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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 17 KB, 400x299, gweef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11037797 No.11037797 [Reply] [Original]

>*instantly ruins whatever dish you're eating*

>> No.11037801

False. These elevate drunken chicken from good to great

>> No.11037806

Objectively correct

>> No.11038152

Shit tier taste

>> No.11038158
File: 104 KB, 235x290, this is what OP looks like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine have the palate of a 3 year old

>> No.11038165

How do you fat fucks not like green beans

>> No.11038285

If you can't even eat green beans GTFO of the food and cooking board. Pathetic

>> No.11038338

Agreed but I like the cut up ones that are easier to eat in a mouthful

>> No.11038741
File: 2.44 MB, 960x720, average ck poster.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatty fat fuckers who can't eat vegetables are going to die 20-30 years early.
This comforts me.

>> No.11039055

i dont get people who are afraid of vegetables

they taste good, unless you have the tastebuds of a dirty sugar inhaling burger

>> No.11039118
File: 16 KB, 620x581, 1531876599216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a few people don't like one shitty vegetable
>have audacity to call others children

>> No.11040527

Eat more vegetables you fat fuck. No im not vegan.

>> No.11040549

legit suggestion, try some that have been freshly harvested. they taste a hell of a lot better than mass-market store-bought, and infinitely better than canned.

>> No.11040570
File: 47 KB, 324x218, are-you-a-fuckin-ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys cut off the ends of each bean, right? like just 2 mm off each end makes all the fucking difference

>> No.11040576

This is untrue, green beans make chicken dishes pretty good. That being said most people are wierd about vegetables and can't prepare them right and just kinda have some unseasoned beans on the side. The key is to integrate them into the dish itself not just as this meme-tier dinner side that nobody appreciates.

>> No.11040583
File: 31 KB, 477x395, green pepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*instantly neither ruins nor adds anything to whatever dish you're eating*
honestly what is the point of eating green peppers? it's like eating crunchy water

>> No.11040584

>haricot verts
You are literal mac-n-chees shit, ameritard.

>> No.11040585

agree 100% fuck all these fat fuckers and beer gut sporting alcoholics who don't know the first thing about cooking anything beyond shit like mac and cheese

>> No.11040588

I am truly sorry that you are a tastlet.

Enjoy your mcrib, though.

>> No.11040590

I think you meant to post a picture of corn, friend.

>> No.11040591

As a fat fuck I love some green beans sauteed in butter.

>> No.11040595

>green beans
PERFECT accoutrement with fried beef liver and mashed potatoes.

>> No.11040597

Tell me honestly, unless you're the mythical """supertaster""" whatever that is, that you can taste any flavor in these things unless they're stewed to fuck

>> No.11040607
File: 68 KB, 707x398, picxw7VJu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not loving green beans with fried bread crumbs
I adored this as a child. Still do

>> No.11040610

definite green "vegetal" taste.
If you can't actually taste them you're either a smoker or just fiucking too retarded to taste.

>> No.11040617

They have a sweet taste that also has an astringent taste to them anon. Get fresher bell peppers.

>> No.11040623

it's like trying to describe colors to a blind fag.

it literally has a grassy, green sated. If properly cooked, it is rather distinctive.

Truly hard to explain to someone with no sense of taste.

Goes good with cream. mushrooms, fried onions, and beef liver, though.

>> No.11040624

I don't know. I guess being the foodie that you are you probably get some superpremium fifty dollar ones that actually have some flavor. But the ones from your average supermarket taste like water. Same with the average tomato from the average supermarket, come to think of it. I only eat cherry tomatoes for that reason.

>> No.11040627

I'm not buying fifty dollar bell peppers for a modicum of flavor.

>> No.11040633

You are genuinely a foodtard.

>> No.11040634

Man, I just grew up in michigan. And the local damn TARGET has peppers that have that flavor. near chicago. so like, have fun having no tastebuds I guess.

>> No.11040637

You fucking buy your eggs from threre too, don't you?

