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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11020968 No.11020968 [Reply] [Original]

>that one guy who shows up to the get together and samples literally everything and says he likes it and everyone likes him

>that one guy who shows up and will only eat the plainest of foods that are made by only a trusted person

Tfw I’m the second one,feels bad man

>> No.11021026
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>that one guy who ate before he came and just has some coffee or water because he doesn't trust your nasty asses to keep your kid's shit covered hands out of the food you made or to not drip raw chicken juice on it or whatever you filthy ballsacks do

das me mane, feels good, miss me with that potluck shit bruh

>> No.11021031

Why don't you just stop being a manchild?

>> No.11021037

Use to have large family get togethers on holidays and nearly everyone would wait for us to show up because my mother was the only one who didn't suck at cooking.

>> No.11021043

I've only become the second guy because my friends have all gone "vegan" so all the meat in their food is "vegetable based"
Basically my friends have become soibois so I just make my own food

>> No.11021045

Triggered woman with 3 kids detected.

Stay back roastie

>> No.11021048

This is the smartest post on ck.

>> No.11021145
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>that one guy who didn't even get invited

>> No.11021167

In the feels

>> No.11021189

Man some of the bombest mac and cheese I ever ate was at a family reunion, I have no idea who made it, but I stole the idea for my home made mac+cheese from tasting it.

After maybe 15 tries I think I'm on par or surpassed there's since I can make it to suit my taste.

>> No.11021191
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>that one guy at the get together who only eats everyone else's cocks
Haha oops that's me

>> No.11021235

You pussies. Just eat the food. The chances of anything happening to you are so slim unless they poured rat poison in it or something.
hit me with dat recipe

>> No.11021252

>that guy that is 20+ but still has all the aunts and even his cousins wives who arent much older than him telling him to eat up and keep feeding him

thats me. eternal baby

>> No.11021581

not who you're replying to, but I made the tastiest damn mac n cheese today with this recipe:


>> No.11021824
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I'm the first guy because my family isn't fucking retarded and they're all decent cooks. Everyone brings the same food every year, but who cares when it's all 10/10?
I've got the aunt who brings the deviled eggs that aren't really deviled but they're still tasty, the aunt with the potato casserole, the drunk uncle who always brings two buckets of KFC, the uncle who brings sweet tea that's too sweet and regular tea that tastes like water, the aunt who brought a whole turkey + stuffing no matter if it was easter or christmas or halloween or thanksgiving, etc.
It's comfy.

>> No.11021858

Best mac and cheese incorporates a dallop of dijon for that sizzling spice.

>> No.11023366

Can I come?

>> No.11023526

>grandma dies
>it's the one that can't cook
thank God

>> No.11023531


If you’re a female or a female (male) then yeah sure

>> No.11023534

Improper portions of anything involving a recipe can lead to a glutinous, carb heavy, grease ball of sorry, not interested.

>> No.11023575


>> No.11023634

>only 3 months until cucksgiving

How are you prepping?

>> No.11023921


>> No.11023999

>unless they poured rat poison in it or something
More likely than you think!

>> No.11024012
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I can't eat anything made with raw onions. I'm sorry, I've tried since I was a child to enjoy raw onions but it's literally ALL I taste on a dish. Even if I pick 'em off. I've overcame all my food phobias except for that. Please forgive me.

>> No.11024452

>tfw no cucksgiving in Restoftheworldistan
what the fuck do you even celebrate? is eating all you do that day? seems like my kind of holidays