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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11113798 No.11113798 [Reply] [Original]

So without getting all wackadoo, what exactly do these symbols mean?

>> No.11113807

has to do with what year theeds madro was posted. its common to see a U for all of 2000 - 2019 but occasionally there are Ns and Hs

>> No.11113813

It means that U are paying a kosher tax to Rabbis to bless this product for the chosenites.

Good goy.

>> No.11113817

certified kosher by the Orthodox Union
pareve means it's not considered to be meat or milk
just kill yourself

>> No.11113827

>pareve means it's not considered to be meat or milk
What sort of retarded nonsense is that?

>> No.11113828

>kosher for passover
>net weight

>> No.11113839

This. we're all collectively paying into a multi billion dollar industry to have rabbis do some voodoo dance over our food, water, and even common household items like cleaners and tissue paper for less than .1% of the US population that actually gives a shit.

>> No.11113878

old kike law dictates meat and dairy to not be mixed together. prolly has something to do with that.

>> No.11113901


>No cheeseburgers

it's like not even living at all

>> No.11113915

>wiping your arse with non-kosher TP
Enjoy going straight to Jewish Hell, unclean swine.
(Yes, I know. It's a joke)

>> No.11113932

U (no P) - kosher, but not kosher enough for passover, or so kosher that it doesn't need to be stated that it's kosher for passover.

Pareve - no milk or dairy, can be consumed with either, but not both at the same time, unless you're not Jewish, then go ahead.

Net Wt. - the net weight: the weight of the contents of the container, possibly estimated.

12 oz - twelve ounces

(340g) - twelve ounces for the rest of the world.

>> No.11113934

they make up for it by having their dicks cut off though

>> No.11113937

Is this true?
Can the Jews not eat cheeseburgers?

>> No.11113949

there are a few verses in the old testament that forbid cooking a young animal in its mother's milk.
this has been recast as a general prohibition against eating meat and dairy together.
some of it is nonsensical: chicken is considered 'meat' despite the fact that chickens don't make milk.

>> No.11113959
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What's all this about Jews and milk?

>> No.11113962

I find it a bit strange that most of these rules were meant to either make sure that there was food/food for the food (milk and veal), or that the people eating didn't die (shellfish, pork, back half of the cow).

Poultry is rife with salmonella. Pork-borne diseases are pretty much a joke these days, and no self-respecting butcher has fucked up cutting apart cattle in the past few hundred years... Undercooked chicken can still make you shit yourself to death, but it's perfectly kosher as long as it's bled properly.

>> No.11113968


I'd get all kosher with that.

>> No.11113972

This guy gets it.

I kinda wonder if their god wasn't concerned about their arteries, cooking red meat in dairy. Anyways the rule really makes no damned sense these days, and even the Jews I knew would eat cheese on a cajun chicken sandwhich.

>> No.11113996


Yep. It's why Jewish deli sandwiches like the Reuben traditionally don't have cheese on them. Hell, that's basically why the Jewish deli as an institution exists.

On the other hand, I don't even think all Jews who claim to be practicing eat kosher. And honestly, the only time I'm really concerned with seeing the kosher symbol is on meat products, because that means they slit the animal's throat while it was still conscious instead of just putting a bolt through its head like a non-savage.

>> No.11114012

If you've had truly kosher or halal meat you'd probably know it. It's tough as fuck. Probably because of the horrible practice. I've had to serve it a lot and it's just inferior beef.

>> No.11114674
File: 112 KB, 602x268, main-qimg-2a53ed0c3f1a70bec51d1295b6903386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are not of the lactose tolerant master race.