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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 132 KB, 900x600, mayonnaise-industry-millennials[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11064383 No.11064383 [Reply] [Original]


so why are you killing the most American of foodstuffs?

>> No.11064398

It's so easy to be a columnist. Just write a "millennials are killing X'" piece, and it'll quickly go viral.

>> No.11064409

I'll never give up mayo, it's just the perfect sauce

>> No.11064414

It'll come back.

>> No.11064415

Maybe cause mayo is fuck easy to make yourself

>> No.11064417

anyone who says they hate mayo is either ignorant that it's on every sammich or theyre fucking lying to sound healthy and edgy

>> No.11064425


>> No.11064431

I won't rink the salmonella tho

>hur dur it's safe
Won't risk it

>> No.11064447

Use pasteurized eggs. Actually, if you're that much of a scared little pisspants weakling, just avoid cooking all together.

>> No.11064454

I'm a millennial and I put mayo on 99% of the sandwiches I make

>> No.11064470
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I can't believe I read the whole fucking thing. This woman should be put in a home

>> No.11064473

I'll just buy the mayo faggot

>> No.11064474

Same, it's good

>> No.11064475

I made the switch to kewpie mayo

>> No.11064481
File: 63 KB, 640x629, 96C2702C-D050-47E6-9C76-3BEBDD5F3358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought one of those big ass jars from Costco. Been thinking about trying the avocado mayo there too.

>> No.11064482

Jesus Christ imagine being this militant about a fucking condiment. I’d eat that sandwich she described I’ll also eat a sandwich with mayo in it hoooollly fuck.

>> No.11064485

>retard boomers make their kids food covered in mayo for years
>act surprised when the kids grow up and use condiments that are actually good
boomercide when?

>> No.11064489

>aioli is mayo
This article is infuriating on multiple levels. And this is by far the most annoying one.

>> No.11064500


>> No.11064501

Doesn't taste the same tho

I like both for different uses. I make homemade for aolis and dips and whatnots, but for bread spread (especially with leftover turkey from holiday meals) I need the mass produced stuff

>> No.11064502
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The hilarious part is this whole article is actually because her kids don't like her Pasta Salad recipe. Spoilers: It's ass. Pic related is the recipe she posted to twitter.

>“My son Jake, who’s 25, eats mayo. He’s a practical young man who works in computers and adores macaroni salad. He’s a good son. I also have a daughter. She was a women’s and gender studies major in college. Naturally, she loathes mayonnaise.”

>> No.11064508

jesus fucking christ. Terrible article - both in terms of grammar and structure as well as general sentiment, terrible recipe, terrible woman.

>> No.11064510

This recipe is a great way to make the kids not want to visit on the holidays.

>> No.11064514

God, this is one of the few times you can actually feel that she's the epitome of the boomer in the most original sense of the word just by reading her text.

>> No.11064526

Sammich Bitch

>> No.11064528
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>> No.11064529
File: 291 KB, 707x585, F6FC6701-0AE0-430E-BE27-C93EAE448A24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well adjusted son eats the mayo pasta because it is what it it
>daughter with $40,000 debt from adult daycare loathes it as she has the time to construct hate for a fucking condiment

>> No.11064538

We're reaching levels of boomer than shouldn't be possible.

>> No.11064544

The truck is loading mayonnaise back into the jar, not taking it from it. This means they are disposing of it, off to the landfill with this vile refuse. Some argue, it looks more like a mining operation, a rich harvest of mayonnaise from our mother Earth. But multiple clues in the image suggest they are scooping the offensive shit up and packaging it in cylinders known for radioactive waste cylinders. They are designed to last ten thousand years, but the waste inside is dangerous for millions of years. I didn't click the link, and I wont. You shouldn't either. I want feedback on the picture and if this kind of thing really happens? Because Ive never seen it, and I dont know what their motivation could be?

>> No.11064550

>daughter probably traveled or went to places with decent food
>son never left the basement, has to eat what mom shits out

>> No.11064552

It’s a bowl of fucking mayo. Of course they hate it. Doesn’t even have meats in it.

>> No.11064558

I want to hate her for the mayo thing but her twitter makes her seem like a softhearted, albeit bumbling woman

The kind who I would enjoy visiting briefly during holidays and would even fake enjoying her terrible cooking, just because I know it means a lot to her and I only have to do it once or twice a year

nice lesbian aunt/10

>> No.11064568

Yeah, the vibe I got isn't that she's mean spirited, just kind of...dumb

>> No.11064569


This post >>11064528 made me recind my opinion. What the absolute fucking fuck. Not even I, the hypothetical loving nephew would tolerate that abomination

>> No.11064581

Toasted bread, fried balogna, American cheese, cool creamy Kewpie or dukes mayonnaise slathered on, ruffles original ripple chips stacked on in 2 layers.

>> No.11064584


>> No.11064590

>It's so easy to be a columnist. Just write a "millennials are killing X'" piece, and it'll quickly go viral.
Yeah, and then if you're lucky you'll get paid almost as much as a McDonalds employee. When anyone can do a given job easily, you're not going to be compensated much for doing it.

>> No.11064604


>son is true epicurean, able to find simple, sustainable pleasure in even the most stereotypical boomer slop
>daughter is chained to the wheel of carnal desires borne of her own shortsighted indulgence, doomed to misery for what she once had when the frivolity must end in due course

>> No.11064607
File: 29 KB, 628x504, y2wcXNJ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There was a time when Doug and I could have had a rip-roaring-good argument about the age of Shaquille O’Neal. He might have opened by noting that Shaq had been playing for the Celtics only a few seasons ago, so how could he be upward of 60, like us? I might have countered that our son’s first college roommate had been named for the big guy and Jake is 25 now, so there was that. We might have parried over whether or not Shaq had been on the Lakers team that beat the Sixers in the 2001 NBA championship, which would have led me to reminisce fondly about watching the first game of that playoff on a tiny battery TV outside my leader’s tent at the annual co-ed Patriot Days encampment at Daniel Boone Homestead while trying to keep tabs on two dozen hormone-ridden Girl Scouts, which would have led both of us to recall Doug’s first Patriot Days encampment, with Jake’s Cub Scout troop, and how it rained nonstop for three days until Jake stood in the middle of a field and cried because there was nowhere dry to sit down. We would have laughed at the memory, maybe clinked our glasses (his beer, mine wine) and felt warm-fuzzy and a little closer to each other, and we might even have gotten it on upstairs after the game was over, despite the fact the Lakers won.

