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File: 317 KB, 1500x983, taproom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11093168 No.11093168 [Reply] [Original]

Lads, a taproom just opened up near me. The problem is there's no damn bar to sit at, just a bunch of tables. What on earth do I do if I go there alone?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.11093354
File: 35 KB, 600x337, ghostridethewhip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you lads have any ideas? I am going there tomorrow.

>> No.11093355

I'll go with you anon

>> No.11093509

Ask if a seat is taken at a table, you'll get turned down sometimes but there's usually cool dudes looking for other bros to chill with, if there's a free seat, make new friends and offer to buy someone a beer. If they're not close-minded folk, you'll have fun. Source: did this in some downtown LA spots, had a great time

>> No.11093514
File: 382 KB, 392x500, 1531721560282.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11093520
File: 800 KB, 500x500, 1534721860764.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I have actual advice to give my dude

>> No.11093529

Go to a table. Or stand by the wall if you're just drinking.

>> No.11093541

don't talk to anybody, avoid eye contact and stare at your phone haha

>> No.11093543
File: 71 KB, 610x407, rudy jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck makes the drink? Do you pour it yourself? Go by yourself. Don't give a fuck. Bring a book and read it. I love people who sit at the bar and read a book without looking at their phone.

>> No.11094551

Thanks lad

>> No.11094581

unironically this and if anyone tries to talk to you beyond taking your order unhinge your jaw and screech

>> No.11094811

OP Here

>Who the fuck makes the drink? Do you pour it yourself?

There is a walkup counter to get your drink. It is poured by a bartender.

>I love people who sit at the bar and read a book without looking at their phone.

There's no bar to sit at!!

>> No.11094855



Gay bars don't count my man. People are looking to be approached by dudes there.

>> No.11094893

>Accidentally go to a gay bar

I wonder how often this happens lads

>> No.11095069

Where are you at? I'll go with you.

>> No.11095070

>making a gay joke

>> No.11095088


Happened to me once, no joke. I went in the wrong door (insert joke here) and wound up in a gay bar. Walked up to the bar and ordered a beer. What tipped me off was the nearly complete lack of women there and also all the guys were singing along to "Believe" by Cher that was playing. Finished my drink, paid my tab and went next door where I met up with my friends.

>> No.11095097

I ended up at a gay bar once. Buddy said the place was cool. We go in. All the ladies are to themselves. Same with the guys. I just figured everyone's being awkward, they'll warm up to each other. Bowls of oranges on all the tables. That's kinda weird but ok. It wasn't till I saw a couple goth dudes trying to inhale each other's faces that I was starting to think something's afoot. Turns out it was gay night. Have my buddy a bunch of shit for it, but some nice gay people sold us blow and e pills. It wasn't so bad.

>> No.11095129

You'll look like a weirdo if you do that. You know how people are. Nobody accepts that. Even if they somehow let u join. Ur always the outsider.

>> No.11095134

>Have my buddy a bunch of shit for it, but some nice gay people sold us blow and e pills. It wasn't so bad.
the gays are alright sometimes

>> No.11095159

Some bars are super stealth, or only do club night on Friday. A dyke bar just looks like a really hip shithole with great beer and lots of college age boys with nice haircuts chatting up girls.

>> No.11095731

Good lord lad

>> No.11095769

is a taproom just a zoomer bar/

>> No.11095782

Taprooms are boomer as fuck, in both the literal and meme meaning of the word.

>> No.11096059

>on a cross country bus trip
>8 hour layover in fucking Salt Lake City UT of all shitholes
>walk 10-20 blocks and finally find a bar
>it's @ 4PM and the patrons are all men but it was a shitty area so I didn't think anything
>order a pitcher and see the porn mags behind the bar are all gay
>one bartender grabs crotch of other bartender and they french
>think fuck it, it's happy hour, the beer's cheap and the nearest bar is probably a mile or more away
>stay and get hammered on the cheap
Only wierdness was went to piss and some fuckwad hit on me but I told him, "nah, not gay, dude" and that was that.

>> No.11096113

so this but premeditate your shit a bit more sit around for a while see which chaps are there to get wasted
go to them say yo next pitcher is on me ... drink with them ..get to know them

>> No.11096363

US taprooms don't go for pitchers mate

There's also less degenerate drinking a typical bar

>> No.11096436

Just bring some friends

This won't work, OP is too much of an autist

>> No.11096443

If some sweaty neckbeard like you waddled up to the table me and my mates were at and asked to join us I would unironically tell you to fuck off and make sure to say it as loud as possible to embarrass you.

>> No.11096537

lol keep fantasizing

"Hey can I sit with you guys"
"s-sure lad"