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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 600x600, 973800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11009553 No.11009553 [Reply] [Original]

>watch american tv
>coffee is always like this

wtf. do you guys really drink your coffee like this on the regular? I understand if it was an espresso shot.

>> No.11009554

...in a mug?

>> No.11009555

I like my coffee with some flavoring. Black coffee isn't really my thing and people who think they're hot shit for drinking black coffee irritate me.

>> No.11009556

the average american consumes their morning coffee in a thermos which is usually 16-40oz in liquid capacity

>> No.11009557

Yes, every person in any country does the exact same thing as one another.

>> No.11009558

I think that might just be an established trope for quick and easy recognition of "character is drinking coffee".

>> No.11009559
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>tfw no crema

>> No.11009560

>people who think they're hot shit irritate me

>> No.11009561

That's one thing I loved about Pulp Fiction - this badass "cleaner", Mr. Wolf, loved his coffee with lots of cream and lots of sugar

>> No.11009562

>people who think they're hot shit for drinking black coffee irritate me.

spotted the basedboy redditor

>> No.11009563

no i put milk in it, black coffee just makes me want to shit immediately

>> No.11009564
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>Coffee black.. Cigarette..

>> No.11009565

You sound like a faggot. I always order my coffee black because I want as much caffeine as I can get from the cup. If you think when a character orders theirs black because "le badass dude" then your a dumb.

>> No.11009566
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Here you go.

>> No.11009567

Black coffee is the only thing that tastes like coffee.

If you're putting milk or cream in, you're just drinking shitty milk..

>> No.11009568

It's so funny how people degenerates who can't drink their coffee black try and create reasons to hate someone for drinking coffee as...well...coffee.

>> No.11009569

>not just putting a splash of milk at the bottom

>> No.11009570

I drink like 4-5 cups of coffee a day. If I put milk and sugar in all of them I'd be a fat fuck, that's why I drink my coffee black.

>> No.11009571

stop drinking so much coffee you gross addict

>> No.11009572

Adding cream or sugar won't dilute the caffeine you fucking moron. People add cream and sugar because they want their coffee to taste good.
>muh muh muh good coffee!
If you pay more for "good" coffee (which is a known commodity good) you're a fucking faggot.

>> No.11009573

I enjoy black coffee when I buy it outside becuase they put actual effort in it. When I'm home I just make instant with milk but without suger.

>> No.11009574

This is how I know you're a coffee pleb.

>> No.11009575

I am naturally a very low energy person, I need that caffeine to function

>> No.11009576
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>there are people would rather douse their coffee with heart disease inducing creamers and pounds of sugar than drink black coffee with widely proven health benefits.

these people deserve what's coming to them

>> No.11009577

>widely proven health benefits
gee i wonder who funded those """studies"""

>> No.11009578

When I see people drinking coffee 90% of the time it’s some iced sugary bullshit from starbucks. But I live in a college town surrounded by zoomers and basedboys so maybe it’s sample bias.
Personally I start the day with a can of mt dew for my caffeine boost.

>> No.11009579

I'm too cheap to buy creme and sugar so I just trained myself to not have it

>> No.11009580

Name one caffeine related death.

It never happened.

>> No.11009581

An espresso cup only fits in tiny delicate euro beta fingers.

>> No.11009582

sneaky dishonest hook-nosed kikes? did I guess right?

>> No.11009583

You should try getting more sleep instead.

>> No.11009584

This is the real reason, but black coffee isn't so bad

I only use milk if the coffee is mediocre

>> No.11009585

Impossible if you have a job, I am sorry. If you're NEET, sure, get more sleep.

>> No.11009586

Imagine believing everything you see on TV.

>> No.11009587

That's actually a pretty small mug. I used to drink my coffee black but I've started to get acid reflux again so I had to cut it all out.

>> No.11009588

Wow look at this guy with his PhD and thousands of dollars worth of equipment talking about a subject he is clearly qualified for.

>> No.11009589

oh great another "do americans really do this" thread.

>> No.11009590

This shit right here. Especially when you're out camping.
>cool misty morning
>stir up some coals in your fire
>brew up some nice, hot coffee
>smoke a cigarette while sipping away at your brew

>> No.11009591

wasn't there some guy who ate a tablespoon of caffeine and died

>> No.11009592

coffee's good for you goy yes yes

>> No.11009593

You're probably low energy and depend on that caffeine, because you started drinking caffeine regularly in the first place.

>> No.11009594


This guy fucks.

>> No.11009595
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The british serve as a warning about societies that prefer tea over coffee.

>> No.11009596

Nah I was low energy before that too. I specifically started drinking coffee because of that.

>> No.11009597

You every get a twitchy and start sweating? That's coffee induced hypertension, not good for you.

