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11066442 No.11066442 [Reply] [Original]

I've been transitioning to become vegetarian. Any tips?

>> No.11066446
File: 23 KB, 346x355, gardein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These Gardein products are the best meat-free alternatives I've tried so far and their ingredients are really clean and good. I always buy them when they're on sale "2 for $6". I have no cravings for meat since eating them.

>> No.11066455

Sounds expensive as fuck. Why not just buy veggies instead of highly processed, very overpriced, products which try to copy meat? For example, if you want something crispy and fried that's like chicken fingers why not bread and deep-fry some pieces of cauliflower, or mushrooms?

>> No.11066457


>> No.11066481

because anon has no idea how to cook.
thanks to today's busy lifestyle requiring 24-7 instabook posting, anon needs something that she can simply microwave

>> No.11066606

Killing yourself would be cheaper and faster.

>> No.11066642

Implying you're not baiting, take it easy, it's not a cult, so don't feel guilty if you eat meat every now and then. Maybe get a vegetarian/vegan cookbook to get some recipes. Try to get the freshest possible vegetable and fruit. Get ready to be hated by 20% of the population for merely existing, and to answer LOTS of questions. There are many vegetarian/vegan recipes from all around the world, from times when meat/fish were less common and more expensive. Indian, mediteranean, mexican, russian, chinese, pick your favourite and get cooking. Don't try carnivore recipes "but without meat", those recipes were made that way for a reason and won't taste good. Try actualisé vegetarian recipes.

>> No.11066644

If you're British, you can probably live off beans on toast and chips for a good while.

>> No.11066670


I dislike the argument of "copying meat". Meat naturally tastes bad. No one eats meat without seasoning. Everything is seasoned to make it taste appetizing. Have you had a piece of chicken/meat that hasn't had salt or pepper or some other sort of seasoning added to it? It taste rather awful, boring, and plain. When a tofu-based product adds seasoning to make it taste a certain way, why do meat eater whine about how it's a copy cat? lol

Gardein takes soy/tofu and adds natural seasonings to it to make it taste really good. It's the same process that happens with meat. Meat without seasoning is nasty. Same with tofu.


I eat mostly fruits/veggies but tofu-based products to make a easy dinner is great too. I like Gardein, Amy's, and some MorningStar products. They may be processed but are easy on my digestion and have only benefited my health IMO.

>> No.11066681

Don't. I was a vegan for two years and it messed up my stomachs ability to digest.

>> No.11066683

>Have you had a piece of chicken/meat that hasn't had salt or pepper or some other sort of seasoning added to it?
Many times.

>>It taste rather awful, boring, and plain
If you're buying flavorless factory farmed stuff, sure. If you have good meat then no. And I would argue that the same thing applies to veggies. Industrial produce doesn't taste very good without seasoning either, while good stuff is delicious on its own.

>>When a tofu-based product adds seasoning to make it taste a certain way, why do meat eater whine about how it's a copy cat? lol
Depends entirely what you mean by "a certain way"? Does the seasoning complement the ingredient and let you enjoy it's natural taste? Or does it try to cover that up and turn it into something it is not?

>>Tofu without seasoning is nasty
Stop buying shitty tofu. (which is, admittedly, hard in the US). Make it yourself and it's god tier without having to add anything to it.

>>and have only benefited my health IMO.
Compared to unprocessed vegetables?

>> No.11066718
File: 59 KB, 437x229, 437px-Quorn-Foods-Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is by far the best alternative meat product on the market.

>> No.11066740
File: 15 KB, 500x334, portabello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree. this is.

>> No.11066771

How Tofu is made:

How Quorn/Mycoprotein is made:

How chicken nuggets are made:

All seem nasty, unsanitary, complicated, and unnecessary.

>> No.11066788

I'm looking for idea on how to eat more vegetals.

What vegetals do you eat?

>> No.11067469

>seasoning food is bad
The caucacity.

>> No.11067479

I like creamed veggie soups. But then again, it’s not very good without chicken broth. There’s lots of Ethiopian and Indian vegetarian dishes, though.

>> No.11067500

They do taste decent enough. I'm not sure if it was that brand but one of the "fish" sticks variety I tried was incredibly similar in texture and flavor.

>I have no cravings for meat since eating them.
I eat meat-free stuff once in a while because I like the taste. Veggie burgers are good. But I still get cravings for real meat once in a while. It just doesn't provide everything you can get from meat, even if the texture and taste are close enough.

>> No.11067509

Are you going to fully transition to a vegetarian and get your adams apple shaved down and shit?

>> No.11067522

A good steak is great with just salt and pepper. Now try some tofu with just salt and pepper.

>> No.11067523

I see someone trying to use the "meat tastes bad without seasoning" argument sometimes, I wonder if it's always the same person. Obviously it's not true though considering how many people get upset if you put more than salt on a steak. That person might only be used to low quality meat from a grocery store. I've even had high quality beef that smelled almost sweet when raw, and it made me want to eat it just like that.

>> No.11067534

Even people who eat tofu say it's bland and only a vehicle for sauces and other flavorings. In Asia they don't treat tofu like a meat substitute either and regularly serve it along with meat.

