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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11092892 No.11092892 [Reply] [Original]

How come Americans had the most disgusting recipes during the 1900s? Especially post ww2 in the 50s and 60s?

Who thought this was a good idea?

>> No.11092903

raise ur dongers

>> No.11092907

poop de scoop de whoop

>> No.11092909

It was all that radiation from the Manhattan project

>> No.11092910

She raised my dong

>> No.11092915 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2018-08-20-20-13-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish I was that banana

>> No.11092922
File: 1.29 MB, 2560x1440, dong-wink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish I was that banana

>> No.11092940
File: 31 KB, 542x314, 99613AE6-10A7-402E-9EEC-810214A232A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish I was that banana

>> No.11092942

Limited sources of food at reasonable costs. If you're talking about post-WW2 also, we hadn't gone through the Green Revolution, which increased the yield of the standard crops we see today. A bunch of people will scream and shout about how "EVIL" GMOs are, but the reality is, new technologies, pesticides, and selective breeding led us into a world where we could actually feed the non-meme boomer population without crumbling as a society.

However, it still took some time to get together, and families were making foods from the shittiest ingredients they possibly could find. Current food choice is flatly insane. I can get any fruit, vegetable, herb, whatever, at any time I want during the year.

>> No.11092968 [DELETED] 

The Great Depression, followed by a spike in wealth and globalization, as well as veterans returning from overseas

>> No.11092980

Also followed by a spike in my dick

>> No.11092981
File: 460 KB, 1119x1600, McCalls Recipe Cards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit food of the 50's-60's
That was the post war boom period.
There were technological advancements in the fields of freezing and canning food for storage, and fat spoiled lazy housewives just started throwing a can of this on top of a jar of that and calling it a "casserole" or some shit.

>> No.11092994


>> No.11093033
File: 65 KB, 500x500, 5067343113_42fece30d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go ahead and make the Hollandaise sauce
>take two packages of Hollandaise sauce

>> No.11093054

Knorr packets actually aren’t bad, and it’s not like she was really going to eat more than a bite anyway

>> No.11093060

Make it and try it OP otherwise your opinion is invalid

>> No.11093068
File: 365 KB, 960x800, 1444123068947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come you're gonna insult my gf like that. She is making the vintage recipe exactly how it says to do it. She makes real hollandaise sauce later in the video

>> No.11093099

>fat spoiled lazy housewives just started throwing a can of this on top of a jar of that and calling it a "casserole" or some shit

>> No.11093175

A lot of these came from fad cook books centered around a single main ingredient (gelatin!) or a food company's range of products, where a small team of food specialists tried to cram in everything they could possible think of just to fill the content quote. You'd get these as freebies, tie-ins or as prices in mail lotteries and I bet someone out these still makes and distributes these.

Both of my grand moms who were young at the period had a proper maid school style cook books that didn't have that sort of ridiculousness, but then again, this country was genuinely 3rd world back then.

>> No.11093407

>hot bananas are disgusting
whoa, no one tell this WASP cunt about plantains

>> No.11093486

she makes fried plantains later you mong

>> No.11093493

I'm pretty sure the ham and banana hollandaise was a satirical recipe but people actually tried it.

>> No.11093508

you should have shitposted about her back then if you wanted anyone to know, my dude

>> No.11093511

It was a combination of new technology and simple experimentation. With the invention of the fridge, suddenly all sorts of new things could be made which weren't possible before. Aspic became as trendy as it was because it was something visually striking and fridge-based. It's also when things like canning were new and trendy, so you had a shitload of recipes that focused on that.

It also notably predates America's* acceptance and enthusiasm for foreign food. The bizarre combinations are because people were trying new things that weren't Chinaman-inspired.

*It wasn't just an American thing either, my grandmother was born and raised in Australia and she still makes aspic shit and uses fifty-year-old recipe books.

>> No.11093513

The palates of the world before sugar was cheap had very different opinions on the sweet and savory balance than you do now

>> No.11093516

aspics actually preserve food you dummy, the reason they poofed away was because of better refrigeration

>> No.11093696

is that fucking shrimp jelly?

>> No.11093700

nvm just googled aspics. what the fuck though, that cannot taste good

>> No.11093761
File: 39 KB, 620x349, 5182d2dd59d05650f1ae487190f78464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only acceptable use of gelatin. The others (except kissel) are meme foods.

>> No.11093769

This is true. Consider for example the classic Nordic Christmas casseroles. They are this excessively sweet ginger bread spicy taste, and pureed of course.

How ever, the salty and savory things on the Christmas table, like pickled fishes, beet salad and ham balance it out nicely.

>> No.11093776

Huh, why is that pate so rough loo- oh jesus christ America

>> No.11094102

A lot of it, post WWII, came from companies used to war-time production wanting to continue that, just with civvies. If a food company's entire production apparatus was essentially overhauled to produce military rations, when the war ends, they either have to take a huge loss or figure out how to get civvies to start thinking military rations are real people food. This is the origin of things like spam and canned tuna.

As far as I can tell, aspic was just a novelty that caught on at the exact right time.

>> No.11094127

Just so you know, the authentic version get the jellifying effect from pork brains.

>> No.11094334

aspics must come from a particularly deep n dark part of hell I swear
Imagine eating that
the taste
the texture
truly nightmarish

>> No.11094350

Is this Post Depression era food?

It would make sense why this kind of garbage was considered okay to eat.

>> No.11095498

What do you mean by that

>> No.11095516

it's a post war "we made so much canned processed shit thinking the russkies might bomb us tomorrow we need to start doing something with this ASAP now that korea is at a stalemate" kind of thing

>> No.11095531

australian food is horrid tho
it's like the worst parts of the bland disgusting british cuisine with the worst parts of the fried heavily industrialized american "food"

>> No.11095536

Advertising and the rise of the supermarket allowed lots of truly awful things to be passed of as wonderful because they were modern and convenient. Also people drank a lot more alcohol back then, so if you were half lit by the time you sat down to dinner you might not notice how disgusting it was, especially if you happened to remember the Depression and/or war rationing.

>> No.11095544

I always figured the houswives were so fucking tanked by the time they had finished vacuuming and taking out the garbage that they just put a bunch of canned goods in a dish and called it a day. And the men were hungry for work and drunk from hard liquor by supper-time as well.

>> No.11095551

The country was covered in britaboos in that era. We were trying to make food just as shitty as theirs.

>> No.11095554

1) Fridge become more commonplace
2) Invention of the microwave
3) Post-WW2 economic boom out of the Great Depression
4) Government bailouts of the American dairy industry leading to an extreme surplus in dairy products, primarily cheese

>> No.11097473

The bongs are and were a complete mess

>> No.11097504

Oh no ham and a sweet fruit?
Oh no ham and mustard?
Oh no ham and holleadaise?

except it does.
Why did she choose a starchy version of a banana rather than a sweeter banana like they had when that recipe was made.

>> No.11097758

you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded