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11077054 No.11077054[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How much do YOU tip?

>> No.11077061
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$5. every time, no matter the order.

>> No.11077062

Nothing. Wait staff BTFO’ed

>> No.11077064
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None, they should get a job that isn't meant for teenagers and singlewhoremoms

>> No.11077065


>> No.11077067


>> No.11077069

Unless I receive an exceptional service, 10%.

>> No.11077071

20% because otherwise you might as well be a nigger.

>> No.11077074

Just the tip.

>> No.11077075


>> No.11077076

If the food is overpriced, 0%. Otherwise 15%.

>> No.11077077


Nothing because England.

>> No.11077079


>> No.11077084

$3 for pizza delivery, otherwise nothing.

>> No.11077093

$0, why would I pay someone to do the job they get paid to do?

I don't tip the janitor and he would deserve it more.

>> No.11077097

Bitch I'm not tipping shit they're the ones who signed up for the risk, not me.

>> No.11077104

2$ for delivery, round to the dollar for drinks unless it's a specialty cocktail or open bar in which case round +1$ or 20 for the night. 10% standard 15% exceptional

>> No.11077109


20% for good service, unlike these other schmucks I know what it's like to work for a living with shitty wages and as such I sympathize with servers, instead of going the knee-jerk-shit-on-the-little-guy-cause-this-is-what-I-was-taught-by-mommy-and-daddy-and-can't-think-for-myself route. If people have got a problem with it then they can call their political representative and ask why the state doesn't enforce better employment laws and a living wage.

tl;dr you're all poor little workers too, the rich assholes in management/ownership don't need your support, so stop regurgitating their propaganda on demand.

>> No.11077113

whatever my tax is times 2

>> No.11077123

$2 no matter how much my meal is.

>> No.11077137

I've changed diapers in the ward for dying people but guess I don't just know hard work because I sure as hell didn't get tipped for that.

>> No.11077138

Usually around 15%, up to a cap of $5 per person.

Waiters at really fancy restaurants don't deserve 4x the tip just because the food is 4x as expensive.

>> No.11077144

I aim for 20% and round up/down to make it come out to a flat dollar amount. I tip significantly less for bad service, last time was like 4% or so

>> No.11077145

Oh nevermind it was all just retarded trolling that doesn't make any sense.

>> No.11077148

10-15% sit down
2-4$ for delivery depending on distance and weather

>> No.11077154

i tip whatever was left over in change
people have literally followed me to my car over this

>> No.11077156

typically 30%

>> No.11077178

whatever whole dollar amount above 15% is, unless I was really pleased and then closer to 20% but not exceeding it

>> No.11077187

0 to 50 roubles doesn't matter the amount spent.

>> No.11077213


>> No.11077232


>> No.11077267

Some places don't pay their waiters shit, like where I work at. They work full time and their paycheck is <30$. They live off tips.

>> No.11077289

yeah unlike all the pussy faggots that converted their currencies to $$$ itt

>> No.11077313

>work as kitchen staff in casino
>don't get tipout
>we make $5 above minimum wage as compensation
>think thats OK, because servers make bar-minimum (~$4 below normal minimum wage)
>turns out they make almost as much as us per hour, PLUS their tips
Fucking bullshit. I don't tip anywhere above "Family restaurant" in terms of quality anymore.

>> No.11077316

Below $50, $10 tip
Over $50, $20 tip

>> No.11077318

Their fault for being retarded. Anyone with common sense would have applied to something that at least pays minimum wage.
>inb4 no choice where to apply
McDonald's fucking hires anyone and pays minimum wage.

>> No.11077353

Well, when most of the people tip between 10-20% they make way more than minimum. Also, I'm pretty sure most restaurants pay waiter wage and not minimum. At least at the couple of places I've worked

>> No.11077369

Fuck you. I had shit jobs where I was only paid minimum wage. Wait staff isn't a shitty job. A shitty job is being out in august heat and having to weed eat the edges of a water clarifier with no shade. Almost got heat stroke. Oh noes, you have to put on a smile and maybe deal with a dickhead from time to time. Bitch, at least you can turn to your supervisor to deal with the problem.

