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11131736 No.11131736 [Reply] [Original]

I plan to start it soon, can I hear any good advice, personal experience, and results you have had?

>> No.11131772

What's your ultimate goal OP?
Lost over 70 lbs doing keto. Went from 255 to 182. Be prepared for smellier piss and BO. Don't just eat meat and cheese and nothing else. Most of what you eat should be low-carb veggies, but most of your calories should come from fat. If you don't get enough fiber you'll feel like garbage all the time. Drink more water than usual. If you get any aches or cramps, supplement with potassium and magnesium. Don't take any cheat days at all, it's honestly easier that way. Taking a cheat day will just make you want more cheat days.

>> No.11131784

Good advice? Don’t do it. It has zero metabolic advantages and you just look like some boomer with a midlife crisis

>> No.11131787

What's a good source of fat? I was thinking melting natural butter and using it to dip steamed veggies in, is that a good idea?

>> No.11131819

Yeah that works, but you'll get bored of it. I like to make 'chips' (they're a bit softer than chips) with mozzarella cheese, cream cheese, and almond flour. You can make noodles out of zucchini. Just the other night I made a good Alfredo sauce and had it with zucchini noodles and chicken thighs. Cauliflower is a solid choice and is very versatile. I've come to enjoy mashed cauliflower over mashed potatoes now. You can also do cauliflower and cheese that is a lot like Mac and cheese.

The whole point of keto is that it helps with appetite issues. I'm the type of person that is always hungry an hour after eating a carby meal. A fatty meal keeps me fuller for longer and helps me to regulate how much I eat.

>> No.11131861

It doesn't need any metabolic advantages, it reduces ghrelin and increases leptin. And it's very easy to transition into fasting, either intermittent or long term, which is where the interesting stuff really happens. You can completely reverse insulin resistance with a few days fasting, for example, and can restore impaired beta cell function with a few weeks of intermittent fasting. But it's tough to go straight from a hypocaloric diet to fasting, so getting there via a keto diet makes it much easier, once you've been doing keto for a few weeks it can almost happen accidentally because you just forget to eat.

>> No.11131864

I did really healthy keto for about 3 months and lost 80 lbs.
This >>11131772 guy got it right. Don't fall for the "meat and cheese/bacon and eggs diet" meme, you'll feel horrible. Eat plenty of leafy green veg and other low-carb veg. We ate tons of butter doing keto, I think it was by far my favorite fat to use. Coconut oil can make some great "keto fudge" (using erythritol sweetener) if you find you have a sweet tooth, look up keto fudge recipes online. Saved my ass when doing keto.
Most meals were just a piece of meat like a chicken thigh or bunless burger with creamed spinach, cheesy mashed cauliflower, baked cheesy kale, asparagus with hollandaise, etc. I felt it was helpful to have keto snacks around as well to help you stick to your meals more or less; if you're a habitual snacker like me, keto drives you crazy a bit.
>deviled eggs
>cheese and bacon stuffed jalapenos
were some faves.

The last bit about supplementing electrolytes is no joke. Buy some supplements and eat them. You will need a lot more sodium, magnesium, potassium, and calcium in your diet now, as ketosis pisses out those electrolytes much faster. You can also make bone broth and drink that to help with minerals.
Seasonings and spices, especially garlic and onion powders, have carbs, so don't neglect to count those. A meager 1/4 tsp of garlic powder is a full 1g net carb.

>> No.11131865

I make crackers with a cup of flax meal and a third of a cup of parmesan, mixed with a little water and salt. Roll into a thin sheet, score with a puzza cutter, and bake until firm. Makes about 100 crackers.

>> No.11131875

Hypercaloric, not hypocaloric.

>> No.11131879

We tried biscuits made with almond flour and it made us both sick. It's a lot of almonds that you are eating in just a little bit of flour, so don't go overboard. We also made decent (albeit spongy) bread using eggs and psyllium husk powder. These things are a waste of time, ultimately, because they're nutritionally kind of lacking and are just a /cope/ because you can't handle losing bread.
It's ok to let go of bread, guys. Veggies are there for you.

>> No.11131910

I'm fine without the bread, I just really wanted nachos last night.

>> No.11131914

>let go of bread, guys
Knock yourself out, it's your diet you do what you want. I'll do mine, and you can fuck right off you little officious twat.

>> No.11131927

Lol some people can actually make good keto bread, and dont need to cover their failure with a paper thin layer of virtue signalling.

>> No.11133094
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>CICO bruh

>> No.11133100

I did it for several months. I got a lot of mental benefit, especially for depression which I had at the time. Missed cakes and shit though and quit. No ragrets.

>> No.11133879

1) avocado is not the only good fruit, forget the extremists, berries are better than any legume in every aspect, citric fruits are great (specially lemons and limes), papayas and mango are ok if you don’t eat much and kiwis and coconut are the best(try eat at last one kiwi a day)
2) chicken only with skin, today chicken is very poor in nutrients (and taste), wings is always the best option
3) even keto/paleo/carnivorous/macrobiotic/shit industrialized food is garbage, learn how to cook or spend money in a good restaurant.
4) food gurus and youtubers are trash, learn from yourself and see what is better for you
4,5) rations of protein-fat are subjective and variable
5) one or two meals are best than four or six meals a day
6) the healthy benefits of fiber are debatable
7) eggs are overrated, sure they are cheap and can be a good side dish, but if you can afford better food....
8) what work for someone maybe don’t work for you