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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11068556 No.11068556 [Reply] [Original]

>hurr calories in, calories out hurr
It's much healthier to just eat what makes you happy.

>> No.11068586

>year of our Lord 2018
>accepting responsibility for one's own choices and actions

I shiggy diggy

>> No.11068592


>> No.11068621

>history of ED

People post on jewbook about how their dick doesn't work?

>> No.11069019


Eating Disorder

>> No.11069037

"People" with eating disorders are subhumans who need to be rounded up and shipped to africa

>> No.11069056

>eat only junk food
>get fat
>get malnourished

But only eating 3 bags of chips instead of 4 is still "restricting" yourself I guess.

>> No.11069073

Fat people deserve no sympathy or empathy of any kind.
Being a healthy weight is not hard.
Exercise is not hard.
Not eating fast food for every meal is not hard.

>> No.11069115

stop fucking blurring out names you faggots. don't protect these fucks from from being called out for their retarded views.

these are the same type of sub-humans that would dox you based on a 5 year old tweet and ruin your life. they don't deserve the courtesy of anonymity

>> No.11069165
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Matt Stonie eats like this and looks like that. Explain yourselves fatties.

>> No.11069177

when you eat a bunch of food that fast you don't even digest it because your body can't process that much at once. I've heard stories from competitive eaters about shitting out like a whole half of a hotdog, intact.

>> No.11069182

If you dont chew something of course its coming out whole you spaz.

>> No.11069183

>malnourished = skeleton
Nah, malnourished just means incorrect nourishment. It can either be too little or too much.

>> No.11069203

It gets threads deleted if you dont. Old 4chan rule from back when people got raided.

>> No.11069329


Fats are inhuman

>> No.11070225

The dumb guy is back again- I can tell.

>> No.11070306
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>> No.11070319

Your body should digest it whether it's been chewed or not. Unless you're eating too much for your body to properly digest.

>> No.11070333

>talking like a black person makes your dumb message more digestible

>> No.11070408

Fat people who feed only on fast food often lack vitamins and shit. Similarly to eating only fish or meat without vegetables for months will give you dysentery, the usual medicine being orange marmalade.

>> No.11070500

How come whenever a fat person talks about eating healthy I don't believe it?

>> No.11070505

Because they never cut out the real culprits: sodas and juices. They also have the idea that replacing junk with stuff like bananas and nuts will yield immediate benefits when they won't.

>> No.11070515

a diet that has lots of fat and carbs creates the hunger pains.
I eat only starch and I never feel hungry.

>> No.11070524

Shut up fatass. Eating a whole carton of reese's peanut butter cups might make you happy but you're fucking yourself up worse than watching what you eat.

>> No.11070531
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Liquid calories and not understanding portions are the two biggest culprits. Two real life examples I can give for those

>Work with a fat girl, 250 pounds so big but not beyond redemption
>Started bring healthy lunches, mostly salads and chicken, actually not bad
>Still drinks three of these mocha fuckacinno things per day
>Doesn't realize that she's taking in more than half of the calories she should in a day just in her drinks alone

>Used to live with super fat roommate, 5'0" and 350 pounds.
>Decides to switch to healthy meals and snacks
>Gets Healthy Choice meals and oranges. Not the best but better than what he was doing
>Would eat THREE frozen meals per sitting and an entire bag of oranges in a day
>Tell him he's eating too much
>"But it's healthy"

>> No.11070532

I'm going to take a wild guess and say that's not how he eats for every meal.

>> No.11070542

>i'm so big brained that just reading about facts on the internet affects my metabolism

>> No.11070544


what if mcdonalds and chocolate make me happy

>> No.11070549

They are a temporary happiness. Being fit makes you happy constantly.

>> No.11070550

>He likes being happy

Get a load of this guy

>> No.11070551

That's not what /fit/ taught me.

>> No.11070559

It means 'erectile dysfunction' you fucking retard brainlet

>> No.11070582
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>> No.11070605

the inability to accept that two things might have the same acronym is one of the most autistic things i have seen

>> No.11070623

>go into some Chinese restaurant
>seated next to a fattey and her sister
>fatty is bitching about her doctor telling her to lose weight
"it's impossible, I can't exercise because he told me running would be bad for my joints"
>the sister is constantly nodding in agreement
>her food arives
>three fucking plates for herself
>she asks for a soda refill too
The whole time I wanted to tell her just to eat less but I was worried I'd be her fourth dish if I said anything.

