longer than 6 months

>> No.11137682

>health insurance

fuck i wish it was that low, i get health insurance through work and that shit is still like 200 bucks a month

>> No.11137693

Not only is AU money worth less than the American Dollar, but aus cucks also have an insanely high cost of living (just a big mac meal is over 10 dollars in au, but is like 5 dollars in the us). And minimum wage is set by the state, so it's different from area to area (depending on cost of living once again, which is why in Cali it's 11 dollar minimum wage since cost of living is much higher than in Florida).

>> No.11137762


dat Zanpakuto doe

>> No.11137972

Minimum wage is set by politics not cost of living.

>> No.11137988

>You should be forced to die for the Jew because they stole your jobs
Why not just kill the Jews?

>> No.11138001

Yes. And the cost of living is one of the criteria used by the Aussie gov when determining what to set minimum wage at. It's not the same for the whole country, it varies by area.

>> No.11138018


The first sentence of that tweet isn't a question.

>> No.11138027

I know nothing about Australia and don't care but you mentioned states in the US. In the US it is pure politics.

>> No.11138035
File: 80 KB, 432x436, 1527823828918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Income 1st job
>Income 2nd job

>> No.11138042

>2 jobs
i rather take a lot of credit card debt and commit suicide

>> No.11138062

He's talking about australian states you dumb fucker. The US is not the only country comprised of "States". Your reading comprehension is abysmal.

>> No.11138072

Cali and Florida are not states in Australia.

>(depending on cost of living once again, which is why in Cali it's 11 dollar minimum wage since cost of living is much higher than in Florida).

>> No.11138096

>Go to McDonalds
>see 365 black sign
bye Felicia.

>> No.11138217
File: 214 KB, 449x449, daniellethehrcuntnoraise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The middle class
>Still existing
The entire problem is that there is no middle class anymore. You're either a minimum wager living with your parents, unable to afford a home of your own, and by extension a family to fill it, or you're "successful" (had the foresight to get into debt for a quarter-mil at collage just to work your ass off and be treated like shit in a corporate environment). Having middle class jobs (Mid-skilled labor or low-skilled labor with opportunities to train up to mid-skilled) don't exist anymore.

>> No.11138284

>macdonalds acting like theyre saviours for providing the opportunity for people to provide them more money

>> No.11138294
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Came to post this.
>American education

But 1 in 5 isn't a quarter so that would not be a problem

>> No.11138300

>renting out a property while living on the street
is this is ultimate flex?

>> No.11138608

I live in VA.
Most fast food places here are run by college/highschool kids doing kitchen/cashier work and then you have some dude in his late 20s-early 40s managing.
But when you go up north you see more of the type you mentioned.

>> No.11138725

my rent is 875 and I live in a shitty bachelor full of disabled elderly people who shit themselves on a regular basis

fuck you mcdonalds

>> No.11138729


you just have to give zero fucks when you work there.

I never get angry with wagecucks for doing a bad job. I get it

>> No.11138733

cable/phone = $100
heat = $0

what the actual fuck

>> No.11138737


america is fucked
i'm canadian and I was in debt for ~$40k for my PhD,

still don't have a great job yet, but atleast I didn't have to pay the US academic rate... which is honestly completely insane

>> No.11138790

>One trip to the doctor and you're wiped out