>> No.11009598
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>> No.11009599

>t. 300 lbs roastie

>> No.11009600

There was a kid that died from drinking too many red bulls, I think.

>> No.11009601

I don't. I probably would if I drank 5 cups more.

>> No.11009602

t. pot head

>> No.11009603

you do realize it's the Jews that tell you to use sugar and creamer, right?

>> No.11009604

80 percent of people don't drink coffee in america under 30. It's a bunch of 50 year old men and women who have no idea what under 30 year old people do in america.

It's all energy drinks and shit. Coffee taste like shit. It's why coffee companies are freaking out over here

>> No.11009605

Yeah, remember Tarantino's character from Pulp Fiction?
That's me. I like the gourmet shit.

>> No.11009606

Purified caffeine is not the same as caffeine from coffee because the concentrations are so different. It's impossible to ingest enough liquid to receive the amount of caffeine needed to kill you from coffee. It's so diluted that you'd need a massive amount of coffee, and your body wouldn't be able to contain the amount of liquid needed without puking it up/forcibly urinating it out.

>> No.11009607

If I drink more than a single cup a day, I get the jitters

how weak am I?

>> No.11009608

Key word is too much. Drinking caffeine in moderation gives zero health problems, just like how drinking a glass of wine a day has zero health problems too.

>> No.11009609

>80 percent of people don't drink coffee in america under 30.

No wonder they're faggots

>> No.11009610
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>Studies showing health benefits of caffeine consumption fail to take into consideration the effects of chronic long-term consumption
>Studies all funded by businesses and associations that profit off of coffee and caffeine sales
Consider my noggin jogged

>> No.11009611

>implying cold brew with a drop of cream isn't god tier
Black if left cold or milk and ice

>> No.11009612

>I like my coffee with *thing* added in it
>you're pretty annoying dude

>> No.11009613

I read about a teenager who drank a 5-hour energy, a monster and then had a big starbucks coffee before going to school and subsequently died of a heart attack.

>> No.11009614

It's an acquired taste. But since most young people aren't open to trying new things at all and have zero patience, it doesn't surprise me they don't drink coffee.

>> No.11009615

This. Most places fill your cup the same amount regardless.

>> No.11009616

Well, yeah.

>> No.11009617

Energy drinks are terrible for you though.

>> No.11009618

>not zero ultra
hand in ur sipboi license

>> No.11009619
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>> No.11009620

Energy drinks are all sugary shit, how do you cope with that

>> No.11009621

why would you want any more caffeine than that?

>> No.11009622

>80 percent of people don't drink coffee in america under 30 without a load of sugar and creamers


>> No.11009623
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>watch american tv
>they boil water in the microwave

>> No.11009624

I thought young people loved their frappuccinos or lattes or whatever. They always have them in hand.

>> No.11009625

I love the taste but instantly get diarrhea if I drink them. Monster seems to not wreck my stomach so much but it's half of liter of sugar so fuck that. Coffee is fine until someone comes up with something else.

>> No.11009626

>coffee taste like shit
t.burnt toast water starbucks pro

Seriously, cold brew it and it's nice even with cheap pre ground from LiDL (cheap supermarket) own brand.

>> No.11009627


It's called tea, the thinking man's drink.

>> No.11009628
File: 88 KB, 980x552, alert-caffeine-gum-horizontal-large-gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasting all that time to make coffee when you could just chew a stick of gum

>> No.11009629

I start sweating and feel like I have to gag every 10 minutes

>> No.11009630

It's probably the sugar alcohols in the other ones if they're not near as sugary as the Monster. Caffeine is a meme anyway. The true master race is Amphetamine.

>> No.11009631

>sugary shit, how do you cope with that
By being American and being inundated with sugar in literally everything you eat since you're an infant. To the point where stuff without sugar tastes "bland".

>> No.11009632

we don't boil it, we just heat it up

>> No.11009633

>”caffeine can’t kill you!”
>yes it can
“yeah well only if you drink too much of it.”
Hope you’re getting a check in the mail each month because you are clinically retarded

>> No.11009634

have you tired monster energy zero ultra?

>> No.11009635

Cold brewing takes time so that instantly cuts out like 90% of the population.

>> No.11009636
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>it's a "OP starts talking before I finish my cuppa" day

>> No.11009637

>people who think they're hot shit for drinking black coffee irritate me.

We don't think we're hot shit, we just think you're a faggot.

>> No.11009638
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taking my coffee without cream or sugar for a week and i want to tell everybody

>> No.11009639

It's actually quicker if you do it the night before. Then prep time is LESS than the standard method.

>> No.11009640
File: 244 KB, 800x1028, 2018-04-25-beartato-coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11009641

Pretty sure the implication was meant to be the coffee lobby you utter brainlet.

>> No.11009642

Genuinely scum. Nothing wrong with actual cream though.

