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File: 54 KB, 700x500, Cheese-700x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11052150 No.11052150 [Reply] [Original]

cheese thread?
cheese thread

>> No.11052193

What’s the best cheese for making macaroni? Hard mode: don’t say cheddar.

>> No.11052208

cheese is something i always like to have on hand.

you know, just in queso.

>> No.11052212

kraft singles

>> No.11052219

Do you mean Mac and cheese? 50/50 mix of gouda and gruyere.

>> No.11052224


>> No.11052225

blue cheese

>> No.11052228

Pecorino Romano

>> No.11052232

get outta here with that shit, that's not cheese

>> No.11052246

nasty goop

>> No.11052666

I had camembert dip with thyme and black pepper the other night. It was fantastic and blew everything else out of the water.

>> No.11052688

Nice. I'm glad to see I'll eat well in hell

>> No.11052696

Google "älplermagronen" a really old recipe, it's the swiss version of mac n cheese and 100 times more delicious. (it uses gruyere) you're welcome friend.

>> No.11052701

American cheese is the best cheese in existence. Yuropoors can't even defend this, it's the most popular variety for a reason. You can't find a burger with your faggy jizz cheeses in them.

>> No.11052707
File: 3.71 MB, 4048x3036, IMG_20180725_153937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cheese thread cool! I make artisan cheese for a living. Ask questions I'll give answers if they're asked in good faith.

>> No.11052710

I can't eat something that sounds like "came in bert"

>> No.11052715

My cheeses taste like jizz btw, I only sell them to make money off dumb yuropoors hipsters. At home I eat exclusively American cheese

>> No.11052719
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>> No.11052721

It's pronounced CAM EM BEAR

>> No.11052724

is it something one can do at home?

>> No.11052736

Requires temperature control

>> No.11052759
File: 3.21 MB, 2000x900, Roth-Homepage-Banner-Monroe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked up some of the stuff

>> No.11052766

What if I have a stone cellar? It stays pretty consistent at 50-60 degrees underground. Are there any cheeses that would be viable in something like that?

>> No.11052769

Yes you can, provided you do have some temp control. But achieving that at home isn't all that difficult use a double pot boil method to slowly bring your milk up to desired temp for recipe and hold it there. A good thermometer helps. You'll only need a thimble full of culture at most and may not even need rennet depending on what you make. Fresh cheeses are where most people start because aging would require a devoted mini fridge or other sufficiently cool space and you'll have to wait a while.

>> No.11052778

Don't reply to him he's a butt triggered LARPer. That would actually be perfect see here

Suppose I could go make a unique trip but I didn't think someone would troll a cheese thread for le ebin lulz

>> No.11052790

Opinions on the inclusion of fenugreek in creamy cheeses? My favorite cheese I ever ate is a gouda style goat cheese with fenugreek

>> No.11052827

I'm generally open minded about flavoring cheeses. Can't say that I've experimented with fenugreek a ton personally but if you like it in Gouda it stands that you will like it in fresh cheeses as well.

>> No.11052863

I love cheese but for some reason I wasn't aware how bad it was for you until around my mid 20's. Before that I basically saw it as a much better alternative to milk (which I can't stand the taste of) and ate that stuff all the time.

I never got fat from it but being a bit older I miss that I can't gorge on cheese like I used to.

>> No.11053056
File: 272 KB, 474x513, F805A3C7-CB2B-489E-AA00-AF87150A3A2F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when cheese has those crunchy crystals in its

>> No.11053101


>> No.11053170

Yes. And/or calcium lactate crystals. Depends on the cheese and type of culture used.

>> No.11053196

that's cheez-its. it's called salt

>> No.11053225

I’ll give this a shot in October if I remember. Has a sort of poutine vibe to it.

>> No.11053236

Is there vegan cheese made from actual bacteria cultures instead of just plant stuff pressed into a loaf?

>> No.11053242

It would be extremely painful

>> No.11053244

Anything that melts, really. I typically put some pepper jack and gorgonzola in there.

>> No.11054659
File: 1.14 MB, 1841x1227, 1525476758174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. There is no market for "American" produced """""cheese""""" in Europe.

>> No.11054660

Is this the cheese thread?

>> No.11054667
File: 60 KB, 476x451, 1533048344306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On an American dominated website. Clearly not.

>> No.11054729

Fenugreek makes girls lactate

>> No.11054734

gruyere and monterey jack

>> No.11056116

I put a dash of semen in every round of cheese, I find it gives my CHEESE a more personal touch