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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11068958 No.11068958 [Reply] [Original]

Keto friendly.

>> No.11068979

Not with tomatoes, they have a lot of sugar.

>> No.11068989

Looks v yummy OP! Hope you enjoy and reach your fitness goals :)

>> No.11069002

Looks like somebody shit on your plate, friend.

Probably tastes decent, but just looks awful.

>> No.11069092

Not really

>> No.11069120

total dish was 23 grams of carbs

>> No.11069122


>> No.11069258

>total dish was 23 grams of carbs

keto is under 20g per day

you fucked it up in 1 meal

>> No.11069277

It looks totally fine. Its ground beef. What would you have done? Used tweezers to stack it into a disney princess castle for two hours until it was cold?
You probably would. Fucking autists.

>Thoughts so rigid you could see this guy washing his hands five times every time he thinks about a girl.

/ck/ ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.11069398
File: 132 KB, 1200x672, 1517357986163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post something that doesn't look good on /ck/
>get extremely upset when people criticize it
>qq and call other people autists and insult the entire /ck/

Go somewhere else for validation, friend. sage

>> No.11069489

I'm not OP dummy. Just observing the ageless cycle of ck autists who only eat mcdonalds but complain about "plating technique" to people that actually home cook meals.

>> No.11069781

>under 20g a day

Nope. Depends on a lot of factors. Generally, most males should stay under 30, but I can go up to 50 without dropping out of ketosis.

>> No.11070049
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>> No.11070063


Im considering trying keto to reverse my recent weight gain but all this ultra strict carb counting makes it sound very stressful and not fun.

Maybe I should just quit drinking beer and see if that's enough to lose weight.

>> No.11070101

Is being in ketosis supposed to actually be a long-term thing or was it just an adaptation to deal with starvation periods? It doesn't seem like early humans would've been in ketosis except during periods without food because getting the amount of fat required would be almost impossible, and they would've been finding natural sources of carbs from fruit and honey. And how easily your body gets out of ketosis makes it seem like it's just not the body's preferred state.

>> No.11070119

based hoppin john eater

>> No.11070642

>ultra strict carb counting
its not that strict. basically avoid anything with more than low single digits of carbs per serving, and you'll do fine. the "20 grams per day" rule is designed to get anybody into ketosis, even lardasses with 50 lbs of glycogen and a1c around 10 or so. getting into ketosis that first time can be tough because for many westerners their body has never been in ketosis, once you've done it once then staying in ketosis is easy and getting back in if you slip out is also easy.
>adaptation to deal with starvation periods?
its an adaptation to periods of low carbohydrate availability. starvation is obviously one such case, but winter is another - not many fruits and vegetables grow in the winter, and food storage was tough without refrigeration or a good way to keep pests and insects out of the larder, so in the winter we probably lived off fish and game.
>getting the amount of fat required
the fat would have been fat from fish, or fat from wild game killed in the fall when they're quite fat themselves, and our own stored fat built up from gorging ourselves on fruit and whatever other carb sources we could get in the summer and fall, just like the other animals.
>not the body's preferred state
its not, but that doesn't mean what many people think it means. the body will process carbs until they're gone, and only then switch to burning fat. but the body will process alcohol before carbs, but nobody seriously claims that alcohol is the body's preferred fuel. the body prefers transient sources of energy over long-term fat reserves, because fat reserves were necessary to our survival. they aren't anymore, not with grocery stores on every corner, so the keto diet is a way to mimic the paleolithic feast-or-famine cycle that our bodies evolved for. Some people do keto full time, some people just do it in the winter, some people just do it when they gain a few pounds. its not a religion like veganism.

>> No.11070646

It looks like fucking overcooked and disgusting slop. Does Keto somehow turn you into a spastic that can't cook acceptable dishes or is this an innate issue with you, OP?

>> No.11070653

Nah, you summed keto dieters up pretty well.

>> No.11070656

>when they're quite fat themselves
if you've never hunted and killed wild game, they are extremely fat in the fall, a deer - normally thought as lean meat - can have a half inch of fat draped over all that lean meat. even rabbits and squirrels have thick layers of fat under their skin.
one way the american indians made it through winter was a food they called pemmican, basically dried meat that has been ground up, the soaked with rendered fat and some dried fruit and pressed into a ball and wrapped in grease-soaked leather. the macronutrient ratio for pemmican, if you make it yourself, winds up being very close to what the keto guys are pushing, about 70:25:5 fat:protein:carb. too much dried fruit and it will spoil.

>> No.11070773

Don't fall for the grams and calories counting autism, it's not even possible for natural unprocessed products.

>> No.11070840


>> No.11070876
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looks like prisoner friendly

>> No.11070888

>a bunch of peppers with the seeds in them
>uncooked soggy tomatoes
>gray beef because you didn't let the moisture cook out
>pool of grease
>zero seasoning
>30 carbs in a 500 calorie meal
>"uhhhh fuck y'all your just jealous cucks! why don't you show me something better!!!"
the absolute state of reddit tourists

>> No.11070895

I heard you could eat vegetables on keto so I eat potato

>> No.11070900
File: 1.27 MB, 2575x2507, IMG_1293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here is the last meal I made have fun killing yourself with a bunch of saturated fat because you read bacon and cheese is good for you on reddit

>> No.11070902
File: 205 KB, 475x356, 1446507161761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11070906

>keto is under 20g per day
lol no, it's more like 40g per day average

>> No.11070913

made irrelevant by the fact that he already has so many carbs, all sugar, in one meal and over 1000 calories to go for the day

>> No.11070933

This. Its hilarious how he managed to make something so ghastly looking while completely missing the point of keto. That plate of swill is as keto as pepperoni pizza.