>> No.11009643


I don't think i'm great for drinking black putting milk in coffee ruins the flavour for me

>> No.11009644

Haven't seen it in supermarkets in my corner of Eastern Europe but I haven't been looking for it either.
Stuff like Red Bull destroys my insides even though I find it the best-tasting one.
I thought I knew what tea was until I went to China. Now I usually drink it instead of water, not because it will give me energy like coffee does.

>> No.11009645

sometimes black coffee is good. it depends alot on the machine that you made the coffee with

>> No.11009646

I like my coffee just as I like my dicks : BLACK

>> No.11009647

dem goal posts

>> No.11009648

Black coffee is great, no sugar or milk, goes great with a cigarette.

>> No.11009649
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Sugar and creamer? Ah no thank you. You see I drink my coffee black. I'm sort of like Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven. The tough cowboy type. Would you care to ask me how frequently I use sugar or creamer? Well go ahead, I've got time. Ask me. ... Glad you asked.

Short answer: none.

Disciplined answer: Haven't touched it in months. Probably old by now. I'm actually going through a lawsuit to get my local grocery store to reduce their sugar and creamer inventory. It's going well. I can't stand sugarlets or creamlets. Actually cut all of my old friends off who use. Why go through all of this trouble you ask?

3 words.
2 concepts.

Discipline. Mental toughness. This is why friend. This is why.

>> No.11009650

>I like my coffee black
>uh...I just do. Why do you feel the need to put a bunch of extra shit in it?

>> No.11009651

Well then, propose a mechanism for caffeine decreasing lifespans if you're so smart.

>> No.11009652

>Hey anon I'm buying coffee, you want one?
>Sure, black please
>What do think you are, hot shit?
>what . . .

>> No.11009653
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There are only certain blends of coffee that can be enjoyed black. If you drink any type of coffee black, especially garbage supermarket coffee, you don't actually enjoy it and just do it to be a pretentious faggot.

>> No.11009654
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Jews have controlled the coffee trade for centuries, read a book once in a while fag

>> No.11009655

>hot shit?
that comes later

>> No.11009656

It's the caffeine that makes you shit, coffee or a caffeine pill will give you the same result.

It's a pretty useful feature, if I need to shit before a long day out during which I won't have access to a toilet I drink coffee.

>> No.11009657

r u a grill ?

>> No.11009658

All good things in Western civilization come from Israelites. Truly they are God's Chosen people.

>> No.11009659
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I like an espresso, and sometimes I'll say "expresso" to annoy people, but I'll also correct people who say "expresso".

>> No.11009660

For me it's a big mug of cold brewed dark roast with a self rolled ciggarette with a menthol filter and a big fat line of amphetamine if I'm feeling like it

>> No.11009661

>man suggests you drink coffee like a man

>> No.11009662

You misunderstand, drinking energy drinks gives me diarrhea. If I drink coffee in the same situation, it only makes me take a regular shit, not squirt liquid out of my ass.

>> No.11009663
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MMMMM yes... black coffee. Only sophisticated, high IQ men such as myself can enjoy the beverage in its pure, unmolested form. People who butcher their cups disgust me.

>> No.11009664

Then why is Starbucks so popular?

>> No.11009665

Caring at all about how someone drinks their coffee is a pretty feminine thing to do.

>> No.11009666

Finland here, black coffee is the way to go, a bit of milk if you're a woman or a child. Everything else is for homosexuals.

>> No.11009667

yes waiter, I'll have a expresso and an quesa-dilla please

>> No.11009668

If I load up coffee with sugar and shit why wouldn't I just drink a soda?

It's an acquired taste, much like beer. Once you get used to it and enjoy it than nothing else really tastes similar.

>> No.11009669

You're at the same level of delusion as fat asses that get upset when they hear somebody doesn't eat red meat. Instead of just continuing on with your own life you get irrationally upset and have to let everybody know about it.

>> No.11009670

>If you drink any type of coffee black, especially garbage supermarket coffee, you don't actually enjoy it and just do it to be a pretentious faggot.

this is something a pretentious faggot would say

>> No.11009671

>Asian man chimps out at milk due to lacking vital enzymes

>> No.11009672

you MUST be white to have typed this out

>> No.11009673
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Black tea > Coffee

>> No.11009674

holy shit this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen

>> No.11009675

Frappachino, mochachino, frozen booty drinks are for kids and women..

Just like superhero movies.

>> No.11009676
File: 152 KB, 1520x1138, cooper is not thrilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black coffee is fine.
I used to only drink black coffee but I read that if you don't usually eat breakfast, putting whole cream in your coffee can help take the edge off in the morning. Not milk, not half & half, but whole cream, or heavy whipping cream. Just a little drop really thickens up the coffee and is pretty tasty.
Maybe a tiny pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon in the grounds if I'm feeling fancy.
If I ever add any sweetener it's usually honey.

