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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11011336 No.11011336 [Reply] [Original]

They say hunger is the best spice.

>> No.11011905

There's no beef...

>> No.11011938

>haven't eaten in about 24 hours
>cook some frozen tendies
>they're pretty good
>once i stop being so hungry i realize they have a bad taste and texture
it's true i guess

>> No.11011942
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>rewatch show
>go to friends house
>we walk to the store and get a dozen eggs
>boil and peel them
>eat them together
still not brave enough to try a prairie oyster though.

>> No.11012024
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>You'll carry that weight

>> No.11012115

Have you ever tried it? Foods does taste better.

>> No.11012146

What show is it?

>> No.11012155

Fuck you. You know what show it is.

>> No.11012162
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>> No.11012241

Anybody try alternate day fasting? Is it a meme, or does it extend your lifespan?

>> No.11012304

I don't watch anime

>> No.11012743


OMAD is easier and works just as fine.

>> No.11012759

0 milk a day?

>> No.11012769


One Meal A Day

>> No.11012779

Oh lmao, I'm migrating from /fit/ so I thought it was a play on GOMAD

>> No.11012802

This is the most memorable part of the show to me.

>> No.11012810

I can't not see it that way as well. I used gomad to get from 145 to 190, now I'm here forever. Thank you, mall.

>> No.11012858

I thought GOMAD was a meme, all empty calories. Dirty bulk is better, SS and GOMAD is T-Rex central senpai

>> No.11012866

Your thinking of semen OP

>> No.11012873

What show is it? I asked like 4 hours ago and people are too butt anguished to answer

>> No.11012883

Cowboy Bebop. It's an anime that even normans like.

>> No.11012890

Samurai Champloo

>> No.11012897
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Eh dirty bulk is just easier and faster, but I don't regret it. I got here and now I eat healthier. I'm also lactose intolerant and was chomping lactase pills and was still literally butt devastated for the whole period (about a month).

>> No.11012948

Cheers lad
Cheers lad, will have a look

>> No.11012951

It's a good show.
Samurai champloo isn't as good but it's also worth a watch if it seems like your sort of thing.

>> No.11012956

Shit I can hear the song in my head just by reading that.

>> No.11012973

We use that theme as the intro to my radio show. People love it. Pretty sure most of them don't know what it's from though.

>> No.11013450

>empty calories
Don't post if you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.11013465
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Outlaw Star is better

>> No.11013583

fanboyism is a cancer, learn to enjoy everything out there

>> No.11013620

Oh wow bro you're so right
Since all anime is just moving pictures you can't say One moving picture is any better than any other moving picture.
Like water, that's a liquid right? So is piss, you can't say One is any better to drink than the other

>> No.11013629

Now I'm all for being contrarian but this is a bit too much

>> No.11014004

That's Boku no Pico.

>> No.11014889

It's Cowboy Bebop

>> No.11014935

Nice autism

>> No.11014951

Outlaw Star is pretty hardcore shonen in comparison. It's good for what it is though.

>> No.11014975

I'm not sure what you mean exactly by "hardcore shonen", but the other guy is right: it was much better.

Bepob annoyed the hell out of me, I thought it had so much potential only to fail over and over again. I never got what all the fuss was about, despite having watched the first few episodes many times, and the whole series twice.

>> No.11015016

I watched the entire series once and I was not impressed.

>> No.11015025

You homo. Dont spoon feed the dumb dumbs.

>> No.11015530


>> No.11015572
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>> No.11015815

try being hypoglycemic.

you'll crave every single food. even ones you normally dislike. and everything will taste amazing.

my blood sugar was 50mg/dl. i ate some roasted peanuts,. those peanuts felt like heroin.

>> No.11015874

Its cowboy bebop and its one of the few animes worth watching.

>> No.11016321

it's not autism to be influenced by things you experience

>> No.11016363

boku no bounty hunter

>> No.11016368

No they dont. The quote is loosely based on a quote from Cervantes' Don Quixote which says that "hunger makes the best sauce". stupid weebs can't even steal shit from other cultures properly

>> No.11016378
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exactly why he says "they say" before stating the quote. you dumb as bricks

>> No.11016395

he's a Martian, he doesn't read your silly books

>> No.11016416

Fuck off retard. Just enjoy something for what it is without feeling the need to insert "But my taste is way superior to yours". By the way if you go by the liquid analogy Outlaw Star is indeed piss compared to bebop.

>> No.11016461

Eh. Convoluted and the ending was really unsatisfying.

>> No.11016472

This is an 18+ board

>> No.11016594
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Imagine being this person and typing out that message and actually believing it. Boggles the mind

>> No.11016606

>The quote is loosely based on a quote from Cervantes
It's loosely based on you being a pretentious dipshit. The expression in OP exists in many languages in the exact same form

>> No.11016647

"they say" is for the introduction of some idiom or old wive's tale, not to quote from a source, dipshit. cope harder.

>> No.11016651

And until any of them can prove they go back farther than Cervantes famous quote they are easily dismissable.

>> No.11016658

this is like the brillat-savarin quote that people mangle all the time. it still stems from the single source, doesn't matter how matter how many variants there are of it.

>> No.11016662
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>you will never be this autistic over an idiom

>> No.11016674
File: 388 KB, 1077x985, tmp_16268-15333955357761653826126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy puts a common expression in his book
>it's the rest of the world that needs to prove they've been using it before that

>> No.11016680

>he doesnt understand how facts work
how you enjoying that trump presidency?

>> No.11016681

gimme size queen slut gf!

>> No.11016682

Fine by me.

>> No.11016687

Pretty well and I'm Slavic

>> No.11016689

>t. dipshits who misunderstand everything
cry harder, lol

>> No.11016694

LOL oh no wonder. I thought I was talking to an actual human being.

>> No.11016705

yikes, what an embarrassing post

>> No.11016708

Ummmm sweaty you already lost this argument ;)

>> No.11016710

>not understanding how proof and facts work
I bet you believe in more than two genders

>> No.11016714

>he keeps replying to me after he's been btfo
there's that slav stupidity again

>> No.11016719

actually tastes really good even without beef if you got the seasoning right

>> No.11016722
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why do you care so much about proving the origins of a quote?

>> No.11016725

>tfw no more prairie oyster festival because of drunks

>> No.11016731

It sounds like you don't understand how history works, actually.

>> No.11016741

It does have more catgirls and nudity.

>> No.11016758

>he doesn't understand how provenance works
please stop embarrassing yourself. until there's an earlier source then it doesn't matter whatever we assume happened. I'm talking about facts and paper trails not assumptions and philological guesswork. of course Cervantes didn't invent that combination of words, if you truly think that was my point then you're retarded. but until. We have solid proof from an earlier source his is the earliest. that's just a fact.

>> No.11016763

but why on an anonymous imageboard? shouldn't there be a serious website for you to go to? you're wasting your time here.

>> No.11016783

4chan is serious business. Try reddit if you just want lulz.

>> No.11016789

Ive been shitposting on 4chams since I was in grad school in 2006. But occasionally there are cracks in the armor and I can't stop my other life from bleeding over

>> No.11016799
File: 105 KB, 651x600, 1165313370612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cracks in armor are called chinks

>> No.11016826

I know but I didn't want to give you ammo to call me racist so I went with something less offensive if inaccurate

>> No.11016836

You can't say chinks in the us anymore

>> No.11016838

Unsatisfying? I'd say flawless

>> No.11016859

this is true, even historians have to say "Asian Americans" in the armor now

>> No.11016998

its lupin iii in space how do you not get it