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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11120636 No.11120636 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an omnivore, but I respect vegans/vegetarians for imposing restrictions on themselves for ethical reasons. I doubt most people would be able to exercise that kind of self-disclipline.

>> No.11120640


is that nigga like 4 foot tall or something

>> No.11120645
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>ethical reasons
>killing a living thing

hypocrites, off yourself immediatly

>> No.11120647

The vegans have been on /ck/ since like 2007. One of the admins is vegan. FUCK off back to /pol/, newfag

>> No.11120649

true vegans should practice suicide and prevent the potential of killing any other living being ever again

>> No.11120650

Who said anything about how long anyone's been here? Stop being defensive and read.

>> No.11120660

Cognitive dissonance hurts

>> No.11120666

>i'm going to double down on getting butthurt instead of taking earnest advice about literacy
Nice one.

>> No.11120668

I don't have a problem with people not eating meat as long as they don't impose it on children or their pets. Also iirc, Kevin Smith didn't go on a diet because of ethical reasons. He literally almost died and switched to a radically different diet in order to not die, but I could be wrong.

I'm glad he didn't die and that he's healthier now. I want more Kevin Smith stuff.

>> No.11120671
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>uses like unironically in a sentence
its not like i'm forcing you to stop enjoying soy , just admit that you either don't like animals enough to reject them or want to feel morally superior even though plants are living things that can feel pain and distress

>> No.11120693
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>resorts to name calling and muh pol boogeyman

You can try but you will never assuage your guilty conscience you vile plant murderer.

>> No.11120703

>worshipping alex jones' manboobs
>loving the fattest, unhealthiest president ever
>hating the jews yet indulging in the meatjew
>on that subject: paying the highest price for the unhealthiest food only to pay the most to the big pharm jew
/pol/ is hilarious

>> No.11120710

>worshipping alex jones' manboobs
>loving the fattest, unhealthiest president ever
In your butthurt, you became the only person to say either of these things itt. You're such a fuck up.

>> No.11120715

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>> No.11120722


>u said that and only you said that and since you said that you're a fuck
I can't imagine how embarrassing you are to speak to

>> No.11120724

The rectal rooter express keeps chugging along. Toot toot, ladies.

>> No.11120728

I don't, his last few movies have been trash.

>> No.11120729

Ayy, I originally made that post earlier today. Guess I triggered some /pol/tards with my opinion? Bahahahaha

>> No.11120732

>highest price for food
yes im pretty sure 3 dollar fastfood burger is more expensive than your $30 soy infused lactose free tofu burger

>> No.11120746

nice false equivalency

>> No.11120749
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stick to the point

>> No.11120751

I'm (almost) a vegetarian but killing animals does not really bother me. I became a vegetarian because meat was unusually expensive at my local store for a while and then I really never went back. Still eat fish 2-3 times a year, there's some traditional shit I'd rather not miss.

>> No.11120755

Thanks for announcing that you aren't a vegetarian, I guess.

>> No.11120757

I felt like informing OP that there's not always some ethical crusade and high horses involved in eating grass.

>> No.11120760

>there's not always some ethical crusade and high horses
Nobody implied there was, but thanks anyways?

>> No.11120763

Someone kinda did, but sure.

>> No.11120769

>Someone kinda did
You're free to infer any amount of bullshit you want, don't let me stop you, but nobody implied anything of the sort.

>> No.11120804 [DELETED] 

Stop being pedantic nigger, Reddit.

>> No.11120885

>Kevin Smith
The guy literally just ate potatoes for a month. He talked about his retarded diet on Joe Rogan.

>> No.11121128


I swear /ck/ is the biggest boomer board

>> No.11121132

I'm an omnivore too but I find that vegans who only do it for ethical reasons are usually tolerable. It's hard to argue with them that less killing is a good thing. It's the ones who try to say it's healthier that are usually a bit more fanatical and obnoxious. I really hope that lab-grown meat just gets into stores soon so that it's no longer an issue though.