>But instead, we have Alexa. So we never did.

>I COME FROM a big, loud, argumentative family. (For most of our marriage, Doug’s parents thought I was Italian.) We enjoy nothing more than a big holiday dinner at which we all stuff our faces and shout at one another and bicker over inconsequential stuff like whether the recipe for Aunt Laura’s pound cake had sour cream in it and if Jack Ruby acted alone. We’re contented — hell, we’re actually most comfortable — in a state of quarrelsome upheaval. It’s how we show love.

>Alexa is the opposite of love.

>> No.11064617
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god fucking dammit this woman is doing the opposite of warming the cockles of my heart. She is actively cooling them to a sub-freezing temperature. I wanted to like her, I really fucking did. I thought it was folksy. But all her goddam views are so shit

>> No.11064618

Mmhmm that what life’s all about being well traveled and enjoying yourself. Look at all these cool stamps in my passport. My suitcase is so cool with all the custom stickers on it.

>> No.11064619

That article is antisemitic.
>But for many Jewish Americans who came of age in that era, the frequent combination of white mayonnaise, white bread, and white gentiles created a lunchroom culture clash in which they were on the losing end. “They would make fun of me because they would be eating their sandwiches on white bread,” recalled Fred Okrand, who grew up in Los Angeles. “And I remember feeling ashamed, somehow, that I was eating rye bread and the other kids weren't.”

>> No.11064622


>Good ol’ mayo has become the Taylor Swift of condiments.

I can't tell if I don't know what the fuck she's trying to say here because I'm too out of touch or because I'm not out of touch enough.

>> No.11064626

>millennials are killing
What planet are you on? It is hard to be a columnist (as in a paid position, not a blog being served from your raspi) unless your a raging racist gay korean sjw.

>> No.11064630

>MY SON JAKE, who’s 25, eats mayo. He’s a practical young man who works in computers and adores macaroni salad. He’s a good son. I also have a daughter. She was a women’s and gender studies major in college. Naturally, she loathes mayonnaise.

please be satire, please be satire, please be satire

>But what young people really, really love to hate on is mayonnaise. Back in 2013, BuzzFeed ran an article titled “24 Reasons Mayonnaise Is the Devil’s Condiment.” (The writer called it “slime of Satan.”) Just three years later, BuzzFeed ran another piece, “23 Things You’ll Only Understand If You Fucking Hate Mayo.” By a different author. There was no overlap. Drew Magary penned a piece for Bon Appétit with the headline “Big Mayo Will Destroy Us All.” A movie called The Mayo Conspiracy won the Best Comedy Feature at the 2015 World’s Independent Film Festival. It concerns the gradual uncovering by a journalist of a mayonnaise cartel that plans to take over the world.

please be satire. no one can possibly care about a glob of fat this much

>And it’s obvious to me that this condimental divide can be traced to young folks’ rejection of what they sneeringly consider a boring white food.

yeah fuck mayo. it's so shit, im gunna sneer at it.

>This is bullshit. This attitude comes to you from young people who willingly slurp down eight kazillion kinds of yogurt, not to mention raw fish and pork belly and, yo, detergent pods, so don’t talk to me about mayonnaise.


>I thought young people today were supposed to be all about inclusion — about kindness and compassion and making other people feel welcome. So how about you include a little mayo in your picnic fare?

it's another boomer plays a victim episode

>Mayonnaise has been the building block for a thousand different tweaks in a rainbow of cultures: Russian dressing!

boomers LOVE russia now

>> No.11064639

I'm 25 and have never tried mayo in my life. Same with aoili or whatever they're calling mayo mixtures. Further, I've never had ketchup, mustard, or any of the other traditional topping sauces outside of BBQ.
What am I missing?

>> No.11064640


>> No.11064643

taste buds, i'd guess

>> No.11064645
File: 71 KB, 720x480, das_racist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with that general sentiment? I hear it all the time

>I grew up korean ashamed of eating kimchi at lunch

>I grew up jewish ashamed of eating lox or jew kibble or whatever they eat

>I grew up muslim ashamed of eating lamb

I grew up in the late 80's/early 90's and I never experienced any of this. My parents were adventurous food lovers and regularly packed me all these things and more in school lunches. I distinctly remember in grade two eating brined baby octopi like pic related, kimchi, sashimi, tons of smoked salmon, etc, and never getting shit for it among my middle-upper class white classmates

Why do they make their inferiority complexes everyone elses' problem?

/blogpost over

>> No.11064650

Mayo is really that unhealthy?

I said I never had it, not that I didn't like it.

>> No.11064651
File: 180 KB, 2000x1000, 7736BD41-ABBB-4508-B7A1-A6913D2599C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my son, he works with the computers

>> No.11064654

Where do you live and what do you regularly eat?

>> No.11064655

it's kind of both desu. Easy in that it doesnt require an amazing skillset, particularly if you write stuff aimed at middle age white folks, but its a highly competitive and underpaid market, and you have to grind out a ton of shit in order to get ahead. It's not a particularly high-skillset job but its certainly not easy either

>> No.11064666

the types of people currently attracted to that career field makes it so.

being an sjw should not be a paid position anyway. you should be doing it for the betterment of all the oppressed. asking the people to pay for your shrieking drivel is hypocrisy in the extreme.