>> No.11070641

Taking things too literally and not recognizing irony/humor/funposting is actually a much stronger warning sign of autism, Anon

>> No.11070662

>you fucking retard brainlet
Wow what a great joke. I must have missed the nuance in the fine humor crafting.

>> No.11070690

Have fun getting sued if something happens to them.

>> No.11070696

Look, I've been overweight almost my entire life, and at one point was 350 lbs. Now I'm relatively fit and almost at my goal weight of 175 lbs. I will tell you, I am so so SO much happier with my life than when I was overweight. I feel better internally and externally, I look better, and I can run again and feel the wind in my face. Fitness doesn't guarantee you will be happy all the time, but you sure as shit will feel better about yourself most of the time.

>> No.11070743

you mean scurvy, not dysentry, but a fish/meat only diet doesnt cause scurvy.

>> No.11070767

This big time. Im a fat fuck and cutting my portions and heavily reducing my intake of liquids outside of water has helped me lose close to 20 pounds in the past 2 months. I still got a long way to go but reducing your sugars and regulating portion sizes helps a lot long term along with making sure to get a regulated amount of fibre and protein to keep you satisfied throughout the day and not wanting to snack but even then sticking to dark fruits, dark green veggies and plain greek yogurt is usually a good thing to help curb those habits.

>> No.11070988

good job dude. That's a lot of shed pounds.

>> No.11070998

I read somewhere that professional eaters practice stretching their stomachs with large amounts of water. So that way, they only occasionally do these huge binges. Still unhealthy though.

>> No.11071126

I kinda feel for these people because they honestly don't realize just how much they are eating, and that the sugar/carbs in food really is addictive. I've been fasting on and off since January and my reaction to food and my sense of what a proper proportion is has completely changed. If I do have a snack or some chips, I don't eat the whole bag, just a few, I don't even want to eat the whole bag, I don't want big meals, I don't need more than 1 meal a day, and I even enjoy being hungry, and do not enjoy being stuffed and sluggish. I'm almost at my goal weight

but you can't tell any of them that, they have to come to it themselves somehow. To tell them offends them because it's true that the mainstream doesn't have good advice, lots of contradictory things and all the diets and what not seem like fads and scams. People just need to know the one diet that doesn't cost anything: fasting

>> No.11071160
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We should move all these whiners to Ethiopia with them starving childrens, see if their metabolism still makes them fat. If it does, they'll stay and the children take their place. Win win.

>> No.11071171

I agree with that but you need a palate cleanse. After you keep away from fried stuff for at least a week when you eat shit that is too greasy, aka deep fried, you kinda feel like puking.

>> No.11071224

sounds like an excuse for lost anal toys to me

>> No.11071225

Nice bait.

>> No.11071262

You can lose weight by only consuming 1500 calories of sugar per day but you'll feel like shit. If the only point of that person was that they felt bad while dieting they might have a point in saying that CICO isn't the only thing matters for health, but saying that they were still fat just means they couldn't stop overeating and blamed it on others.

>> No.11071279
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>> No.11071322

I get far more happiness listening to all the fat fucks who won't lose weight moan about how difficult it is that I get from making and eating delicious cakes with my wife.

>> No.11071488

calories are literally a meme
the human body is a massively complicated mess of many systems, each of which work differently and respond differently to every type of substance
and every human body reacts slightly differently to every single one of those factors
and you can SOMEHOW come up with a magic number that abstracts "how fat this will make you" no matter what the food item is made of?
just think about it for half a minute, that's fucking stupid.

>> No.11071496

Tbh 4chan is a little overwhelming with the fat shaming

>> No.11071635

It is easy, consume more than what you take.
Wanna eat a lot? exercise a lot.

>> No.11071663

This, fasting is truly the answer given you don't have any health issues like diabetes or something. I never realized how easy weight loss is until I tried it out, Lost about 35 pounds this summer.

>> No.11071685

>ITT: /ck/ defies the laws of thermodynamics.
You should be nominated for a Nobel Prize given this earth shattering, scientific breakthrough.

>> No.11071946

>lose close to 20 pounds
How does it feel knowing all you lost was water weight and that you're still a lardo and always will be?

>> No.11071965
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This may be a stupid question but what type of fast are we talking about? Is this an entire day with no calories or is it Ramadan style? How long do you do it for and on what type of schedule?

>> No.11072241

I am a fucking horrendously poor eater and am a fatty, and counting calories has been tremendously easy for me. Doctor said im doing great. Im only 20 (poor parenting, bad habits etc) but its been really easy for me. Obviously eating purely healthy would still be better but this way kinda destroys all the excuses i hear about losing weight.

