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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 97 KB, 655x997, 1453504165791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11063232 No.11063232 [Reply] [Original]

Which one are you?

>> No.11063243

there's a time and place for all three

>> No.11063244

I'm on keto so I tend to eat 80-99% chocolate.

>> No.11063249
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I'm a manchild who hates dark chocolate and loves white chocolate and I don't give a fuck.

>> No.11063250

>wanting bitter chocolate
I bet you also like sour pretzels and dry water

>> No.11063261

based and redpilled

>> No.11063268
File: 38 KB, 488x488, 12969397[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to have a piece of this, then have some plain milk after. The chocolate is bitter obviously, but not overwhelming, and it makes the milk taste so sweet. Seriously just drinking plain milk after a bite of this chocolate is like drinking a sweet milkshake.

>> No.11063272

>that font

I bet the person who made this identifies as a "gamer"

>> No.11063281



Srsly though, both dark and white chocolate are breddy good depending on the mood. I don't think I've ever seen a decent American milk bar though.

>> No.11063282

i do

>> No.11063288


Pure cocoa is definitely an acquired taste, but if you can palate it, the theobromine hit is fucking bonkers.

>> No.11063322

I think I've noticed it a bit but I wasn't sure if it was just placebo. I remember drinking a bunch of pure cocoa powder in a cup of milk a couple years ago and it feeling like coffee though.

>> No.11063506

70% chocolate

>> No.11063837
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>not feeling the subtle gradations between milk and 420% bitter chocolate
This picture is made by pretentious faggot without any resemblance of taste.

>> No.11064033


I mean it's OC from 4chan, that was obvious before even looking at what it said.

>> No.11064071

If you can't appreciate all three, you're subhuman.

>> No.11064077

A stupid person with taste, evidently

>> No.11064089

based and redpilled

>> No.11064093

chocolate is for women

>> No.11064114

chocolate is medicinal. thats why when i eat it i need dark, otherwise im not craving chocolate, im craving sugar. but if you hear fat people talk about it or people who lost a ton of weight describe their past habits, they talk about chocolate like it was that lover that they couldnt drop.

>> No.11064122

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.11064193
File: 61 KB, 840x525, ZcRXPPrnSVaN6pOJfkzR_FK1A9644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choosing the cheapest, bloomiest, shittiest brand of baking chocolate to snack on

>> No.11064421

Shareblue you are fooling no one

>> No.11064505
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I'm munching on some of this right now.

>> No.11064507

I don't eat chocolate since its bad for you.

>> No.11064512

I think we can all agree if you don’t eat bakers chocolate you’re a faggot or a woman.

>> No.11064515
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I sometimes eat a spoonful of this.

>> No.11064519

Now that will put hair on your peaches.

>> No.11064537
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>the theobromine hit is fucking bonkers

>> No.11064601
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>> No.11064726

I enjoy all three, though I prefer dark slightly less over the other two

>> No.11064762

Dark is my favorite. I like milk sometimes but never white

>> No.11064769

>Dark is my favorite
get a load of this roastie

>> No.11064798

Yeah right Grandma!

>> No.11064811
File: 27 KB, 450x450, 4bff8fd8-d549-4ab9-b2ae-899e0b7020ba_4.0f97c29a2bdb2e5ebaabde08b287e5d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like milk chocolate that isn't too sugary. Obviously it is still a lot sweeter than most dark chocolates, but the creamy taste is what I like. pic related is unironically my go to

>> No.11064815
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>dry water

>> No.11064831


I don't understand.

>> No.11064852


>> No.11064891

Is there a way to make unsweetened chocolate actually dissolve in milk?

>> No.11064911

Dark chocolate is good because it has the amount of cocoa written on it. This can be useful for creating your own homemade milk chocolate.

>> No.11064919

What does that even mean? Only kids eat unsweetened chocolate? Or drink milk? Whatever it was, you're a bit retarded.

You can melt the chocolate and then slowly add the milk while stirring. It sinks to the bottom though so you have to stir before each sip, it won't really dissolve and stay dissolved.

>> No.11064931

All of the above

>> No.11064935

You'd have to emulsify. Chocolate is hydrophobic.

