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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11054694 No.11054694 [Reply] [Original]

How much soda do you drink every day?

>> No.11054702

I don't drink it every day. Probably once a week at most, and 12-16oz at most even then. Tooth decay alone should be enough to stay away from it habitually.

>> No.11054705
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I don't have to drink soda every day, i'm not a little kid.

>> No.11054708

maybe once a month to try something new or different

>> No.11054838

if you drink diet drinks then you don't get tooth decay.

>> No.11054847

I drink soda maybe once a week when I get fast food, but then I get like 4oz, just a gulp's worth. I drink kombucha all the time though. It doesn't have as much sugar as soda but it aint exactly easy on the teeth

>> No.11054874

0. quit drinking soda decade ago. Just drink ice cold water.

>> No.11054880


>> No.11054882

i drink a fuck load of diet soda. I want that fizz.

>> No.11054886

coke zero once a week

>> No.11054887

there is nothing wrong with that anon. there is evidence that is does little to no harm on the body.

>> No.11054917

the fifth of vodka i drink daily evens it out. alcoholics don't give a flying fuck about a fizzy bubbler. I will die from liver failure soon.

>> No.11054963

I haven't had a soda in 3 years

>> No.11054987

Bout once a week I'll enjoy a root beer or a baja blast.

>> No.11055048

1 or 2 most days every one else is lieing but i guess thats the meme.

>> No.11055051

I only have soda when I get a Costco hot dog. So probably twice a month.

>> No.11055304

bought a 1.5l of Sprite yesterday after a long while of drinking only water/juice/milk
shit was disgusting, felt like shit after swallowing every gulp
two of my cousins drink shit like this everyday, they simply cannot stand water, especially for hangover. Theyre the reason I bought the bottle.
dumb fucks gonna die before they reach 35

>> No.11055328
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3-5 cans usually. It really improves any meal.
>all the liars in this thread
you're not fooling anyone

>> No.11055341
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>all the liars in this thread
>you're not fooling anyone

>> No.11055348
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>so insecure about your soda consumption that you assume everyone else ITT is as disgusting as yourself

>> No.11055354

>. Tooth decay alone should be enough to stay away from it habitually.
It's called brushing your teeth nigger. I've been drinking mostly soda for like 20 years now and my teeth are in perfect shape. Also, you can just use straw so it doesn't actually hit the front teeth.

>> No.11055365

This. I literally haven't had soda since january of last year. Shit is so bad for you.

>> No.11055375
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8 oz every few days

>> No.11055379

None. Why would I drink something that can clean my toilet?

>> No.11055385

normally once a week, and its always diet
but for the last few weeks I've been eating out because kitchen is being renovated so I've been drinking more

>> No.11055391

Plenty of common foods/drinks are more acidic than soda but people have no reservations about ingesting them while fearing soda. Mom-science at its finest. The same faggots that think Coke is evil will happily drink Cranberry juice instead which is even more acidic.

>> No.11055393

Milk would do the same you realize

>> No.11055394

2-3 cans a day.

>> No.11055438
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>drinking the carbonated jew

>> No.11055448

Lard ass detected

>> No.11055569

A liter or two a day.

>> No.11055638

2 cans of Pepsi Max at work and between a half and a whole pint with dinner.

>> No.11055655

If I get a mixed drink with pop in it, so like 5 times a year.

>> No.11055708

Maybe one per month and i usually toss half of it because it's too sweet

>> No.11055719

I used to drink an insane amount of soda, especially when I was a teenager. I could drink 6-8 cans in a sitting. I tried to become more conscious of my consumption as an adult, and cut down some. But now since March I've drank very little pop at all. Maybe drink one a week.

>> No.11055898
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two cans of coke zero a day.
kill me

>> No.11055905

None since I got the T1D diagnosis over a year ago. Switched to LaCroix. I found that I only really miss Ginger Ale.

>> No.11055907
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Can a week of this.. the only 'soda' I enjoy.

