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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11042462 No.11042462 [Reply] [Original]

i can’t believe he’s gone
how are you guys coping?

>> No.11042491
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>> No.11042540

I read the daily Bourdain threads, it infuriates me into not caring anymore.

>> No.11042542

literally who?

>> No.11042557

some heroin addict who washed dishes when he was 17 and memed his way into a travel show career for (((CNN))) and then died jacking off with his bath robe belt like david carradine

>> No.11042566

let me just ask this before hiding this thread, was he american?

>> No.11042584

No, he was from New Jersey.

>> No.11042586


>> No.11042615

Fuckin surreal to watch through his stuff now.

After A Cook's Tour he made the decision to destroy his domestic life by leaving his wife in order to film No Reservations. In the early episodes of No Reservations he's borderline suicidal and can hardly keep himself together.

Then he gets his legs under him and you see him get genuine joy when he marries his Brazilian girlfriend and has a kid. He's so fuckin happy.

Then No Reservations ends and Tony wants to get more serious with Parts Unknown. At first you can see the genuine enthusiasm in his face as he's working with so much more money and able to tell stories even better. But towards the end of Parts Unknown he divorces his wife again and plunges into depression again. Then he gets tangled up with that Italian thot who cheats on him and a week later he's swinging from the rafters.

Fuckin heartbreaking. Watch the Malaysia episode of No Reservations then watch the Borneo episode of Parts Unknown. It's like he gives up by the end of it and resigns to death. Like it was his last effort to get back in touch with the life he blew up after A Cook's Tour.

>> No.11042628
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>Crying over celebrity chef

>> No.11042631

Anthony himself said he was not a chef.

>> No.11042632

>killing yourself over a slit
fucking weak

>> No.11042639

I think he killed himself because he realized over a couple of decades that the deal he made with the devil where he traded his domestic past life for fame and fortune truly wasn't worth it, and that he was trapped.

>> No.11042642

I'm coping with heroin and autoerotic asphyxiation

>> No.11042650
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it wasn't suicide.

>> No.11042663

did he leave behind any food he cooked in the freezer or something?

>> No.11042907

no he wasn't a cook he was just a "foodie"

>> No.11042914
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>feminist jezebel gf with tats

>> No.11042920

He could've been one of our greatest allies and the fucking demonrats killed him.

>> No.11042923
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There are a lot of jealous fags itt, I'd love to travel , bang local girls and eat free food for a living

>> No.11043019

bourdain was liberal trash

>> No.11043030

So is Trump.

>> No.11043050

Just fine, I always thought he was a douche and didn't enjoy it.

>> No.11043055

Never mentioned the GEOTUS but thanks for thinking of him ;^)

>> No.11043139

yeah but if i had to be anthony bourdain i'd kill myself

>> No.11043141

>another limp-wristed, self loathing, walking vagina of a "man" terminates himself
Feels good.

>> No.11043259

You’re not on /pol/.

>> No.11043375

People die dude it's fine, there will be more

>> No.11043404

i watched his show for the first time.

saw a couple episodes. why is he always so uncomfortable?

>> No.11043562

Which layer of hell do you reckon he is in?

>> No.11043615

By responding to this same thread every time I see it, and reminding everyone that he was a coked up faggot.

>> No.11043620

she's sardinian
not sure if bait

>> No.11043621


>> No.11043642

She's a deenz?

>> No.11043655

Kitchen Confidential got me through some shitty times. I've always admired Bourdain's no nonsense work ethic.

>> No.11043874

This is bad bait.

Even for (You) anon

>> No.11043892

why was he so unhappy bros? What more could he have possibly wanted?

>> No.11043929

Why would anyone give a shit about this fag? what's so special about him?

>> No.11043967

Stability, a family that loved him, not travelling 300 days a year being pressured to be funny and charming 24/7

>> No.11044105

he LITERALLY did not kill himself.

>> No.11044147
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He lives on in us, anon

>> No.11044154

Not sure if you guys heard but apparently CNN has enough footage for another season of parts unknown.

I've also recently stumbled across Raw Craft which I have never seen before for some reason. It's all on jewtube if I'm not mistaken. They're short episodes, 15 min each I believe and it's not about food but hearing his voice is soothing for me so I will definitely check them all out.

>> No.11044161
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>> No.11044169
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>> No.11044207

>hearing his voice is soothing
He definitely had a cadence, intonation and voice level that was somewhat mesmerizing. Coupled with self-deprecating, witty formulations of coherent English sentences it's easy to see why the confederacy of dunces wail and gnash their teeth about him. Yeah, we all miss him, he was a treasure.

>When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in a confederacy against him.

- Jonathan Swift

>> No.11044230

If you try harder I think you can use confederacy and dunces more.

