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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 275x206, 275px-A_small_cup_of_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11098749 No.11098749 [Reply] [Original]

Is it healthy?

>> No.11098781

Like most things in moderation it is. Caffeine has proven cognitive benefits, dunno about the physical health claims though. Just don't drink so much that you start feeling tired all the time without it and start getting headaches.

>> No.11099006

coffee lowers diabetes risk.

probably cuz it's a stimulant (more calories burned) and suppresses appetite.

take meth is you really want to avoid the beetus.

>> No.11099013

It has a shit ton of antioxidants
A cup every day or two doesnt hurt
People who consume it regularly actually have a longer life expectancy and lower risk of heart attack.
Again, moderation is key.

>> No.11100867

Uh, I would never take meth.

>> No.11100886

inb4 video of soyboy talking about antinutrients

>> No.11100888

wait meth prevent beetus?
that means I can eat as many twinkies, chocolate cakes, sugary drinks, etc. without getting it if I take meth?

>> No.11100914

Basically nothing is healthy

>> No.11100928

I used to drink coffee everyday. I drank it mainly because I like the taste, and because it is tradition around here. But I always somehow felt unsure of it being good to me while never feeling anything obvious directly from it.

Then one day I accidentally drank the "extra strong" version of coffee and I finally felt all the true effects on me. Extremely jittery, anxious, nervous and beyond easily irritable. Felt like complete shit. My knee was jumping constantly while I'm sitting down. That's when I realised that I felt all of that before too every single time I drank coffee, just in a low low dosage, but it was most certainly there.

So in short fuck caffeine lmao

>> No.11101063

That's only a problem when you have caffeine every day for a long time, you stop noticing the good effects from it and the negative effects become more pronounced. I have a few cups of strong tea or coffee every few months, the caffeine and whatever else is in it makes me feel really good, like I'm floating underwater. But if I keep drinking it and building up a tolerance, the only thing it does is stave off the negative effects from withdrawal.

>> No.11101650

Umm try again, Sweetie.
A raw vegan diet is the key to a long and healthy life. Sorry if you pathetic carnists parasites can't see that eating the rotten maggot-ridden flesh of a tortured animal is actually killing you. I mean, how can anyone enjoy "aged steak" with a straight face? You barbarians are literally eating scabs and puss at that point.

>> No.11101666

>how can anyone enjoy "aged steak" with a straight face?
Because it's delicious you compost-stuffed ass goblin

>> No.11101731

guaranteed replies

anon, since you are evil, i have an idea. Stop giving whining and screaming attention whoring minorities a base like yourself.

>> No.11101810

If you like stained teeth sure

>> No.11101822

White teeth are ugly my man, unless you are black it looks like you chemically bleached them.

>> No.11101825
File: 103 KB, 700x734, 1BAFD687-17AC-4F2C-A900-ADB943F442D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11101843
File: 190 KB, 373x327, 1379043390256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white teeth are ugly my man

>> No.11101854

drink a whey protein shake instead. the protein will help the heart pump blood good.

>> No.11101860

t. bodybuilding.com forum vet

>> No.11102593

it has never been proven that there are any negative effects of daily caffeine consumption

>> No.11102611

There is a really strong (positive) correlation between coffee consumption and lifespan, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffee#Mortality.. But these studies are just observational studies so it's possible this is not a causal relationship.

My pet theory is that coffee helps you be a more active and vigorous person, which in turn helps you achieve your life goals and live a healthier life. But that's just a theory, maybe it's the antioxidants.

>> No.11102711
