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11037417 No.11037417 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever bought a 100-pack of beer?

>> No.11037429

If I did I would be smart enough to put it in a cart...

>> No.11037430

I stopped drinking when I turned 21. My answer is no. I'd buy at the most 1 liter of vodka. Sounds good right about now, too.

>> No.11037435

No but I've bought 3 30 packs

>> No.11037444

Did you buy one of those bottle openers for your Soylent bottles?

>> No.11037457

>doesn't carry crates of ale throughout the store to get in a quick workout

>> No.11037482

>Doesn't know the difference between an ale and a lager.
Someday kiddo

>> No.11037485

No, but the small liquor store when I live (Northern Minnesota) has a fall special where if you buy a pallet (100 24-can cases) you get a 15% discount.

It's a long winter up here.

>> No.11037491

>liquor drinker being called kid anything
Proud liver disease host

>> No.11037498

That's a lot of free beer desu.

>> No.11037500

Non autists don't care

>> No.11037503

beer is fucking retarded. Liquor is much more superior

>> No.11037510

People with a sense of taste do.

>> No.11037574

Do you take advantage of it?

>> No.11037592

You can't get it here, but sure. Beer keeps well and it's good to be stocked up. I wouldn't buy American beer though, it's way too tasteless. Carlsberg, Heineken or Guiness only.

To be honest though, I'm more of a Rum, Whiskey or Gin kind of guy

>> No.11037604
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>I wouldn't buy American beer though, it's way too tasteless. Carlsberg, Heineken or Guiness only.

>> No.11037611

Is Carlsberg really that much more complex than Coors Banquet?

>> No.11037617

No -- way too much beer for me. SWMBO and I are mostly winos, with the odd cocktail thrown in.

>> No.11037631

Not even a workout. Shit would probably just dig into your side and be awkward to carry

>> No.11037636

I too like drinking vaguely stout flavored air.

>> No.11037651

>american beer is way too tasteless
>mentions tasteless euro beers

>> No.11037660

None of the beers you mentioned are particularly interesting though. They're still mass-produced blandness, even if they aren't as bad as some other brands.
t. Dane who should be proud of Carlsberg, but isn't really

>> No.11037662

As far as cheaper beer goes, it's good. I've tasted Carlsberg in America, and it's way more watery than what we have in Denmark

>> No.11037665

Lol og jeg synes at carlsberg i Danmark er rimelig middelmådig.

>> No.11037666

Danish Carlsberg is way better than American though, and it's still good compared to stuff like Albani or DP/Harboe

>> No.11037676

jaadeefaktiskt at jag är bög

ska vi knulla på grässmattan

>> No.11037690

America has never really gotten into good quality beer. Dunno why really, maybe it's because brands such as Budweiser and Coors are ingrained into the character as being iconic American stuff much like Coca Cola is.

>> No.11037706

Når det kommer til at blive stiv billigt er den sku god. Som fyraftensol foretrækker jeg specialol. Jeg er blevet lidt forelsket i madagascarollen fra Thisted bryggeri

>> No.11037728

>I stopped drinking when I turned 21
So last week?

>> No.11037731

Weve been making good beer for the past 40 years now. We just got fucked by prohibition

>> No.11037732

>America has never really gotten into good quality beer.
It's pretty easy to find good quality beers now. That hasn't been true for a while.

>> No.11037745
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Har ikke provet Thisted bryggeri, tror ikke jeg har set det her på Sjælland nogensinde. Jeg plejer bare at kobe Skovlyst ales når jeg alligevel er i Netto. De er sgu gode, især i forhold til prisen.

>4chan laver stadig o om til o på 99% af boards

>> No.11037751

Different countries have different drinking cultures.
I'm not adverse to a cold bud on a hot day but as I live in Europe I'll generally drink ale or wine.

>> No.11037755

Miller Lite is best beer then Miller Hife Life Then MGD. Bud light is 4th best

>> No.11037757

High life is just as good as lite

>> No.11037762


If you generally drink ale you live in a shithole. Pilsner or lager. Ale is for numales.

>> No.11037769

Ale just tastes better in most circumstances.

>> No.11037772

Fuck off normalshit

>> No.11037773


What circumstances? Like blowing a guy at a gay club?

