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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11011573 No.11011573[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

can we please have al/ck/ back

>> No.11011579


I've exhausted all the comfy generals around 4chan now. They've all turned to shit

>> No.11011586

Checked that 3
Tahts a nice 3

>> No.11011620

thx bros
whatcha guys up to tonite

>> No.11011708

If /sip/fags are allowed, surely there's nothing wrong with al/ck/ threads.

>> No.11011720

yes please

>> No.11011771

If not, can we dicide on an alternate board to move to? It won’t be the same, but still.
/adv/? I don’t think I can tolerate r9k

>> No.11011793

I really liked the al/ck/ threads, although they did sometimes turn into a pissing contest of misery.

>> No.11011796

Do these threads promote the problematic behavior of alcoholics by sympathies and virtual back pats or is it aimed to spread awareness and success stories for those who stopped ruining their lives?

Do say if there's a third alternative, like a common blog outlet.

>> No.11011798

It helps me remember that I'm not unique and that other people have the same shitty problems that I have. It's good for the self-esteem as people lean towards thinking they are the only ones with the problems they have

>> No.11011803


Why do you assholes need to find meaning in every thread? Some cunts want to eat burgers, do you need to judge those cunts for being fat?

Just shut the fuck up for once.

>> No.11011833

Now this might sound very aggressive but whenever I see similar groups around, well, basically it's "being fat". There seems to be little energy inside those to change for the better. They group up around their outsider behavior and seem to take great relief that many others suffer the same fate. This is comforting and means you aren't unique and this means you don't really have to change to feel good about yourself. Body positive movements have their place, no doubt but it's often seized by the extreme ends of the spectrum to justify their unhealthy lives.

>> No.11011834

bit like scared straight desu

>> No.11011836

looks like al/ck/ is back boys

>> No.11011887

I'm a week sober, I don't need none of that shit.

>> No.11011897

I was drinking almost every day, always told myself that it was only the stress.
Now my life is a bit better and I only drink on the weekends, it really improved my life. I will try to stay sober this weekend, it will be a new milestone.

>> No.11011961
File: 28 KB, 310x310, 1523769438472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quit for three months
>ran out of weed
>come back with a bottle of Buffalo Trace
>never had it before but always wanted to try it
>it's so fucking terrible I'm put off drinking again
Jesus fucking christ, for a bourbon this is bitter as shit. Mark tastes like fucking candy by comparison, and it was only a dollar more.

>> No.11012018

please give me a guide to comfy generals senpai
i recently quit discord so im in need of comfy generals

>> No.11012020

maybe /bant/ ?
they have /comfy/ generals there, or used to.

>> No.11012030

I used to like drinking cheap, disgusting wine all day everyday but now when I try I just get drowsy before I'm even really that drunk and can't help but succumb to going to bed.

I've tried eating beforehand, drinking water every drink, drinking an energy drink beforehand and none of them seem to help.

What's happened to my body? I just want to get fucked up again.

>> No.11012047
File: 78 KB, 776x1176, johnnie red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need serious motivation to stop drinking, try Johnnie Walker Red straight.

>> No.11012078

People who frequent general are shit. So they all turn to shit. Thats why all but one or two of them are bad.

>> No.11012084

If youre just smoking weed instead of drinking you didnt quite. Dont delude yourself.

>> No.11012099

shit, I had kinda forgotten about it

>> No.11012100

If I thought it mattered, I wouldn't be hitting the bottle again mate.

>> No.11012124
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Good point. Anyhow. I got so high the other day that I couldnt take care of my baby. I threw away all my pot stuff and a lb or two of weed I had left around the house. I have to be a functional adult at least for a few years until this little person isnt 100% reliant on me.

>> No.11012128

I love you, OP. Do not let the unpaid mods get you down. Al/ck/ is a cornerstone of /ck/. That’s the way it should be. They are too foolish to understand.

>> No.11012136

>Some cunts want to eat burgers, do you need to judge those cunts for being fat?
t. lardass

>> No.11012137
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>lb or two of weed

>> No.11012165
File: 1.96 MB, 2880x2160, 1484220348615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in rural maine. I grew ten plants last year. Thats what was left over. I have three plants in my garden right now that Ill either give away or feed to my rabbits. Plus I have a grow setup in my basement.

>> No.11012173

and whats your address and postcode, fellow Anon?

>> No.11012194
File: 2.17 MB, 4032x2268, 20170419_094548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weed loses its magic when its legal anon. Everyone and there cousin has plenty now. Dabs on the other hand. People dont like playing with butane so if you make oil youll get some attention.

