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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 526x604, kweenTwink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11034609 No.11034609 [Reply] [Original]

*blocks your Brad*

Just the cutest twink here from the Bon Apetit test kitchen


>> No.11034611

that's not a twink

>> No.11034631

He is where it counts

>> No.11034772

do you even know what a twink is?

>> No.11034861

I wonder about sales numbers of this type of print magazines. With so much stuff on the web, do only old people who have difficulty to use the internet buy it?

>> No.11034865

this is a otter, of course

>> No.11034946
File: 76 KB, 601x353, BE73F113-CE60-48F5-94C2-61C71E4F65BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andy is thicc asf oml I want to huff his hairy ass desu

>> No.11034978

He’s actually not that hairy
He just has intense 5 o clock
He never actually lets it get scruffy, it’s perpetually in a previously shaven state
He’s a twink

>> No.11034980

he’s boring
also a beta manlet that screeches at chad brad whenever he talks in the background

>> No.11035004


1. Brad
2. Claire
****POWER GAP****
900001. everyone else at BA*

*note: I actually liked the "Working 24 Hours Straight" videos they made with Andrew Knowlton, but I don't think they're making these anymore

>> No.11035008
File: 551 KB, 1080x1081, andy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw no bf

>> No.11035011
File: 105 KB, 680x615, FFBEEFC3-616C-43E8-A2D5-2363AA49BA0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t bully him pls he’s already a manlet

>> No.11035016

This guy and that other super sassy gay dude with the glasses are so annoying. You can tell how jealous they are of Brad's fame.

>> No.11035023

>check out my faggy balenciaga shoes guise
fuck this guy

>> No.11035024

Why does this guy trigger so many virgins here? He’s pretty funny

>> No.11035028

hey andy

>> No.11036342


I like the guy that goes around eating hot dogs and cheesesteaks for a whole day

>> No.11036350

I'm not sure if he knows how to cook.

>> No.11036354

why are his recipes so shit, tho?

>> No.11036372
File: 536 KB, 650x621, amiel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop talking shit about Amiel, cunt.

>> No.11036374

t. Amiel

>> No.11037109
File: 739 KB, 1145x775, jesusvin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11037275

24 hours felt like such a small glimpse of almost nothing. They would be better if it was a week.

>> No.11037923

He has no charisma and gets stupidly catty and passive aggressive when people aren't in love with his lack of charisma.

>> No.11038053

He definitely has charisma. And his sassy attitude is part of his charm.

>> No.11038177

>being jealous and catty is sass
if u can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best (ꈍ ᴗ ꈍ)

>> No.11038403

Is he really gay or is it just a joke?

>> No.11038583

He is definitely gay.

>> No.11038598

qt pie

>> No.11038605


Maybe 10 years and 15 pounds ago.

>> No.11040119
File: 39 KB, 800x450, mdma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the stifling elevator scene, Andy awkwardly tries to hide his obviously creamed crotch as he edges passes Brad in the elevator.
"S-sorry" Andy managed and quickly made his way towards the washroom. Andy's awkward posture made his thick muscular ass stick out like a sore but delicious thumb, at which Brad can't help but stare for longer than a second.
Moments later, when Andy still hasn't made it out of the washroom, Brad was getting worried. Had his alpha-ness made Andy depressed? Has his extroverted personality made Andy contemplating quitting? These questions circled Brad's mind as he was trying to film a new It's Alive! video.
Vinny, being Brad's best and closest friend for centuries, realized immediately what's wrong and stopped filming. He urged Brad to go check on Andy and make sure he's ok. Brad approached the washroom door and prepared an apology, but stopped short right in front of it when he heard laboured breathing and whispers coming from within.
"Brad... oh, Brad..."
Brad was not prepared to see a grown 5'7" man cry, but he proceeded to open the door as fast as he could for the sake of his friend, Andy.
"Andy! Are yo-"
The scene that greeted Brad left him speechless. It was Andy, sitting on the toilet cover, his pants around his ankles and his shirt unbuttoned to reveal his hairy chiseled chest. Andy moaned and groaned Brad's name, with one hand furiously rubbing his thick juicy cock while the other tweaking at his nipples, completely enthralled in pleasure and unaware of Brad's presence.
Brad stood for what seemed like hours, just staring and taking in the scene taking place in front of him, and it was not until a cold draft coming from the opened door that chilled Andy back to his senses.