>> No.11070937

Jesus fuck that's as bad as the ketofag OP. Did none of you learn to cook when you were kids? Or were your mothers just garbage cooks?

>> No.11071051


:( how does it miss the keto mark? I wanna try keto and I would probably end up making something like that. How can it be fixed?

>> No.11071109

Ditch nearly all the tomato and peppers, they have tons of sugar in them. Use another vegetable that is low carb, broccoli or something. It will still be slop, but it at least it will be keto slop. I put a single tomato and a single jalapeno pepper in my pizza, but thst pizza makes enough to eat on for 3 days, so the carbs are really spread out. OP's dish has way too many carbs for one meal. It also looks like shit but that's a separate problem.

>> No.11071237

That's okra you retard.
Are you sure you should be posting on ck?

>> No.11071250

As long as you stay below your daily limit then it's perfectly fine to eat, just because a vegetable is higher carb doesn't mean you have to avoid it at all costs.

>> No.11071317

>burned 1 ketone today
>yay still in ketosis
The utter state of ketards

>> No.11071331

Fuck it's even more disgusting than I thought. Did not think that was possible. Why not just post a picture of a turd in a toilet?

>> No.11071374

Looks nice and tasty to be fair. I'd add some drops of vinegar pepper sauce for FATOUSH

>> No.11072256

>Ditch nearly all the tomato and peppers

Honestly this would be a problem for me. I like tomatoes and peppers a lot.

I thought keto was a good fit for me because I dislike anything sweet and I mostly eat meat, fish, eggs, and veggies anyway. I thought I could cut out bread and beer and magically be keto.

It sounds a lot more extreme than that if I cant even eat tomatoes.

>> No.11072267

Similar issue for me but with milk. I don't eat sweets often either but will drink over a pint of milk sometimes and they say even milk has too many carbs. Most people probably eat too many carbs, especially refined ones, but saying milk and tomatoes need to be limited just seems wrong.

>> No.11072327

Okra is disgusting

>> No.11072355

It's pretty good when prepared properly. Fried okra is delicious, I like the contrast with the crunchy breading and slightly slimy inside.

>> No.11072381

>It doesn't seem like early humans would've been in ketosis except during periods without food because getting the amount of fat required would be almost impossible, and they would've been finding natural sources of carbs from fruit and honey.

you ever found fruit and honey during the winter?
meat and fish on the other hand can be caught no matter the season.

>> No.11073032

ugh, is that wet psylum husk with okra? wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.11073038

under 20 is the goal to shoot for but if you eat less than 50 you'll run out of blood sugar in a couple hours

>> No.11073062

and not to mention that they're nightshades and will destroy your intestines if you eat them regularly

>> No.11073516

it's my only meal and people can be in ketosis even at 75g carbs

>> No.11073524

that's a 1300 cal meal, senpai

>> No.11073530

hasn't missed the point at all. I am six foot tall male who gets an hour of exercise everyday. 30 grams of carbs is not going to knowck me out of ketosis

>> No.11073547

i like it, but i understand why .some peole don't like it

>> No.11073560

>Retard gets shown that he is, in fact, a retard.
>Retard doubles down.
Never fails.

>> No.11073575

Looks like a big slop o shit

>> No.11073816
File: 3.03 MB, 4032x3024, 29E2B194-26D0-4A0B-B7D1-37038ADDAF19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my dinner tonight.

>> No.11073821

No arguments there. This isn’t food for sharing or for company. It’s for a nice hot delicious meal at the end of the day which is keto friendly.

>> No.11073832

Rocks in lava sauce

>> No.11073844

i don't know how you know, but lava is good way to descrbie it because i did put a habenero in there

>> No.11073850

looks like my toilet bowl the morning after an all nighter of binge drinking and fast food

>> No.11073874

Winner winner, chickun dinner!!!

>> No.11073879

>Can't into serving portions
Lmao he's got like 1/5 of a tomato

>> No.11073890


>> No.11074113

I doubt you'll see this but if you ever do go on Keto you can try unsweetened almond milk to kick your milk craving. Always does the trick for me

>> No.11074123

when I go on diet I pretty much just eat the exact same fucking thing every single day. Two beef patties with mayo on top and a side of green beans with a bunch of butter in it. Sometimes I'll add bacon on top of the beef patties. It gets boring real fast but while I'm on keto I basically just don't really look forward to eating anymore

>> No.11074129

when I go on keto diet**

>> No.11074359


>> No.11074393

Interesting, the only proof that tomatoes don't have Solanine comes from the prodigious scholarly publication New York Times.

The author graduated with a BS in Literature and originally went for astrology.

wtg wikipedia on that sauce.