>> No.11055914

None because I’m not white trash

>> No.11055919

Maybe a glass or two of lemonade once a month?
Honestly water is tasty enough

>> No.11056023


>> No.11056035

Maybe once a week. But not every week. Only when I go to taco bell or some fast food with an actually good drink or a good deal that comes with a drink

>> No.11056115

On average one every three weeks.

>> No.11056125
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Half vodka, have lime flavored seltzer water, ice cold.
>ahhhh now that's refreshing
>finish two glasses and give up on trying to bartend so you just grab the bottle and sit at your computer until it's 4am and you have work tomorrow and your gf sent you to the couch because you pissed on the bathroom floor.
>ahhhh what a life

>> No.11056155
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LMao imagine being this unhealthy

>> No.11056163

I'll maybe have a soda-like-drink once every 1-3 weeks, but I can't drink regular soda, it's too syrupy and "heavy", even shit like sprite coats the inside of your mouth. I'll instead buy one of those like zero calorie "ICE" drinks, fizzy but lighter tasting, it's not overwhelmingly sweet either.

>> No.11056326

pick one
it's nutritionally empty sure but that can easily be compensated for with your other meal items, at the end of the day it's just empty calories, not some carcinogen like all the faggots itt suggest

>> No.11056334

Just drink some water after every drink.

>> No.11056343

About twice a month.

>> No.11056344

6 pack of diet sunkist 16.9fl oz. per day.
Teeth are fine (A2 shaded could floss more)
weight is controlled (not obese/overweight)
last blood panel was all in the normal ranges.
I hope this helps with your data collection, OP

>> No.11056388

A few times across months. Somtimes none at all.

>> No.11056394
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literally none
this thread is full of degenerates

>> No.11056395

>diet shit

Even worse than sugar water. Enjoy your cancer.

>> No.11056399

Not degenerates. Just future diabetes and cancer connosieurs.

>> No.11056772

None, I’m not some loser who drinks soda on the daily. I also ding those. People who drink soda are the same who who hate basic foods, like tomatoes, onions, mushrooms. Pure faggots.

>> No.11056795

>being unable to follow a reply chain

The dudes said they drink an average of 2-3 cans/bottles per day, sometimes more, and that they didn't "believe" anyone could possibly be drinking less. They're addicted to the sugar and caffeine. They're unhealthy.

>> No.11056810

1 bottle a day but it's just a small amount of syrup put in water, not sure if this qualifies as soda

>> No.11056854

None. Even when I take a day off from my diet I drink juice or booze rather than soda.

>> No.11057065

On average none but sometimes I want the 5 dollar boxes from taco bell and it includes a drink. I'll usually get Pepsi but it's kind of gross so I usually throw it away after a few drinks

>> No.11057070

Between 1L and 2L. Used a chaser for cheap whisky.

>> No.11057089

0 ml per day. Last time I had soda was probably 2-3 months ago.

>> No.11057106

None anymore, I used to drink a lot and crave it sometimes but now I just don't care for it. Water and black coffee is all I drink now.

>> No.11057108

Once in a blue I guess. I don't shun soda but it's not really something that's on my mind when it comes to beverages.

>> No.11057126

I go through phases where I'll drink 2 or more liters a day, and then I won't drink any for weeks or months at a time.

All the concern about soda just comes from the sugar and calories in it, everything else is fine. The worst thing in most diet sodas is the caffeine. Soda being "bad for you" is strictly a meme.

>> No.11057182

I don't want diabetes, so none.

>> No.11057192

is beer soda?

>> No.11057194

>Soda being "bad for you" is strictly a meme.
Too much sugar causes heart disease. I think the recommendation for sugar limits is like 40g per day for adult men, and a 12 oz soda has like 39g.

>> No.11057201

Actually the phosphoric acid is horrible for you as well.

>> No.11057212

I don't drink soda, but does that mean I can't have something sweet after dinner?
Pls, help. I don't wanna die.