>> No.11064670

>I grew up in the late 80's/early 90's
Well that'd be part of the explanation. I'm pretty sure race relations and food norms during the 20s were different from race relations and food norms in the 80s and 90s. In more recent years food has become less of an identity thing and more of a "whatever I feel like because everything's available everywhere with minimal effort" kind of thing.

>> No.11064672

People are probably making less recipes that call for entire jars of mayonnaise so it's probably true.

>> No.11064673


>And it’s obvious to me that this condimental divide can be traced to young folks’ rejection of what they sneeringly consider a boring white food.
>condimental divide

I don't know why it took me this many minutes of lurking this thread to realize this article was written by Peggy Hill.

>> No.11064675


>> No.11064684
File: 28 KB, 610x324, 2carv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aioli beats mayo any day and it's easy to make at home. Why would I buy bullshit in a jar?

>> No.11064691

>why should i not grow my own cotton and weave my own underwear?

>> No.11064692

California. Today I ate:

>Coffee with toast and homemade marmalade
>Porkchops with veggie stir fry
>Left-over chicken soup made last night
>Steakhouse Funyuns

I usually just order everything without sauce or with it on the side. For that matter, I've also never had sour cream or hot sauce, though I love spicy food.

>> No.11064696

I should clarify, I meant this more in the context of like food youtubers and whatnot on channels like BA or Eater or whatever, particularly that K-town show where every episode is a korean guy my age or younger (and I'm not THAT old at 30) waxing poetic about the trials and tribulations of eating korean food as a kid

The 1920s was a different beast altogether, 150% agreed

>> No.11064702
File: 180 KB, 500x405, CANTWAKEUP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the everloving fuck.

>> No.11064703

I'm sure it happens, kids make fun of other kids for all sorts of reasons. What's stupid is they want to elevate the reasons they got made fun of to something of great weight and importance.

As someone who was a nerd growing up, the hypocrisy of these cunts is glaring. When they get fun of for being a Jew it's proof that Whiteness is a form of oppression that needs to be dismantled. When I got made fun of for being a nerd, it's either a big joke or evidence that nerds are horrible misogynists.

>> No.11064706

People like being victims.

>> No.11064710


Holy fuck how do people not get off their cross and get over this shit

>> No.11064715

Boomers aren’t dying fast enough, especially this woman

>> No.11064719

The fucking love "Aioli" though

>> No.11064720

Yeah fair point. I'm racking my brain and I can vaguely remember getting teased for it, but not ever caring

But I was also a white rich kid who was secure in his identity and who got teased for weird food, rather than for being a weird (minority) kid who ate weird food, so maybe it was more that the food thing was a symptom of the racial judgement rather than the main cause

You made me think tonight

>> No.11064729
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>> No.11064756


>> No.11064880

I also live in Cali and I've never had mustard, sour cream, or hot sauce.

>> No.11064889

That's far more effort than whipping up a few ingredients. Do you strictly eat at Carl's Jr. or what, fatass?

>> No.11064906
File: 126 KB, 481x481, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>My son works in computers, he's a good boy, my daughter's a fucking SJW feminist millennial mayonnaise-hating CUNT

>> No.11064912


You don't get diabetes from oil and egg yolk you stupid motherfucker

>> No.11064914

seem like a fin macaroni salad to me, maybe a bit dressing heavy, but perfectly serviceable, glad not to see it sweetened.

>> No.11064918

Your English is good for a Colombian.

>> No.11064923

Posting a good macaroni salad recipe


>> No.11064942
File: 82 KB, 680x680, I frew up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>we're going to add a small can of sweetened condensed milk
>then we're going to add a cup of sugar

>> No.11064950

I really feel bad for this chick, she has been entirely left behind by the rest of the world like most rural Americans. She didn't ask to grow up in a family this ignorant.

>> No.11064962


Are you from rural America or are you just feeling sorry by proxy? Most of us aren't carb addicted trailer trash on EBT.

>> No.11064972

I lived in Walton County, GA for quite a while and saw my fair share of shirtless, shoeless apes living in shacks with plastic windows. No hope of a better life outside of joining the military.

>> No.11064973

>if Jack Ruby acted alone
Real name Jacob Rubenstein? Involved in organized crime? Acting alone?

>> No.11064974

why the fuck are you under the impression pity requires being of the same demographic as the object of your pity?

You might not be carb addicted trailer trash on EBT but your mental functioning is of the same level.

>> No.11064986

I have as well. I also want to make my own mayo but I'm not sure what to use. I was thinking duck eggs and macadamia oil but I can't fucking find the oil anywhere.

>> No.11065025


That's not at all what I was saying. I just don't care for condescending pity from urbanites who think we're a bunch of speds who are helpless to escape our unfortunate existence.

>> No.11065047


>> No.11065052

you're not exactly dispelling the myth my guy. As someone from a pretty rural area myself (admittedly not in a flyover state) I sympathize with the plight, but you've got to admit most of your kin aren't exactly the sharpest bulbs in the deck

>> No.11065053

>the most american
Dream on, Russia is the land of mayo.

>> No.11065075

>Some experts say the dislike springs from the fact that mayo jiggles. You may have noticed youth’s similar circumvention of gelled salads.
Looking at how triggered /ck/ is by aspic, this particular theory might not be wrong.

>> No.11065088

Did this lady ever stop to consider Hellmans is fucking poison full of hydrogenated oils and artificial seasonings? Millennials will eat a good homemade mayo in a second.

>> No.11065110


I'm not sure anyone younger than her has actually seen a jello salad in real life. It's just bullshit that the WWII generation was told would get their boomer children to eat veg, and then it survived in pop culture long after its death thanks to boomer TV writers stretching desperately for material (remember this silly thing!? No? Well, fuck you the internet doesn't exist yet, so you're gonna watch this shitty sitcom and like it).