Holy shit. You have never actually tasted food.

>> No.11040638

>he doesn't know how to pluralize "tomato"
>calls himself a foodellectual

>> No.11040642

Don't tell me NO ONE on this board has ever set foot in a supermarket

>> No.11040646


>> No.11040648

Of course "he."

Welcome to the internet.

>> No.11040659

Target is Walmart for rich people so...

>> No.11040662

>Target is Walmart for black people

>> No.11040664

Texturefags unite?

I eat plenty of veggies - broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, Brussels sprouts, etc. Fuck green beans tho.

>lol autistic

Yeah actually

>> No.11040671

where a heck do you live?

>> No.11040686

The South

>> No.11040704
File: 85 KB, 1200x689, 1200-5603-cloves-photo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One too many tiny bud
>Overpowers your dish ruining it with awful bitterness

>> No.11040711

Nah, But certainly can be overpowering.

>> No.11040717

Those are great. What's wrong with you?

>> No.11040745

Ok me too. Im 5'11 185 lbs Are we talking 300+

>> No.11040759

I love how cloves make my mouth tingle. It’s the closest thing in Western cuisine to Sichuan peppercorns.

>> No.11040767


>> No.11040779

brussel sprouts > asparagus > green beans

>> No.11040805

I'll admit, I haven't stepped on a scale recently, I'm six foot and last I checked I was like mid 200s and I seem to have lost weight since then on eating fewer meals a day. I may only qualify as a moderately to slightly fat fuck.

>> No.11040818
File: 67 KB, 640x423, blogger-image-750034321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cooked some yellow beans in a curry today. They added a great "snap" texture to the dish. Loved it.

But recently I was traveling through Asia and in Malaysia they had these green beans side dishes in a lot of places. I ate it almost every day. I think they were actually long beans but holy fuck were they delicious.

>> No.11040829

Bro, as someone who is 6’2” and was also mid 200s, let me just say you are a very fat fuck and stop believing the delusions. Now I’m 180 and I know I’m still a fatty, so just imagine how bad even heavier really is.

>> No.11040834

Whatever, soon I'll have more free time and can exercise and stuff maybe. I'll work this shit out.

>> No.11041016
File: 51 KB, 488x960, 1533831906811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are pigs so human like?
Are the muslims right? Are pigs and monkeys just cursed jews?

>> No.11041060

are you a lanklet who got fat somehow?

>> No.11041101

Sichuan peppercorns are hard to balance
Sometimes they add a great lemony ginger flavor, sometimes that's all you can taste

That said, I love to chew them for that "licking a 9V" sensation you get

>> No.11041721
File: 51 KB, 625x469, thaicurrygreenbeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not eating thai curry with primary ingredient being green beans

Missing out on this is its own punishment

>> No.11041739

Mac and cheese is more complicated than green beans you turd. Still though. OP sucks.

>> No.11041760
File: 91 KB, 700x734, FE2A48F0-AE06-4BBB-B303-DE4238E78984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will these barneyfags leave?

>> No.11041765

>based “not vegan” announcer
jesus, you’re almost as bad as actual vegans

>> No.11041789

Maybe when you spergs stop pretending anyone who eats a balanced diet is a vegan extremist it won't be necessary to issues such disclaimers. As a first step maybe you could learn the difference between "vegan", "vegetarian", and "can look in the general direction of a vegetable without making loud gagging noises"

Not the guy you're mad at btw

>> No.11042240


what a fat meme that hypefags spread. there's no magic ingredient to a dish frig off

>> No.11042317
File: 29 KB, 539x566, 1434050943345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green is my pepper

>> No.11043264

Guess there are no Hungarians on this boards

>> No.11043333

Lol that’s me too. I can pinch an inch on my stomach and have embarrassing mufftop... and yes, I am an honest 6’2”.

>> No.11043337

i've never led an active lifestyle really. it's just bones and fat.

>> No.11043339

They are amazing pickled as well.

And how about ham (and seasoning bacon) beans and potatoes...