>> No.11121134

I think the manchild outfit makes his legs look shorter.
Good for him losing that weight. Shame it took a fucking heart attack to make him do it.

>> No.11121139

He obviously has an eating disorder. He was drinking 2 gallons of milk a day before he had his heart attack. That's not a problem with milk itself but getting almost 5k calories a day from it when you're average in size and sedentary.

>> No.11121145

I thought that was Penn Jillette.
Are all the fat bearded assholes on the potato diet now?
Also, did Joe cooking him a plate of his signature eggs to celebrate?

>> No.11121296

I assume he drank soda exclusively before and then tried to switch to milk when he kicked soda.

It's very hard to go back to plain old water after a lifetime on soda.

>> No.11121316

That's how people used to dress back when he was relevant

>> No.11121332

If you can maintain discipline on potatoes there is nothing really wrong with that. A fat fuck has enough nutrients stored for a couple months of unbalanced dieting.

He seems to be on a plant based diet now, presumably whole food plant based. Evidence is pretty good that that works well for fat fucks who fucked up their arteries.

>> No.11121341

Modern agriculture destroys the environment just as much, if not more than meat production.
If you actually cared about the world, you would cut yourself off from technology and modern civilization. If you can't do that, then you're no better than the people who you (falsely) think you are morally superior to.

>> No.11121505

>Modern agriculture destroys the environment just as much, if not more than meat production.
Scrap fed pigs and poultry and poor land grazed beef is a tiny percentage of meat production. Most meat is fed by modern agriculture.
>If you actually cared about the world, you would cut yourself off from technology and modern civilization
Vegan activism make more sense than this. There are two sane reasons for conservation, religion and your future kin.

Either way if you really felt the need to actively save the environment, the only way to do so is with force. Being a hermit is nothing but cowardice.

>> No.11121804

>outfit makes his legs look shorter
look at the hinges and knob on the door
that is either a huge fuckin door or hes 4'

>> No.11121824

>if you separate the bottles from the paper before taking out the trash you are a smug preachy hypocrite and should commit suicide
babby's first attempts to wrestle with morality

>> No.11121830

1) Overpopulation of an animal, sometimes an animal can enter an ecosystem by accident, sometimes by humans traveling around or by some other means. Or an animal becomes too much of a problem for the ecosystem for any other variety of reasons, for example in my hometown the local government would pay $100 for each Coyote that you killed, as they were killing all the other animals and becoming a huge problem. Another example is feral pigs in the United States where overpopulation can cause some of the same problems, pigs have very good noses and can smell newborn fawns and hunt them too effectively. In the case of protecting ecosystems, and thereby other animals, would it be okay to kill these animals?

2) An argument I've rarely seen is the economic effect. For example if North America became more vegan, and stopped selling animal products domestically or exporting them, would that in turn create a higher demand for these products from places such as China, India, Brazil?

Animal rights in these places are either non-existent or much worse compared to anywhere in North America. A place like China for example will probably never turn vegan as the government controls the industry and protests/gatherings/demonstrations are illegal.

Would veganism give an economic advantage to countries, including those that are interested in destroying our western way of life, an economic advantage and in the long run actually hurt more animals globally? For example would a country like Japan import more beef from China instead of the United States if American production decreased?

>> No.11121835

Yep, you're right. Kevin Smith is 4'. Everyone pack it up and go home. This guy has it all figured out.

>> No.11121842

doesn't even look like him

>> No.11122241
File: 334 KB, 1434x1136, Brassica_oleracea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a fat, glutenous fuck starves himself by eating mostly indigestible stuff.

He also just could have stopped eating or eat paper. Same result.

Fact: if he eats ONLY plants and NO SUPPLEMENTS, he will die of malnourishment.

Fact: if he eat ONLY meat and NO SUPPLEMENTS, he will be just fine, like so many indigenous people are still today and many "civilized" people start to realize.

Also fact: all the "natural" plants you eat are species that are between 12000 and 500 years old and were inedible before that. All animals we're eating are either wild game or domesticated from wild animals that were just as edible as the domesticated species.