The eternal boomer will never be satisfied.

>> No.11065117

>you can google stuff so now you can’t argue about stupid shit for hours
Literally complaining she’s a dull person with nothing to say

>> No.11065150

>Why won't these millenials like my zero-effort food gore?

Fucking boomers man

>> No.11065178

Easy as fuck to make Mayo in a bullet my mum puts wasabi in hers tastes amazing fuck this stupid bitch

>> No.11065184

I would use it on burgers, but if a burger is fatty enough on its own, you just don't need it..

>> No.11065250

>Black cherry Jello, walnuts, olives, canned cherries, and small balls of cream cheese
What the fuck was wrong with boomers and their parents?

>> No.11065319
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>parents are boomers
>they only buy miracle whip
>they think miracle whip is mayo
>they get annoyed when I say it isn't
>buy a small jar of mayo for my own use
>parents end up using my mayo instead of their miracle whip

>> No.11065401


They're trying to get you to move out of the house.

>> No.11065433

What about "Millennials killed millennials"?

>> No.11065502

As a millennial, I want a condiment... but a condiment that also projects my values and shares who I want to be in the world.

>> No.11065508

you must live in norcal.

No hot sauce or sour cream?

There's no way in hell you can escape the torrent of Mexican food in california.

>> No.11065510

That was called columbine

>> No.11065511

thank you basedposter for making my life a little better tonight

>> No.11065614
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>finding a way to shove anti-white rambling into an article about a fucking condiment
Brava, clickbait media.

>> No.11065889



>> No.11065896

I came in expecting some actual data, I got a faggot's blog.
Dropped in an instant.

>> No.11065897

No its still pathetically easy. My sister is a """journalist""" and cranks out the most worthless articles Ive ever read
You might as well peruse Medium

>> No.11065909

Is that an American thing to believe eggs are lethal poison if it's not used by daddy corporation's machines?

>> No.11065912

most of thoses are fake you know.

>> No.11065952

Prove it. Do you have a single fact to back that ass up?

>> No.11065961
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Sammy can put those computers together real good rat man

>> No.11066028

>most American

Apple pie is doing fine.

>> No.11066387

Hellman’s uses soybean oil lmao

>> No.11066393

>that it's on every sammich
If you're a fucking pleb and buy pre-made ones from grocery stores maybe, yeah.

>> No.11066491

I can't even wrap my head around this kind of depressing thinking

Life isn't all about traveling, of course not, but you only get to live once and there's a lot of world to see outside of your home state.

>> No.11066508

t. illiterate
the author is sneering at people proud of finding out they aren't pure white. fucking goddamn brainlet shitstain. yeah, I realize the post is 4 hours old. god fucking damn it

>> No.11066527

>make some yellow liquid jizz out of eggs and oil
>be proud of myself because I am a retarded disgusting piece of shit
>better go on /ck/ and act all tough like making mayo is easy
>+1 to my self esteem for today

neck yourself
but post picture of your "gourmet food" made with your phone camera in a dark room on your desk first

>> No.11066531

>implying fucking eggs and oil isn't yellow

Muh processed mayo they have to fucking advertise as being real

>> No.11066534

No, sounds more like a Britcuck or just complete retard.

>> No.11066540

i make mayo somewhat regularly and the incorporation of fine air bubbles makes it more pale than yellow. but fuck that other anon.

>> No.11066583

Garbage perfectly complements garbage.

>> No.11066637

Nah, those were gen x

>> No.11066758

Yeah, I think one of the two florida shootings from the last year would be better.

>> No.11066796
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People don't buy mayo because the american food-industrial complex watered it down to a point that it is now just a jar of lard with no taste. Buy good mayo, problem solved

>> No.11066799

It's a gray area

>> No.11066805
File: 56 KB, 320x400, eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's to a point where this industrial runoff they label """""mayo""""" has to put an actual picture of an actual egg to convince people that it's actually mayo when it's clearly just fat

>> No.11066813

That's exactly the kind of shit that puts people off mayo.

>> No.11066820

>eat mayo or you will turn black!

>> No.11066839

That's funny, black people think if you eat mayo you turn into an uncle tom.

>> No.11066841

Waiting on Congress to enact the Mandatory Mayonnaise Consumption Act where every sandwich is required by law to contain mayo. Preserve that status quo, Congress!

>> No.11066867

>finely diced red onion (I don't much like raw onion)
is this bitch serious?

>> No.11066872

>cream cheese and walnuts in jello
Really? That's the shit even her generation hates

>> No.11066879

I am a millennial and I wasnt raised on mayonnaise. But it's not bad Im just more used to relish and ketchup and hot sauce

>> No.11066884

Just think. The generation after ours will only know 'vark

>> No.11066885

That over cooked octopus irritates me more than mayogate

>> No.11066889

I thought it was curly fries. I was ready to put a dollop of mayo on them

>> No.11066891

AIOLI goes on fries, not mayo, you philistine!

>> No.11066901
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They say it mayonnaise not what we think
Haha I did it again! HANK! LUANNE! SOMEONE read my article!

>> No.11066907

Boomer conservatives need to be fucking gassed. Sorry my generation prefers healthy alternatives to the motor oil fried bacon loaf you grew up with Ethel.

>> No.11066916
File: 10 KB, 205x246, download (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got something to say about mayo not going on fries?

>> No.11066927

same thing
i knew this would come up at some point

>> No.11066931

It will be enough if they just declare it a vegetable like they did with pizza.
>next up: congress declares soda a vegetable, fatfucks cheer, "maga" and obesity rates skyrocket!

>> No.11066947

There's a lot of world to see inside your home state. How much have you seen? Or is that just for tourists?

>> No.11066957
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You know, this gave me an idea. Maybe the real solution to obesity is not diet and exercise, but encouraging the obese to eat MORE until eventually they all just burst.