>> No.11072261

Sounds like this dude is an utter fucking retard and should just end it if he's that bad at figuring out how to feed himself. Jesus.

>> No.11072277

He looks like shit tho. Greasy as all fuck.

>> No.11072284

I lost 50 pounds recent by literally just not eating and have no saggy skin

just stop eating for a month you fat fucking fucks

>> No.11072288


>> No.11072293

thats bullshit. unless youh ave a serious health condition, your body will digest and process everything you eat.

>> No.11072301

How do I stop drinking fruit juice, soda, and beer? I just love them too much.

>> No.11072302

It's a combo of this and

And the fact that they're fudging calories. Like they'll pretend "oh I'm eating healthy cause salad" and then "forget" to log in all that salad dressing and cheese. They'll also eyeball everything instead of measuring it out so they think they're eating a lot less than they actually are. They also think you can basically eat whatever as long as the calories match up.

I lost 20 pounds in less than 2 months doing a whole 180 life style change. No sugar, no soda, no juices, no white breads and white rice, low sodium, almost no red meat. I count everything and log in everything as is. I don't fudge my calories and I count everything I put into my body. I also started drinking water like it was my fucking job. Was it a lot of work? Yeah absolutely. But it worked and I feel great. So I guess it just goes to show that you don't get to be a fat piece of shit and pretend like you're doing things by the book when you're really not.

>> No.11072310

Set up a punishment system you will follow. Every time you cave, you have to do 20 sit ups or something. If you keep fucking up, you're just fat forever and that's punishment enough.

>> No.11072311

*corn kernel blocks your path*

>> No.11072322

>im eating healthy now! look at muh salad!
>"salad" has a bunch of cheese cubes, crispy fried bacon bits, and is covered in thick cream-based dressing

>> No.11072372

It's amazing. I see them complaining all the time
>I drastically cut my calorie intake from 6000 to 3000 and I'm not losing any weight. Diets are a meme

>> No.11072385

Went from 222 in May now I'm 180. Counted calories and restricted myself to about 1200 for the first month and half and then about 700-1000 after that with 2 or 3 days of <500 Cals about every other week or so. Diet was mostly fruit, veggies, and turkey or ham. No cardio of any kind, and only went and lifted occasionally to minimize lean muscle loss. It sucks but it absolutely works. Honestly the hardest part was cutting beer, not food.

>> No.11072407

Nice. Buy some baby oil or those creams preggos use to prevent stretch marks and don't stop the exercises

>> No.11072408

The human body is complicated yes, but you can make the same fucking argument about alcohol and heroin too and yet you don't question doctors when they tell you to stop. If any fatty actually committed to a 1500 cal a day diet for a year and they didn't notice a weight loss I will eat my own words though.

>> No.11072665

Find alternatives. I use a lot of those Crystal Light flavor packets in water since they are still sweet and are zero calorie.

>> No.11072669
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>They'll also eyeball everything instead of measuring it out so they think they're eating a lot less than they actually are.

>> No.11072696
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>the human body and what is healthy can be reduced to boiling water

>> No.11072810

What does boiling water have to do with it?

>> No.11072858

20 pounds in 2 months is exactly what solid weight loss gains looks like.

>> No.11072896

One calorie is the amount of energy reuquired to raise the temperature of 1 mL of water b y 1 degree C.

>> No.11072898

Nobody claims that CICO is all you need to be healthy, but it will factually make you lose weight. You cannot prevent yourself from losing weight if you burn more calories than you take in. It literally is not possible.

>> No.11072922

I mean it's not like people spent years testing different foods to measure the amount of calories a sample group of people gain from them or anything, it's just numbers from thin air.

>> No.11072944


The problem that I see is people getting confused about exactly what CICO means really. Like >>11072898 explains, it is the only hard truth for weight gain/loss.

But that is the extent of it. CICO says nothing whatsoever about "health"....it is limited to weight only. Of course being overweight (or underweight) carries associated health risks, but CICO addresses nothing beyond that.

>> No.11073006

>not numbers from thin air
Actually its numbers from boiling water. I know not everyone made it to high school graduation so here you go: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calorie#Definitions

>> No.11073014

Why does it matter if water was used to calculate the formula? Exactly what point are you trying to make?

>> No.11073022

Yes, a calorie is an arbitrary amount of energy. The calories attributed to different foods were measured by actually feeding them to people. The average of four calories per gram of carbohydrate and protein, nine per gram of fat is used as a acceptable rule of thumb because the actual variance was within a few percent for most things.

