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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 176 KB, 500x453, liver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11100034 No.11100034 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Americans afraid of liver?

>> No.11100046

I mean I'm not. When I think of buying it I eat like one calf's liver a week. It's been a few weeks though since I've had any.

>> No.11100054


>> No.11100067

Americans are afraid of everything and anything, including liver, eggs and vaccines. All the while having the absolute worst fucking diet and other various food-related habits

>> No.11100075

Because I know the function of a liver and eating one is fucking disgusting. Also I'm not poor so I can eat healthier food.

>> No.11100088

thats one power food
try game liver, or grass fed
it has a different kind of juice in it. i could feel myself getting stronger. maybe placebo, but definitely worth it
spicy butter fried liver with yogurt, lentils and green veggies. god.

>> No.11100089

I dont know but the nutrient deficit and mental disabilities this caused them was so bad they had to iodize salt

>> No.11100099

Dude a liver every once in a while is factually good for you.

>> No.11100102

Lots of organ meats that used to be common has largely disappeared in western Europe as well. Liver is perhaps an exception in that it has survived more than say kidney or lungs. .

>> No.11100108

cant even get that stuff anywhere
i spent a while at my uncles in portugal and the dude got me into eating salmon heads
its the shit. if you like organ meat and arent a picky eater, try smoking salmon heads and eat with plain rice and a tomato/onion salad. jesus christus

>> No.11100121

in all honesty i am glad offal meat and other "yucky"stuff fell out of popularity with the general population
otherwise it'd be expensive as fuck
i can buy lamb kidneys and liver at a friendly sandnigger store for 5 bucks per kilo

>> No.11100129
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I ain't afraid of no liver! Shit, fried liver and onions over mashed potatoes is one of my favorite dishes.

>> No.11100135
File: 519 KB, 1667x1317, 20180105_202807-1667x1317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say that American's are afraid of liver. It may not be as popular here as elsewhere, but it's definitely available. It's on sale at many grocery stores and at restaurants. Fried chicken liver is widely available at fast food chicken restaurants

>> No.11100138

I don't order it at a restaurant because everyone overcooks the fuck out of it.

>> No.11100161

It smells and tastes like literal shit.

>> No.11100168

>figurative shit

>> No.11100175

Not afraid of it, it's just fucking gross and peasant food. Why eat organs when you can get good cuts of meat?

>> No.11100179


you know what I wanted to mean

>> No.11100184

I don't understand this meme either. I remember being confused as a kid because "liver and onions" was the stereotypical gross dish in my Sat. morning cartoons, yet I thought it tasted good. Every supermarket I've been to has liver, it's hardly rare.

My only guess is that it's one of those foods which can easily be disgusting if the cook fucks up. Overcooked liver has a horrible texture.

>> No.11100190

youre right
here in germany turkish stores have an insane quality of meat because its such a niche product
yes, its one of those dishes you eat on a winter evening. some red wine, a blowjob, and you hope you die in your sleep that night.

>> No.11100200

Will it make mine work better?

>> No.11100206

Come to the south, and go try some fish camps, or chicken houses, and you will commonly see fried chicken livers on the menu. It is delicious.

>> No.11100228

>peasant food
I genuinely wonder where this concept comes from though. In historical cookbooks showing food for nobles it's not rare to see offal in recipes. Often some class of organ has seen continued popularity among upper class as well (tongue, sweetbreads etc). The idea that it is for poor people feel like a fairly recent middle class concept.

>> No.11100235 [DELETED] 

why are you so obsessed?

>> No.11100239
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What happens in these fish camps?

>> No.11100243

lumpen meats

>> No.11100252

The fish learn survival skills such as camping and fishing in a wholesome group environment for only $200 a week. It's really just an excuse for the fish parents to fuck like rabbits and blow through all their weed over the course of fish-summer break.

>> No.11100256
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>> No.11100257

in liver?

>> No.11100260

They don't sell lungs anymore because they're quite bad for you. Phlegm and other such nasties make their way into the lungs after slaughter. That's why they took it out of haggis.

>> No.11100262

liver is one of the most nutrient dense pieces of cow you can get. Fatty yes, but thats not always a bad thing.

>> No.11100266


>> No.11100289

They're retarded. You'll get some fat ass eating McDonalds saying "I don't trust those commercials about gourmet food"

>> No.11100345
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Thread theme:


>> No.11100399

/ck/ #1 meme
non-americans obsessed with incorrect, mdeia skewed, and statistically minuscule things from america

>> No.11100407

As the guy you checked, I have to check your dubs in return. Wow what a one two punch, inverted digits.

>> No.11100417

Americans only like organ meat once its been processed into meat paste.

>> No.11100421

I have no problem with fried beef liver or chicken livers the traditional Western way with fried onions and maybe cooked in bacon grease, it's just such a damn rich meal. The gaminess with the fattiness and gummy, stick-to-your-teeth texture is a combination that always makes me a little disgusted with myself.