>> No.11064940

Is this loss?

>> No.11064949

Explain how chocolate syrup works when I stir it into milk.

>> No.11064955

What's the best semisweet chocolate i can buy in the states?

>> No.11064964

It's chocolate flavored sugar syrup. Regular chocolate has fat in it which makes it harder to dissolve.

>> No.11064970

eating that is like trying to eat chocolate-flavored Cinnamon Powder. you choke it all back up.

>> No.11064978




>> No.11065061

I had 8 tablespoons of this in some greek yogurt for first lunch today, good shit.

>> No.11065089

Yeah, that's the problem I have. I tried and just ended up with a pile of chocolate "sand" at the bottom of the glass.

I thought milk *was* an emulsifier. What else would you use? Palm oil?

>> No.11065118

Dark chocolate sucks ass

>> No.11065162

i can't think of a single thing anyone would ever need to do with white chocolate, or any circumstance where a person would ever want white chocolate for any reason at all

>> No.11065207

the problem is that any water will cause the chocolate to seize and form those grainy lumps. milk is a colloid, with milk fat and protein particles suspended in water. you can try preventing this by melting it into cream or some brands of whole milk in a small quantity before adding it to the milk. just microwave a tiny bit of cream and melt the chocolate into it.

>> No.11065211

Can I get a sauce on that sexy deer?

>> No.11065219

>chocolate is afreaid of water
Have my (you)

>> No.11065223

Pink like my butt~ >w<

>> No.11065361

if i tell you, will you leave /ck/ forever so this board can be rid of another degenerate?

>> No.11065372

Go back to R*ddit you goddamn fucking centrist.

>> No.11065374

melt it, mix it with a fruit powder, dip things in it or make fruit bars

Or just eat it as is because it tastes good

>> No.11065385

Girl here.
I mostly have white chocolate but nothing wrong with a bit of dark chocolate now and then.

>> No.11065390

milk also has fat in it

>> No.11065396

I know what you mean

>> No.11065467
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>> No.11065477

its from the game battlerite

>> No.11065676

I never bothered with white chocolate again after my first taste of dark.

>> No.11065807

What if daddy finds out?

>> No.11065855

>I don't give a fuck
This elevates you above people who "enjoy" dark chocolate.

>> No.11065857

He left for a packet of ciggies when I was 14 and never came back.

>> No.11066010

>chocolate is medicinal
You are on some next-level bullshit, aren't you?

>> No.11066027

For me it's Ghirardelli

>> No.11066040

i like them all

people who revolve their identity around what they consume are retarded

>> No.11066112

milk is also already emulsified

>> No.11066113

Look daddy, your little girl smokes very very often, slap me daddy

>> No.11066126

80% cacao is great! I love its taste. I've tried 98%, which is also nice, but not as nice as 80%.
I'm a fraud.

>> No.11066130
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I don't like chocolate.

>> No.11066141

This. Had a mild preference for white or dark when I still ate chocolate. Always hated milk chocolate.

>> No.11066215
File: 101 KB, 1024x683, Diospyros_digyna_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys tried cupuaçu or black sapote?

BR here. Cupuaçu is pretty good and tastes like chocolate. I was wondering if anyone in /ck/ has tried black sapote which according to some articles tastes like chocolate pudding.

>> No.11066318


>> No.11067039

I like choloate eating

>> No.11067042

Chocolate bars are for poor people, people that want to enjoy things eat truffles or other chocolate confections.

>> No.11067091

Absolutely fucking based

>> No.11067168

Since when does not being an extremist make you a redditor?

>> No.11067515

Stupid apparently, even though I have a masters degree

>> No.11067531

I always keep a box of this in the house but i save it for faggoty dog owners in my apartment complex who refuse to noise train their dogs. It's super satisfying to see the retard owner let their retard dog eat some "random" piece of crap off the ground.

>> No.11067549

fuck off back to r.eddit

>> No.11067556
File: 51 KB, 728x424, coffee-cup[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting cream in your chocolate
>not enjoying black chocolate like an adult

>> No.11067558

Tastes like wax

>> No.11067559

I'm poor and already sometimes feel like it's a waste to spend that money on cheap chocolate because I don't "need" it

>> No.11067587

A-are you saying you never went back?

