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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 518 KB, 500x900, anime_girl_eating_render_by_anaka_aka_midori-d9apunp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11070096 No.11070096 [Reply] [Original]

>ate dinner
>puked it up
>hungry again
How you guys holding up? I really hope people aren't unironically binge eaters..

>> No.11071026

>tfw starving but just going to throw up again

>> No.11071245
File: 40 KB, 493x767, bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anorexic lurker here

been fasting for 48 hours so far, if i eat anything im going to have an urge to throw it up

>> No.11071271

Cool pic. Gross habit.
Imagine its a post-apocalypse world. You still gonna be so sheltered and privileged that you maintain bulemia? I doubt it.
You're secretly just attention whoring.
same as OP.
You have a psychological urge, not a physical drive to throw up. What's your overall problem, body dismorphia?

Eating disorder people are pretty mentally childish. Do you think eating disorders are a thing in countries where people legitimately starve to death? Probably not, huh? Grow the fuck up.

>> No.11071278

it feels good to be empty and light-headed and weak, i like feeling i could break at any moment

>> No.11071292

You're anorexic poster?
That's a deeper problem.
Feelings of lack of worth and self hatred?

>> No.11071316

Please go see someone about it.

>> No.11071392

no i love myself so much, i don't want to contimate my body
if I don't want to get better, getting help from professionals won't do anything

>> No.11071398

Go back to /reddit/, bruce

>> No.11071408

Did you mean contaminate?
Tell me more. I'm interested.

>> No.11071427

eat shit bruce

>> No.11071441

yeah sorry, contaminate. I can't think the most clearly right now.

well i'm trying to lose weight right now, only eating when i have mandatory meals with family/friends. that means maybe eating a total of 5 meals across the span of a week.

if you're interested i'm 5'8", 108.4 lb right now. aiming for 100 by september.

>> No.11071446

I'm unironically a binge eater
I eat when I'm sad because I get hungry and food makes me feel less empty
Also, if I'm on a diet then I just say fuck the diet to spite myself I guess

>> No.11071451

yeah that seems healthy, eat a banana you retard

>> No.11071466

Are you a gril?

>> No.11071467

>getting help from professionals won't do anything
That's what everyone with a problem says

>> No.11071479

Don't listen to any of these fatty HAES fags. Keep purging to stay healthy and beautiful.

>> No.11071526

Male or female? Age?
>the interested person

>> No.11071533

I’m a girl(male). 23.

>> No.11071541

>Not sure if you're meme-ing me with the (male)

>> No.11071563

Well, any reason you're aiming for 100lbs?
Seems arbitrary. What's your motivation?

>> No.11071571

Sorry, what's your motive.

>> No.11071576

what a surprise

>> No.11071638

I need to be a pretty girl with a feminine penis

>> No.11071676

guys like girls(guys) with a little meat on their bones too you know

>> No.11071684

So. Basically. Body dismorphia. Like I said here>>11071271

You succumbed to media hype.
Grow the fuck up. Just accept that you are a male, because you'll never be a woman. Play the hand that life deals you.
>sorry but not really.
Go get professional help before you fuck yourself up even further.

>> No.11071723
File: 29 KB, 603x284, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry bros, 23 female(male) tryna be me.

im 19 m with no intention of being feminine.

im aiming for 100 because my last milestone was 110 and that was one of my goals for almost a year. I also think i look better <110 and have pants I need to fit into more comfortably.

again, that was not me. when i was 17 and realized i wouldn't be growing any taller than 5'8", i decided to just grow thinner than taller. i may like how I look now because of the influence of media or maybe not. I feel more confident when i'm thin.

>> No.11071746

I'm 5'8". Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.11071751

>so. you're not comfortable with your body....

>> No.11071765
File: 63 KB, 468x657, F436AD63-E3FE-4869-9FDA-4F6FE1C42734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a period where I just absolutely hated food and ate nothing but protein shakes and water.
Coincidentally that was also the period over which I got fucked in my ass the most

>> No.11071777

Whatever, its your life.
>all the same, being that skinny is unhealthy.
>you've got some mental shit going on and I feel like you're not addressing it properly.

>> No.11071789

>I'm 5'8"

Oh wow, just neck yourself now lmao

>> No.11071802

considering that's not an option, seriously speaking- i think it's reasonably ideal to be 5'8" and skinny rather than 5'8" and normal/fat

>> No.11071818

There's skinny, and there's anorexic. Pick one.

>> No.11071826
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>wearing gloves while eating that burger

>> No.11071840


>> No.11071849

I think the one of the biggest misconceptions people have is that "anorexic" means skin and bones and auschwitz-mode. it's one of the big signs that someone is anorexic yes, but the majority of people with mild to harsh ED's are unnoticeable to other people. that's the dangerous part though, it's a well-hidden disease. not a weight.

the way my body looks right now - not even dysmorphia speaking - someone would look at it and just call me "skinny" or "lanky". not starving and about to die.