>> No.11009677

How uncivilised.
You should wake up to a hot espresso with 10ug of LSD suspended in 2ml of vodka and then blow some clouds from your vape.

>> No.11009678

I put two teaspoons of mocha creamer in mine.

>> No.11009679

why are you replying to blatant shitposting

>> No.11009680

tea is the most gimp drink in existence, why the fuck would you drink mildly flavored warm water

>> No.11009681

tea parties are for women, nigel.

>> No.11009682

Do Americans just not have cappuccinos or lattes?

>> No.11009683

Ask me how I know you are fat

>> No.11009684

it's an s4s meme

>> No.11009685

2-3 teaspoons of sugar in avg. cup of coffee
1/2 cup of sugar in avg. 12oz can of soda

Why don't you know this? You must be stupid

>> No.11009686

>guy who eats fermented shark testicles here, trust my tastes

>> No.11009687

There's enough shit that I can get sugar from anyways. Why add more to my diet by putting it in a drink that I already enjoy without it?

>> No.11009688

no, because we're rugged and not limp-wristed starbucks drinkers.

>> No.11009689

östersjön has no sharks, finns know only freshwater and algae

>> No.11009690
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>Guy who spends his free time arguing about superhero movies with 20 year סlds on an anime message board here. Black coffee is for men such as myself.

>> No.11009691

It's okay, you'll grow up one day

>> No.11009692

weird as fuck, a flat white is pretty much the standard in Australia

>> No.11009693
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>hehe yeah I want my coffee black... like my soul

>> No.11009694

caring for the well-being of others doesn't make you feminine.

>> No.11009695

>not putting butter and coconut oil in your coffee

>> No.11009696

Why dosen't the band just move to America then?

>> No.11009697

Why are you replying to me replying to blatant shitposting?

>> No.11009698

Crema is the golden brown 'head' of the espresso

>> No.11009699

>I like my coffee like I like my women
>ground up and kept in the freezer

>> No.11009700

Why the fuck is that tuning fork dancing?

>> No.11009701

based bulletproof covfefe drinker

>> No.11009702

>butter in your coffee
I'd rather be a faggot than die from a heart attack.

>> No.11009703

Nope. If you go into a restaurant or diner it's only based coffee in a stoneware mug.. classic. Best coffee in the world despite the greasy shitty food

The only place you'll find gay coffee drinks is starbucks and McDonalds..
McDonald's btw has always had top tier coffee.. it's way better than the stuff starbucks charges their faggot customers for

>> No.11009704
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Damned good coffee!

And hot!

>> No.11009705

>comments all start off how people like adding other shit to their own personal drink
>n-no its really us being attacked I swear!

>> No.11009706

Cappuccinos are too dainty.
I want a drink, not a shot with some foam ontop.

>> No.11009707

I like black coffee a fair bit but I hardly drink coffee because I can't take hot liquid until it's cooled for 15-20 minutes. Nothing I can do about it.

>> No.11009708

He ordered it like that despite all the effort Mr. "Dead Nigger Storage" puts into selecting his coffee. It makes you think "Damn, maybe Jimmie should have worried more about being a bad motherfucker like Mr. Wolfe instead of about his gourmet coffee."

>> No.11009709

>top tier
>not even made by a barista

Speciality coffee shops are where it's at

>> No.11009710

It's the same as drinking hard liquor vs a beer, obviously one will get you more fucked up but there's more to the experience than just delivering a hit of whatever substance to your brain.

>> No.11009711

Try a flat white, it's espresso with less milk than a cappuccino, you can taste the coffee nicely, tiny bit of froth and top and the milk is heated to have a silky, velvet texture

>> No.11009712

That’s why your country has been lost to 3rd worlders

>> No.11009713


I felt like a fag even reading this

>> No.11009714
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>> No.11009715
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Coffee with cream and sugar is for pussies.

>> No.11009716

imagine being this fucking fragile

>> No.11009717

t. flamboyant homoman

>> No.11009718
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>Coffee with cream and sugar is for pussies.
You are what you eat ;^)

>> No.11009719
File: 14 KB, 280x280, 9465EA22-95A3-412D-8E26-FA81B4B23FF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans still haven’t invented the kettle

>> No.11009720

What if I just get black iced coffee with no sweetener from Starbucks? I drink coffee before I lift fasted, and the Starbucks is right next to the gym. It’s not the tastiest stuff but it’s caffeinated

>> No.11009721

You should only drink coffee black if you make the cup and know what you're doing in regards to using fresh beans and the right amount water. If you go to a fast food place or a shitty diner chances are the coffee is either burnt, has too little or too much water, and/or the coffee beans are old.