>> No.11067628

Get creative with your dishes, there are infinite ways to make interesting vegetarian food. Start looking into Indian dishes and Mediterranean stuff. Invest in lots of good spices

>> No.11068019

quorn is a genetically modified mushroom.
some scientists believe mushrooms to have a higher sense of awareness than plants do. Are mushrooms ... thinking?

>> No.11069416


beaware that the food this man reccomends is so powerfull it will change your life,

REMEMBER HEMP PROTEIN lots of it, it can replace all the aminoacids of redmeat, i went vegan for 2 months and got super pale because i got no protein.

>> No.11069972

1. Don't. Just be someone who mostly eats vegetables and legumes, but eats meat once in a while. That way you don't have to deal with 'cravings' by buying pathetic fake meat.
2. Tofu is your friend.
3. Asia has many nice dish without meat.

>> No.11069988

Veganism is objectively superior.

Eat more fruit.

>> No.11071642
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thanks for the thread

>> No.11071671
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>> No.11072564


>> No.11072573

But brains are too fatty and hearts can be a little tough.

>> No.11072579

A rope

>> No.11072581

Just fucking do it.
Also, if you aren't a fan of naturally veggie/vegan cuisines, be prepared to have a bad time. I grew up on Indian food so hardly even noticed when I cut meat out of my day to day diet.

>> No.11072587

Take a cheat month to help the transition.

>> No.11072596

brb no creatine
brb no taurine
brb no b12
brb not enough zinc
brb not enough d3
brb not enough iron
brb not enough calcium
brb not enough k2
brb no epa / dha

if you supplement a trillion things maybe

>> No.11072683

Literally all but B12 and creatine can be easily obtained in a vegan diet, and even meat eaters should be supplementing those for gains.
Enjoy your xenoestrogens and LDL.

>> No.11072688
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>> No.11072699
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>> No.11072709
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>> No.11072718

k2 and taurine are also not present in a plants
show us some precentages per grams and absorbtion rates
>muh just eat 2kg of kale bro!

>> No.11072729

Great sources my ass.

All those things you have to eat 10:1 compared to liver, if not more.

>> No.11072746

Taurine is non essential and K2 is unnecessary if you’re getting enough K1

>> No.11072764

>muh sources

>but you totally have to eat like 50x the amount of food! i ain’t gotta prove that!!

>> No.11072775

> K2 is unnecessary if you’re getting enough K1
source: your ass
what about epa and dha? you gonna say the body converts enough ALA into those too?
posting a meme tier infographic isnt muh effort either. now fuck off

>> No.11072782

Check out some italian and Asian chefs/cookbooks as both cuisines use a lot of veg and in my opinion get the best out of them. I'd also slow yourself into the diet change instead of overnight. Start by eating less and less meat and go vegetarian first and if that works then try go vegan. Also buy some cookbooks specifically for vegetables

>> No.11072794

Female huh ?
*tips vegan friendly fedora*
How are you m'lady ?

>> No.11072831

>source: your ass

>epa and dha
Omegas 3 in general are serviced by ALA’s. But whats crucial to this is balancing the ratios with Omega 6’s considering these fatty acid chains compete with each other.

I notice youve yet to post a single source on any of your autistic fearmongering

>> No.11073048

lol imagine being this retarded

>> No.11073113

>Omegas 3 in general are serviced by ALA’s. But whats crucial to this is balancing the ratios with Omega 6’s considering these fatty acid chains compete with each other.
not all omega 3 are equal, ala can be converted in epa/dha but at small rates (i think its @ 10%) and ability to convert it decreases with age
even your beloved greger takes an algae based epa dha supplement
same story as story as above. yes k1 can be converted in k2 but the rates are currently unknown and k2 intake is directly correlated to bone, kidney, brain health, improved insulin sensitivity and lower cancer rates

>> No.11073136
File: 126 KB, 960x590, 454B45A8-CA0F-4C63-93BF-7094B88EF258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i think
Another great source

>even X takes a supplement
So? What’s so bad about supplements? Are you one of those hyper naturalist primitive nuts?

>> No.11073153

>i think
nigga did u watch the video or nah. the idea is that the conversion rate isnt high enough
>So? What’s so bad about supplements? Are you one of those hyper naturalist primitive nuts?
i dont think there's anything wrong with supplements. read my initial message
>if you supplement a trillion things maybe
which you will have to do for OPTIMAL health

also stop posting those images you're straight up embarrassing yourself

>> No.11075051
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>> No.11075087

Then what the fuck is Natto, dumbshit?

>> No.11075684

the orange chicken crisps and the fish fillets are best gardein

>> No.11075701

The K2 comes from the culture growing on the soybeans, not the soybeans themselves.

Can vegans even eat natto? Isn't that microorganism genocide? Or do living things not count if they are small enough?

>> No.11075703

its not a vehicle, its an enhancer. it amplifies flavor

>> No.11075730

Learn to cook Indian food. It's the best vegetarian food out there. And you're gonna learn to love eggs like never before

>> No.11075752

Don't forget the net suffering in the world would lower. That's important.