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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 845 KB, 1056x1004, E099E64E-DF71-4609-8ADC-209FBDF293C1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11119499 No.11119499[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be vegan
>be happier, healthier, and ethically superior to you in every way

Feels good

>> No.11119511

For every animal you don't eat, I will eat two. I will stop if you renounce veganism and take up an all-meat diet. The choice is yours, and refusal to comply will be your choice. The blood of those extra animals is on your hands.

>> No.11119516

get help for your eating disorder.

>> No.11119517
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>> No.11119523
File: 504 KB, 2100x2100, 4EA908B8-2DC0-4333-8F1F-3D962A9CB6A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My eating disorder makes me a better all around human being than you

Your eating order makes you a fat edgy slob

>> No.11119528

For that little outburst I'm doubling my meat intake. You did this.

>> No.11119532

why not just have slants do the work for you on a visa like all the other farmers?
it's agri-BUSINESS not agri-CULTURE, country shouldn't have to foot their bill

>> No.11119541

Actually, as a vegan, wouldn't you have to die, since antivenom is an animal product?

>> No.11119542

I am not fat though, and you are delusional.

>> No.11119545

>y-you rejected me!!! im not gonna have sex now!!

Incel logic

>> No.11119548

You're murdering quite a few animals with this thread. Hope you're happy with what you've done.

>> No.11119549
File: 56 KB, 284x529, 6A51E7DA-1C4E-49BC-BB76-9D4E87EC78AB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am not fat though

>> No.11119552

i bet you'll be very healthy when i fucking pwnz0r you epic style with a baseball bat irl kid

>> No.11119554

Youre a fat little bitch with no self control or free will, everything you do is a result of someone doing something else, eat up little piggy, oink oink!!

>> No.11119556

>Using incel as an insult
Thats just sad anon enjoy your protein deficiency

>> No.11119557

Do it for me as well. Now you're up to ×3
Make mine all raw pork.

>> No.11119560

I'm with that other anon. I'm going to make a cheeseburger now just to spite you. You know what, let's make it a double cheeseburger.

>> No.11119562

I'm taking up an all-veal diet because of these comments.

>> No.11119563
File: 80 KB, 600x600, 67C19011-45CF-4AE3-B258-CC3BFA6405E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>protein deficiency
Not everyone lives in a 3rd world slum like Ohio, anon

>> No.11119567
File: 54 KB, 1080x810, burg3r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>antivenom is an animal product
OP veganfag BTFO! Hahaha...

>> No.11119569

>be me
>don't suck dicks
>eat tasty meat

Feels good

>> No.11119571

you better not!
don't do that!!!

>> No.11119574
File: 141 KB, 750x841, B5E8792E-E258-4BBC-8044-DE13CA7A6AE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he insuwted my feee feees better poison myself!!!

>> No.11119576

this. kys OP

>> No.11119577
File: 55 KB, 640x640, 1534852947260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be shitposter
>be gayer, more retarded, and more pathetic than you in every way

P.S: kill yourself

>> No.11119579

>Vegans like The Office
Color me surprised. I gave that shitshow a shot and gave up midway through. Michael Scott is the most annoying main character I've seen in a long while.

>> No.11119581

you realize you need to eat like 300 grams of broccoli for 100 calories

>> No.11119584

>groan while deepthroating another sopping piece of meat

Sure anon

>> No.11119591

I hear a lot of whining but all I can think is how good these dead animals taste. You're lucky cannibalism is illegal or I'd eat you too.

>> No.11119592

With every character you just typed, I ate another pound of whale meat.

>> No.11119602
File: 67 KB, 648x484, FE411240-1598-4B24-A169-815955A4AC73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this seriously the best carniecucks can do? Thank god summer’s almost over and the redditors can go

>> No.11119606
File: 117 KB, 850x1202, B9CAA22D-D8D4-4835-BCC4-19FD0818130F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat carnies scared of eating anything that isn’t dino shaped

>> No.11119609

I've just consumed the last Amur Leopard in the world because of what you called me.

>> No.11119611
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>> No.11119618

You know, I've also got bacon. I should have some of that too.

>> No.11119621

the vegan logic here is astounding. Absolutely shocking.

>> No.11119623

I've placed a call to my butcher, he's parceling out a panda bear for me right now.

>> No.11119629

>be me
>believes images on 4chan
>28 y.o. HS graduate
i love that image.

>> No.11119646

doubling your portions for every meal will definitely lead to an early death so there's still a net gain for animal welfare over both people pursuing diets that include meat. you're dumb

>> No.11119655

Holy f*ck!

Epic response vegans btfo!!!

>> No.11119657

If Keith Richards can last this long so can I.

>> No.11119664
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>> No.11119669

You know, I'm actually glad you're here Mr. Vegancuck. Your obvious seething rage really brightened up my day.

