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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11044546 No.11044546 [Reply] [Original]

Just got my four Wisdom Teeth removed. What's on the menu for tonight, /ck/?

>> No.11044554


>> No.11044556

the answer is ice cream.
the answer to this question will always be ice cream.

>> No.11044564

Tomato soup maybe

>> No.11044628

When I got mine taken out, I ate everything I normally ate. I just didn't bite down on the stitches where the teeth once were and I didn't use a straw with anything. The worst part is waking up really sick feeling from all the blood you swallow in your sleep the 1st night.

>> No.11045060

Jello is nice on the gums after wisdom teeth surgery desu

>> No.11045082

I had all 4 of mine out at the same time and felt great after surgery
cottage cheese and apple sauce

>> No.11045200

A shit ton of painkillers and chicken broth. Tomorrow have some mash potatoes with a side of more painkillers.

>> No.11045226

Had them removed last week and I still mostly eat soup, noodles, jello and ice cream.
I can't fucking wait to get back to normal.

>> No.11045234

Oh and mashed potatoes.

>> No.11045248

Peanuts and captain crunch

>> No.11045840

Mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, brothy soups (no chunky bits), pudding, apple sauce, ice cream, more mashed potatoes.

>> No.11047270
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>> No.11047472

>tfw need wisdom teeth removed but am terrified of how horrific the things i might say all juiced up will be
fuck me.

>> No.11047489


You'll be fine. If you weren't going to say these things when you're drunk, you aren't going to say them under laughing gas.

>> No.11047881


>> No.11047950

Make sure you get enough electrolytes and stay hydrated. I made that mistake and passed out in my bathroom after getting mine out.

>> No.11047988

Just find one who offers the IV sedation.
I basically slept through the whole thing and I only recall hearing a voice telling me to turn my head or open up my mouth a bit more once in a while.

>> No.11049588

You're fine. I made a lot of jokes about the running man when I was under. I've been blacking out in public for years though, so I have practice keeping my shit together while my consciousness is taking a nap.

>> No.11049620

To anons who already had them removed, when does the pain subside? It's been a week and it's really not that bad but it's non-stop lingering pain that gets on my nerves and I have a tendency to get bad nausea on opioids so I'd rather not take them.

>> No.11049678

extra large milk shake with a crazy straw.

>> No.11050239
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My dentist just did a local anesthetic and it was fine, totally painless.
Until I sucked on the wound in my sleep and got stuck with dry socket for 3 weeks.
THAT was some of the worst pain of my life.

>> No.11051861

Idk, for me it was like a month, but I'm a smidge of a hypochondriac. There's no need for the opioids, but if it bothers you take some ibuprofen.

>> No.11051889


Percocet and furious masturbation>>11044556

>> No.11051935

lmao I was eating within the hour with no pain whatsoever

>> No.11051940

>within the hour with no pain
No shit, the anesthesia isn't even close to worn off after an hour.