At home and in the morning I always drink it black because I'm using beans that are actually worth a damn and I'm not diluting the coffee to make more batches like in a Tim Hortons or something

>> No.11009722

Understandable if you're at work and they only have the cheap shit and even then I just use some sugar. You have no taste if you'd ruin a good coffee with sweeteners you fat shit

>> No.11009723

We threw them into boston harbor with the tea Nigel.
Send our best to the queen.

>> No.11009724

>drinking this bitter watery beverage when the means to make it delicious are right there and readily available makes me a manly man

>> No.11009725

I just don't like coffee with sugar and milk. Why are you being such bitches about this?

>> No.11009726


>> No.11009727

This is actually correct

>> No.11009728

>T. Projecting fatass

Black Coffee isn't going to do shit about the rest of the carbs you intake, bitch boy.

>> No.11009729

>needing sugar and milk to make a perfectly fine beverage drinkable makes you a pussy and someone with no taste

>> No.11009730


>go to restaurant

>coffee please


> err sure

>receive black tick gravy like soup.

why do Americans ruin everything?

>> No.11009731

>consumed 2 grams of caffeine
>went to gym
>went home
>took a shower
>ate a meal
>hung out with some friends
>played vidya for a lil bit
>went to bed
>woke up the next day
>went to class

should i continue my horrifying story about caffeine overdose?

>> No.11009732
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>mfw drink coffee with boiled water from a regular pot

>> No.11009733

t. Very Straight Man Who Likes Explosions and Fireworks and Also Football™

>> No.11009734

>not just microwaving it

You primitive ignorant savage.

>> No.11009735
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>> No.11009736

wow you told him

>> No.11009737

>No YOU'RE the fatasses
>Chugs down another grande iced choccy milk beverage with whipped cream and caffeine that he calls a "coffee"

>> No.11009738

hot beverages suck

>> No.11009739
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>no microwaving the pot and enjoying the lightning bolts

>> No.11009740


you are only proving him right.

>> No.11009741

Turkish and Vietnamese coffee is unironically the greatest cups you can have when made correctly

>> No.11009742

I did this for a long time until I realized a decent small coffee maker is cheap as fuck.

>> No.11009743

i would unironically drink a mtn dew x zero ultra mashup energy sip

>> No.11009744

who are you quoting?

Black coffee is fine. But you can make it really great, with milk and sugar. And milk and sugar aren't hard to find, they're usually right next to the coffee area. Deliberately not taking steps to objectively improve your beverage because of some asinine belief that it gives you streetcred in the beverages area is beyond pathetic.

>> No.11009745

>steaming hot liquid diarrhea
probably tastes great tho

>> No.11009746


if you use whole milk sugar is not necessary.

>> No.11009747

what if you care about your fitness and don't want to add 150 entirely unnecessary calories to your daily intake, find the taste of black coffee not at all disagreeable (honestly coffee with milk in it is incredibly disgusting, never put just sugar in it tho), and don't mention it to anyone irl unless ordering coffee

>> No.11009748

rude. it's thick because the beans are grinded finely and mixed in instead of just running water through coffee grounds

>> No.11009749




>> No.11009750

t. sweet tooth baby who drink from a glass mug like a fruit

>> No.11009751

What if you're heterosexual?

>> No.11009752

I only like cofe with sugar. I don't think milk adds anything to it.

>> No.11009753

It's easier to dye water black than light brown.. you retards realize they don't give the actors real coffee and alcohol for scenes right?

>> No.11009754

well la di da

>> No.11009755

>Yes, every person in any country does the exact same thing as one another.
This, natch.

>> No.11009756

You mean like every mug you mong?

>> No.11009757

>what if you care about your fitness and don't want to add 150 entirely unnecessary calories

150 calories is like 20 minutes of light cardio my dude

>> No.11009758

for me, it's cold black coffee
don't like hot liquids and don't want to drink extra shit i don't need or want

>> No.11009759

ameri su pederi hahahah

>> No.11009760

Pretty sure everyone knows this.

>> No.11009761

why would i drink liquid simple carbs when A) they're not gonna fill me up B) for people who control their eating they're occupying a caloric allotment that could be used by proteins or fats and C) i don't think it tastes that much better than black coffee

why are you attacking me for being in shape rofl?

what if you're cutting..................

i forgot the rule 'never talk about fitness with unfit people' it's one that i keep forgetting haha oops

>> No.11009762

If you care about fitness then don't drink coffee you fucking faggot lmaoing my ass off at you right now

>> No.11009763

Then you wouldn't be putting cream, milkies and sugar in coffee, fruitbat

>> No.11009764

Smells and tastes like shit, nice cups though

>> No.11009765

are you legitimately retarded or is this a meme haha i can't keep up with modern autism

>> No.11009766


tall black and pregnant

>> No.11009772

t. /tv/

>> No.11009782

There is nothing unhealthy about some black coffee
>Fat fucks discussing nutrition

>> No.11009787

akshually ill have u know that caffeine gives u energy and calories are energy haha get scienced meathead i bet u wish u worked out at the liberry

>> No.11009789



>drinks coffee

>looks at self in a mirror

>immediately goes into the bathroom to throw up unnecessary calories

>> No.11009797

dude i literally don't understand what's making you so incredibly angry about someone who is in shape and cares about their health haha

like... i literally just said that it was fine to add cream and sugar to coffee but that i chose not to because i control my calories as part of keeping myself in shape

why are you adding so much unnecessary hostility to the post?