Pilsner or lager is the drink to go for when drinking beer. This is a rule of thumb in most of the civilized world.

>> No.11037777
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>What circumstances? Like blowing a guy at a gay club?
You're wrong, but funny.

>> No.11037792


Beer is like this: the big makers are the best, they have constant quality and really thought out tastes. The big producers make pilsner or lager, never seen a commericial ale.

All of the microbrewery shit is just branding for people with no brain. Its like wine lite, you can pretend that you have a good palate because the set tastes and methods are not time tested and documented.

Therefore you should just keep at pilsner and lager. All of the ales or ipas whatever stouts I've drinken are just branded out shit that tastes horrible.

>> No.11037795
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>the big makers are the best, they have constant quality and really thought out tastes

>> No.11037808

That's right though. It is consistent, and the "really thought out tastes" is true too. It's thought out to appeal to the largest possible % of the population, therefore ensuring the highest sales.

You didn't think that the goal of a company wasn't to make money, did you?

>> No.11037814


This is what I really feel and believe. Have gotten so fucking many contaminated shit beer that taste like banana from microbrewery taps. Its insane really.

The whole scene is so commercialized now that its just about the appearance and brand.

The basic bitch just goes yeah I got this neat bottle of shit and pretends that it tastes good. There is a reason people drink pilsner and lager mostly. Its because they taste the best, thats why the market historically gravitated to these types.

ALE? fuck what a bunch of shit. Stout? Guinness might be fine but no one drinks shit like that on the daily.

>> No.11037845

Sling it over your shoulder if it's digging into your side. It's a regular rectangular prism. Objects don't get much less awkward than that.

>> No.11037847

>Have gotten so fucking many contaminated shit beer that taste like banana from microbrewery taps.
That's a result of yeast build up in the line/tap, not the beer itself. Fuckers need to clean the lines a bit more often.
>The whole scene is so commercialized now that its just about the appearance and brand.
Holy shit yes. But that describes most everything, no?

>> No.11037872


It doesn't really describe the big makers who make beer that is easily drinkable and tastes great every single time.

Like when I buy a kirin lager or a heineken its always the same: top of the class in its type. A big pilsner like tuborg always at 100% there are no failures.

Germans too have good beer but they have had the problem of not making just big enough to make it globally.

>> No.11037891


>> No.11037893

I have to intentionally buy small amounts because I know I will drink it all.

>> No.11037922

you might be an alcohol

>> No.11037932
File: 42 KB, 600x310, 1530048687922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Live in Finland
>I ran out of soda so I go to the shop
>I drive for 10 minutes or so
>Go to the shops soda aisle and beer aisle
>Notice a new item
>It costs 2200E
>Im semi rich
>I decide to buy it
>I need to get one of those things you carry wood pallets with
>Heavy as fuck
>Takes me like 5 mins to get to the checkout
>While im going these fucking kids start laughing
>Arrive at checkout
>The cashier is surprised as fuck that someone is actually buying it
>When I paid for it I jokingly said
>"This should last me about a week"
>Some people laughing, some grandma giving me a look of pure disgust
>A cashier says I cant take the pallet or the pallet carrier with me
>I demand to take it to my car
>The guy says fine but he comes with me
>I have to build a ramp from planks to get the thing inside my van
>How the fuck am I gonna get the pallet from under the beer
>I just give the cashier some 10 Euro and I can have it
>Drive home
>Realize what Ive done
>I now have nearly 350 liters of beer
>I wasted 2200 euros
>My wife is coming home
>What do

>> No.11037941

You mean palate, you illiterate fuck.

>> No.11037943


No there was a big uphoot about this a while ago where I live. 35% of microbrewery stuff on the shelves was contaminated with beer fucking bacteria. Like the bottles and cans you buy at the supermarket. All of this shit tastes like bananas, not metaphorically but literally.

Bad hygiene standards. And ANY FUCKING SHIT IPA whit this and that shit in it is as a rule a piece of shit? Would you drink 1(one) beer, ask yourself this question. No one drinks a twelve pack of ipa for a reason, it all tastes like shit.

>> No.11037951

People with taste don't drink alcohol.

>> No.11037955


HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHH you are the best. Thanks for that one.