>> No.11057213


That shit's cancer.

>> No.11057221

>bone health
T. female boomer.

>> No.11057227

So why are people more worried about soda than juice, or candy, or fucking white bread? There's too much sugar in a lot of shit, not just soda.

>> No.11057242

You would need to drink 8 sodas a day to even cross the line into "health risk" territory. If you're already drinking that much soda, the sugar and caffeine are also going to fuck you up.

You can also eat too many pineapples and die of an impacted bowel, but no one talks about that because most people don't eat 12 pineapples a day.

>> No.11057244
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None unless in a rootbeer float, so maybe 1 or 2 times a year
One time though, I brushed my hand against someone else's cold can of soda and I internally flipped out as if I was some sort of drug addict going through a withdrawal
Is this what it means to be an amerifat??

>> No.11057568
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>> No.11057618

I'm an Ameriboo and I drink no soda a day. I'll treat myself to one maybe like once or twice a month at most.

I don't ever want to get kidney stones and enjoy being fit so fuck all of that.

>> No.11057743
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>There's too much sugar in a lot of shit, not just soda.

That's because over the years the processed foods industry has had to slowly ratchet up the volume of the product, or the levels of sweet/salt/fat to keep up with the competition. People that eat that shit on the reg get conditioned and used to abnormally high levels of sweet/salt/fat so that when they eat normal food it tastes "bland" and needs "seasoning"....with sugar/salt/fat.

Hence, the beetus' epidemic.

>> No.11057762

None. I can't even drink soda past a few sips, it makes my stomach feel like shit. It's too sweet and unhealthy anyways.

>> No.11057777

One soda a day, a few more over the weekend. I regularly lift and do cardio. Getting kind of bored of drinking it and I'll probably switch to seltzer at some point. I quit booze and replaced it with soda and water but soda is cancerous and shit for the body.

>> No.11057787

>diet soda is cancerous
I'm on to you big sugar!

>> No.11057928


>> No.11058246

A can a year the past decade.

>> No.11058281

I used to drink like three cans a day, now I have a soda maybe once or twice a month.

Coffee, tea, and water have basically taken over my beverage consumption.

>> No.11058288

Same. I just naturally stopped drinking soda after switching to iced tea and other shit so now I have a very low tolerance for sugar.

>> No.11058310

I've eaten 2 in a day once and the shit was unholy

>> No.11058322
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>tfw drink kombucha every day

>> No.11058419

i have 1 a week at most

usually less

A super fat guy I went to uni with drank 12 a day
He was a disgusting 400lb dude.

>> No.11058463

One 16oz a month

>> No.11058983
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I drank 2 liters today

>> No.11059426

Once every three days or so

>> No.11059446

Between 2 cans and 2 liters depending.

>> No.11059554

As little as twice a month, as much as every day for one week. It varies between where I'm eating and what soda.

>> No.11059565

Coke Zero if I'm having a heavyish meal.

>> No.11060061

what is the difference between zero and diet?

>> No.11060085

None. I can't justify purchasing soda over water, beer, liquor, coffee, or a non-alcoholic mix.
If it's freely available though I would consume at LEAST 2L in a day.
Just chug for that fizzy caffienated sugar buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

>> No.11060258

Along with cigarettes, they're on of the few product categories I almost exclusively see poor people consume on a regular basis.

That should tell you something.

>> No.11060273

you stalk poor people?

>> No.11060564

but i have seen rich people drink soda so you are a giant liar you stupid bitch

>> No.11060583

you're a fuckup if you drink anything other than water, coffee, tea, and the occasional alcoholic beverage. this is to include soda, milk, juice, any of that shit. grow up.

>> No.11060652

Drank a ridiculous amount as a kid, haven't had one in probably a couple months
Drinks is how the restaurants Jew you

>> No.11060810

Around a liter a day, but can do more, mostly carbonated tea or mate with sugar.