>> No.11009798

I started drinking black when I was trying to lose weight. After I went back and tried it with cream and sugar again and I couldn't keep it down.

>> No.11009807

did you think you were hot shit and a super masculine guy or did you just think "hey that's less calories and it tastes okay so i'm gonna do that while watching my caloric intake"

>> No.11009817

I work out you'er moms pussay.

>> No.11009818

How come when I drink coffee like an hour later I shit out all of my insides?

>> No.11009823

Stimulants make you shit.

>> No.11009825

low tolerance and a general boredom with your life that makes you exaggerate a very mild laxative effect into something that's a major, crazy heappning

>> No.11009843

I've had like 7 cups today and only had to shit once lmao
sounds like you're just a weak little boy

>> No.11009856


I bet he realized that he could cut out more calories by not swallowing other guys loads in the changing rooms.

>> No.11009857

>bragging about caffeine tolerance
ok buddy time to move on to some meth if you're really that tolerant

>> No.11009869

i still don't understand why you're so enraged. i was never upset at fit people when i was fat, i just acknowledged they looked and felt better than i did and moved on

i guess it helped that i was 6'4 so maybe we have different experiences but yeah i really don't know, i assume you're also pretty tall so

>> No.11009884

or maybe you should change your diet if a cup of coffee gives you the runs

>> No.11009891

that wasn't me dude i just think it's ridiculous to brag about caffeine tolerance when it's like the fastest growing tolerance and it's a massive pain in the ass if you have it

>> No.11009905

I'm an american and I use sour cream or cottage cheese in my coffee because milk seems to be the wrong texture for me. One time I used cream cheese but it made it taste somewhat funny so I won't be doing that again. I don't understand how people drink black coffee that's just nasty

>> No.11009920


>> No.11009944

>go to work
>microwave some coca cola in a mug so that it steams
>go hang out with the cool dudes who hang out on the outside deck instead of in the break room like fucking fags
>say thing like "man there's nothing like a good cup of joe am I right" or "the day doesn't start until I've had that first delicious cup of joe, am I right"
>they think I am one of them and make jokes about sports and their girlfrinds

>> No.11009949


Adderall is the Patrician choice, senpai.

You'll be doing Calculus 3 and Differential Equations like they're nothing. Plus you'll drop weight and clean the fuck out of your entire house.

>> No.11009960

Not true, I've gotten work as an extra, and in a coffee shop setting everyone was just drinking real coffee because why not

>> No.11009982
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I you use good freshly ground beans with a pourover you'll never need to add shit to your coffee.

>Mfw the first time i tried proper coffee
>Tasted like fucking lemons and raspberries

>> No.11010082

>calculus is hard
the state of engineers lads

>> No.11010083
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>> No.11010093

This is the most disgusting artstyle I've ever seen. It fills me with a sense of genuine revulsion.

>> No.11010100

I actually hate fruitier fresh beans, like I had some that tasted like blueberries and chocolate at the same time, just not a good combination for me.

>> No.11010101

sprinkles are for super gaylords that would dock with a cock if it waved at them politely

>> No.11010103

Fuck no!

I'd rather drink coffee out of a used condom. I also heard it taste better that way!

>> No.11010110

>Europeans pretend the majority don't drink either A) nescafe instant or B) the most bitter espresso imaginable, 50% sugar

>> No.11010113
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My mug is 13oz. Those diner mugs are 8oz. Here is a meme shot from /wt/

>> No.11010114

I *could* pour in some milk or creamer, as well as sugar or some other nonsense. Im just too lazy to do it, and tbqh I like it black.

>> No.11010122


>> No.11010130

I live in WA and I would like to violently disagree with you.
I guarantee you bikini baristas are why a good portion of the people here drink coffee.

>> No.11010133

At least cocoa drinkers are depicted accurately: a literal baby

>> No.11010136


>> No.11010139

Go with some dark roast then.

>> No.11010141

t.reddit pro

>> No.11010150

I don't really like proper dark roast even fresh ground have a hint of burnt toast, not as bad as starbucks or anything. I usually will just get a lighter dark roast though. Cold brewed and with ice and milk is nice.