>> No.11071918

>I’m a girl(male).
You were born with a Y chromosome and no amount of surgery or hormones will alter this fact.

>> No.11071933
File: 181 KB, 638x1308, 474812B2-6967-4E23-B237-EA3575D30987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It stopped after I lost like 25kg in 3 months. It was just a body image issue

>> No.11071944

Just go keto. Weight loss + satiety

>> No.11072044

If you're not underweight your life's not going great

>> No.11072398

Keto’s gay, dude

>> No.11072420
File: 79 KB, 400x204, 7AFDBCC7-A6D1-4158-99B8-0A8F94D551CE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coincidentally that was also the period over which I got fucked in my ass the most

>> No.11072641

Eating disorders happen all over the world.

>> No.11072647

Pls be a grill

>> No.11072698
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>> No.11072707
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>puked at work a little bit
>entire stall smells like puke
>today was the day they cleaned
>they don't clean until next week
>it'll smell like vomit for a week

>> No.11072708

You can always tell when they're a girl, because boysluts cannot stop themselves from using anime reaction images, to further enforce their delusion that they're "desirable"

>> No.11072871
File: 74 KB, 576x716, tumblr_pcc0qbMMpt1x8p359o3_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that no matter how much you vomit, you'll still absorb some of the calories so if you nom and vom several times in a row- it's like eating a regular meal. Ana>>Mia.

>> No.11072929
File: 109 KB, 613x640, 1488982600011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a mild enzyme disorder that makes me not get as much nutrients out of the food I eat compared to other people, so I end up eating about 20% more food in order to get the same amount of nutrients.

This has caused me to be really really skinny, so people often assume I have an eating disorder, but in reality I love food and I actually eat a lot. I just don't process it as efficiently so I am under-weight in spite of my efforts.

So it's kind of weird to not have an eating disorder, but people putting on the serious face and taking me in private to ask me and saying "it's ok, I can help" and stuff like that a bunch of times in my life, assuming that I do.

Anyway, just wanted to commiserate for a second. Just remember to stay healthy. You may hate it, but you have to consider what your body wants, not just what your brain wants. I have to force myself to eat a little more when I'm not hungry sometimes, but you just do it, because what your body needs is not always what your brain tells you you want. Remember that. Just do what's healthy.

>> No.11073610

I'm 5'3. 80 pounds. Have depression.

>> No.11073644

Me too. I try to be as muscular/fit as possible, and while I'll never have it easy as a 6' guy, by putting the effort in I can do well enough with girls.

>> No.11073677

post body
it's actually better to be 5'8" and thickstrong like a treetrunk
i used to work with a competitive powerlifter who was like 5'4" and a complete bro

>> No.11073686

Yeah, stay beautiful all the way until you die

Hint: It’s in about 5 months

>> No.11073699

That's called Bulemia, retard.

>> No.11073759

It actually doesn't equal the equivalent of a meal unless it's 200-300 calories. Just a reminder that anorexia isn't just for skeletons and if you are not a skeleton, bulimic and anorexic, you might as well be obese.

>> No.11073881

>eat delicious meal
>run to toilet after

>> No.11074204

Why is throwing up pizza so fucken hard

>> No.11074281
File: 25 KB, 192x337, nutrament.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I stopped eating for a month and a half
>Limited myself to around 300-400 calories a day, usually if I did eat I'd drink a nutrament (Pic related, 360 calories)
>Lost almost 70 pounds in around 45 days
>Would have to lay down if I stood up for longer than 10 seconds because I would get dizzy and my vision would turn white
>Slept for 14 hours a day
>Started feeling horrible chest pain so I stopped out of fear
>Still get the same chest pain
What did I do to myself /ck/

>> No.11074284

Forgot to mention that being hungry is to me now an addicting and good feeling. I didn't eat today and I feel like I might dip back into the habit today. Feelsgoodman

>> No.11074322

Yeah! In Haiti, they eat dirt cookies.
Clearly pica, not starvation of a failed state.

>> No.11074326

Enjoy your completely fucked teeth from stomach acid erosion.

>> No.11074330

You're either 12 years old or a drug user.

>> No.11074332

Holy niggertits, you're gonna die.

>> No.11074363

starvation can trigger heart issues. See your cardiologist Anon, please.

>> No.11074373

>Lost almost 70 pounds in around 45 days
Is this even physically possible?

>> No.11074374

Was 18 at the time, now just turned 19. Never touched drugs. Just lost a lot of weight.
I'm pretty sure it's anemia. My mother and most of her sisters and her mother are all anemic, and it's hereditary. I have that unhealthy yellowish skin sometimes too, and the fatigue and long sleep.