>> No.11073034

>one burger
>one order of fries

This is like, what, around 1500 calories? Really not that much, and I doubt he ate much else that day. Fatasses are fat because they eat that and more all day every day.

>> No.11073045

This. The measurements we see: 4 cal/g for carbs and protein, 9 for fat, etc, are called Atwater factors, after the name of the scientist who measured them. Those measurements take into account the inefficinecies of human digestion.

>> No.11073047

Depends a lot on the specifics. A shake alone could be 1500 cals depending on how large it is and what it is made with. Many fast food burgers are well over 1,000 cals by themselves.

>> No.11073081

This is one is sad because this dude is not necessarily in denial like a lot of fatasses. He's actually trying to make some better choices and is just lacking education about portion control and calorie contents. I wonder if he made it.

>> No.11073087

>He's actually trying to make some better choices
>Cream there. Double Cream.

>> No.11073099

Still better than eating a triple decker cheeseburger from Wendy's or a whole pizza, man.

>> No.11073108

Actually, I know not everyone graduates past skimming wikipedia articles so here you go: http://www.netzingers.com/download/es028.pdf

>> No.11073163

Are you expecting me to download a pdf from a literal who's blog? Cmon now

>> No.11073191

There should be more honestly. Fuck them.

>> No.11073217

>Makes claim
>Provides no evidence beyond my feelings hurt
I really can't understand this

>> No.11073222

You've discovered modern political debating.

>> No.11073297

Fatties' mental gymnastics are always amusing to watch.

>> No.11073313

Yeah let's see him in ten years.

>> No.11073549

Hey man, don't forget you can drink stuff like iced tea too. Putting five bags in a jug of water and letting it sit in the fridge for a few hours gives you something with flavor that won't make you fat. Unless you put sugar or something in it.

>> No.11073569

>It's much healthier to just eat what makes you happy.
Except that being fat is unhealthier than being a smoking alcoholic with a cocaine addiction.

>> No.11073599

CICO works, you just have to do it. But I sympathize with fat fucks. I'm not fat, but I'm having trouble getting to my ideal weight. If being hot was easy, everyone would do it.

>> No.11073601

Bodybuilders used to think that they had to eat their entire calories in the time window of like an hour or two after training and while that's retarded it was digested.
Look up how many potatoes 4k calories are and then come back to me with your broscience.

>> No.11073862

Kepp it up, Anon-kun ganbarre

>> No.11073877

CICO completely addresses being overweight when the sole purpose is to explain why people fail to lose weight no matter what they "try" to do


>> No.11074065
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I'd rather enjoy the best food humans have ever had access to rather than trying to starve myself everyday to be slim enough to try to impress roasties. My life got way better once I dropped these shackles holding me back from eating what I want everyday

>> No.11074232

Man, losing weight is easy. I went from 180 to 162 in two months just by cutting out dessert and alcohol. Didn't do anything about the rest of my diet or physical activity.

I was never much of a drinker but like to bake and I'd gotten to the point where I was baking and eating two full iced cakes every week. Since then my sweet tooth has gone way down so I just have a little ice cream now and then.

>> No.11074248

Does anyone notice how many fat people think adding healthy food to their current diet will somehow help them lose weight? You're adding goddamn calories even if they are nutritious.

My girlfriend's cousin and her wife (why are lesbians always fat?) hike and exercise, their kitchen is full of diet food and healthy smoothie stuff, but they do all this stuff on top of making tables of food fit for an army as well as drinking massive Dunkin frappes all the time.

>> No.11074254


>> No.11074264

The 134 likes. I was confused at first too because I thought I was supposed to be looking at the picture in it.

>> No.11074269

Yeah, people need to learn just eating less is what makes you lose weight, but the companies who make "diet foods" are also responsible for that. The directions for the diet foods do say to use them as meal replacements, but they also try to make you think eating them will make you lose weight.

>> No.11074271

When can we render the obese down into bio-diesel and burn them for fuel?

>> No.11074276

Man my neighbors are lesbian and they are both fucking land whales with dyed hair. It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't such sour and bitchy all the time and ruining my peace by hearing their yelling

>> No.11074291

>It gets threads deleted if you don't
Only when the dumbfuck and/or redditor mods/janitors are active.

>Old 4chan rule from back when people got raided.
Go be a misremembering retard somewhere else. Publicly available information is not private PII, and posting someone's stupidity is not calling for or organizing a raid.

Have fun living in your alternate reality bubble.

>> No.11074313

There was some webm or video showing what athletes eat and it included him, it said he eats 2 boiled cabbages and drinks 2 gallons of water.