>> No.11077383

Not true. I never tip and I'm as white as they come. Some black server tried to say something about it to me once. I called the cops on him and he ended up getting fired. So yeah, I guess you could say I'm white.

>> No.11077390

>black person asks you a question
>call cops

Yup sounds white.

>> No.11077392

Your fault for being too retarded to get a proper job.

>> No.11077394

Then no need to complain if they already get tipped and shouldn't be mad towards people who have common sense and don't tip.
Also restaurants aren't the only choice for high schoolers to work in. Also all burger chain restaurants do pay minimum wage.

>> No.11077404

At least 20% because I’m not an asshole.

>> No.11077411
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>> No.11077419

>I want to pay extra to the food I've actually eaten because business owners are too cheap to pay the waiters
Cool story bro

>> No.11077420

If tips don't bring up the paycheck to minimum wage the employer has to cover the difference.

>> No.11077441

I remember this episode

>> No.11077444

>hurf durf, me am so great
Yeah, okay guy. Sorry for being a teen and picking up whatever job I could for some summer money. You're just as entitled as the asshats you complain about.

>> No.11077486
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Or if I on'y spent a tiony amount of money like at waffle house or whatever I'll just leave 5$. so 20% or 5$, whichever is larger.

>> No.11077488

Kek, and I thought mex stealing shitty jobs from wh*trash was a meme but there are those pathetic wh*te fucks who can do no better, lol! Christ, Cletus, try for a retard trade school and learn air conditioning service tech at least, no?

>> No.11077497

15% and a dollar on takeout

>> No.11077507

Get a job running the water treatment plant then

T.plant operator

>> No.11077527

havent been to a sit down restaurant in 6 years

>> No.11077546

>eat at restaurant and don't tip
>wages go up to 15$
>prices go up
>stop eating at restaurants
it's basic economics

>> No.11077549

0. I refuse to line the pockets of labor exploiting owners who attempt to apply the cultural norm guilt trip to cover their thievery. If you servers are too weak to collectively organize to force the owner to pay you a livable wage, you eat it, not me.

Ironically, Orwell pointed out in , "Down in out in Paris and London," servers were adamantly right wing because they vicariously fantasized they were on the same level as the fatcats they served. Fuck weakass labor, they deserve nothing.

>> No.11077556


Shocking, but I think you too should get a living wage if you do that for a job. Tipping comes from the fact that servers get paid less than minimum wage, I'd rather they get paid a normal amount and not have to tip, but that's just not how the system works right now.

Stop with the hard-work-dick-measuring contest bullshit, the only people it benefits are the rich people profiting off of our labour. We ALL deserve a living wage, to exist without having to suffer to do so, and the only people who say otherwise are the absurdly wealthy scum that you're cheer-leading for.

>> No.11077560

You saying you top $10 for a $10-20 bill?

>> No.11077574

The only people who benefit from tipping are the rich people who don't have to pay wages you utter fucking moron.

Also it's illegal to pay under minimum wage. That's why it's called the fucking minimum.

>> No.11077585
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usually 20%
15% if the bill is high because of booze drinks

>> No.11077586

>prices go up

Yeah so less poor people. You mad about that?

And if the wages are going up it's more they can spend. It's basic economics.

>> No.11077590

Stop putting fluoride in the water

>> No.11077592

Between 25% and 40%

>> No.11077595

>Claim to be white but then brag about nigger behaviours.
You must be a southerner.

>> No.11077599
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It depends how much I like the service.

Terrible to mediocore? $0 to 0.01.

Fair to Good? 5-10%

Did your job well and kept me happy? You get 15%

Did a great job? 20%

Phenomenal? Depending on my mood I would go as much as 50%.

>> No.11077601




Specifically the hard work dick measuring part.

The fact that you had to go through that experience and your take-away was that you won the right to shut down anyone else talking about how their work sucks means that you have been literally brainwashed. Some person working a less horrible job isn't your enemy, your enemy is the rich fucks who were profiting off of BOTH of your suffering.