>> No.11037959
File: 316 KB, 1200x1200, DAG_Amber-Blonde-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant legally buy alcohol so i only slam dag brews.

>> No.11037962

2 grand for 350 liters? Thats fucking expensive as hell

>> No.11037979

Why not?

>> No.11037980


Welcome to Finland the land of high prices, even higher taxes and low wages.

Don't forget that your rent is also one of the highest in europe. LOL what do you mean you have little disposable income now? Like less than in the baltics tier? This is finland take it or leave it. (most people with half a brain do leave)

>> No.11037985
File: 192 KB, 500x375, freedomsinternally.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurr American beer sucks
America has TONS of great beer, just don't buy the advertised giants like Miller, Bud, Etc. You do know that those aren't the only beers in America, right? I can go into any booze shop or grocery store and pick from dozens of American brewed beers. The reason you see the big names more is because they are (slightly) cheaper and heavily advertised. A 30-pack of Hamms is $10.29 where I live, a 6-pack of something good will be over eight bucks, do the math.

Americans buy beer (and food in general) in grades: You got your cheap shit beer as the "house beer", the stuff you always have on hand because it's cheap as hell. You can guzzle this shit down and not worry about the cost, even if it's swill. Then there's the "good stuff"; The decent beer you get at payday, or as a BYOB for a party. Then there's the "really good stuff"; that shit that you get as a special item every now and then, or if you're a rich fuck.

>> No.11038036

That's thousand kinda expensive beers sold in one with the same price. Would be illegal to sell thousand cheaper than a single one.

>> No.11038057

>being this assblasted
Dude most of them have never been here. Their views are outdated. It's the same on both sides of the coin.

>> No.11038068

If you were spending 2200E on beer in a single purchase why would they think you were going to steal the palate?

>> No.11038076

I was in the USA this time last year and the beer was either macro pisswater or hipster, pretentious crap.
America does many things right,must not beer I'm afraid.

>> No.11038094

Or maybe you didn't know the best places to shop because you were a tourist? We have beer stores that do tastings.

>> No.11038098

Yeah I was in San Diego and then Portland.
I tried lots of different stuff.

>> No.11038109
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>> No.11038114

You went to one of the most pretentious cities in the US. And if you couldn't find a decent beer in san Diego you're actually retarded or have your head so far up your own ass you decided you didnt want to like any of the beers a long time ago.

>> No.11038116
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>> No.11038133
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>> No.11038135

Oh see that's west coast beers. You have to go to the humble Midwest. The great lakes region is the best region in the country for great beers. When you don't have time to do anything but drink, you tend to focus on your drink

>> No.11038164


This is finland, so they are just thinking : The pallet is not included in the price= don't take the pallet. Rules are rules.

>> No.11038167

Isn't a keg more beer?

>> No.11038171


What you should do is prepare for a sensual night with your wife

>> No.11038176


Depends on the keg? How many liters is there in a keg?

>> No.11038240

Jesus learn English motherfucker

>> No.11038246

Well that's 33 litres.

>> No.11038264
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>> No.11038268

You shut your whore mouth, Albani Classic is fantastic!

>> No.11038435

Dane bros, what beers are good? I'm visiting at the moment.

>> No.11038476

> Only buys 90 at a time

>> No.11038491

>daily american beer hate thread
r e n t f r e e

>> No.11038495

you fail at basic math

>> No.11038508

The craft meme of the time is Mikkeler, which makes a large assortment of different craft beers. They're pretty good. Should be able to get their beers at most smaller bars, especially in Copenhagen.
If you just want decent supermarket pilsner, I suggest Royal Export. It's stronger and tastes better than the regular Tuborg/Carlsberg stuff.
I can highly recommend >>11037745, but I don't think Netto has it at the moment. It kinda comes and goes.

>> No.11038510

Nah Im good

>> No.11038565

Thanks. Already tried two versions of Tuborg, and have a case of Carls in the fridge.

>> No.11038694

t. muhammed

>> No.11038722

no but now I kinda want to

>> No.11039119

>2.20 euros per beer
isn't the whole point of buying something in bulk to save a lot per unit?
i can only imagine what a single can costs in finland.

>> No.11040419

So what is the salary like, working for AB InBev?