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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11110126 No.11110126 [Reply] [Original]

>destroys your gut bacteria

>> No.11110171
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I just drank a cup of coffee. How long do I have left /ck/?

>> No.11110180
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Do it continually for a year and your gut bacteria is bye bye

>> No.11110249

I ferment my own sauerkraut to counteract this

>> No.11110265

I drink like 3 cups of black coffee all day and then only have dinner

>> No.11110275

Any sauce on that? Curious since the year I had constant constipation is the year I tried to fit in with normies at internship, drinking coffee every day with normies.

>> No.11110282

Based one meal a day poster

>> No.11110292

Never heard this before in my life

>> No.11110332

>sharts the sleep out

>> No.11110364

must not be true, then.

>> No.11110604

Why though?

>> No.11110616


>> No.11110622

what happens once your gut bacteria is destroyed?
I've been drinking 6 cups a day

>> No.11110658

Drink Kombucha once a day and you'll be fine. It's a probiotic drink. I'd recommend getting a sparkling one.

Six cups a day is a lot though. You should try to cut back on how much you're drinking.

I've found a way to wake up in the morning (for me) is to do 40 pushups after I wake up. It will wake you up for the morning you'll probably still need to drink coffee later since I doubt anyone can get away with doing 40 push ups in the middle of work.

>> No.11110680

It’s literally some awful meme by carnivore memeshitters that plants destroy your gut bacteria

>> No.11110709

Good for some beneficial bacteria, neutral to the biome as a whole
PMID 19217682

>> No.11110716

Didnt know coffee did this. No wonder after i took coffee out my diet my digestion improved 10 fold.

>> No.11110718

It doesn’t, youre just retarded

>> No.11110724

I feel better AND I'm retarded

>> No.11110928

This is old news, its also why its pushed so hard.

>> No.11110950

If your gut bacteria is that fragile then it isn't worth keeping.

>> No.11110961

>after i took coffee out my diet my digestion improved 10 fold.
Much more likely is you're noticing the difference between regularly ingesting a stimulant vs. not ingesting a stimulant. Coffee stimulates the bowels which can give you diarrhea.

>> No.11112296

Destroyed gut bacteria is the reason why westerners are so sick now, its vital to good health

>> No.11112376

I've drank like 7 cups daily for about a decade... is there any hope for my tummy bact's?

>> No.11112436

>I've found a way to wake up in the morning (for me) is to do 40 pushups after I wake up.

Do you not see the logical issue here.

>> No.11112449

taking a nice coffee-assisted dump is the only reason I have to get out of bed some mornings.

>> No.11112891

You become a depressed malnourished faggot like everybody else.
Reminder 90% of serotonin is produced in the gut
Kombucha is bs made from tea which contains heavy metals and fluoride.
Eat high meat. Look up how to make it.

>> No.11112897

I have two to 3 coffees a week. Am I going to die?

>> No.11112901

but I was a depressed malnourished faggot BEFORE I started drinking coffee.

>> No.11112947
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*gives you existential depression*

>> No.11112949

Because your gut bacteria are still fucked from your shit cooked plant based diet

>> No.11112970

I don't think plant based diet exists in my family. The closest is no beef/pork/chicken but will eat fish.

>> No.11112981

I highly doubt the majority of your diet is meat. And even if so its still cooked. The average american diet is 70% plant based

>> No.11113000

I do 100 pushups throughout the day at work, normally 25 each time i get a cup of coffee or a glass of water

>> No.11113788

based and red pilled

>> No.11113799

coffee has the opposite effect

>> No.11113801

awesome. i don't want any fucking germs squatting in my gut

>> No.11113837
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>cleans your teeth

>> No.11114669

It's retroactive

>> No.11115836

Me second to the left

>> No.11115860

Jokes on you when the nice man stuck a camera up my ass to look for cancer he said everything was totally fine.

>> No.11116226

Redhead is wife material

>> No.11116234


>> No.11116243
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>> No.11116274

>You become a depressed malnourished faggot like everybody else.
>Reminder 90% of serotonin is produced in the gut
>Still buying into the chemical imbalance theory of depression
>To our knowledge, there is not a single peer-reviewed article that can be accurately cited to directly support claims of serotonin deficiency in any mental disorder, while there are many articles that present counterevidence. Furthermore, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is published by the American Psychiatric Association and contains the definitions of all psychiatric diagnoses, does not list serotonin as a cause of any mental disorder.

>> No.11116277

[citation needed]
simple search comes up with this as first result:

daily reminder 4chan is filled with disinfo bs and shills who get paid pennies to try to "meme" shit from the "grassroots".

>> No.11116625


>> No.11116634

you can never taste it for the first time again

>> No.11116700

guess you need a shit transplant

>> No.11117064

explain further

>> No.11117174

>drink coffee every day and still spend days without shitting.
I wish this meme was accurate so i could actually be able to shit properly.

>> No.11117179

nigga I'm Texan

>> No.11117216

It only acts as a laxative for 20% of the population. 80% of that 20% is made up of women.

>> No.11117541


Oh wow, >>11110680 you were right.

So OP is a literal shill.

>> No.11117712

It's a stimulant. It acts as a laxative for everyone. That doesn't mean whatever dose of caffeine you're getting is guaranteed to be enough to get you results, especially if you're on the heavier side (and I'm pretty sure you are, I don't think I've ever even come across an underweight person complaining about constipation before).

>> No.11117743

As a child I had constipation constantly. It can happen to anyone

>> No.11117760

Being a child doesn't mean you weren't heavy, unless you're comparing your eight year old weight to the weights of 30 year olds and using that as the basis for determining how heavy you were then.

>> No.11117782
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If u read that, youd realize op is right, u dumb fucking faggot.

>> No.11117806

>safe bet that someone on a fast food board is a fatass
>aha, of course you're constipated!
I know you're game

>> No.11117818

if I eat yogurt with my black coffee, will my gut bacteria be okay?

>> No.11117849

No, honestly I subscribe to the Freudian view that how prone you are to moving your bowels is strongly influenced by psychological factors in your developmental years. Fat people let food just sit there in their guts and aren't bothered by the future need to defecate, so their low levels of urgency translate into longer holding times in the guts and ultimately to greater rates of constipation. Skinny people are more neurotic and stressed out and try to shit out the contents of their guts as soon as possible because they don't like dealing with the anxiety of uncertain future defecation needs, so their high levels of urgency translate into shorter holding times in the guts and ultimately to greater rates of diarrhea, the latter being referred to originally as the "anal expulsive" personality.
My mom and little brother were more like that constipation prone, hold it in and don't worry about it end of the spectrum, they would often enough go entire days with no defecation. My dad and myself on the other hand were the ones running to the bathroom more often or getting stomach problems from bad food, and both of us are comparatively more neurotic than the former two family members.

>> No.11117859
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as opposed to a figurative shill?

>> No.11118184

Nonsense. My gut flora is fantastic and I drink black coffee every day.
Maybe you need to get tougher gut flora.

>> No.11119320

>heavy metals
You mean cheap chinese tea grown uner smog? No shit
Oh boy, because its made with tap water?

Also this. My coffee hit became a small light in my day

>> No.11119362

Texan here, can confirm. We eat meat and bread all day every day

>> No.11119370
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Umm, first I heard of this...

Anyone got a citation for a study that somehow proves this?

>> No.11119387

There is none.

>> No.11119393

Sure it does, fat fuck