Pic related: the ancestor of broccoli. Dig in, I though you like "natural" food. I'm going to eat the bad and unhealthy and totally unnatural meat.

>> No.11122286

Learn some American history, brainlet. Trump isn't even top 10.

>> No.11122347
File: 259 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2018-08-27-13-36-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well be

>> No.11122352

Kevin Smith is totally a hack. His old "classics" are unfunny and Tusk is just gross.

>> No.11122371

>for ethical reasons
So you're a pretentious faggot.

Got it.

>> No.11122375

>thinks people don't know 4chan is infected with cancer

>> No.11122377

clerks is a classic study in loser manchildren though.

>> No.11122379


It's the only true ethical choice.

>> No.11122400

>come from family with heart problems
>father drops dead of heart attack in his 50's
>be a fat piece of shit that doesn't exercise and eats trash
>have a heart attack in your 40's that almost kills you

What a fucking moron.

The time to take action is when you can't fit into those size 32 waisted pants anymore, not when you're a fucking 68 and have a heart attack.

>> No.11122411

Can I ask how that post was political and what boogieman was being referenced? It seems that post was just poking fun. So are you being serious or are you just shitposting at shitposting?

>loving the fattest, unhealthiest president ever
I've used /pol/ semi regularly for a long time and I have ever seen anyone even obliquely refrence Taft even once besides myself there.

If you seriously think Trump is the fattest, unhealthiest president ever, fucking off yourself you historically ignorant piece of shit.

>> No.11122453
File: 593 KB, 1273x1600, b1d218b89c4ed5bae56bafabb259fb5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's definitely the fattest we've had since this.

>> No.11122454

Sorry for blog. I'm a pescatarian, it never came from trying to be an ethical person, it's more a result from my inability to lie. I grew up on a farm and saw how adorable the food animals can be. No way I can consciously kill any of them. Only way I can eat meat is to do the emotional equivalent of sticking my fingers in my ears and going ''LALALALA'', and I'd rather do without that cognitive dissonance. So it's more me sorting out my retarded complexes rather than being a moralfag. I always recommend against meat free diets considering the hoops you gotta jump through for health, and cheese free diets is just outright high treason in my country.

>> No.11122518

>the admins
No one gives a shit about any admins but mooty-kun. This isn't reddit where you call out the admins and they give their expert holy opinion like they aren't just regular joe dumb faggots. On an anonymous imageboard it doesn't matter who you are it matters what you say.


>> No.11122601

Let me check for funzies...
William Howard Taft, 5'11" 340lbs BMI 47.4
Woodrow Wilson, 5'11" 170lbs BMI 23.7
Warren G. Harding, 6'0" 173lbs BMI 23.5
Calvin Coolidge, 5'10" 148lbs BMI 20.6
Herbert Hoover, 5'11" 187lbs BMI 26.1
Franklin Roosevelt, 6'2" 188lbs BMI 24.1
Harry Truman, 5'9" 167lbs BMI 24.7
Dwight Eisenhower, 5'11" 171lbs BMI 23.8
John F Kennedy, 6'0" 173lbs BMI 23.5
Lyndon Johnson, 6'3" 200lbs BMI 25.0
President Richard Nixon, 6'0" 175lbs BMI 23.7
Gerald Ford, 6'0" 190lbs BMI 25.8
Jimmy Carter, 5'10" 160lbs BMI 23.0
Ronald Reagan, 6'1" 185lbs BMI 24.4
George H Bush, 6'2" 196lbs BMI 25.2
Bill Clinton, 6'3" 223lbs BMI 27.9
George W Bush, 6'0" BMI 25.9
Barack Obama, 6'1" BMI 23.7
Donald Trump, 6'3" 239lbs BMI 29.9

Checks out, Trump squeaks past Clinton by 2 points on the BMI chart, so ignoring build (which might or might not mean that Trump has a higher/lower body fat composition to Clinton and I can't be fucking asked to even attempt to calculate that right now) Trump is the biggest boy since the biggest boy.

>> No.11122627

He can climb stairs without two SS agents holding him, though.