>> No.11060816

>occasional alcoholic beverage
Wow. What a loser. I bet you're a virgin and don't even like watching sport.

>> No.11060868

I mostly stopped, except now. These last few days I've just been fucking around. Yesterday I drank like a litre.

>> No.11061025

I drink small ammounts 2-3 times a week, but it depends on the weather. When it's +27 degrees celsius outisde during summer and/or it's hot for some other reason I find myself reaching for that bottle of coke more often.

>> No.11061327

If anyone in this thread were telling the truth, soda wouldn't be more popular than water and wouldn't bring in billions fucking daily. you people are fucking retarded.

>> No.11063121

completely based

>> No.11063128

> durr hurr not telling truth
lmao the cope. just deal with it not everyone is a pig who needs 200g of sugar a day

>> No.11063174

Around 2 liters of coke zero a day

>> No.11064596


I have been drinking diet coke like water for about 15 years. I've tried to quit multiple times but the lack of caffeine fucks me up every time.

>> No.11064856

notice anything wrong with your health?

>> No.11064857

Never finished a glass of coke or any Soda in my life. Parents didn't give me or my sister any when we were young so I only drink water/milk.

>> No.11064862


My pee's usually clear but I drink a lot so I'm not sure it's related. Other than the caffeine addiction I don't feel off physically.

>> No.11064989

have you gained any weight from the drinks?

>> No.11065008


Not as far as I can tell. I'd been obese my whole life until a few years ago. I started keeping track of calories and running, but the diet coke intake remained the same. Still went from 310 to 165 in about a year and a half.

>> No.11065046

make the switch to black coffee. or something. the way those two addictions are intertwined is really sinister, but learning to drink black coffee or unsweetened caffeinated tea is worth the effort. no judgment, but soda is a killer, man, anything to shake that.

>> No.11065054

I don't drink soda, but if i did i suspect i'd be even fatter.

>> No.11065067

Where I work the state manager used to be a lardass, I’m talking 170kg.
He had his stomach stapled and they removed some intestines. He lost like 80kg (he’s 6ft6) but still eats double than me and drinks a 24pack of coke every week. He’s skinnier than me too, and I’m 6ft7.
Pisses me off.

>> No.11066064


>> No.11066201
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Between 5-12 cans with rum each night

>> No.11068359


>> No.11068379
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Anon... a-are you ok?

>> No.11068382

I prefer seltzer

>> No.11068425

Diet Coke has its own unique flavor, while Coke Zero (or "Coke Zero Sugar" as they call it now) is meant to taste more close to a regular Coke. It's way better than Diet Coke for sure.

>> No.11068443

once every 2-3 days

>> No.11069087

I personally have 2 cans of Pepsi a day, but someone close to me is a complete and total NEET shut-in that's close to being evicted by his mother.

Last I heard, he drinks at least an entire 12 pack of Mountain Dew a day.

>> No.11069288

Maybe once per two weeks, not very often. I used to drink plenty but I worried for my health and stopped drinking soda every day.

>> No.11069576

About 6 oz of Mexican coke a day. When I found out you can put the cap back on glass bottles and don’t have to drink the whole thing it ruined me.

>> No.11069607

2 or 3 bottles, tho sometimes some are energy drinks
Water doesnt keep me awake enough

>> No.11069612

2-4 Monster Original

>> No.11069859


Because it's much easier to drink 200g of sugar without thinking much of it, than eating the same amount

>> No.11070816

I had a root beer yesterday and I am probably gonna have a ginger beer this Sunday so this is more than the average amount of soda I drink I usually only drink one every few weeks.

>> No.11071349

>there is evidence that is does little to no harm on the body.

the polar opposite is actually true, the evidence that artificial sweeteners are unhealthy is overwhelming.

I quit drinking soda altogether after members in my family got cancer.

milk is not at all comparable to soda/diet soda

there is undeniable proof that excessive sugar leads to the proliferation of 30% of all cancers.