>> No.11010153

get a french press and some freshly grinded beans. it makes all the difference

>> No.11010163

yes. only teenage girls or people that don't have serious obligations put dressings in their coffee.

Around 30 you end up popping adderall or modafinil to keep up. Then you usually get your first benzo script to balance that out.

Around 60 you find out you mysteriously have heart disease.

Come on over to America, we have large cars.

>> No.11010169

>Around 30 you end up popping adderall or modafinil to keep up. Then you usually get your first benzo script to balance that out.
Or, y'know, eat right, exercise, and get some sleep

>> No.11010177

i usually only eat dinner (normally some kind of fish and vegetable) and i get around 4 hours of sleep everynight. Also drink a little over a gallon of water a day. I'm a mess.

>> No.11010213

14 year old teen or like 18 year old teen? If the former then yeah, that's like 1000mg of caffeine. If he wasn't already very used to high doses and was a 100 pound twig then that would fuck you up.

>> No.11010328
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I love coffee, but if I drink anymore than a cup I get terrible heartburn.

>> No.11010368

Ay Finn my Swedish cousin says smoking is for women and Danes only though

>> No.11010390

>have friend who drinks black coffee
>acts like he is better because of it
> start drinking the coffee he makes black
>I nonstop tell him how shitty his coffee is

I’ll drink French press coffee black not dogshit Folgers

>> No.11010393


teenagers are very comfortable with anal.

>> No.11010403

Bretty gud
I would toss a pinch of cocoa in as well for more depth, maybe that's just since I don't smoke anymore

>> No.11010469

They're mostly decaf. I just like the taste

>> No.11010488

French press is a device, galaxy brain

>> No.11010502

Folgers is instant

>> No.11010531

how I drink it every morning. You got a problem with that?

>> No.11010942

Not necessarily. Sometimes it is

>> No.11011580

Don't know why but one day cream just started to have some sort of aftertaste that I can't stand. I've tried a bunch of different brands and types and it's always there.

>> No.11011827

>t. amerifat

>> No.11011893

>do americans really do this
>250+ replies
do americans really do this?

then you wonder why these threads are spammed

>> No.11011921

>coffee black

the only way to start your day right.

>> No.11011995

Yes we drink our coffee in cups and not out of Achmeds asshole

>> No.11012138

yeah, and sometimes people put half&half and/or sugar in it , too

>> No.11012142


>> No.11012159
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If they smoke meth or take methadone then theyll used to much french vinalla creamer.

>> No.11012251
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Is the coffee good?
Yes, drink it black
No, buy better coffee
Also I like both tea and coffee and I'm a snob with both.

>> No.11012256

It's regional. I'm from the east coast and coffee is the standard drink there, even in evening. Every diner has it. My family drink coffee all day until they go to bed.
In the midwest and worst coast they're too faggoty and complain they need sugar and something more delicate because the coffee makes them poo their panties and keeps them up at night.

>> No.11012262
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Coffee in the morning, tea in the evening.
>>I only drink my coffee BLACK! No milk or anything!
>Feeling obligated to drink it only one way, rather than allowing yourself to vary it up to better suit the occasion or to keep things interesting.

>> No.11012267
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>the red nose

I used to not care, but this is getting silly. Why is the red nose a Tumblr must?

>> No.11012273

Not gonna lie, tequila and coffee pair well together.
>had 2 energy drinks, 2 coffees with tequila mixed in, about 3 shots of tequila total, and a glass of wine last night
>because carbonation, caffeine, and alcohol are the best pairing
>woke up bright and early with energy and no hangover
Butter is goat.
I have one. They're like $15 here.

>> No.11012306

this desu, I drink whatever I feel like

Idk why the meme of "this is the way I like my coffee, just this way and nothing else" became a thing

>with a meal
long black

>in a rush

>at home

>when I'm hungry but not eating
long mac

all of them free to mix up with however I feel

>> No.11012328

Gbt >>>/tumblr/

>> No.11012355

>americans need to keep their liquids "interesting"
holy. shit.

>> No.11012362
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>If you pay more for "good" coffee (which is a known commodity good) you're a fucking faggot.
I bet you think anyone who doesn't buy fucking shit store brand Cheep*Valu products is a faggot, too. Some people like nice things and have the palate to distinguish between nice things and shit things for poor people. Do you?

>When I see people drinking coffee
That's your answer right there. You don't see anyone who drinks their coffee at home in their kitchen, you only see the commercial Coffee Branded Beverage drinkers.

>Not milk, not half & half, but whole cream, or heavy whipping cream.
This guy knows. I drink 2-3 cups of coffee daily always with heavy cream, no sugar. I picked up the habit when I was doing keto. Not doing keto anymore, but I can't stand a sweet coffee. However, thick delicious coffee with real cream is 10/10.

Anyone ITT using HYDROGENATED VEGETABLE OIL 'creamers' needs to neck themselves.