>> No.11074419

he was probably 200 lbs

>> No.11074591

>used to have a palette of drugs to use
>stopped and have been sober for over a year save for some uncommon social drinking
>getting fatter
>food is the new coping mechanism

Its a bad feeling since being fat everyone can tell you're fucking up but with drugs unless you're a full blown addict you can hide it easily. I used to be fat most my life then I cut a lot and got underweight then I started lifting but I only managed to stat in a good weight range for like 2 years since smoking weed killed my appetite

>> No.11074600

hamplanet detected

>> No.11074663
File: 101 KB, 958x1061, 1534404800202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm loves me some irreprable self-harm in the morning.

Always make me feel better knowing that at anytime, somewhere there will be an idiot cutting or staving themselves to death.

Gives a great sense of 'having my shit together'.

>> No.11074671

How do I become anorexic?

>> No.11074672

don't eat

>> No.11074711
File: 38 KB, 450x411, where.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck am I tired of you fucking children and your "imagine a post apocalyptic world"
Grow the fuck up

>> No.11074712

Get help, purging is harmful.

>> No.11074782

When I was throwing up after eating anything or gagging after every bite it turned out my kidneys shut down a few months ago and my body was so full of toxins I couldn't eat anything.

>> No.11074820

holy fuck this thread is disgusting. seriously what the fuck. im never coming to ck again

>> No.11075342

How'd you fix it

>> No.11075506
File: 68 KB, 525x608, VMu1AU0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I was in the hospital when they told me my kidneys shut down and that's why I couldn't eat and they told me if I didn't go to dialysis right away I had hours left to live. After about a week of dialysis treatments I could eat again. I'm still on dialysis though my kidneys still don't work, but they're slowly coming back.

>> No.11075699

Did you want to live?

>> No.11075734

Hell fucking yeah dude dying fucking sucks. Nothing destroys your depression faster than someone saying you have hours to live.

>> No.11075742

>mental disorder
>"just grow up bro lmao"
it's scary that mental health patients don't get adequate treatment because even some professionals have the same mentality as this retard

>> No.11075749

Your depression must not have been all that severe yet... If someone told me I had hours left to live I'd sit and wait.

>> No.11075756

Yeah absolutely. Just remember you are loved and appreciated even if by random anons online you've never met.

>> No.11075782

That is not true for me... I am more often than not, despised.

>> No.11075785

I love and appreciate you

>> No.11075794

>this nigga never read Nervous Conditions

>> No.11075945
File: 439 KB, 695x900, 1534386334751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't make myself throw up with fingers no matter how hard I try so I've always just done it by making myself burp until it's forced up

>> No.11075982

I hadn't eaten all day. GF came over after work, we napped and fucked a few times. We bought a shitton of Mexican food and I gorged myself, thinking that she was gonna leave after and I could purge. She ended up spending the night. She surprised me with breakfast this morning after leaving. Then I ate the leftovers from last night. I don't want to puke the breakfast she got me bc she's too cute. ;~;

>> No.11075997

wat am i looking at here?

>> No.11075999

Do we really need to have another fucking vegan thread?

>> No.11076159


>> No.11076389
File: 150 KB, 800x549, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't control his own body and instead blames his brain for his lack of self control

>> No.11076398

You sound like a latent homosexual

>> No.11076405

Technically by puking you're doing the same as pooping except:
A) you can taste it again
B) less calories

Pooping and vomiting are both forms of excretion and only one is mandatory, doesn't mean you can't consider the other.

>> No.11076408

Do you drink liquids before you purge? Helps me a lot when I do otherwise I get whole chunks of food climbing my throat.

>> No.11076415


Here is is the solution. Put something in your body that it actually wants and needs, while keeping your weight down. The more delicious red meat I can stuff my face with in a day, the faster my metabolism, and the faster I lose weight. As it turns out, carbs are not only fattening but also deadly as fuck. If you're already dying from an eating disorder you have nothing to lose. Try ingesting nothing but beef and water for 30 days. Not only will it cure your eating disorder, it will fix the rest of your homeostatic impediments. Most people who eat the high-carb Standard American Diet are severely malnourished, whether overweight or underweight. With proper nutrition (MEAT), your body will regain the raw materials it needs to produce serotonin and dopamine at the right levels. This all happens in your gut, regulated by your gut bacteria.

>> No.11076432

This thread is a fucking trainwreck... But I'd also expect nothing more of 4chan

>> No.11078006

I puke up meat too, I don't see why you think it's carb/junk food specific.