>All the concern about soda just comes from the sugar
from the excessive sugar, anon.

>The worst thing in most diet sodas is the caffeine
>Soda being "bad for you" is strictly a meme.
*The truth

> I think the recommendation for sugar limits is like 40g per day for adult men
It's actually less than that, 36 grams of sugar a day for men, and even less for women at 25 grams of sugar a day.

Soda has more sugar content than every thing you listed, an exorbitant amount that is extremely unhealthy. Also it's a liquid so with no fiber to digest it, it slams the body with insulin. The c02 also breaks down stomach acids and hinders digestion.

>You would need to drink 8 sodas a day to even cross the line into "health risk" territory
False, anymore than 1-2 is over the line.

>> No.11071367

>You would need to drink 8 sodas a day to even cross the line into "health risk" territory
False, anymore than 1-2 is over the line.

>> No.11071373

>root beer
bang's, AEW, or mug?

>> No.11071388

2 liters, mixed with rum. Dark n Stormies.

>> No.11071390

>All the concern about soda just comes from the sugar
from the excessive sugar, anon.


>The worst thing in most diet sodas is the caffeine
>Soda being "bad for you" is strictly a meme.
*The truth

Okay I fucked up my original comment, but the point still stands. These things are entirely unhealthy for you, anyone that says otherwise is either in denial or a shill.

>> No.11071415

I drink 0ml of soda daily, however the ocassional 500ml bottle every other month I really enjoy.

Soda should NOT be a staple of anyone's diet, doesn't matter how american you feel.

>> No.11071460

Water is the most powerful solvent on Earth you mongoloid.

>> No.11071469

I don't buy 2 liters or 12 packs of coke or anything. I only get soda when I go out to eat, restaurant or drive-through.

>> No.11071492

Soda is fucking evil. I remember just craving coke for a week and my stomach was so bloated. Had to stop. No wonder people get so fat.

>> No.11071616

It's true. People can talk about restraint and all that, and yes, you should be able to control yourself. But it doesn't help sugar is naturally addictive, triggering a rush of dopamine with the consumption of it.

>> No.11071646

None. The occasionally glas of juice, some skimmed milk otherwise cold tapwater. Yep

>> No.11071807

One and a half liters

>> No.11071821

I have it maybe once a month. The people who shit on soda but drink fruit juice like it's fucking water annoy me though.

>> No.11071935

The last time I had pop was a week or two ago...
God, this. My dad thinks pop is terrible but lives off of fruit juices.

>> No.11072292
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>> No.11072479
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I had my first and likely only soda of 2018 last night. It was a 44 oz cherry coke from the fountain at my local convenience store. Drank it with my dinner, pic related. It was pretty good, all of it

>> No.11073396

Used to drink 20 to 40 fluid ounces depending on the day, but now i'm working construction and can't stand to drink it on the job. Gatorade is the closest i'll come while working, but I still prefer tons of water.

>> No.11073727
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>drinking soda daily
>drinking soda multiple times a day

It could be worse, he could be one of those savages who refer to all varieties of soda as "coke"

>> No.11074145

I have one 2L bottle of diet pop once a week, on the weekend. Throughout the week I stick to coffee and water. Sometimes if I'm really craving it I'll get a can of diet coke every once in a while

>> No.11074157

pretty degenerate

>> No.11074173

Drinking fizzy water reeeaally helped me get over my soda addiction, especially lemon fizzy water. It's definitely what I'd suggest to anyone having a hard time quitting soda

>> No.11074268

I probably have soda once or twice a month. I never buy the stuff but if I'm offered at at a party or something I'll probably have one.

>> No.11074325
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0. Soda is bad for you. I haven't ordered a soda since I was like 15 years old.

>> No.11074350

Why don't you come down to Philly where all of us calls any soda Coke and see what happens, fuckface. You'll come out of the place with your goddamned head on a fucking pike prickbag