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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11043014 No.11043014[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11043023

based and redpilled

>> No.11043022

We're here and you'll never make us leave. Get used to it snowflake.

>> No.11043035

at least shut the fuck up then

>> No.11043037

this board is all about fat white people food, why wouldn't you expect /pol/ to be here?

>> No.11043048

Enjoy unemployment.

>> No.11043053

Sorry kid you can't deal with someone else's opinion on how your soyboy shit food sucks ass.
I'm a small business owner nice try bud :^)

>> No.11043054

mturk doesn't count as a business fag

>> No.11043060

Shut the fuck up you whiny libcuck faggot, no one was even talking about politics until you brought it up.

>> No.11043071
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>> No.11043077

OP here I suck giant black cock on the reg.

>> No.11043108

T. /r/Vegan user

>> No.11043120

Friendly reminder 4chan was invaded by the exact group we used to shit on
the 2016 election brought dumbass redneck theists to 4man

>> No.11043124

Cringe, bluepilled and low intelligence (<80IQ)

>> No.11043135

friendly reminder that that is not how 4chan works and you need to go back.

>> No.11043143

You poltards ooze politics without even knowing it. You try to blend in with normal conversation but you drop little hints like agenda, ploy, Jew, media, etc. You're so fucking retarded that you can't discuss something as universal as food without making it into tin foil hat tier diarrhea. Choke on your dad's dick, if you even know who he is.

>> No.11043149
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this is what you leftie faggots get for referring to everything as "flyover" in every thread. it pisses people off and they bite back, now you get politics in your cooking. good work queers :^)

>> No.11043154
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>> No.11043156
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>> No.11043157

This is complete bullshit, 4chan has always swing right. The 2016 election brought hordes of leftist mongoloids that perpetuate this meme. You were never welcome here and you have to leave. We won the election hillary will never be the president. Please its time to get over it, its unhealthy to dwell over it this long.

>> No.11043159

Did you just use a fucking smiley on 4chan? Fuck off back to middleschool summerfag

>> No.11043163

Cringe. Didn't know they had internet access at the state penitentiary.

>> No.11043166

back to red it

>> No.11043167

Sorry bud we don't have emojis here like they do on r*dd*t

>> No.11043174

4chan cares for nothing but hate. Anyone who tries to imply that they have legitimate views on anything is a faggot that gets underaged b&

>> No.11043178

you're right, i should spam every thread calling everybody who's not from cali or ny a flyover, that's very high brow and not cringe.

>> No.11043184
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>4chan has always swing right

>> No.11043186

Fuck off, kike.

>> No.11043187


>> No.11043188

Hello newfag, you do realize 4chan was a liberal hotbed of activism? Where do you think many raids and hacks were conceived? It sure wasn't done by any sheltered suburban zoomer MAGA fags.

>> No.11043189

Great job mods and great job everyone contributing to this "thread"

>> No.11043192
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Hail Hortler, bitch

>> No.11043193

legitimately awful thread

>> No.11043194

/b/ is that way, kiddo

>> No.11043201

Buddy, chanology and that other stuff wasn't some far left shit. Everyone hates scientology. Don't think we weren't anything other than a good conservative site. Look at pretty much any board here and we shit on lefties and demonrats. It's always been like that and it will never change. You can't do anything about it but cry and wring your hands like all leftist fag do.

>> No.11043212

wrong. 4chan has always been contrarian counter culture. for bush and a couple years of obama, we shit on the right wing. 4chan has been pushed super right wing because of the insane leftism that came out of the obama years. in 2 years, we're going to be pretty liberal once trump finishes changing the culture. that's how 4chan has always operated.

>> No.11043214

i hate pol i rarely go there and i still make fun of niggers and jews fight me

>> No.11043219

Smiley shit is for faggots on Facebook who want to broadcast how much chick they suck to other faggots. Mods used to ban people for using them before facebook and faggotreddit users started bitching about how all their other high school friends get to send a bunch of winks and hearts to each other like a group of nancies

>> No.11043234
File: 61 KB, 750x600, Blank+_15c0144443c4b689dc5d9da974f9bae1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is the only containment board. There's no trolling aside from /b/ but trolling on /b/ is pic related

>> No.11043236

>in 2 years, we're going to be pretty liberal once trump finishes changing the culture.
Lmao keep dreaming kid.

>> No.11043242
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>tfw the /pol/ cancer infestation reaches the point where it thinks it can rewrite history

>> No.11043244

Fuck off. You chanology moralfags were the cancer that killed /b/.

>> No.11043247


>> No.11043250
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Anon implies that 4chan actually believes the shit it spouts off about. Remember when we convinced people that the 'ok' hand sign and 'the circle game' were hidden racist code? People started ragging over how, whenever Trump would do the 'ok' sign he was actually gang signing 'wp' or white power. Shit was so kek it was pic related

>> No.11043257

believe me, i'd rather hang all leftists as enemies of the state. but it's my prediction that 4chan will swing left in a year or two. it's already happening imo.

>> No.11043262

i wouldnt have believed if it was in your position either. but trust me, 4chan today is almost unrecognizable (politically speaking) from the 2000s. the IRL events usually involved trying to ruin right wingers and christians. this was during the bush years so it was actually very contrarian to be liberal.

>> No.11043263


>> No.11043265
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