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11036732 No.11036732 [Reply] [Original]

>no anon you just haven’t found the perfect bean yet :^)
>It’s an acquired taste, I drink it for the flavor not just because I’m addicted and now rely on it to stay awake
>Didn’t you know it’s good for your health to drink this intoxicating stimulant that is heavily addictive and has no nutritional value?
>Don’t even talk to me until I’ve had my coffee amirite hahahhah *emoji*

Shit drink, shit taste, ruins your body’s natural sleep regulation, dehydrates you, fucking coffee meme needs to die this drug sucks.

>> No.11036736

Tea is the superior drink.

>> No.11036738

Try it with a splash of car milk and report back.

>> No.11036739

You suck

>> No.11036740

why are you so mad OP? just don't drink it.

>> No.11036745

true. for me, it's bourbon, the patrician's breakfast beverage

>> No.11036808
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But it helps me poop

>> No.11036819

>taste is objective
you're objectively a dumbass

>> No.11036822
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I am with you on that OP even though your are a faggot, fucking coffee drinkers are the worst, just slurping away like its the most important thing in the world, I will never understand it. I wonder if pic related...

>> No.11036902

>car milk
Engine oil?

>> No.11037145
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Needs to be arabica, any roast that isn't over or under roasted, a fine ground (depends on you), and put through a cotton pour-over. It should taste naturally sweet, but the industrialization of this drink makes it taste like hot, bitter cow shit.

It's not fresh, ground at an incorrect or inconsistent size, the water's boiled instead of simmered, or all of the above (present in Keurig and coffee pots, the worst coffee of all). Robusta coffee has way more caffeine, but is easy to grow. A majority of coffee sold is robusta. Light roasted robusta may give heart palpitations.

There's no reason to drink coffee if you don't like it. It's so often poorly made and used to capitalize caffeine addictions.
The only reason to drink coffee if you aren't addicted to it is if you're some fanatic. It's a entirely a shit drink with shit taste and it should die off.

People who say they can taste the land from where the coffee came from are bullshit.

>> No.11037165

I love the taste of coffee but it makes me anxious and jacks up my blood pressure something fierce.

>> No.11037190

>heavily addictive

>> No.11038905

I think he meant carbonated milk

>> No.11039085

Just the smell of coffee makes me puke.

>> No.11039120

t. tastelet

>> No.11039154

I had a lot of trouble with coffee when I was a younger adult, usually I would get way too hyper or get the jitters and extreme sluggishness. The past few weeks I've been making it at home again and wow, it has really improved life for me. I don't wake up in the AM, but my "morning" time is still hard to get things going. I have an autoimmune disease, so having energy to do anything shortly after waking up is a godsend. I think tea is tasty, but it doesn't give the same boost that coffee does. And I genuinely like the taste of black coffee more than I do plain tea. I'm a boomer though, so take my experience as you will.

>> No.11039388
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>> No.11039490

>I had a lot of trouble with coffee when I was a younger adult
Same here. There's a lot of truth to the notion that your taste buds change when you get older. I really hated beer and coffee until my mid- to late-twenties, and now I drink both because I genuinely like how they taste; that they both have psychoactive properties is just a nice bonus.