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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11132635 No.11132635 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best berry and why is it the blackberry?

>> No.11132642

raspberry has a better flavor

>> No.11132651

Blackberries are not berries, you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.11132652

mmm caviar

>> No.11132656

ITT: why are berries shitflavoured

>> No.11132657


Closely followed by blueberries

>> No.11132658

Thimbleberry, the seeds are a bitch but they taste more like candy than fruit.

>> No.11132662


>> No.11132665

damn berry racists

>> No.11132669
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But the best berry is gooseberry

>> No.11132672

Most of the fruits considered berries are not actually berries. This goes for raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries (typically mulberries or aggregate fruits) among others; and fruits that aren't considered to be berries like grapes, tomatoes, and bananas are in fact berries.

Of all the ones mentioned in-thread, blueberries are the only actual berries mentioned in this thread.

>> No.11132673

Coffee > avocado > banana > pumpkin >>> quality gap > gooseberry > blueberry.

Shit is a fucking fruit. Same with raspberries strawberry.

>> No.11132679

I like the dingleberry. Yum. So good.

>> No.11132683

Black currant is best berry, fucking Americans dont know what it is. Its so damn delicious

>> No.11132693
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I used to pick these right out of the bramble when I was a little kid. Fuck yeah, blackberries.

>> No.11132723
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Actually the GOAT, dont @ me

>> No.11132751

>anything but a shit tier meme food
Avocado is bad and only reserved for the white wannabe retards

>> No.11132811
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*blocks your path*

>> No.11132815

>ask someone if they want berry salad
>it's tomato and banana
>they call me a retard
>b-but technically

>> No.11132824

How come store bought blackberries taste like sour shit even when they look plump and ripe? I only like wild ones, luckily I live near a blackberry patch.

>> No.11132828

Only blackberryallowed, gtfo

>> No.11132835

Most fruit in stores is picked before it's fully ripened and/or overwatered to increase weight which dilutes the sugar and flavors

>> No.11132836

I don't get how anyone can like currants, black or red. I'm Russian and you make me wish I lived in America so I could be free from this satan berry.

>> No.11132843
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The patricians midnight snack

>> No.11132844

>It's big
>It's juicy
>It tastes great

>> No.11132850

>don't @ me
Your not my real dad I will ((you)) who I want

>> No.11132853
File: 89 KB, 594x900, blueberry topped waffles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh = strawberries
cooked = blueberries

macerate some blueberries. serve on waffles.

>> No.11132866

дa иди oтcюдa вaнeк

>> No.11132901
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>> No.11133169
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Dear Blackberry,
Your seeds are problematic.

>> No.11133177

nothing my wife likes more than a big blackberry

>> No.11133189

not everyone lives in a swamp my dude

>> No.11133193

My favourite too. I eat them almost every day.

>> No.11133224

this. love the flavor, don't like the seeds.

>> No.11133233

>black berry

>> No.11133242
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>> No.11133258

having had both god tier blackberries and raspberries (and salmonberries too), fresh off the bush, I have to agree. Raspberry is best berry.

>> No.11133788

How is it a satan berry?

>> No.11133876

you're not wrong

>> No.11133947


>> No.11133969

Strawberry. Close second blueberry if you have some sugar on hand and are making pie.
>naturally sweet
>soft seeds unlike bullshit blackberries/raspberries
>beautiful red color with striking green tops

Prove me wrong. You can't.

>> No.11134155

nothin wrong with seeds

>> No.11134253


Fuck off Raspberries taste like literal shit, a bit of sweetness and a shitload of sourness only to taste like fucking puke ABSOLUTE mongoloid taste buds.

>> No.11134265

i'm sorry you've never had good raspberries, they're quite sweet

>> No.11134269

For me it's the watermelon, the best botanical berry.

>> No.11134331

faggot grapes

>> No.11134348

thats a lot of butter

>> No.11134430

They prefer to be called african-americanberries these days.

>> No.11134496


>> No.11134525

Mulberry is though

>> No.11134543

>tfw live somewhere where blackberries grow like fucking weeds

I can literally walk anywhere and have a nice snack of blackberries.

>> No.11134546

mulberries are best

>> No.11134836

I'm actually finnish and these berries are somewhat popular here. My grandparents and my fiancee's grandmother both grow these in their garden.
You be silent.

>> No.11134872
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>> No.11134906


1. Raspberry
2. Blackberry
3. Halle Berry
4. Blueberries
5. Huckleberries
6. Barry White
9001. Cranberry
9002. Strawberry
9002. Barry Manilow
9003. Dingleberries

>> No.11134973

Gooseberry and/or sea buckthorn.

>> No.11134976

Go fuck yourself you redditor trash.
>akchually they're fruits
>tomato is a fruit too lmao ketchup is a jam xD
Nobody cares. This isn't /ck/ - botanics and

>> No.11134999

What about Chuck Berry?

>> No.11135845
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How come no one's posted the best berries yet?

>> No.11136392

Sea buckthorn juice is nice but it gives me crazy fucking stomach cramps.

>> No.11136907


>> No.11136993
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I knew you and the other anons that replies were my niggas

>> No.11137772

Gooseberries are literally surpassed by almost every other berry.
>almost always too tart to be eaten plain.
>limited culinary use in dishes like gooseberry fool? An outdated dessert that no one these days ever eats.
>covered in gross little hairs
>my hens don't want them and neither does anyone else I offer them too
Gooseberries are so fucking shit. But I do like the little mini wild ones you find in the woods sometimes.

>> No.11137805

>not having iphone

>> No.11137811
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>> No.11137818

Does anyone ITT grow up/live near cloudberry patches/fields?

I’m looking for someone who is willing to send me a couple rhizomes so I can try to propagate a little further south in The US

>> No.11137882

What the fuck is this Jar Jar looking star wars shit

>> No.11139225

can I get this at my local grocery

>> No.11139610

I rarely see them even though they're one of the more common berries around here.

>> No.11139706

oh what could've been. ill *crack* and sip one for the forgotten

>> No.11139780
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Botanically speaking, strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries aren't technically berries; whereas bananas, cucumbers, and tomatoes are berries.
But this is a cooking board so we use culinary terms, you retarded niggerfaggot.

>> No.11139792

Wild blackberries from behind the garage with a bit of mint from the garden makes a fantastic mojito in summer. Then some venison roast for dinner with a slice or rhubarb crumble. Upper Midwest is truly god tier.

>> No.11139797

They have seeds inside, pain in the ass.

>> No.11139807

it isn't, though they are good. boysenberries are better.

>> No.11139813

Only small ones. The apple size ones from the store are actually trash

>> No.11139837
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Best blueberries https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccinium_corymbosum

>> No.11139838

Because Dr. Michael Greger says it is :^)

The nice thing about aggregate berries is they're almost always edible so you can eat any you find anywhere.

>> No.11139974

>apple sized strawberries?

>> No.11139997

anybody who doesn't say cloudberries just haven't tasted them yet

>> No.11139999

Blackberry seeds rustle my jimmies

>> No.11141067

Tfw only the most expensive blackberry jams have seeds. True suffering.

>> No.11141076

You're mean

>> No.11141305
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I miss berrypicking with my babushka. Sometimes at the height of blueberry season there would be so many that we'd just rip off whole twigs and sort the berries from the leaves at home.