>> No.11119672

hahaha yes happy thoughts happy thoughts just eat the meat happy thoughts

>> No.11119678

just for THAT one I'm getting a happy meal...
wait, make it two! :)

>> No.11119677

I've just ordered a necromancy kit online, and will be turning myself into a lich later this week. I will live forever and I will consume meat all the while. Are you proud of what you've done? I will infinitely consume meat because you just had to post this thread.

>> No.11119683
File: 403 KB, 2500x1667, Bacon cheeseburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look, I eat my veggies too. :)

>> No.11119697

How do i upvote these? /r/bacon FTW

>> No.11119703

Some (you)'s since you based gentlemen were robbed.

>> No.11119715
File: 86 KB, 550x309, E4AFD26D-01F2-4F5B-AACE-8C993D1F25A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegans aint got good f-

>> No.11119735
File: 306 KB, 970x664, CarnistFeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carnist ait got good f-

>> No.11119771

>eat 3 pounds of nuts each day to get your full serving of (incomplete) proteins fellow vegans!!!
>what's that, nuts require an assload of water to grow? don't think about that! We're saving animals and nature!!

>> No.11119789

Friendly reminder that red meat is essential to the development of the brain. Vegans have literal brain damage, which probably explains why they're liberal.

>> No.11119797

funny how vegans always eat stuff that LOOKS like meat, dairy, etc. It's almost as if their brains subconsciously desire meat because they are malnourished

>> No.11119811
File: 365 KB, 999x993, 2058D827-A18C-4B8E-A315-7A87FD225499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh incomplete proteins
Eat some rice and beans, fatty

>muh water

Essential to the development of a retarded brain like yours, no thankies

>> No.11119820

So what part of animal looks like a patty?

>> No.11119831

How are your B12 levels looking?

>> No.11119857

>Using two different sources with different methodology to make your infographic

>> No.11119864

i literally raise chickens and can promise you that they consume nowhere near 50gals per egg.
a chicken eats a few oz of grain and probably an oz or 2 of insects and seeds. Of course, being vegan, you have no actual experience with animal husbandry so you wouldn't know.
>vegan cheese (?) all over
>little fried balls obviously intended to look like and replicate meat
>bean patties or some shit that's supposed to look like meat
i mean it's a fucking hamburger. they have a beef batty inside. don't even try to insinuate that vegans don't spend their day eating meat, dairy and egg lookalikes.

>> No.11119865

That probably sounded clever in your head

>> No.11119870

>little fried balls
Flyover has never heard of falafel, probably cant count either

>patties are exclusive to meat and meat only

Why dont you just admit your meat fetish is actually just repressed cocklust?

>> No.11119886
File: 491 KB, 1600x1200, 694C7D30-FCA0-4527-BD53-C990C0934FC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah look at these meat and dairy lookalikes!!!

>> No.11119897

Vegan wars are /ck/'s console wars threads

>> No.11119903

and you probably haven't heard of Pinnekjott, so you must be a shitskin.
You didn't address anything I said, tardo. Try to explain the fact that you vegans try to imitate meat, dairy and eggs

>> No.11119905

Disagree. There are actual fanboys on /v/ who drink the koolaid and believe the shitposts they shitpost. I don't believe there's a single actual vegan on /ck/ that legitimately participates in these trollfest threads.

>> No.11119908

vegans need to step up to my level, i only eat paper.

>> No.11119911
File: 1.05 MB, 1150x720, 2225F870-85CD-45C9-8BE8-34107D083B0D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ha this thing can only mimic meat!!

>well actually..


>> No.11119914

explain tofu prepared like meat, bean patties, using mushrooms instead of meat, soy milk, almond milk, "vegan eggs", "vegan mayo", "vegan cheese", etc etc
your head is so far up your own ass that you have to use incredibly twisted and intentionally misled arguments

>> No.11119915
File: 429 KB, 1440x814, this is epic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.11119917

>expecting liberals to actually provide counter-arguments instead of just flinging insults around
You need to actually have a point to argue.

>> No.11119923

not a single counterargument, but it looks like I've struck a vein

the posts are too convincingly retarded. I think it's an actual vegan.

>> No.11119928

Cool story.

>> No.11120071

>be OP
>be fag
>be sucking cock literally 24/7

>> No.11120205

so instead of supporting them by buying their product you give them NO money at all? shame on you vegans

>> No.11120220

Dont forget about all the animal shit that goes into the fertilizer for all these fucking faggots vegetables they eat. God I fucking hate vegans

>> No.11120241

And then the farmers run out of money and need to slaughter half of all the animals they own. God job vegans you did it killed animals that would have lived for many more years

>> No.11120255

>ben Shapiro anally eviscerates vegan with logic tsar bomba

>> No.11120320

Thanks for reposting my post anon. You did it better. :)

>> No.11120324
File: 15 KB, 320x240, 1533874553132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be carnist
>Eat hundreds of pounds of fresh, raw meat each day
>Gain the power of the cows, chicken, and fish i consume
>Can now swim 40mph, fly short distances, and trample people to death easily

>> No.11120329
File: 40 KB, 544x491, EE920D02-D837-47CA-B9A9-A8AB201AB596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this niggers reading

>> No.11120700


>> No.11120718

No one think your food is weird its just fucking unhealthy

>> No.11120761

Yeah sure, let me just eat 4 pounds of broccoli a day.