>> No.11066984


>> No.11067007
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It's obligatory

>> No.11067014

To be fair Millennial preferences are making many formerly commonplace items less common. Bar soap and paper napkins are two big examples, as they're products most millennials don't buy. Sit down casual chain restaurants are also not places millennials go as often as the generations before them did. And they're a lot more into avocados, hot sauce and chicken as the default protein. They drink less coffee and alcohol than generations before them, but spend more for better quality stuff when they do. They're not so fond of drinking milk.

>> No.11067015

Good reference

>> No.11067021
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, E5371A12-5271-44C1-8B2D-E68596D65642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro you actually made this thread and my life a little bit better - based and dank

>> No.11067028

Oh no! Milk will go out of business. Quick, prop up the milk industry!

>> No.11067040

Like they haven't been doing that for over half a century.

>> No.11067044

So fucking what?
It's called the free market and it would be nice if we actually had it.


>> No.11067050

They are doing it more and more, to the point now that they are literally proposing to cover farmers' entire income. They call this "temporary relief"

>> No.11067052

>It's called the free market and it would be nice if we actually had it.
That fantasy might have been possible in a pre-industrial society, but it's not possible now. When government's thumbs aren't on the scale corporate ones are. Usually it's both working to maximize profits at the workers' and consumers' expense.

>> No.11067061

The corporate thumb is part of the free market, idiot.
The problem is tax money being spent on these companies, not company money being spent on them.

>> No.11067062

Why do you think this happens? Both the government and agribusiness giants have been encouraging farmers to grow a fuckton more soy and corn than we need, and when political winds fuck up the price for these things on the global market it's not the government or the agribusiness giants who suffer.

>> No.11067067

>The corporate thumb is part of the free market, idiot.
Ha ha! That's why it will never work. When corporations are as or more powerful than governments the markets they compete in are never free.

>> No.11067072

>When corporations are as or more powerful than governments the markets they compete in are never free.

But that sort of thing never happens without government involvement in the market. There has never been a "naturally" occurring monopoly. Monopolies only exist due to government intervention.

>> No.11067089

You're saying it has nothing at all to do with decreasing demand for milk? I somehow doubt that. Maybe both are true. But it's not just what you said.

>> No.11067095

without reading it i already know it's race baiting politics, white people like mayonaise so liberals and minorities hate it

>> No.11067102

I sent her an email about how bad her article is and you should too.

>> No.11067118

That's pretty naive. Rich and powerful people always collude to strengthen their positions at the expense of everybody else. Remove regulations and they just do it more brazenly. Also you're missing the point of corporations. Their purpose is not to compete on a free market, it's to make profit for their shareholders. Often that goal runs counter to anything resembling free market competition.

>> No.11067120

mayo tastes like rotten eggs

>> No.11067123

Why do you think cheese has been shoehorned into everything over the last 40 years? To use up the surplus milk that's a result of decreasing demand.

>> No.11067127

Black people tend to hate mayonaise

>> No.11067135

>on every sandwich
Stop buying shit tier sandwiches at stores and go some place with a bit more class. Like potbelly's. Yeah. You're that low on the totem pole. Or just make them yourself. You'll probably just add mayo cuz you're a fat fuck.

>> No.11067141

Who the fuck eats sandwitches? Burritos and pizzas I understand but cold sandwitches? Literally why?

>> No.11067145

They're the most convenient portable complete meal possible.

>> No.11067147


>> No.11067152
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>Why do you think cheese has been shoehorned into everything over the last 40 years? To use up the surplus milk that's a result of decreasing demand.
Is this why American eat the cheese pizza?

>> No.11067156

>no mustard
mustard is big in german cooking so i guess that's why? get out of commie fornia and start enjoying the vinegar tang of german food

>> No.11067157
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>> No.11067163
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My dad actually does come from Aberdeen.


>> No.11067164

The lack of manners even I can attest to. You call it "being laid back" but it's just code for "I'm a slob and proud of it."

>> No.11067167


>> No.11067178

1950's marketing by companies like jello to use it for everything. humans are , by and large, dipshits

>> No.11067185

Hey! Do you want another great depression? Huh? Do ya?! Marketing is synonymous with stimulating demand, and stimulating demand is the key to a healthy economy. Without this, we all suffer.

>> No.11067188

I also bought hipster mayo today. It was 8 dollars but it was in a glass jar instead of plastic and didn't use soybean or cannola oil.

>> No.11067193

>8 dollars
And boomers wonder why millennials live in boxes.

>> No.11067200

it actually is going out of business though, dairy farms are closing all over pennsylvania because white people are dying out and being replaced by lactose intolerant brown people and jews who want dairy free ice cream for (((religious reasons)))

>> No.11067204

maybe it's because, millenials HAVE NO MONEY

>> No.11067213

t. edward bernays

>> No.11067226

Who the fuck doesn't eat sandwiches? What? Lack of teeth there grandpa? Don't try to fool people with name dropping burritos and pizzas, your ass eats from a straw.

>> No.11067231

Cold food isn't a meal, it's rations.

>> No.11067233
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>you eat from a straw

uh think again, bub, no straw needed here

>> No.11067236

Cold sandwitches are shit. Lunch meat sucks dick. Salt and nitrites and meat byproduct.

>> No.11067251

Oy vey, don't talk that way about our pastrami and corned beef kosher delis

>> No.11067270

Darn. And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling Millennials.

>> No.11067282

I used to eat a lot of lunch meat to save money, then I noticed my heart was palpitating. I stopped, and it stopped.

>> No.11067299

When I was a lad, my best friend was Lithuanian and his grandmother made the only pasta salad I ever liked.
It was elbow macaroni, strawberries, blue berries, cream and sugar.

>> No.11067303

>No actual facts, literally just "nobody young eats MAYO nowadays!"
WTF is this shit

>> No.11067314

>Best selling condiment by a long shot
>"No seriously, nobody eats it anymore"
...What? According to some personal anecdotes?