>> No.11122647

Actually I think Bill lost a lot of weight after the presidency and is arguably in much better shape now than he was in office. It's just Hillary that has problems, and a lot of that was probably to do with the stress of campaigning (not to excuse the issues because the stress of campaigning is probably comparable to the stress of the job)

I don't know for sure though. Have there been any credible reports about his health since the campaign where he looked like a fucking microwaved zombie?

>> No.11122658
File: 610 KB, 480x270, 5B2E8F25-AC39-44A8-A8E2-CD1971F50821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soyboy thinks he can give a lecture on a FUNPOSTING website
Get a load of this guy, guys! Yikes!!!

>> No.11122663

Yes, I was referring to Hillary.
You do know she was the alternative to Trump, right? You lefties aren't so far gone you thought you were voting for Bill again?

>> No.11122665

I legit voted Trump you silly head. I'm just making conversation.

It's something people do on image boards.

>> No.11122877

>can't even use the word like anymore without being called soy
What the fuck is with you faggots trying to severely limit what anyone can say on this site as some sort if pathetic gotcha attempt?

>> No.11122897

Imposing restrictions on yourself that make your life objectively worse and accomplish absolutely nothing isn’t admirable, it’s stupid.

>> No.11122901
File: 90 KB, 720x173, Capture+_2018-08-23-23-24-04~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans kill more animals than carnivores
Billions of bugs and rodents are killed by their pesticides.
Clearing land to grow crops kills everything in the soil and what once lived there as part of its habitat..

>> No.11122904

Wtf do you think cows eat?

>> No.11122943

68% percent of the crops grown in the US is fed to livestock.

>> No.11122986

>in AWE at the size of this lad
>absolute UNIT

>> No.11122993

Grassland for grazing is also sprayed with herbicide here in commie Europe. We don't have your amount of range grazing.

>> No.11123087

Really, europe is cucked by big agri/chemical as much as the US? I doubt it.

>> No.11123132

Eat pastured beef morons
Raise your own goats and chickens

>> No.11123149

Industrial ag is everywhere, anon.

That said, the laws for "organic" produce are stricter in the EU than the US though.

>> No.11123405

>Either way if you really felt the need to actively save the environment, the only way to do so is with force. Being a hermit is nothing but cowardice.

The only think I can make out of this is that you think vegans are feared worldwide for their spree killings, regularly go on crusades and have the meat jew on their knees waiting to be given the final blow.

But hey, newsflash vegans are just effeminate cucks that do literally nothing BY FORCE and have never made anyone stop eating meat BY FORCE, you stupid sack of shit. Do you even know what FORCE means?

>Being a hermit is nothing but cowardice.
If taking your life into your hands for once and putting in actual hardwork to feed yourself and your family is cowardice.

Then what would it be to be a vegan citycuck renter sitting your ass inside your car fume infested apartment drinking copious amounts of soy-based drinks while thinking you are actually actively changing the world by making vegan threads on /ck/?

You should relearn what "force" and "cowardice" mean, english is not that hard.

>> No.11123431

>But hey, newsflash vegans are just effeminate cucks that do literally nothing BY FORCE

Yes, anon. That's the fucking point of the statement.

>If taking your life into your hands for once and putting in actual hardwork to feed yourself and your family is cowardice.
You're missing the point.

Claiming to do something to save the enviornment but limiting that change to yourself only is cowardice. Why stop with yourself? Go beyond.

>> No.11123458
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when will they learn

>> No.11123473

Trump is not 6'3"

>> No.11123484

If you go off the grid and succeed in creating a sustainable lifestyle you set example and others can learn and be inspired by you.

Being a literal soymunching, deadsperm, effeminate biological failure and screaming about it in the internet, if anything will put people off on being vegan.

>Claiming to do something to save the enviornment but limiting that change to yourself only is cowardice.

Except you don't own the enviroment and whenever you set foot on another man's business or property you are getting a trip to jail or a bullet to the head. So you delude yourself into thinking crying in the internet about muh poor animulz is an heroic act of bravery.