>> No.11078983

why were your kidneys shutting down

>> No.11078988

whoops meant for>>11075506

>> No.11079235
File: 573 KB, 900x554, 1521101218046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scarring in the filters that the doctors don't actually know what caused. The only part of my end stage kidney disease I hate is that I can't have dairy or potatoes or tomatoes or nuts or chocolate

>> No.11079383

I didn't know there were so many anorexic/bulimic people on 4chan

>> No.11079554

this isnt even a healthy weight for a female, the fuck are you doing

>> No.11079683

Skinnyfags of the ED group how do I swap from the "eat all the time" one to the "eat never" one

My fasting attempts are frankly embarassing

>> No.11079712

Mindset, either you could forget to eat, be too lazy to eat, free yourself from the bonds that is "consumption" and fast, or fear/use bad memories to condition yourself to feel extremely bad/nauseous when you want to eat.

>> No.11079769

Thanks for the reply
That last one sounds the most possibly, I can only really stop eating if I associate it with something awful. Last time I fasted for a couple days I was basically staring at proana and thinspo stuff the entire time

>> No.11081417

You'll make it, also visit the /fast/ thread on fit.

>> No.11083013

I hope so

>> No.11083163

>not intermittent fasting

>> No.11083186

>not dry fasting

>> No.11083217

>count calories and eat healthy nutritious meals
>lots of protein, lots of vegetables, small amount of carbs like rice or potatos
>food tastes great and I stay at my calorie limit
>do this for 3-6 days in a row
>cave and get a large pizza, dessert, chicken side or get 20 dollars worth of shit at taco bell
>eat a meal that is 3-4 times my daily calorie limit
>STILL fucking hungry after

I'm hungry when I'm sad. I'm always sad. I'm always hungry. I hate everything

>> No.11083257

Try also having cheat food in your fridge so when you can't resist, you still don't eat so much. It's better to go 500 calories over your planned amount than 2000.

>> No.11083316

>not hard dry fasting, removing yourself from all water contact

>> No.11083329

drinking the liquid jew is the #1 cause of obesity

>> No.11083351

>binge drink
>forget to eat
>puke yellow shit for a day
>sober up with greasy food and monster energy

my life for basically the past 10 years

>> No.11083437

weighed 230 last year now, got down to 155 now im 161, definitely nice being lighter but now I just feel guilty when I eat. its just sad

>> No.11083453

sounds awesome, have you tried eating denser foods? you could just jam a few extra peanutbutter sandwiches every day and be pack on some extra pounds

>> No.11083471

I wish I had your disorder, would totally trade. But all trading aside, eat nuts and avacado

>> No.11083513

why the fuck do animes eat the burger all over their face? I have the beard of an islamic militant that performed the fusian dance with some fucking 70's bush, and not a speck of any finger food ever sticks to me.

>> No.11083537

I was bulimic for 2 years and did all sorts of ridiculous shit to “”hide”” it, I kept trying and trying to stop until one day I went to the dentist and paid $800 to fix my teeth. I never wanted to throw up again after that. It’s especially wild bc I used to vomit in a bag in my room and then sneak it out of the dorm at night. I was doing all sorts of desperate stuff and then one day the urge evaporated.

>> No.11083540

some people have small mouths, I myself find it difficult to bite into large sandwich without getting it on my face, leads to nibbling

>> No.11083545

>tfw you’re a person with a binge eating disorder and bulimia
I’m just fat with really bad breath. It’s gotten to the point where I’m irrationally jealous of my anorexic friends which I know is unhealthy. What do I do /ck/

>> No.11083551
File: 22 KB, 346x450, 1482515436017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF why didn't anyone tell me? I've been on keto for 2 weeks, but I still like women. Am I gay?

>> No.11083593

get rid of your binge eating disorder

>> No.11083609

Dude i'm 6'and 198lbs. I dropped from 220 lb easily by just eating carefully and healthy. I try to just eat a meal a day(700 or less cals) but if I need to go for the midnight snack, I do. Good luck.

>> No.11083613

well can you not be homosexual?

>> No.11083857
File: 394 KB, 900x900, 1530675960354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: do you regularly post here while in the grips of an eating disorder or did you come here just to make this thread? If you come here regularly, why?

>> No.11084760
File: 80 KB, 500x375, 4095FAC7-2800-4469-BFAA-81085E3ECAC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m born this way honey

>> No.11086264

I post here every day, am very active in many threads. I love food but I hate eating it.

>> No.11087555

lmao you realize he's underweight right?

>> No.11088656

hot desu

>> No.11088694

if you can't stop your self from puking up the food you eat then sorry to say, but you are a subhuman IDIOT

>> No.11088717

thought those were stink clouds from the thumbnail and got excited

>> No.11089219

This is why I'm so far in debt and almost homeless now. Quit while you're ahead.