>> No.11067326

Let's be honest. We wouldn't have any of these fucking issues if we just got rid of all the Jews, niggers, and spics

>> No.11067464

Go write your next "Millenials are killing x!" article

>> No.11067473

>these fucking issues
What issues? I don't see any issues here. Maybe it's you who has issues?

>> No.11067474

/pol/ always overestimating the proportion of our problems that are wholly attributable to immigration, because that's all they ever talk about there. All of our problems are, in fact, attributable to Silicon Valley. Burn that place down.

>> No.11067476

The fuck is that font?

>> No.11067508

>/pol/ always overestimating the proportion of our problems that are wholly attributable to immigration
I hate /pol/ but literally 99% of America's problems are caused by brown immigrants

>> No.11067572

New York and LA jews and minorities burning disdain of something so benign as mayonaise simply because they label it as a food for white person is proof that /pol/ is right

>> No.11067590

>Best selling condiment
Is that just because all the major restaurant franchises use mayo on everything? I think it might not be as popular among individual buyers, you get most of your mayo without intentionally looking for it because it's in every restaurant sandwich by default.

>> No.11067597

That's not the only reason mayo's hated. If anything I think it's the other way around and the disgusting consistency and taste of mayo makes people hate whites more by association.

>> No.11067611
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>two or three CUPS of mayonnaise
Christ almighty

>> No.11067625
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>I write this in the dead of summer, always a bittersweet season — why is it we got summers off from school for all those years but don’t get summers off from work? — but doubly depressing these days, when I find myself suffering from picnic panic. The hot, languid weather brings with it a series of outdoor family events for which, as a tribal elder
why do clickbait article "writers" talk like this

>> No.11067631

>I think it might not be as popular among individual buyers
Literally according to what? Also mayo is like, 5x more popular than the next condiment

>> No.11067667

>congress declares that soda is a vegetable
>fat fucks start drinking soda by the gallon saying that it's "just as healthy as eating brocoli"
>fat fucks die
When did congress get so BASED

>> No.11067696

>I hate /pol/
For some reason I doubt this

>> No.11067705

Mayo tastes good because of fat, even niggers and spics like greasy fat.

>> No.11067710

You can just be a teacher if you want summers off

>> No.11067724

Thinking that burning disdain for a condiment is a major issue is the real issue here.

>> No.11067731

Why are you asking me when I was asking first? I'm asking how much of the mayo sales are restaurants vs. actual people. I've never seen a regular individual person use mayo intentionally, it's always restaurants slipping it in.

>> No.11067733

>congress declares that soda is a vegetable and trump signs it into law proudly swilling a coke
>maga moms say, look now it's fine for Billy Bob and Sally Sue to drink as much sody-pop as they want
>rapid die off of mouthbreathers
Really, who needs abortion when a based congress benevolently enacts genocide?

>> No.11067753

>MY SON JAKE, who’s 25, eats mayo. He’s a practical young man who works in computers and adores macaroni salad. He’s a good son. I also have a daughter. She was a women’s and gender studies major in college. Naturally, she loathes mayonnaise.

This couldn't be more fake.

>> No.11067762

my wife's son really likes mayo
dukes > hellmans

>> No.11067768

Actually really enjoyed reading the article, makes a lot of good points

>> No.11067769

How would that ever be calculated? Restaurants can and do buy from normal grocery stores and I shop at a restaurant supply store for personal use.
>I've never seen a regular individual person use mayo intentionally, it's always restaurants slipping it in.
then you're blind or are intentionally falseflagging because I see people use it all the time.

>> No.11067785

>I'm asking how much of the mayo sales are restaurants vs. actual people.
Can you pull up these figures for any food item period? That seems like a really weird thing to demand someone to quantify.

>> No.11067790
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>> No.11067805
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I ironically love gelatin salads and jellies/aspics though. Maybe because they were never forced down my throat and I found them of my own accord?

>> No.11067833

were you the only minority kid in an all-white school in a tiny southeast town? if not that might be why you never experienced discrimination for your food choices.

>> No.11067847

that's the plan, and it's working

>> No.11067855

>a really weird thing
B2B vs B2C is weird now?

>> No.11067868

He already said he was white, so yes, that was the explanation. It's like wondering why blacks care about racism since you as a white boy listened to an NWA album and wore air jordans back in high school and were never discriminated against yourself.

>> No.11067871

>Bar soap
What else can you shower with?

>> No.11067874

it's called castille gramps

>> No.11067881

Body wash, that poster is only half right.
I drink a lot of expensive alcohol and have both body wash and bar soap in my shower. Plus I do drink milk on occasion.
Being a millennial is terrible.

>> No.11067882

Castille soap comes in bars, and is very old.

>> No.11067891

Is this only in America? I thought the Japanese were obsessed with mayo

>> No.11067892

"body wash" and similar liquid soap products.

>> No.11067901

It's not real in America. The article is some stupid fake MAGA bullshit propaganda piece.

>> No.11067925 [DELETED] 

>ctrl+f health
>1 result "public health historian David Merritt Johns, was that it served to disguise flaws in the ingredients"

That's all I need to know to realize I shouldn't read this shit.

>> No.11067945 [DELETED] 

>>11064383 (OP)
>ctrl+f health
>1 result "public health historian David Merritt Johns, was that it served to disguise flaws in the ingredients"
>ctrl+f yogurt
>This is bullshit. This attitude comes to you from young people who willingly slurp down eight kazillion kinds of yogurt, not to mention raw fish and pork belly and, yo, detergent pods, so don’t talk to me about mayonnaise. The only reason for [...] mayophobia is a generation’s gut-level renouncement of the [...] condiment
>Completely misses important reasons for her overly long and ridiculous generational diatribe

That's all I need to know to realize I shouldn't read this shit.