>> No.11012206

why do you have racist white supremacist rabbits?

>> No.11012215

ban assault bunnies

>> No.11012220

They're albinos

>> No.11012232
File: 3.14 MB, 4032x2268, 20170815_073817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because those are the ones I got for free from the lab testing production farm in windham.

>> No.11012239

Why can't you stick to al/qa/holics? FFS.

>> No.11012242

>request evil racist white supremacist animals from innocent jewish labtest firm
>they're forced to comply because they don't want you to gas them
yeah pure coincidence haha

>> No.11012244

In my experience wine makes me nod off after lile an hour, vodka is so much better and doesnt give me suicide hangovers. Red wine is especially bad

>> No.11012298

I don't read through the general and think 'oh great no need to worry, let's crack open another bottle,' because it stops me from feeling unique. The fact it does that is basically the only effect of reading the general bar entertainment. Though I don't see any downsides to it being around either. It was good because it was a rare general that wasn't ruined by gimmickposters, tripfags and trolling.

>> No.11012305

I just got out of inpatient and was looking forward to the al/ck/ threads

>> No.11012320 [DELETED] 

>it was good because it was a rare general that wasn't ruined by gimmickposters, tripfags and trolling. Exactly the reason monster and inbev paid the mods off, none of their shilling had any effect. If you'll notice now there's a craft beer gen that just so happens to feature the exact same companies, the exact same beers, and the exact same OP image every single time. No way in hell could they ever ban /sip/, not with the amount of money Monster is funneling in

>> No.11012323


>> No.11012325


>it was good because it was a rare general that wasn't ruined by gimmickposters, tripfags and trolling.

Exactly the reason monster and inbev paid the mods off, none of their shilling had any effect in al/ck/ gens because it got drowned out by people having a good time and talking about their alcohol related issues. If you'll notice now there's a craft beer gen that just so happens to feature the exact same companies, the exact same beers, and the exact same OP image every single time. Suspicious at the very least.

>> No.11012331

That's a weird looking rabbit..

>> No.11012332
File: 44 KB, 638x629, 4CA83162-6DA7-4129-BF8C-6282CC76D6CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate hangovers

>> No.11012347

I was trying to raise a cat with rabbits. It didnt work out to well.

>> No.11012382

You otherwise feel like alcoholism makes you unique? Fucking hell. Please kill your sheltered ass with a couple of bottles of Everclear.

>> No.11012393

i fight mine with extra sleep and drinking some water every time i wake up

eating while drinking helps

>> No.11012408

No you idiot. I said exactly the opposite.

>> No.11012445

Miss those fuckers too.
Can't deal with the clarity and boredom when sober.

>> No.11012495

No you didn't. Maybe you don't understand grammar and punctuation.

>> No.11012549

Just had my first 2 day hangover by drinking way too much vodka. At the end of the second day (yesterday) i said fuck it and drank some more, wanted to just get well so i could sleep but of course ended up drinking half a bottle. Woke up after 7 hours feeling fine but just couldnt for the life of me go back to sleep, usually a sign my hangover is about to start which it did but was surprisingly mild, I was expecting another hellish day like the 2 previous ones.
Sorry for the blog, bored as fuck at work

>> No.11012573

I never had any good experiences drinking anything stronger than beer when I had a hangover.

>> No.11012583

That's odd, I think they're great

>> No.11012607

it's not going anywhere.
despite what a short time mod and newfags think
drink up, boys

>> No.11012613

Haven't had a drop in 96 days.

>> No.11012626

you'll be baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack

>> No.11012638
File: 80 KB, 896x1280, johnnie-walker-red-label-75-cl-43-old-bottles_IM268883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an old Johnny Walker bottle from the 50s

Is it valuable?

>> No.11012646

>I got so high the other day that I couldnt take care of my baby.

I literally don't understand. Like, you kept forgetting if you fed it? It seems fairly easy to chill on the couch with a whiny potato and occasionally clean poop, feed it, or play with it to make the crying stop. I've had edibles that made functioning pretty hard, but I just can't imagine a fire alarm with limbs being impossible to understand and handle despite the inebriation.

>> No.11012657

Like, it didn't help or you had trouble keeping it down?

>> No.11012664

With weapons

>> No.11012681

That is the one thing I need to correct. Lately, I've been shooting off guns while I'm drinking and even though I feel like I'm still pretty responsible with it, I understand what can happen.
Fucking fun though.

>> No.11012692

He probably dropped it in the floor or something. Drug addicts abuse/neglect their children as a way of life.