>> No.11040122
File: 52 KB, 540x342, luigi's chinese cowboy impression is so offensive that mario's stomach ulcer practically explodes and he is unable to ask luigi to stop being so fucking racist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andy stared at Brad, both equally as shocked at what has transpired. Brad, as usual, was the first to break the ice
"Q-Quite the show you're putting on, eh Andy? Haha..."
Brad blurted out but had nothing more to say after, while Andy scurried around in order to fetch enough clothing to cover his shame. But Andy knew that it was too late. It was a day too late, in fact; Andy knew his body belonged to Brad since the moment he "infected" him with his thick, manly scent.
As Andy realized this, a crooked grin appeared on his face and he slowly but surely poked his feet at the washroom door to close it. The door slammed shut behind Brad, but he was not able to take his eyes off of the now upright, still naked and sweaty, Andy, who approached him slowly while murmured and chuckled to himself: "Finally...".
Andy slammed Brad against the washroom door and pinned him there. Andy shoved his thick muscular quads between Brad's legs and rubbed his cock and balls softly. Brad feels his legs going numb with pleasure; before he reaches climax, however, he tried to scream for help but Andy's mouth made sure no sounds other than soft moans were able to escape Brad's. Andy swirled his tongue into Brad's, which made Brad explode inside his pants, staining both his and Andy's dark work pants.
"Guess neither of us are leaving the stall today," said Andy, smacking his lips after he loosened his lips' vice-like grip on Brad's.

>> No.11040159

>andy is naked
>brad's wuddery cum stains "both of their dark work pants"
Immersion ruined

>> No.11040197

his pants were around his ankles, in the stall originally
i don't think it's farfetched to say some cum spilled on them on the bathroom floor and your suspension of disbelief can be resurrected

>> No.11040599
File: 417 KB, 686x611, andy face.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11040744

>andy topping brad
Don’t think so bud

>> No.11040764
File: 280 KB, 714x750, 1517748771281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11040837

that's it

>> No.11040848

>tfw he pushes in all 7 inches

>> No.11042162

This thread in informative

>> No.11042274
File: 162 KB, 549x597, 1518145991649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch andy video
>everytime everyone in the comments is talking about how they want to fuck this boy man
I dont get it but I guess thats why im not gay

>> No.11042448
File: 80 KB, 500x375, 95120E78-45EB-4537-BD48-86974F5E0637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you enjoyed my story anon. Did you also save the ones I wrote about Gordon and Brad fermenting dickcheese?

>> No.11042488
File: 126 KB, 877x1056, 5922EDC8-5D24-47C7-977D-761D5C2EFEAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also nigga you forgot the first part.
I’ll write a sequel when I get back from work today.

>> No.11042554

>He’s a twink

>> No.11042563

He's most likely a Twank or possibly a Twink versatile

>> No.11042685

>land a pretty great job in a test kitchen for magazine
>after a while management comes down and says they're going to start making more web content
>okay, whatever i'll just cook some stuff on camera
>a few years later people on the cooking section of a taiwanese basket weaving forum are writing gay fanfic about you and your co-workers
The internet was a mistake

>> No.11042752
File: 1001 KB, 1631x865, 1512481498220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros, why does Claire have a bookmark to an Atlanta distillery saved in her hotbar?
is... is she okay bros?

>> No.11042858

Claire fuck off this is Andy’s thread

>> No.11042881

this is why clarie drinks

>> No.11042892

Because she can’t attentionwhore on threads about they people? Typical roastie trash

>> No.11043203

Is this where all the /sip/ and /joey/ posters ended up? Makes sense

>> No.11043470

I would give that little faggot the gift. I'm a cook so I love giving faggots my pozz load.

>> No.11044944

>has a child

He is a ex low-self esteem metal head that just decided to work out and step up to the game.

Some of my friends that were skinny twigs going on a hardcore gigs in their late teens went buff or at least looking more athletic in their late twenties.

>> No.11044956
File: 968 KB, 1349x378, 1517037213815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't /ck/ watch kino cooking channels

>> No.11044982

Are there more women or gays on this board?

>> No.11044992

If he's a 'twink' by your standards, then what would you call your weedy beardless self? Jailbait?

>> No.11045006

Andy isn't married nor has a child you fag

>> No.11045043

>women cooking