>> No.11067639

I woukd say most of the time I am normal with the odd stroke of genius and the odd stroke of stupidity

>> No.11067732

t. slept through chemistry class

>> No.11068075

Stupid and proud and probably racist.

>> No.11068079

all of the above for different applications

>> No.11068102
File: 20 KB, 400x267, valrhona_dulcey_feves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caramelized white chocolate is the superior white chocolate.
Used to work in a restaurant that always had a huge cambro of these dulcey feves for pastry... would try to see how many I could steal throughout service.

>> No.11068132

anon, little treats aren’t wastes as long as you’re aware of them being once in a while things

enjoy your cheap chocolate and milk sips bro

>> No.11068162
File: 2.39 MB, 297x229, Benito Mussolini.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like all 3 faggot what does that make me? T.wizard.

>> No.11068170
File: 3 KB, 125x125, Smug King PePe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damned thats based.

>> No.11068207

god you keto faggots are worse than vegans, fuck off and die you fat 40 year old diabetes infested nigger

>> No.11068281

>first lunch
Fucking Americans

>> No.11068304 [DELETED] 

its the opposite with humans

>> No.11068907

You bought shitty white chocolate. It should taste vaguely like sweet butter.

>> No.11068910

Senpai-tachi p-p-please.

>> No.11069481
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Fight me

>> No.11069530

They're all good, but Dark is the superior choice

>> No.11069558

You'll never understand true pleasure until you sip hojicha tea after taking a bite of dark chocolate

>> No.11069950

Dark chocolate most of the time, usually 85-90%, and maybe once a month I'll crave something really sweet and I'll buy a white chocolate bar and overdose on sugar.

>> No.11070023

i like 80% cacao, which one is that?

>> No.11070029

>the the virgin likes milk, vs the chad that eats the original chocolate.

>> No.11070050
File: 218 KB, 1280x720, 1366081092232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like all 3 chocolates, yes even white

i also like black licorice
my palette is quite varied unlike most of you

>> No.11070052

Either dark choclate or white, i'm bipolar

>> No.11070054

Sac a fat dic

>> No.11070061

wow hot a what bhatipatodsp

>> No.11070246


>> No.11070249

Newtown. Maybe it's technically Enmore. That organic vegetable place on Enmore road, anyway. It's near that gelato place that won that award a couple of years ago.

>> No.11070276

Anything that's not dark chocolate taste like kiddy garbage food, how can you eat it

>> No.11070291
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>> No.11070297

Ah, so near Cow and the Moon. Thanks man.

>> No.11070334

Fucking newtown.
I moved up to Queensland.
We grow these up here and just call them chocolate pudding tree.

>> No.11070352

I guess you don't miss the shit roads of the inner west then right?

Though you've got natural disasters to deal with now

>> No.11070389

Nowadays I like dark chocolate the most. Acquired a taste for it. But creamy, soft milk chocolate is always nice too. White "chocolate" is unbelievably shit.

>> No.11070573

I mean I like dark chocolate the most by far but I'd still eat white chocolate without hesitation. Trying to derive any sense of superiority over your choice in food in general is about the absolute stupidest thing there is.

>> No.11070911

I laughed at least

>> No.11070917

>Patrician taste
Dark chocolate (On it's own)
White choclate (only on cookies though)
>Basic bitch taste
Milk chocolate (On it's own ot otherwise)
>Shit taste
Dark chocolate on anything
White chocolate (On it's own or on anything but cookies)

>> No.11070919

sometimes i wonder how many people genuinely get upset that people have tastes that differ from their own when looking at threads like this

>> No.11070966

what is this kikery?

>> No.11071442

it's called a ganache, look it up

>> No.11071465

Never really enjoyed chocolate much but when I eat it's something inbetween milk and dark, what in my country they call semi-bitter.

>> No.11071471

Some people like racemixing, should we just ignore their "tastes" as well? Let degeneracy go unaddressed, goy.