>Why stop with yourself? Go beyond.
I hope you are 24/7 in the third world trying to improve the lives of everyone with your current knowledge or you're a coward. See where this reasoning goes?

tl;dr: big words for a soyboy

>> No.11123489

you are on 4chan and you attach "-jew" as a suffix to random words. For all intents and purposes you are also /pol/

>> No.11123505
File: 23 KB, 590x473, 17E7A4FB-98A0-4B57-B4B4-1417EACBD24F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans are smarter than carniecucks

>> No.11123507

I don't disagree with you, anon. In fact I agree 100%. I was just pointing out how you were misunderstanding the other dude's post. He was putting down the take-no-action vegans just like you and I are.

IMHO the most enviornmentally friendly diet is a locally sourced one, based on traditional farming principles. I.e. you eat mostly crops supplemented by small amounts of meat, all raised as nearby as possible. The idea is to use the farm waste for the veggies, and vice-versa. That reduces transportation and storage costs, as well as the dependency on industrial fertilizers, etc. I own land, I grow veggies, and I raise chickens currently. I teach workshops on cooking, gardening, and hunting. Hopefully more people will do the same.

>> No.11123519

then why haven't they calculated that bacon is awesome?

>> No.11123520

I misunderstood then. I agree with what you say.

>> No.11123529

3209 could whoop the shit out of those weird ass vegan kids.

I can't wait till my daughters old enough to hunt.

>> No.11123545

Based, we're doing the same. Wish I could afford more land for staples like flour.

>> No.11123597 [DELETED] 

>IQ isn't real when talking about race
>but it is real when it benefit us soy conneiseurs

>> No.11123625

Wrong board, cuckboy

>> No.11123822

His listed height would disagree with you there. He is listed at 6'3" and certianly was 6'3" at his prime. Whether or not he's still 6'3" now at 70 is debatable, but at the very least numerous sources can confirm that he still taller than 6'1"

So depending on how he's doing in terms of his spinal alignment and such he's might have shrunk down to 6'2" but we know that he's still in the 6'2"-6'3" range.

>> No.11123999

>childhood IQ

>> No.11124196

>iq changes based on age
Anon I....

>> No.11124210

IQ's for diffrent age groups are normally calculated based on the normal distribution of those age groups. That said, 100 IQ for a kid is not 100 IQ for an adult, because compared to adults kids generally aren't as smart as a rule.

Do you not know how this shit works?

>> No.11124212

>refuses to release medical reports which could confirm height and weight
>says he's 6'3", just like he says he dindu nuffin'
If he's 6'3", then he never paid off them women with campaign funds either.

>> No.11124221

Why the fuck would he bother with releasing that shit when he knows first hand that releasing documents doesn't stop people from spouting random bullshit?

>> No.11124226



>> No.11124233

You literally just proved you don't know what IQ is measuring or how IQ is measured. Were you homeschooled by evangelicals, billy bob?

>> No.11124241

Shit isn't hard my dude.

>> No.11124253 [DELETED] 

I'm sure you're aware one of the strongest indicators of paranoid schizophrenia is a persecution complex, right?

>> No.11124281

>He won't release documents to people when he himself has disregarded documents people have released because he's schizo
This isn't /ck/ and you're being silly so I'm gonna change gears and jump thread before I earn a ban somehow.

>> No.11124902
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>> No.11125321

Good on him. He was a fatass.

>> No.11125330

But now he's going to have to wear a fat suit to play Silent Bob. He didn't think this through.

>> No.11125794

fucking retards

>> No.11125871

He's still fat.

>> No.11125917

>>loving the fattest, unhealthiest president ever

Oh look, the uninformed, "news"-obsessed left strikes again, filling the world with yet more ignorance and hate. Where did you hear that Trump was the fattest?

>> No.11126054

Unless you lift you go vegan desu, if you aren't creating a demand for protein in your body you don't deserve to consume it

>> No.11126167

Read the thread you fuckwit! An anon ran the numbers and he's the fattest since Taft.