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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11124581 No.11124581 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/.
I've literally never cooked a steak before in my life, is this an acceptable doneness level? I feel like should've let it stay in the pan for a bit longer

>> No.11124586

yeah its perfect. chow down my boy

>> No.11124590

Fine for me, but I like my steaks rare.

Most people would probably have preferred it a bit more done.

>> No.11124592

I mean, if you like raw meat then sure.

>> No.11124595
File: 1.90 MB, 3840x2160, IMG_20180827_193310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how the cut looked, I believe this was the round or whatever.

>> No.11124608

Yeah, I do think I'm going to try cooking it for longer tonight.

>> No.11124610

Did you cook it like that? Take it out of the fridge 30 minutes before and season heavily with salt and pepper. And don't put it in the pan until it's hot

>> No.11124617

Wouldn't seasoning it before cooking force the juices out because of osmosis?

>> No.11124641

I don't know what the fuck osmosis is but I season almost all my meat before cooking because that's what I was taught to do. I've made steak that wasn't seasoned beforehand and it wasn't as good. I don't know why but when you salt a steak and leave it for a while, the salt disappears so I guess the steak absorbs it?

>> No.11124647

I have no idea what cut that is, but the OP pic looks perfectly cooked.

>> No.11124660

perfect rare. good job op.

>I feel like should've let it stay in the pan for a bit longer
a couple more minutes would have gotten you medium-rare.

sear looks good, you left it in the pan without moving it. maillard process completed. hopefully you dried it with paper towels beforehand, and seasoned with salt. good job anon.

>> No.11124662
File: 46 KB, 550x427, steak-lobster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering how cooked the outside is and how rare the middle is, I'd say you probably put that in the pan while it was still cold OP. Don't do that.
Though the center is good in my opinion (I like my stakes very rare), most people would consider it too raw.

Season the steaks and let them sit at room temperature for at least 30 mins before cooking them. Preferably an hour.
Also, always butter-baste your shit in the pan. Makes it 1000x better.

>> No.11124689

You would need a LOT of salt for it to have a major effect on the moisture of the interior of the meat, and you would need to leave it out for a very long time.

Salting (and seasoning) the outside of the steak is recommended because a drier exterior gets a much better sear. Likewise, letting it get up to room temperature beforehand improves the sear and gives you more control over the doneness.

>> No.11124726

Good rare, and juices haven't spilled so I presume you let it rest well. If you were aiming for medium rare, let it reach room temp first and sear each side for 1 to 1 and a half minutes more.

You'd have to cover it in an absurd amount of salt for a long time to desiccate a steak. It's absolutely standard to season a steak first before cooking it, and it won't lose enough moisture to ruin it.

>> No.11124759

I thought the pan was hot enough, I mean there was smoke/vapour rising from the oil in it.
Butter? Won't that burn at those temps?
I dried it with paper towels but you're all probably right about temps, I was just back from work and hungry so I couldn't wait long enough for it to heat up, must've put it in the pan 15 minutes after I got it out of the fridge or so.
I'll season it with salt beforehand as well tonight, thanks guys. I'll post results.

>> No.11124997

If you want a warmer steak, microwave it with a tiny bit of water dripped over it so you'll evaporate the water. It'll not cook because the evaporation will warm up the insides but cool off the outsides leading to equilibrium, so you can receive a perfectly temp'd beauty.

>> No.11125020

>there was smoke/vapour rising from the oil
What oil? Butter has a higher smoke point than olive oil. I use butter on all my steaks - you shouldn't really be cooking the steak long enough to burn any butter.

>> No.11125025

My fiance would like it.

She'll take a pinch of raw hamburger and season/eat it raw. Something that I tell her's gonna make her sick as fuck someday.

"I've done it my whole life and nothing bad's happened?" kinda attitude about it.

>> No.11125043

Sunflower oil, that's the main type over here.

>> No.11125062

>Butter has a higher smoke point than olive oil.
No it doesnt you retard. The milk solids burn and smoke before oil does. Clarified butter might but not regular butter. You only use regular butter to finish it and spoon over the top, not to cook with

>> No.11125104
File: 19 KB, 644x394, evoo and butter smoke points.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No it doesnt
Pic related is from a chart of all oils and their smoke points. Notice how butter is higher than olive oil?

>Sunflower oil
Fucking why? Where is "over here?"

>> No.11125106

wa la

>> No.11125120

You shouldn't be using EVOO on a steak anyway so your point really is a dumb one to be making. Wikipedia has EVOO at 160c (high quality virgin oil at 200+) and butter at 150c so if you must use this example, you're still wrong.

>> No.11125141

Russia. Sunflower oil is the default vegetable oil here.

>> No.11125662

Looks fine, but really the question is if you enjoyed it. I like mine rare, but if you don't the don't care.

>> No.11125817

why is it called cooking though? aren't we fry the meat?

>> No.11125821

>you probably put that in the pan while it was still cold OP
My bad OP, I meant the steak, not the pan. I should've clarified.

That's why I said you need to season the steak and let it sit at room temp for 30mins to an hour.

Putting a cold steak in the pan will make the outside cook quickly, but can cause the inside to be much more rare, making the overall cook uneven. Sometimes you can burn the outside of a steak and the middle will still be raw. I'm not saying you did this from looking at your OP pic, because to be honest it looks pretty good, especially for your first time.

Just saying from looking at it, it maybe could've used a few extra minutes out of the fridge. Other than that, good job.

>> No.11125939

dont do longer necessarily, let the meat sit out for longer, use more salt, and make the pan ever hotter than you did last time

>> No.11126441
File: 1.05 MB, 3840x2160, IMG_20180828_200931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay friends, round two.
What I did: salt and pepper the steak beforehand, get the pan a tad hotter than previously, after the initial sear was done I added a bit of butter, crushed garlic and a few leaves of fresh basil and began basting that bitch like there was no tomorrow.
It's delicious. I like the texture much more than the less cooked one from yesterday.

>> No.11126477

Looks good OP, lot less raw and I imagine the garlic made it pretty tasty.

>> No.11126575

You did good OP.

>> No.11126580

This is miles better than the first one, nice job OP.

>> No.11126590

If it doesn't have black crust on the outside you are doing it wrong.

>> No.11126616

Anyone who eats stake... Kill yourself..

>I'm not a vegan.

>> No.11126642

xaxaxaxaxa дeбил )))))

>> No.11126675

stakes are terrible food anyway. eating that much carbohydrate foam will probably puncture your intestines and cause a lethal case of septicemia.

>> No.11126728

Cacaй кyдacaй.

>> No.11126743

Literally what the fuck are you talking about you brainlet?

>> No.11126763

нe плaчь

>> No.11126800

>bitches who don't know about lard

>> No.11126808
File: 11 KB, 300x300, stakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for playing

>> No.11126809

>Salting (and seasoning) the outside of the steak is recommended because a drier exterior gets a much better sear. Likewise, letting it get up to room temperature beforehand improves the sear and gives you more control over the doneness.

and don't forget to let the steak rest

>> No.11126814


>> No.11126823

I fried/heated up my mashed potatoes in the pan to utilise the meat juices/butter/garlic better so that gave the meat a nice period of rest quite naturally.

>> No.11127121

>don't wrap it in foil
How bad is this? This is what I've been doing during the resting period.

>> No.11127137

Oh wow man. You did well for that kind of steak. Maybe ever so slightly underdone but it's your preference.