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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11057323 No.11057323 [Reply] [Original]

cook ramen
add sauce
add chicken patty

best thing you'll ever eat

>> No.11057335

Why do poor people insist that they must eat unhealthy processed foods?

>> No.11057336

Why bother using ramen noodles?

>> No.11057343

People who are stupid often end up poor

>> No.11057349

Just by beans and potatoes by the pounds from the farmer's market, buy some cheap meat from a butcher's or even just some packaged ground stuff. Put it in a crock pot with some water and herbs and spices and salt. Toss in some rice. Voila, food for a week and 20 bucks

>> No.11057355
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>best thing you'll ever eat

There are overstatements, and then there are OVERSTATEMENTS.

>> No.11057356

Poor people are bad people. This is a fact and there are plenty of reasons why it is true.

>> No.11057362
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>> No.11057365


>> No.11057367

>not a sub-$1 can of delicious real tomato sauce
nice fancy jar, mister moneybags

>> No.11057370

For me it's costco rotisserie chicken, a 3lb sack of their brocolli, and a bag of their short grain brown rice.

Put it together with some sauce made of soy sauce, olive oil, honey, curry, paprika, pepper, cayenne, ginger, and garlic and vwah lah food for 3 days for about 8 dollars.

>> No.11057377

Rotisserie chicken is a great option, unfortunately chicken gives me migraines so I can't do it. Don't like cooked broccoli either so I use green beans. But yeah, anything like that is way better value for money than fast or processed food, better tasting and healthier.

Also reminder that having an herb garden is the best thing you can ever do

>> No.11057381

The middle class can be trusted because they have something to lose. Give them their small allowance of land and wealth. As long as they are better off than some they will be happy.

But the poor, disgusting. They have nothing to lose and therefore cannot be trusted. They scrape their poverty runes into every surface they can find. They cannot even be trusted with restrooms and must be forced to defecate in the streets. They destroy everything they come into contact with, from their family to their bodies.

>> No.11057392

Oh, and for dessert I suggest a smoothie, one banana, some ice, a dash of milk and a spoon of vanilla yogurt. Cheap as cowshit and absolutely delicious

>> No.11057397

A ramen packet weights 3 oz you get 5 for 1$ that's about a dollar a pound for noodles. You can buy almost any other pasta for the same price or less than ramen.

>> No.11057402

that sounds good

what herbs and spices do you use?

>> No.11057415

Basil, rosemary, thyme, parsely and chives since they grow in my garden. Pepper and some salt of course. Garlic, tarragon, and herbes de provence depending on mood and availability.

>> No.11057593

t. born into privelage

>> No.11059112

Probably not. Have you ever heard of counter-signalling? The people who devote the most resources to the public image of wealth are those closest to living in genuine poverty. This is because they are the most likely to be truly mistaken for being poor, so they like to out of their way to spend money peacocking with things they can afford but the impoverished cannot. Conversely, 'Old Money' and the real upper class does not generally concern itself with such frivolities. In fact, for the purposes of the upper class it is better that they not behave in such a way, lest they be incorrectly be perceived as lower-middle-class. Hence, status-signalling from the middle class and counter-signalling from the upper class.

I worked for a time at a brokerage house of a major global financial firm. The young upstarts (myself included) all came in wearing fancy designer suits and shiny shoes, because we had something to prove. The status of the higher ranking brokers (senior VPs, bringing in 7+ figures) speaks for itself; if they came in wearing the upstart uniform they would actually lower themselves to the image of their inferiors. As a result they actually tended to dress down, counter-signalling with stuff like a nice suit and a pair of running shoes.

>> No.11059163

So you spent all that time and effort to enrich yourself and now in your valuable leisure time you're on /ck/ whining about the poors? Is that you, Elon Musk?

>> No.11059304

I've got nothing against poor people, it's the venomous Anti-Poor Muh Middle Class faggots you've got to look out for (See: >>11057356 >>11057381 ) Did you even read my post?