>voice level

>> No.11044285
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>> No.11044349

At first I made fun of him like an edgelord. And yeah... it was hella funny at the time. But now, I'm sad. This poor guy knew that women were shit. He knew Hillary Clinton was shit, see >>11042650
And yet he invested so much emotional energy on Asia Argento the dumb whore who fucked Harvey Weinstein back when she was hot, just to get a movie role, or TV role, or whatever the fuck she is famous for because I don't know because I never saw it. I only know her from being a dumb crying "victim".
Still, I'm glad ol' Bordane got his dick wet one last time, even though he deserved to fuck some pussy only 1/3 his age and not 2/3 his age like that shriveled hag Argento.

>> No.11044375

I think it's sad how fucked up his daughter is going to be, but otherwise I was never a fan of this guy. It's too bad he met his end that way of course, but I never really followed him.

>> No.11044384

>voice level
Bass, tenor, mezzo-soprano, soprano, etc., yeah there's probably a better word covering it, but I'm fucked up enough where I'm not going to bother digging it out of my brain or internet repositories.

>> No.11044405

Fuck Bourdain.

>> No.11044424

What travel show do I watch now

>> No.11044469

At first it was just another celebrity death but then it hit me like a couple weeks after he died how big it was. His travel shows are what got me interested in food and world cultures .probably why I'm a baker today.

Its just incredibly sad that I'll never see a new episode of parts unknown or maybe even a reboot of no reservations. I'm gonna miss

>> No.11044476

Lol tonnes of celebrities criticized Clinton during the election and after. Why were none of them assassinated?

>> No.11044497

>cuck offs himself and cucks cry over him
Sad state of /CucK/ indeed...

>> No.11044557

>look at me, I'm so tough I made a post about it!

>> No.11044563

Anthony Bodega had great stock

>> No.11044567
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Are you an cuckburger?

>> No.11044585

>look at me, I'm so cool I made an america post about it!

>> No.11044595

His shows and books stopped being interesting long before he died so heh

>> No.11044602

Well, a few of them have died since then, but I'm not saying they were murdered.
Bourdain killed himself because he was a soft pussy whipped retard who fell for the whole damsel in distress routine because he was a jew and he knows how jews are, so he knew Weinstein was probably a rapist. What Bourdain didn't account for is the fact that other jews are just as crafty as him, if not craftier. You see, most jews haven't spent their lifes fucking whores and eating chinese food; or, to the extent that they have, they have also spent lots of time carefully investing money in saudi arabia.

>> No.11044652

just watched the Bhutan episode yesterday, it was 300% cozy and the superstitions and manly traditions of the locals reminded me of my childhood in northern mexico. simpler times. felt bad because tony seemed to be off his game, possibly starstruck by aronofsky.

tony is always gonna be close to my heart chamber. ck can meme about how he was light on chef training, but he's the guy that got me into cooking as personal expression, and world cuisine as just variations on my own home cooking. nevermind that he also introduced me to fantastic places and people like bill buford, chef bocuse, br troisgros, etc

>> No.11044669

i watched the iggy pop episode yesterday. it was comfy too. but theres a stark difference. they're both old, but iggy clearly lived the bigger life. he lived so much that he just takes it slow in florida looking to give back to people important to him. he even mentions it at one point. and thats a clear distinction from our late friend bourdain who has been running away from those that loved him most.

>> No.11044779
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>No, he was from New Jersey.

>> No.11044786

It's also somewhat chilling how much death comes up in all his stuff. Like he's always talking about death, dying, the afterlife, etc.

>> No.11044790

>why is he always so uncomfortable?
He struggles with the awareness he deserves none of his fortune

>> No.11045252 [DELETED] 

disgusting spic. seekay is a white man's board.

>> No.11045374

Si que es guero?

>> No.11045384

i think he struggled with many things. he was a sincere guy. only sincere people kill themselves.

>> No.11045427

yes, and extra salsa pls

>> No.11045488


>> No.11045750

Shitposting aside. I was aware of AB (saw his stuff of TV but largely tuned out) and honestly never read his stuff. After his death, I was curious as to why...from outside, it seemed he had everything. I mean, traveling the world on someone else's budget? The rest is gravy, man...So I started with Kitchen Confidential, the on to Medium Raw (felt right to jump to the sequel first, then back track.) The more I read, the more I felt sad he decided to do what he did.

His writing--to me--was amazing. Like the guy at a bar you wanna kind of ignore your one-note pussy hound friends for and ask him to tell another tale. He was a vato loco; with a hurt heart. The kind of guy who had tales to tell, in all directions. The sensibilities of a pirate, with a keen sense of detail and observation. Able to describe a scene like you were there. He never gave himself enough credit for his cooking or his writing. After reading his books, I miss the guy.

RIP Tony

>> No.11045918

watching his shows on netflix. (altho i was doing that before he an heroed)

>> No.11045932

He killed himself because his girlfriend was photographed cheating on him just a day before.

He made some good docs; hard to watch now, though.

>> No.11046675

He committed suicide, so I'm doing pretty well. Had much respect for him, but suicide? Really?