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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11083176 No.11083176 [Reply] [Original]

I need to debate this because tea is wonderful. Coffee is wonderful.

Myself personally prefers coffee if it is premium quality.
At home, I can replicate something similar for a price.
Tea is just comfy.
Tea doesn't require a $500 machine and overpriced beans to bring on the comfort that tea does for a fraction of the price.
Tl;dr- coffee is the bomb when out at a restaurant, but tea trumps coffee bc it is just so damn cheap and comfy when consuming at home.
Prove me wrong /ck/.

>> No.11083178

>Prove me wrong /ck/.
I prefer coffee.
There you go fag

>> No.11083201

Are you talking premo coffee from a coffee shop (some are really fucking good) or are you saying that instant coffee from your home is better than your tea you can brew from home?
If you say the latter, you are an unfortunate person indeed.

>> No.11083208

I'm saying preferences are subjective and relative and trying to determine a "better" food is silly.

>> No.11083215

Great coffee > great tea
Mediocre coffee = mediocre tea
Shit coffee < shit tea

>> No.11083224

Tea is for low-t soygoys

>> No.11083229

How about comfy level?
Tea as a drink at home with senpai and friends is worlds beyond coffee. I think Americans maybe shun tea after the revolution? That's sad you know because it's a great drink.
Sure coffee provides way mor caffeine. That is great if your lifestyle choices mean that you rarely get enough sleep each night.
What about a 'night cap' as you call it.
Tea has 10% the amount of caffeine as coffee, so you can get laid and then sleep soundly after.
Tea wins supreme in every facet.

>> No.11083247

Dunno. I am tea-fag and while i enjoy good coffee now and then i still haven't tasted any that i would enjoy as much as i enjoy good tea.

>> No.11083262
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>drinking coffee for the caffeine and not the flavor

>> No.11083274

Growing up, we'd be given chamomile tea if we were sick, so now as an adult, I don't like tea because of the association it has with illness.

>> No.11083281
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>drinking tea or coffee
>not drinking the redpill

>> No.11083813

My parents would have a pot of tea brewed three or4 times a day. Sooooo comfy. I expect that's why I have such a fond familiarity with tea.
At work I mostly drink tea, too.
About once a week someone will go on a run up the road to buy this fancy ass coffee from a drive through. (Think Starbucks but not).
It is heavenly. I usually buy the stupid large size with an extra shot of coffee. It has this blizzard (good bizarre) chocolate hint to the beans.
It's the best time of my week.

>> No.11084713

Umm ackshully tea has more caffeine than coffee on a per gram basis. Good tea also has other cool things like theanin.