>> No.11067954

>ctrl+f health
>1 result "public health historian David Merritt Johns, was that it served to disguise flaws in the ingredients"
>ctrl+f yogurt
>[context: some guy saying mayo seems gross and jiggles or something] This is bullshit. This attitude comes to you from young people who willingly slurp down eight kazillion kinds of yogurt, not to mention raw fish and pork belly and, yo, detergent pods, so don’t talk to me about mayonnaise. The only reason for [...] mayophobia is a generation’s gut-level renouncement of the [...] condiment
>Completely misses important reasons for her overly long and ridiculous generational diatribe

That's all I need to know to realize I shouldn't read this shit.

>> No.11067963

Third time's the charm, right anon?

>> No.11067983
File: 29 KB, 1158x369, mayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of mayo heres a recipe for it

>> No.11067993

Wait, American mayo comes in plastic jars? Around here it always comes either in glass jars or in plastic bottles to put in on your chips easier.

>> No.11067999

eat within 3 days or you'll get botulism

>> No.11068009

Hey they stop making it all with soybean and canola oil and Ill stop making all my own. Fucking cheap cunts.

>> No.11068011

I'm having issues with my phone.

>> No.11068012

It comes in all those containers here. Plastic jar, glass jar, plastic squeeze bottle, plastic pouches...

>> No.11068041


This article is fucking kino. How many words is this? Over 3,000 right all over mayo. This should be studied in university courses.

>> No.11068042

>Is that an American thing
No you're just enjoying the idea of being retarded anonymously too much.

I've drank 2 raw eggs mixed spinach, banana, milk and/or water, and yogurt almost every morning for 2 years and never got salmonella.

I wish I could find that study I used when I discussed this shit on youtube that one time years ago, but you would have to eat something like hundreds or thousands of eggs in a given day just to have a reasonable chance of getting salmonella.

>> No.11068065

And its not as if salmonella will just kill you instantly
>Won't risk it
You take risks every day just crossing the road retard. Your odds of having agonizing death at the hands of a motor vehicle is astronomically higher than getting 1 case of salmonella from eggs

Furthermore the salmonella is ON THE SHELL.

>> No.11068073

>not as if salmonella will just kill you instantly
That is, salmonella isn't lethal unless your some old faggot or something.
Meant to say.

>> No.11068096

how to get millenials to click your article 101

>> No.11068507

i know we joke a lot about boomers, but in all honesty they should be forcibly removed

>> No.11068708

Mass produced mayo is bland and tasteless. Most young peoples' first memories of mayo is also grocery store potato salad and nasty, pink ketchup on your burger. Also tomato ketchup is more qualified as an "all American" sauce than mayo.

>> No.11068858
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The site is fantastic

>> No.11068893

>mayo article #1 and #5 at the same time

>> No.11069242

is 404 trending because boomers can't into the internet?

>> No.11069272

im going to fucking throw up

and afterwards Im going to question what fucking expert is commenting on the jiggle of mayo being the fall of the mayonaisse industry

>> No.11069284

god i hate boomers so fucking much. I hate them so much ive begun to wear the title "millenial" with pride so the more shit I "kill" the more frustrated the boomers get. fuck boomers.

>> No.11069327

She's just typical midwest type. Pretty sure she's from Ohio. She did a recipe on their """famous""" peanut butter balls that literally only they care about.

>> No.11069363

>no one can possibly care about a gob of fat this much.

Well Jacks wife is still married to him.

>> No.11069492

i use body wash almost exclusively because bar soap "makes me itch" all over, it was terrible.

I went back to bar soap because it's so so so much cheaper and now that i'm living on my own, i found out it was just the shitty bar soap my mother was buying that irritated my skin

>> No.11069517

where do you live that ketchup is pink?

>> No.11069525

if i can't find buckeye blitz ice cream in the freezer section i literally kill a millenial

>> No.11069620
File: 22 KB, 564x662, Xj7G6qD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the stupidest fucking articles I've ever read. It's an incredible storm of so many types of retardation.

>> No.11069628

Same. It's just mayo.

I wish this was the only problem in my life.

>> No.11069877

Glad they mention it at the end, sort of, they do get it wrong.
Aioli is just superior

>> No.11069919

i get the mayo out of everything i buy because that shit is nasty and makes me gag
however mayo based sauces are very nice especially the spicy ones

>> No.11070176

good it's gross and makes me vomit

>> No.11070181

Make your own mayonnaise, it's way better that way, fucking amerifats.

>> No.11070188

Mayonnaise is the grossest condiment.

>> No.11070274

Why do millenials get triggered by articles describing their consumption habits?

>> No.11070278

I just listened to this and now I don't know what to think.

>> No.11070279

you don't know me

>> No.11070292

You what?

>> No.11070301


>> No.11070305

You're definitely a few lights short of a picnic.

>> No.11070314

What about knives in the drawer or tools in the shed? Am I a boomer?

>> No.11070392
File: 689 KB, 688x1185, ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fd227jq41l2nz5q.cloudfront.net%2Fspree%2Fimages%2F44%2Foriginal%2FOriginal.png%3F1496713115&f=1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to the store the other day and found out that half of the mayo brands on the shelf got replaced with shit that isn't even mayo but still has the balls to call itself that.

>> No.11070419


>people use DNA testing services to find out about their non-European ancestry

This woman is so out of touch she may as well be in a coma under a rock on Mars.

>> No.11070437

>It's an American finally realizes that literally everything they eat has been slowly replaced by hfcs episode.

>> No.11070442

>Just mayo
>It's not mayo
What the fuck?

>> No.11070449

She's 100% right about that.

>> No.11070535

>egg free mayo


>> No.11070536

Pretty sure this is a crime against humanity

>> No.11070538

Goddammit, this actually made me smile.