>> No.11100434

>Why eat organs when you can get good cuts of meat?
1) they're economical.
2) they are fucking delicious assuming you don't suck at cooking
3) they are highly nutritious
4) it gets boring eating the same thing all the time.

>> No.11100436

Fun history fact: Lobster was considered trash food for prisoners and peasants. It's aaaaaall about the times and perspectives. PS - You're missing out on many incredible edibles by being a snob.

>> No.11100446
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>> No.11100457

Fun /ck/ fact: everybody here has heard that a hundred times already and nobody but you gives a shit.

>> No.11100460

times yes, perspectives no.

The lobster thing is misunderstood. Lobster has always been in high demand. However, back in the days before refrigeration if you had a surplus of lobster it could easily go bad before you could sell it all. The thing about it being served to prisoners was such an occurrence. It wasn't a regular thing, it was a temporary over-supply back in the days before it could be put on ice and sold elsewhere.

>> No.11101644

> Because I know the function of a liver
Exactly, it is the cleanest piece of meat of an animal

>> No.11101899

>Why are Americans afraid of liver?
Pâté is pretty popular here, if you're not in overly rural areas.

>> No.11101908

Why would I eat liver where there are so many better options?

>> No.11101919

based and redpilled

>> No.11101941

Liver is seen as an old person's food. That right there is the biggest stigma.

>> No.11101963

only soccermoms are afraid of vaccines and eggs are used alot in america

>> No.11102016

Our are always fatty

>> No.11103254

because I have no idea how to cook it :(
any suggestions, OP?

>> No.11103293

Because from what I've seen, they have the tastebuds and the intellectual curiosity of children

>> No.11103295

based retard

>> No.11104373
File: 53 KB, 619x173, vaccine-article.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soccermoms are the most afraid because they are the ones with children, obviously most young guys don't have kids and so they don't know much about the vaccine schedule for infants.

>> No.11104376
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I'm afraid of Americans.

>> No.11104377

that's where pee comes from

>> No.11104381

I spent a month in central Italy. Chicken liver pate is pretty common there, but hard to find in the states.

So I went to a local syrup place and asked fro their "turkey liver dinner." The waitress said it was the one thing on the menu she would never get. It was, in fact, delicious. Did have a slight iron taste toward the end though.

>> No.11104391

>What is herd immunity
>Mercury was taken out in the 90s
>The autism doctor admitted, in court, to making up everything.

>> No.11104394
File: 45 KB, 450x450, u1117_2_7_5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the United States, liver and onions enjoys widespread popularity and can usually be found on the menus of diners and American home-style restaurants
>It is especially common in the regions of Pennsylvania and the midwest with a strong German culture, although there is nothing exclusively German about the dish

Liverwurst is also one of the most popular deli meats, and can be found at literally any grocery store.

>> No.11104418

that's brains you're thinking of, you know, the thing you don't have

>> No.11104586
File: 101 KB, 711x461, William-Thompson-Whistleblower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is natural immunity
>Doesn't know thimerosal is still in the flu shot because he is retarded
>No citation because making shit up is easier

>> No.11104624

You can buy Kidneys in most supermarkets here in BritBongLand.

Lungs are illegal to sell for some #FakeNews disease reason unless they go into haggis, then they are safe as houses mate. Nothing in this country makes sense. #GasTheShitSkins

>> No.11104719

Depends on the state and background, Im fine with liver. Specialy chicken livers wraped in bacon.
Never got the liver and onion paring myself, feels like onions just overpower the liver when so many other things could add to the taste and texture to an otherwise overlooked organ-meat.
fucking wursts, I allwayse try and buy some when im in the mood for 'hotdogs', just one of those with some kraut, spicy mustard and a wheat bun and im set.

>> No.11104736

When I see a nice healthy delicious looking liver in front of me ready to eat, I get self conscious because I drink a lot of alcohol and my liver is probably going to fail when in 50.

>> No.11104933

Jesus christ, I would fucking demolish this. Liver with onions, peppers, gravy and mash is my ideal meal. Honestly never thought I would see a yank post that was appetising.

>> No.11104985

>americans afraid of liver
>good amount of restaurants in my area serve liver and is quite popular

is this the power of being OBSESSED?
never understood why faggots outside of america think everyone here is like the southern states.

>> No.11105268


>> No.11105313

Because it usually tastes bad or lackluster. It's the type of thing you puree into a dip or sauce.
Then again I've never had fried liver, or something prepared like >>11100135 . I'd give that a try.

>> No.11106965
File: 994 KB, 2016x1655, 20170728_014001-2016x1655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My word that looks good. What's the side in the left?

Sometimes i eat beef or veal liver but my favorite is chicken liver with onions sauteed in butter. Pic related. Sorry, i know it doesn't look appetizing

>> No.11106967


Am American. My parents hate it so they never cooked it when I was a kid. I like foie gras though.

>> No.11106978

Criminally underrated digits

>> No.11107000

not afraid
just REALLY disappointed that all I can purchase is the super thinly sliced, pre-packaged, frozen beef liver.

Fuck, I miss legit butcher shops.

