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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11052973 No.11052973 [Reply] [Original]

I'm eating Keto right now and I'm bored of soggy zuchini. No matter what I seem to do I can't get them to dry out and become crisp. I want things to dip into other things, that arn't cheese. Got any ideas?!

>> No.11052985

salt your zukes then let them release a bunch of water.
squeeze then refrigerate overnight on a rack.

>> No.11052993

Mayonnaise. Make it yourself to ensure it's unsweetened.

>> No.11052994

I don't have a baking rack. Will just putting them uncovered on foil work?

>> No.11053001

nope, you have separate them from the water.

>> No.11053017
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>> No.11053051
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whats wrong with keto? it lets me loose weight and not be hungry because of the very high fat content.

>> No.11053052

Or just don't cook them.
Also keto is moronic, just eat a variety of whole foods and don't drink your calories.

>> No.11053058

I drink either diet soda or water at the moment, and find when I'm eating carbs I crave more food than my caloric intake appreciates.

>> No.11053060

Zucchini make for a smashing keto lemon cake

>> No.11053061

It says more about your mental state. If you have to be tricked into losing weight you're a mental midget and have no will power in the first place. People like you are the reason Facebook and Instagram were invented. Good riddance.

>> No.11053067

>being this much of an obvious summerfag

>> No.11053074

>being this much of an obvious triggered homosexual

>> No.11053078

To not enjoy being hungry is a pretty normal thing. Wouldn't you always rather be comfortable than uncomfortable?

>> No.11053083
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fatty can't lay off the carby snacks for a while so fatty has to lash out at everyone discussing the absolute patrician's lifestyle choice called the keto diet.

>> No.11053086
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Reminder that /ck/ is for anons who enjoy food and cooking. All restrictive, meme diet threads belong on the health, fitness, and bro-science board.


>> No.11053093

>expecting autists on an anonymous anime board to be reasonable
The lack of carbs is starving your brain.

>> No.11053095

>can't get them to dry out
They make devices for just this task. Just to make things confusing, they're called dehydrators.

>> No.11053096

>wouldn't you always rather be comfortable than uncomfortable?
no, I wasn't coddled as a child, like you

>> No.11053100

there's no reason why people shouldn't be discussing carb free cooking here you dumb faggot.

>> No.11053118

Because Keto is so restrictive, in order to eat quality food I must cook every single meal in order to keep it at a reasonable budget. Every day is a cooking adventure, and an exploration of new techniques, so I'd say this is a great place for keto.

>> No.11053129

OP, next time just leave out the keto shit.
Ask your question without the unnecessary backstory.

>> No.11053132

I've considered purchasing one, and also there's an episode of good eats where ALton brown makes one from some box fans that I've thought about replicating in a pinch. How long do you think it would take for a single zuchinni hand sliced thin would take? I really try to honestly stay away from unitaskers, though, and my kitchen is -VERY SMALL-, with 0 shelving or cabinet space, so the thought of another device is pretty daunting.

>> No.11053223

Just put them in the oven on low heat with the door cracked open to let the moisture out.

>> No.11054546


this site has a few keto cookbooks you can download.

>> No.11055374

Is that like the south beach diet? It's all the same in the end. Also saying your on a keto diet is as annoying as vegans saying their vegan. Just FYI.

>> No.11055383

Griddle them first

>> No.11055580
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The absolute state of sugarfags.

>> No.11055602

Except that this thread is about someone bitching that they only know one shitty way to make zucchini followed by some back and forth about food fads. If you have something more to offer then by all means, go ahead. The OP wants someone to do exactly what you say you can do.

>> No.11055612