>> No.11012368

>5 tbsp of milk and sugar a day would make me fat

>> No.11012370

I thought they passed a law to make that illegal.

>> No.11012374

>Europeans are too afraid to try different things
No wonder you guys are so behind in the tech industry.

>> No.11012381

No because I didnt fall for the liquid jew and I only drink WATER

>> No.11012383

Every caffeine gum I've had was bitter.

>> No.11012416

>People who do things I don't do aren't doing it because they like it, they're doing it to spite me
Everyone on 4chan has autism.

>> No.11012434

>not drinking a coffee to suit your meal

why would it be any different to "wine pairing"?

>> No.11012575

Fuck off, we're full.
>Unless your Anglo, conservative as fuck, pro gun rights, or genuinely one of the good guys who believe in a reward system based on merit.

>> No.11012595

>Inb4 "drink your coffee scalding hot like a man!"
>T. Subhuman with retard level iq.
I'm right there with you buddyrow.

>> No.11012710

While I'd prefer to agree with you, I can't.

Coffee is a far more preferential thing, much like a breakfast dish where you're free to choose your own egg serving, that being sunny, scammed or poached.

Unlike wine pairing, coffee at a restraunt of Cafe usually usually entails multiple varieties of coffee being made from the same blend of bean, where as wine is chosen for its differing pallete to accompany a dish and as a pallete cleanser.

My own opinion of Wether to have a coffee with milk or not is that it's up to the user, even decaf has its place on a late night affrogato if you really like that flavor. Personally I prefer espressos if I'm trying to taste the difference in the bean because they are just the core of every other coffee which is for lack of a better team just a coffee coctail

>> No.11012742

yall literally drinkin beans

>> No.11012775

>I like my coffee with some flavoring
You haven't had good coffee then, no wonder you're angry. Go to some nice coffee shop and get imported coffee beans from a Central/South American or African country. It's delicious.

>> No.11012824

Nice cheapo (((diver))) /wristlet/

>> No.11012835

I got myself used to black coffee so I've stuck with it.

>> No.11012846

>confusing contempt with jealousy
Do amerilards really?

>> No.11012902

>buy $30/lb coffee
>$500 grinder
>$1500 espresso machine
>covers it all up with milk and sugar
You can't make this shit up!

>> No.11013119

>Be diabetic or Lactose intolerant
>Considered hot shit by anon

>> No.11013127


>certain blends

You know absolutely nothing about coffee. Coffee isn't always blended but it doesn't matter anyways, because any coffee has the potential to taste good black if it's freshly roasted and ground. The reason supermarket coffee is undrinkable black isn't because it's "not the right blend" but because it's been sitting on the shelf for weeks.

>> No.11013135

Cream and sugar is to kill the taste of shitty coffee
Like how menthol is to hide the taste of shitty tobacco

>> No.11013139

I literally don't believe you

>> No.11013144


You have to be the biggest asshole to believe these numbers. Do you want truth or just be a cunt the rest of you life? My guess is cunt.

>> No.11013148

Are you honestly saying it's not a thing to spend that much on coffee/coffee gear?

>> No.11013156

Except that's the going rate for high end coffee gear

>> No.11013175
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You fucking jokers. I spent 175 on a Smart Grinder and 200 on a Breville Espresso machine. That and a goddamn bag of Lavazza Oro ground to near turkish and you dipshits are in the weeds for a good pull.

>> No.11013186

Cool story bro

>> No.11013189


Yeah, because idiots think that their toys are valuable because other idiots call them valuable. Have you seen the inside of a espresso machine? It's 3 copper pipes and a boiler that an idiot engineer could build. The most complex machine is the grinder, it's called a burr grinder. Some Are stainless, some are ceramic.

You people need to learn shit.

>> No.11013193

Nobody cares what you spent, moron. Coffee gear goes higher than that.

>> No.11013211
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So much higher. Look at how fancy pants those 'workins' are. It's a fucking boiler for idiots.

>> No.11013363

>I'm low test
Hop on some TRT or spend that coffee money on some illegal test

>> No.11013396

>Why do you feel the need to put a bunch of extra shit in it?
>I prefer the sweeter, creamier flavor. I just didn't think people out there actually enjoy the bitterness of straight black coffee
It's not as autistic as your fantasies usually play out. I actually prefer black coffee and people are usually just surprised since it's not that common among non boomers

>> No.11013458

Post yours

>> No.11013542

>how dare people spend the money they earned on things I wouldn't!

>> No.11013837


>> No.11014126

What I do is I get one of those Nescafe instant cappuccinos and then I put in a couple of drops of vanilla essence and a spoon of golden syrup

But on the other hand I'm literally gay so

>> No.11014698

>a spoon of golden syrup
Way too sweet. What the fuck.