>> No.11107005

>afraid of

it's garbage. we throw away unpalatable, foul-textured shit.

>> No.11107013

Retarded bait but just in case anyone is wondering, the function of the liver is to store the "machinery" so to speak for processing toxins and a myriad of other things. These then get excreted by the work of other organs

>> No.11107015

My grandma was your classic little old lady grandma type that barely ate anything but she would slam liver and onions and mashes potatoes from this diner we would go to when it was their special. It was more food than I could eat but ahe would eat every bite. I think the current generation simply hasn't grown up with it

>> No.11107039

most of us don't know how to cook it without fucking up

>> No.11107040


>lobster has always been in high demand

we're not talking about demand we're talking about cultural-economic status of certain foods. Lobster might have always been in demand but the dude you're replying to is right--it was in demand by the poor faggots because everyone else turned up their noses on the sea cockroaches.

so no the only thing misunderstood is your brain. There is real solid evidence that lobster was considered poor man's food--my father can actually attest to this growing up in a poor fishing village. They considered SPAM to be the rich man's food and as a result it was prized more highly than a lobster sandwich--the poor fag's lunch.


kill yourself brainlet

>> No.11107048


stop trying to fit in

>> No.11107090

chopped chicken liver pate, with rendered chicken fat poured on it. yum. mild, delicate, flavorful, not heavy like beef liver. i do love liverwurst, but im on a sort of a natural kick so i dont eat it.

>> No.11107346

I tried liver with onions once, was just a very thin piece of meat kinda resembling hamburger with a smoother surface. Tasted like used socks, according to my dad who tried it, it was just not good liver, but, now I'm worried about ordering it at a different place and not liking it, vs, ordering something I know I like.

>> No.11107362

You should probably leave, since your IQ is obviously over 70. You don’t belong here

>> No.11108192

>hey everyone, watch me repeat talking points to an argument nobody was making!

>> No.11109164

eat raw grassfed veal liver

>> No.11109180

>those commercials about gourmet food

>> No.11109620

Fried liver is fucking awesome, probably the most normie friendly offal.

>> No.11109731

Most people think liver is disgusting because people eat meat from disgusting tier grain fed animals.

Liver is the best indicator of the health of an animal, ofcourse it will taste like shit if it was fed like shit.
Try to find local true grass fed meats and try the liver there.

>> No.11109770

Quality post

>> No.11110151


You don't find it the least bit spooky?

>> No.11110742

tastes like eating nails, I'd rather eat kidney or heart

>> No.11110789

dont forget the gravey my man

>> No.11111962

i cant stand eating any organs the texture is ass

>> No.11112964


>> No.11112994

That has too much cadmium
Brainlets think people died from vitamin a LOL

>> No.11113044

muscles are organs anon

>> No.11113189

Fucking boomers. My grandparents and great grandparents ate offal but boomershits came along and wanted everything prepackaged and sterile. Now I have to special request butchershops to find any offal.
>tfw burger
>unpasturized (aka normal) milk is illegal
>certain types of offal are illegal
>grocery stores only serve like 3 generic cuts
>everything comes skinless as default now when skin is the best part
>restaurants overcook the shit out of chicken for "safety"
>everything is low fat with added sugar
>can't find blood pudding to try

>> No.11113216

in europe all those things are still available without too much effort, sucks to be you i guess

>> No.11113228

I ain't afraid it.
Fried chicken liver is good shit, m8.

>> No.11113243

Never had the chance to eat liver, though my mom says she doesn't like it. Nice of you to stereotype an entire country based off what you see on the internet/tv same way Americans do with Euro's though.

>> No.11113252

mosques on every corner too, what a time to be alive

unpasteurized milk is not illegal and you don't want it anyway, there is zero benefit adn only possible downfalls

i would just like to point out again that some european just went
>ha ha sucks to be you, you can't get organ meat

can't step on land mines either like wherever you live

>> No.11113256

I don't know, only places you can really get liver and onions these days are at supper clubs.

>> No.11113266

I like liver with a side of mashed potatoes

>> No.11113273

eh, it's happening in Europe too.
I grew up in Denmark. I remember when I was a kid we often bought black (blood) sausage, for example. The last time I went home to visit family I searched far and wide and was told that now it's very hard to get except during the winter. 30 years ago it was everywhere. The meat selections at the supermarkets is paltry now compared to the past. OTOH there are a lot more processed products available.

that said, >>11113189 isn't exactly right. In most states unpasteurized milk is legal, though it is common to have to jump through hoops to buy it. (i.e. in my state you can only buy it from a dairy, not from a supermarket). Supermarket meat selections at many places suck, but in a cheap part of town they will have offal galore. Blood pudding is not easily found but it IS possible to find. Or you can just mail-order it (like anything else, really). The only thing's I've had to resort to mail-ordering here in the US is:
-caul fat/crepin
-XXL hog casings for making homemade sausage (supermarket only stocks the normal size)
-high-end brands of canned fish, like Ramon Pena and Espinaler.
-proper dry-cured country ham
-curry powder that doesn't suck