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11079068 No.11079068 [Reply] [Original]

>salsa verdle

Why cant bongs pronounce anything right?

>> No.11079079

They're not native speakers unlike americans

>> No.11079120

So you’d have to be a native speaker in order to pronounce «chorizo» right? You just proved my point better than I could

>> No.11079122

>people from different places pronounce things differently
wow who would've thought?
a thread died for this shitty thread

>> No.11079218
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It's choritho, chef

>> No.11079228

how come amerifags have 20 different ways of pronouncing words?

>> No.11080130

>feminine castillian detected

>> No.11080136

you know trying too hard to pronounce something the right way pisses native speakers off more than people not trying at all, right?

>> No.11080146
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Choreezo is legit, as well as as jalapeeno, but I've never heard the other ones, and it's rare in chefs. I remember playing the pool league, ask woman working the taps at the bar if I could have a packet of the halapenyo crisps...
>blank stare
Sorry, the jalapeeno ones.
>internal triggering
Fucking nice crisps tho.

>> No.11080148


>> No.11080153

Also if fucking annoys me when pretentious people pronounce English words of french origin like 'restaurant' or 'genre' in the French accent dropping the hard t or e for example. Just say the Anglicised version you ponce.

>> No.11080173

ja-lap-e-no is the way it's said and you damn well know it.

>> No.11080174
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'ate 'im

>> No.11080206

the actual answer is at some point in history the english decided to de-frenchify their language and decided to pronounce every single fucking syllable so they sound less french because they hate the god damned french.

american english has a lot of french influence.

>> No.11080248

Wait what? Do you even realize americans and english come from the same language? Boy are you going too feel retarded when you read this.

>> No.11080321

How would the anglo version of 'genre' even be pronounced? Whenever I hear an English speaker say it they pronounced it normally (French).

Jen-ry? Jun-ry? I have no idea.

>> No.11080353

Everyone I've ever known has pronounced it "jon-ruh".

>> No.11080370

>watching MasterChef
>not as fun as hells kitchen but w/e
>Bald is a cunt but still better than bakery bitch
>mexi-boy insists on fucking overpronouncing every last goddamn fucking spanish word


>> No.11080375

Jawn-ruh. If the j was a kinda zh sound.
t. Brit.

>> No.11080396


>> No.11080403

You can't taste pronunciation. It doesn't fucking matter what you call it.

>> No.11080415

Europeans have spent basically their entire existence at war with each other. They are inherently violent. There is currently a lull this generation in their natural state, but deep down they still want to kill each other. They go out of their way to differentiate themselves from each other by mangling the pronunciation of their neighboring countries' words.

>> No.11080427

name a continent that has never been at war with itself

>> No.11080441


>> No.11080495

Australia, antartica

>> No.11080504

Everyone fights, Europe is a tiny little continent that is split up into some of the smallest countries in the world because they've been in a near constant state of war with each other since they settled the continent. They all speak vastly different language because they just would murder anyone they didn't know.

>> No.11080519

I think you'll find it's the anerifats who can't say anything right. English is the language invented by the bongs for the bongs. Your American bastardisations ruined everything

>> No.11080522

I’ve always found it weird when people do this. Like if you can speak the language that’s fine, but to me it’s always seemed patronizing to the worker if you throw in a gracias with a thick accent after they give you their food

>> No.11080530

Unless you're an asshole about it nearly everyone appreciates it when you speak their native language to them

>> No.11081091

>he forgot about the emu war

>> No.11081110
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>salsa verdle
>Why cant bongs pronounce anything right?

>> No.11081138

Love football

>> No.11081202


>> No.11081203

Actually, the north American English accent is closer to the original English accent. The accent in England changed due to styles and plays in the 1700s.

>> No.11081210

Feesh n cheeps

>> No.11081260


Fuck off cunt and sort your own shit out first

>> No.11081307
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I bet you pronounce the H in "honest" and "honor" too you sad cunt.

>> No.11081317

anglos are generally terrible with others languages

>> No.11081349

In particular big harbor cities like Boston and New York. I can't pull up a source right now, but common English in Colonial times sounded more like modern Boston/New York accents do now. I think the "upper class posh" Oxford type was somewhat similar, but much less common in those days.

It's crazy how they can figure that out through poetry and songs and whatnot.

>> No.11081558

Because they have 20 different ancestries

>> No.11081641

don't get me started on aluminum

>> No.11081663

It's hah-lah-peh-nyo. The ñ does a nasal "ny" sound like in the word "señor".
t. spic

>> No.11081702

Anon is making a joke about America's illegal immigrant issue. They predominantly speak Spanish is some form.

>> No.11081748

I do it all the time (but I'm french). I can't fake it, Paris is Pa ri, and not Parissss. I do the same for any languages I know. People in France pronounce Nike as N'Ike (like Ike Turner), they seriously think it's the way burgers say it.


>> No.11081765


Very strong in most American English and in aristocratic RP, but most RP is moving towards a more Spanish style "a" sound.
Being all "thaet baed maen" sounds comically old fashioned, like you're a newsreader during WW2.


>> No.11081834


"paessages from a long poem called the laend"

>> No.11082151
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Spanish men are by far the manliest men in all of Europe

>faggot Frenchman detected

>> No.11082334
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Is that zyzz?

>> No.11082859


>> No.11082866

Silent H

Spoken H

>> No.11082872


>> No.11082903

>Spoken H
fucking idiot, it's pronounced ERBS

>> No.11083121

Seems entirely harbitrary.

>> No.11083340

I actually don't know who's trolling whom here. I'll assume you're both being facetious and both assume you're winning.

People say the same about Quebec French, and I'm not sure I buy that either. Why would a cadence evolve in the home country, but remain frozen in amber in its colony?

>> No.11085145

simple as

>> No.11085156

to a retard maybe

>> No.11085165

>Implying any thread on /ck/ is worth keeping around.

>> No.11085171

Why are bongs obsessed with sausages?

>> No.11085395

Something about the color and shape is innately appealing to them.

>> No.11085402
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I can deal with most, but pronouncing the j's and ll's in Spanish words (or the nh/lh in Portuguese or ng/lg in Italian) wrong triggers muh 'tisms.

Also, it's "pasta" not "paastuh".

>> No.11085416

Because the vast majority of Enngerland was dirt-poor underclass for two thousand years, the French and Germans (i.e. the nobility) stole all the good cuts, so your average Anglo had to eat jellied eels and minced pork assholes and millet. Especially in the last 3-400 years, as anyone who DIDN'T want to be a dirt farmer got the fuck out and went to a colony.

>> No.11085424

I didn't expect to get an actual answer. Kudos.

>> No.11085425
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