>> No.11074333

Can confirm. I lost an average of 2lbs a week when I was dieting simply by trying to keep my average calorie intake (on a multi-day basis) was low enough. I ate whatever I wanted, even had half a rack of ribs twice in one week.
Cutting my juice/soda intake down to 0 to 1 cans a day max made things a lot easier, and using slightly flavored carbonated water helped fill my fizzy craving.

>> No.11074337

>and posting someone's stupidity is not calling for or organizing a raid.
I think it's only ever allowed if someone is already receiving a lot of attention for something and posting it here doesn't really matter. Posting something like the OP with someone's name is different from a celebrity's tweet. Even if you don't directly call for a raid on someone it can still be used for that and they'd rather just avoid the headache of dealing with it.

>> No.11074364

I bet you get all ruffled when high school students successfully approximate the distance a vehicle travels from a given potential energy even though they didn't properly account for (or even understand how to account for) things like air resistance and wheel PSI and etc.
Simplified physics equations are just a meme, amirite?

>> No.11074409
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CICO gives diminishing returns, leaves you feeling hungry, and fails, not because of thermodynamics, but because of psychology, and because the body does different things with different nutrients. Fat makes you full.

>> No.11074429

You seem to be slightly confused. It's against the rules to call for or organize a raid. Posting someone's name by itself has never met this criteria. Ever.
Posting or requesting personal information is against the rules. A name on a public post that anyone can view is not personal information. The minimum requirement would be for the post to only be viewable by a select group of people, such as a post made on a facebook wall that can only be seen by friends. If you can't even meet that minimum requirement it hasn't even reached a gray area for debate where website owners can reasonably claim better safe than sorry.

>> No.11074436

something something perfectly spherical and homogeneous anons

>> No.11074560

Nice troll science thinking you can model human biology through boiling water and rolling wheels down the road. What's next, infinity energy putting buckets and a water wheel in a river?

>> No.11074630

>A name on a public post that anyone can view is not personal information.
Obviously, but that's not the point. You're still going to direct trolls to the page even if you aren't directly calling for a raid. You're not posting private information but you're giving people a target.

>> No.11074652

>But that's not the point.
It's entirely the point you dense dipshit. Rules are explicit. If it's not against the rules then it's not against the rules.

>You're still going to direct trolls to the page even if you aren't directly calling for a raid. You're not posting private information but you're giving people a target.
You're not allowed to post here again until you read 1984.

>> No.11074675

It's a post on S O C I A L media you dink. If they didnt want attention dont post it

>> No.11075572

Jesus fucking christ that was one of the cringiest posts I have ever seen in this god-forsaken hellhole. Please kill yourself immediately.

>> No.11075663

My sister drinks a big thing if mountain dew and eats 2 bags if chips every day.
She keeps losing weight.
I th I k she's on meth.

>> No.11075774

Almost everyone who does that kind of competitive eating forces themselves to throw it up when they’re done.

>> No.11075790

happy for you anon, keep up the good work

we're all gonna make it

>> No.11075805

The spread in metablism isn't that large. Maybe +/- 200 calories from the mean. Less if you account for height, lean mass, and level of activity. You can leat someone ride a stationary bike and calculate the the amount of work they do while measuring the amount of CO2 they exhale. Then you measure the amount of CO2 they exhale at rest. From there you can calculate their base metabolic rate.

If the calories you burn from exercise plus your BMR exceed your calories consumed, you lose weight. Just make sure you get enough protein, vitamins, and minerals and you won't get malnourished. Your mind and body might protest, as we're programmed not to lose weight, but that means you'll just have to not be a little bitch.

Soon, you will lose weight and gain muscle. Your BMR will increase and the adipose tissue you lost will no longer be making you lethargic. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3791387/))

TL;DR: You're wrong about CICO and losing weight while avoiding malnutrition makes you happy in the long run.

>> No.11075828

>>spread in metabolism isn't that large

but but but anon, what am I supposed to blame my health problems on then? I need an excuse so I don't have to own up to my own poor eating habits.

oh wait, it's gluten. Yeah, I heard about that on instabook. fucking gluten making me fat. it's all because THEY put gluten in EVERYTHING. Yeah, that's it. it's all THEIR fault.

>> No.11076101

seitan is the WORST thing you can eat buddy so unhealthy

>> No.11076130

As a fat guy trying to become skinny again I can confidently tell you seeing the pounds drop when I weigh myself has made me infinitely happier than any kind of junk food I used to stuff my face with.

>> No.11076506

>i was merely pretending!