>> No.11059344

This is legit something people make out of commissary in prison. Just needs some squeeze cheese and a chopped up slim jim and it would be perfect

>> No.11059355

A lot of people who are poor are nice, but I have met absolute dipshit scum who are poor and deserve to be. Most people are cool though.

>> No.11059363

Because these aren't poor people, they're lazy college students.

>> No.11059365

I prefer to just add an extra cube of bouillon and an egg to my ramen. Soy sauce too. Tomato sauce on ramen sounds gross.

>> No.11059384
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>soy sayce
>sesame oil
>crushed up dried peppers
>small splash of lemon juice
>shredded cabbage if you've got it

>> No.11059395

Most people are stupid and suck.

People willingly buy Chevrolet Equinoxes and they vote. If that isn't terrifying enough, peek inside a walmart sometime.

>> No.11059409

If you drive a crossover suv or you drive past the entrance to Costco on a Saturday you should be culled from the population as a subhuman.

>> No.11059413

>born into high IQ and long time preference


>> No.11059422

Everything these people are saying about poor people being stupid and irresponsible is mostly true. There are smart poor people but the usually have personality disorders.

>> No.11059430

I'll be honest: You are right, I was just scrolling by this thread and got a little overeager when I saw the chance to take a cheap shot at a rich boy. You win this round, oppressor of the proletariat, but the people's time is coming.

>> No.11059470


>> No.11059644

Why the fuck are you buying a name brand sauce when you can get a can of sauce for 80 cents?

>> No.11059692

Prego® is like Newman's Best®
but for Planned Parenthood

>> No.11060422
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>unfortunately chicken gives me migraines

>> No.11060441

He's not wrong. Put anything nice in a poor neighborhood, they'll ruin it in weeks. They have a disdain for anything nice.

>> No.11062166

The poor are animals.

>> No.11063816

When I was a fat ass I would eat 4 of those patties in one meal.

>> No.11063833
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Why would you water down sauce you fucking cuck?

>> No.11063847

All foods are processed

>> No.11063851

That looks terrible and tomato sauce is rather expensive and past is still cheaper than ramen and wtf is that chicken jerky thats been shredded and recompressed into paddies?

>> No.11063862

I hope you make stock with the leftover chicken. Or else youre missing out on a world of easy flavor.

>> No.11063876

You mean niggers?

>> No.11063885
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you dont have a strainer? the directions really need to say "strain noodles" for you to do so? amateur hour

>> No.11063911

Then what do I do with the flavor packet you cunt?

>> No.11063918

damn fella you might be autistic

>> No.11063940

Can microwave fast

>> No.11063947

So you just throw it out? You've never been poor you brainlet

>> No.11063960

Use them in rice. Or double up when you make anoother batch of ramen. Or when your sick use it to make a very depressing broth.

>> No.11063992

>ruining your rice
What a faggot

>> No.11064143


Cheaper than expensive fresh food

>> No.11064164

>this is what poor people actually believe

>> No.11064171

In rural areas, it's cheaper to live on fast food than buying groceries

>> No.11064180

Poor, not smart

>> No.11064184

That makes no sense on at least a couple levels

>> No.11064188

In rural area we have gardens and herion.

>> No.11064195

These are the people who start fad diets like gluten free and also things like the msg scare

>> No.11064196

I'm actually curious, do you have some examples? Like what's the highest price you've seen for potatoes, onions, tomatoes, etc.?

>> No.11064197

rural areas don't have fast food. the closest fast food to me is 40 min. and it's subway in a gas station. i buy a month of groceries for ~$250

>> No.11064353

The chicken or the egg
The poverty or the ignorance

>> No.11064412

t. citycuck

>> No.11065469
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vegan edition

make ramed and drain
add peanut butter
add little bit of ramen seasoning (only third, so it isnt too salty)
add lemon
add sriracha

>> No.11067289

its part of their sick mindset