>> No.11070568

>load page
>look at the scroll bar

>> No.11070583


>> No.11070601


How so? Stormfaggots use them to prove how white they are. Normal people use them to trace their ancestry in the old country or to connect themselves to their favourite king or historical person.

>> No.11070647

I like mayo, I don't eat it because it's terrible health wise and adds nothing nutritional to my diet

>> No.11070682

What the fuck

If course we hate the Mayo drenched flyover shit

>> No.11070701

Bitter old woman angry her womyns studies majoring daughter doesnt like a pasta salad thats 1/3rd pasta and 1/2 shit tier mayonnaise.

My uncle runs a hot dog stand and he just sprinkles a bit of garlic powder in his Sysco Mayo® gallon and calls it aioli. The local college students love it so much hes considered just selling little jars of it.

>> No.11070721


She also writes romance novels

>> No.11070738

Fuck mayo

>> No.11070880

This is amazing, she's literally using mayonnaise as a metaphor for the white race. I thought that was only a meme.

>> No.11070885

>spend 20 years calling mayonnaise "evil bland white people food!
>surprised people don't eat it as much

>> No.11070916

you know mayonnaise can be dated back to about 3000bc?

that's pretty fucken old

>> No.11070924

read an articles a few days ago on the very old women around the world passing their skills on to their grand and great grand children becasue their own kids, the boomers, never learned

>> No.11071081

most salmonella reciated deaths are due to extreme dehydration. because of all the puking, sweating, and liquid shitting

>> No.11071089

>/ck/ - Mayo & Mayo Accessories

>> No.11071112

there better not be fucking mayo on my sandwich bitch I will kill you

>> No.11071128

All these Boomer articles about Milennials "killing" things is so typical of Boomer entitlement and snapping to victimhood.
Millenials decline to buy the same shit Boomers do/did, and Boomers go right to language that implies Millennials are being violent, while Boomers are the helpless default, their culture being murdered on a daily basis.

Clyde's doesn't exist any more for good reason, Herb and Gail.

>> No.11071135
File: 23 KB, 476x318, gfs_47620_2_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late, I'm already dead

>> No.11071137

>Boomer entitlement
Could boomer entitlement have caused millennial entitlement? Are we on some sort of entitlement water slide? How does this ride end?

>> No.11071141

Millennials are whoever gets mad at being called one.

>> No.11071145

Slides tend to end when you reach the bottom.

>> No.11071147

just make it taste like candy
america will love it

>> No.11071148

Why do people use so much fucking mayo?!
It isn't even boomers that do that, sometimes when money is low I mix a can of tuna with two Tablespoons of mayo and some veggies.
It doesn't taste horrible and has a good amount of protein. My roommate does the same but ends up with a 1:1 ratio of tuna and mayo.

>> No.11071155


>> No.11071156

>white mayonnaise, white bread, and white gentiles

>> No.11071161
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>> No.11071165

that game is awesome

>> No.11071172
File: 8 KB, 231x218, 1533989638497 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do my twig and berries have to do with this?

>> No.11071174

This product is also a huge investor scam, too. Look it up. Guy paid people to clean shelves of it so they could report huge product movement.

>> No.11071176

childhood was great during the nes days

>> No.11071181
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Care for some mayonnaise soup, anon?

>> No.11071185

excuse me

>> No.11071187
File: 24 KB, 460x288, a-prophet_1563758c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to America bitch

>> No.11071191

>How millennials killed off all the stupid bullshit that the dumbass generations before them liked and ultimately reshaped the culture of America into something somewhat likable and less toxic.

>> No.11071195

gas lamps, mayo, fruitcake, jello salad, tripe, leviticus bread, natives, uranium deposits

>> No.11071197

That's absolutely the case though. A younger co worker asked me if mayo was a white people thing. I told him yeah pretty much but it kind of is. There is that perception among younger people.

>> No.11071199

so it's salad dressing?

>> No.11071206
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People thinking that their way of life is the only acceptable one and the other generations are destroying the lifestyle they righteously deserved? Sounds like human nature to me, just one way to fix it now.

>> No.11071233

>Who the fuck eats sandwitches?
well that's a new one

>> No.11071234

Fuck you, tripe tacos are alive and well.

>> No.11071239

lunch meat isn't cheap though

>> No.11071251

I'm pretty sure we've never before had a generational divide so wide that it was actually a cultural divide. Something is different this time.

>> No.11071254
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>> No.11071256
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>> No.11071269

I'm pretty sure we had. Many times.

The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

>> No.11071275
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>> No.11071312

my wife bought the chipoltle version. I thought it was pretty alright but calling it JUST mayo without having any eggs in it is pretty dishonest

>> No.11071329

and if that is the case, is that a bad thing? they talk about it like it is, all the time, antiwhite fucks

>> No.11071334

i can't wait for the 1950s claymation christmas bullshit to die with boomers

>> No.11071394
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>> No.11071423

>the busiest thread on /ck/ in months is actually a /pol/ thread in disguise

sorry m80

>> No.11071444

That's fine. at least they're pretending to talk about food. that anon was just bitching about /tv/

>> No.11071486

We just don't have it documented, it transpired exclusively via complaining to your peers to their face, I guess. But also, the issue could be compounded by everyone being able to communicate so much so fast instead of it being limited to your close circle.

>> No.11071652

What the hell are you trying to tell me?

>> No.11071770

that egg in the cage
>how does it get out?????

>> No.11071888


Are we sure this isn't a joke?

>> No.11073160

>Bar soap
Incredibly unhygienic.
>paper napkins
Most millennials use paper towels instead which is fine if not a bit low-class.
>Sit down casual chain restaurants
The key here is the word "chain", they all go to local small businesses.
>They drink less coffee and alcohol
Coffee I don't really get but of course they drink less than boomers who drink nothing but Bud Light THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE DAY
>not so fond of drinking milk
This might be due to an increase in lactose intolerance but there could be more to it than just that.