If your boss pays you $1 for $10 worth of stuff, and another guy $2 for $10 worth of stuff, the other guy isn't the asshole, the BOSS IS THE ASSHOLE.

>> No.11077606

10-15% Usually 15%.

I'm not made of money and its bullshit that we have to tip.

>> No.11077613

I tip pizza delivery guys because I don't want to be known as the guy that doesn't tip in their store. Fuck that. I'm not driving in this heat. It's no big deal to give up 3 or 4 bucks.

>> No.11077661


Actually employers use all sorts bullshit tricks with schedules and tax deductions to make sure they don't have to fulfill their end of the tipped-wage scale in america. This may come as a shock to you but rich people don't become rich by playing by the rules. Not to mention all the countries where the server wage is just lower than the standard minimum with no scaling.

And you are correct, those rich assholes are largely the ones who benefit from tipping, but the servers are now, thanks to this corrupt system, dependent on said tips. So when you don't tip you're not sending some sort of bad-ass fuck-the-man message to the system, you're just shitting on the little guy. You don't like the system? call your representative, sign petitions, get involved with labour rights work, but your non-tipping slacktivism doesn't do shit.

>> No.11077674

>You don't like the system? call your representative, sign petitions, get involved with labour rights work
That's what the servers should do. It's not my problem. I just won't tip and the problem is solved on my end.

>> No.11077675

>So when you don't tip you're not sending some sort of bad-ass fuck-the-man message to the system

You sure as fuck are. They don't make enough to live then they quit. They need workers.

>> No.11077697
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It honestly depends on how good the service is, on good service I usually tip 15%, shitty service I'll literally leave my two cents because a jewishly small tip is more insulting than nothing.

>> No.11077715
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>i'm afraid of pimple faced losers spitting in my food so i pay protection money so it wont happen

>> No.11077733
File: 278 KB, 445x408, aattp-tip-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one time i read a reddit post that tried to equate "denying a waitress her tip" as comparable to sexual assault

i only tip in fake jesus money now

>> No.11077751


>good little labour slaves aping for their masters


>> No.11077754

NEVER more than 30 dollars for 4 or less people, and I do not care what the bill is. 30 bucks is plenty for a servant and what they do over the course of a meal. No exceptions.

>> No.11077763

yeah, not tipping really makes me a slave. why, why am I stuck in this slavery nooooooooo

>> No.11077765

I don't tip bartenders at clubs. Redpill me on why that's bad

>> No.11077773


>> No.11077786
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Not the worst thing in there

>> No.11077797


And here we come to the crux of the matter, the issue isn't you having a problem with system, or needing the money, or not liking servers. It's that you're just a emotionally stunted person who cannot do things most children are capable of, e.g. empathize with others.

>> No.11077798
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>> No.11077807


The first time you do it nothing will happen, but after that they will start taking longer and longer to serve you and the drinks will probably get sloppier/weaker.

>> No.11077813
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Excellent service gets a 30%.
Generic service gets 15%
Shitters get nothing and I never go to that restaurant again

>> No.11077814

I have lots of empathy for the servers. How about next time I go out to eat, instead of a tip I tell the server how much empathy I have and then give them a hug? Would they like that?

No, because they don't fucking want empathy. They want money. So stop trying to tug at our heart strings.

>> No.11077822


empathy =/= sympathy

>> No.11077828

and neither one = money which is they only thing servers want.

>> No.11077848

this, of it wasn't for prospective income they wouldn't give a shit

>> No.11077872

There's a local pizza place I order from 2-3 times per month and I always tip the drivers because they are, bar none, the best delivery drivers I've ever had. The pizza has never taken longer than 30 minutes to get to my house and it is always damn near fresh-out-of-the-oven hot.

Those guys get tipped because they earn them.

The waitress who fakes being nice to me and does the bare minimum in terms of taking my order and bringing my food out gets nothing because she has earned nothing.