>> No.11120768

But why are you spending time on 4chan?

>> No.11120780

I doubt that you are happier or ethically superior because you choose to let already prepared meat go to waste.

>> No.11120839

good, I want you to destroy an industry burgeoned to try to accommodate you
we'll have better quality once you're long gone

>> No.11120862
File: 3.72 MB, 2300x3485, Nike_of_Samothrake_Louvre_Ma2369_n4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be vegan
>hate meat industry for ethics
2 + 2 champ ok lets go
>fuckin fuck everyone
>abandon animals biologically dependant on us
>mass deaths with no harvesting? disease, famine, food shortages
>mass deaths with harvesting? you're a fucking hyprocrit

Here we see the cosmic egg hatch that is the vegan, which did certainly come first, above all others.
Shill your so called empathy but you're as snivelling as the industrialists who rode down the mountain that was a fine industry. Get out and never return vegan shill.

>> No.11120875
File: 114 KB, 722x1010, transitgovegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veganism means less niggers starve. In an already overpopulated world I cannot condone a diet that allows niggers to not starve to death.

>> No.11120879

broccoli tastes like shit and leaves me hungry.

>> No.11120881
File: 85 KB, 600x400, 113208-004-A333C69B[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save the world, eat meat.

>> No.11120882

-ood, seriously that looks like garbage that only pretentious hipsters eat to appear intelligent.

>> No.11120883

starving people shouldn't eat meat, they should eat more grains and vegetables to get the necessary nutrients.

>> No.11120899

No they shouldn't they should starve to death, unless you want the world population to soar to 11B, the vast majority of whom will be r-select subhumans that will flood the civilised world looking for gibs.

>> No.11120984

so you're telling me you'll slowly kill yourself because I'm vegan. Rent-free, if I may say so.

>> No.11121006

The fault in your assumption is that for every animal you don't eat, there won't be multiple meat eaters increasing their meat consumption to spite you. You are outnumbered, vegan.

>> No.11121009

So more people slowly killing themselves, because I'm vegan? Again, rent-free.

This is the natural selection of the 21st century, like it or not.

>> No.11121016

1) Overpopulation of an animal, sometimes an animal can enter an ecosystem by accident, sometimes by humans traveling around or by some other means. Or an animal becomes too much of a problem for the ecosystem for any other variety of reasons, for example in my hometown the local government would pay $100 for each Coyote that you killed, as they were killing all the other animals and becoming a huge problem. Another example is feral pigs in the United States where overpopulation can cause some of the same problems, pigs have very good noses and can smell newborn fawns and hunt them too effectively. In the case of protecting ecosystems, and thereby other animals, would it be okay to kill these animals?

2) An argument I've rarely seen is the economic effect. For example if North America became more vegan, and stopped selling animal products domestically or exporting them, would that in turn create a higher demand for these products from places such as China, India, Brazil?

Animal rights in these places are either non-existent or much worse compared to anywhere in North America. A place like China for example will probably never turn vegan as the government controls the industry and protests/gatherings/demonstrations are illegal.

Would veganism give an economic advantage to countries, including those that are interested in destroying our western way of life, an economic advantage and in the long run actually hurt more animals globally? For example would a country like Japan import more beef from China instead of the United States if American production decreased?

>> No.11121023

1) nothing to do with veganism
2) Japan would likely follow US' lead and become vegan

>> No.11121049


If you could kill the animals, then you could eat them. If you could eat them, you could sell them. How does this have nothing to do with veganism?

>> No.11121051

farmers have to buy new seeds every year

>> No.11121114

You're just pretending to be a vegan to shitpost on an Himalayan tapestry sewing image board to get some (You)s. You're an oxygen thief.

>> No.11121153

>little fried balls obviously intended to look like and replicate meat
I think they're intended to look like and be Falafels.
>i mean it's a fucking hamburger. they have a beef batty inside
I've made them with 50% pork chuck too ... if I desire a hamburger I'll do it with the ingredients available to me.

When my leg stops being busted I'm going to make Saltimbocca ... with pork instead of veal.
I don't see what's wrong about replicating dishes with different ingredients, even vegan ingredients. I do not desire the ingredients, I desire the flavours and textures. Sometimes I'll compromise for reasons of animal cruelty even, I'll skip the foie gras. If with some work in the kitchen you can imitate something like it with chicken liver pate I don't mind eating that though.

>> No.11121162

Broccoli tastes good if you prepare it properly but it's not a substitute for beef. Broccoli has like only 20% of the protein of beef if you go by weight.