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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 178 KB, 1366x1025, NY-Strip-Steak-Eggs-e1517932511480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11011027 No.11011027 [Reply] [Original]

By cook, I mean more than brownies from a box and microwaved ramens. For being a board about cooking, I don't see a lot of cooking threads

t.guy who can cook pasta and meats, make sauces and do anything with eggs.

>> No.11011035

Motherfucker I have ten michelin stars.

>> No.11011038

OC posts get 0-10 replies, and those replies are bitching about How the Food isn't Michelin Star level

>> No.11011045
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My ability has been slowly increasing over the last 10 years out of my parents house.
I bought a load of glass snaplock jars and made a spicerack with 50 different then sought out recipes until I had tried them all and learned what they are.
I can competently cook around 40 different dishes where meat+veg doesn't count

>> No.11011175

Ive been cooking since cub scouts. Realizing an ingredient was missing two days into a trip started me off having to know what goes with what and how to improvise, so i'm great at making something good out of whatever is in the kitchen, and comfortable with anything but shellfish cuz i'm allergic.

I just lurk

>> No.11011178
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>> No.11011188

I have a rudimentary ability to cook that slightly exceeds your low bar. I have successfully cooked steaks and baked brownies from scratch and so on. Still have plenty to learn going forward though.

>> No.11011193

I grew up cooking with my mother almost every night from when I was 12 to when i moved out at 18, so I have a pretty good knowledge of traditional middle eastern/east european/north African cooking since that is my heritage.

>> No.11011198

>since that is my heritage.
If you'd left this part out, your bait would have been successful

>> No.11011207
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>> No.11011212

What makes you think this is bait

>> No.11011261

Is your country really that substandard that kids don't learn how to cook at school? It's unforgivable unless you live in a 3rd world shithole

>> No.11011278

I recently made pasta from scratch and served it simply with pesto and chicken, everything was well seasoned. So I'd say that's the limit of my hability, everything I can make is simple and always edible, but I don't really want to try my hand with things like baking pastries or making roasts.

>> No.11011711

Pesto is easy mode making anything taste good.

>> No.11011734
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fuck if you can cook. wheres the industry thread?

>> No.11011738

I cook about 90% of my meals, but I can't be fucked to take step-by-step pictures, strip their EXIF data just in case, and suffer through the fucking CAPTCHA over and over.

>> No.11011740

Hardest things I've ever made
>Fries(the proper way, double fried) with a cheese roux, aka cheese fries
>home made pizza, homemade dough, homemade sauce, if I had a cow, homemade moz
even topped the pizzas with shit my roommate would bring home from his arby's job, one time he brought like 5lbs of some turkey roast they had left over and threw that on there, best pizza I ever ate.

>> No.11011743
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Quick question. I have a dozen eggs that are over three months old. They've been in the fridge the whole time. When cracked open the yoke is intact and almost orange but not very runny. They don't smell bad either. I ate six with some onions and bell peppers. I took a shot 9f vodka before and after consumption.

Do you think I'll be ok /ck/?

>> No.11011744

Yea this.

>> No.11011746

a little late now

>> No.11011754

>how many of you can actually cook?
Did you jump out of sip or another fast food thread? if so this is not a board for you

>> No.11011756

I like to l8ve dangerously.

>> No.11011790

What about the other six?

>> No.11012201

This looks really tasty.

>> No.11012217
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>> No.11012233

I always intend to cook but somehow regardless of what I intend to make, everything always ends up being tomato sauce + the same three vegetables + ground beef + carb

>> No.11012277

>I always intend to cook but somehow regardless of what I intend to make, everything always ends up being tomato sauce + the same three vegetables + ground beef + carb
Hrm, do you set out with a plan for something different? Try shopping for and making a new recipe?

>> No.11012288
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, sprouts cod turnips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

View my dinner from last night OP.
Dill baked cod with lemon and butter (perfectly browned on top, never got that to happen so beautifully before), paprika roasted brussels sprouts, and mashed turnips with smoked mozzarella folded in.

I'd actually never even had a turnip before yesterday but they're delectable. Sweeter than I expected by a lot.
Not pictured: hush puppies (they weren't done in the oven till I was almost done eating)

>> No.11012515

I can cook many dishes from scratch, mostly italian, european some asian dishes but I am best at improvising with ingredients in the house.

>> No.11012527

Even people who can't cook can do those things.

>> No.11012542

>4chan is too retarded to function as a website, again

>> No.11012548 [DELETED] 

I can play the kitchen like a motherfucking riot

>> No.11012662

Don't forget to resize every image as well since the cap on this board is so low. If everyone could upload pictures from their phones without any editing then there'd be tons more OC threads

>> No.11012921

I grill like a boomer

>> No.11012964

I don't think I'm a good cook, but I never cook anything pre-made. The closest I come is using frozen vegetable mixes for those lazy days. The only reason I still have a microwave is because I could get one for free. I haven't even used it yet. Colleagues think I know how to cook, but I usually make the same stuff. I still keep recipes on hand, although that's so I won't forget any important stuff, because I have the memory of a goldfish and am very bad at time management. I even have a list of stuff to do in the morning, so I won't leave the house without keys, or clothes on. It's that bad.

>> No.11013069

I can, you fat ugly jackass

>> No.11013072

well yeah, if they're cutting arts and music why do you think they're going to keep home ec

>> No.11013087

I've made turkey chili from scratch before.

>> No.11013108

I can cook for myself. But I can't call anyone with shitty knife skills a good cook and guess who's scared of sharp things.

>> No.11013112 [DELETED] 

The inbred isle of Britain?

>> No.11013132

I went to culinary school and is currently working on carnival cruise ship

>> No.11013165

Exactly, hence why I make it.

>> No.11013179

I like cooking and i do it pretty well, but living in a third world country doesn't let me get good ingredients, so i've learned to mak do with what i've got

>> No.11013215

Everybody forgets stuff all the fucking time. Please don't beat yourself up for not being good at things almost everyone but the most neurotic/autistic people are good at.

>> No.11013259

You can always start a r8. h8, appreci8 thread
I don't care what people here think my cooking tastes like, I have friends that are chefs that have told me that I have potential to be a great cook
The thing is, in order to have good presentation, you need good lighting and a good camera and given how this is an image board, nobody is going to tell you your food looks good unless it looks incredibly good.

I can cook and I like looking for recipes, everybody in my family cooks, my great grandpa was a Spaniard inmigrant who only knew how to bake bread.

>> No.11013261
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I cook pretty frequently, a lot of my relatives and friends like the pictures I post of my food.
Recently one of my coworkers volunteered me for a 'teach and cook' at my company to show people how to make sushi. Idk, I think they're just easily impressed, I cook other things better.

Yesterday I visited my parents and made them a seafood boil with crab legs and shrimp. This morning I made them a sun dried tomato, spinach, and goat cheese quiche before I came back home.

>> No.11013275

Certain things yes. Easy things mostly. Roast with potatoes and carrots. Pork chops and mashed potatoes. Shit like that. Meat and a veg and I almost always eat a salad with dinner for the sake of this little piggy's digestion.

>> No.11013609
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I cook every goddamn day.

>> No.11013613

you eat a lot of steak for a "straight" guy. you sure you don't like cum from a penis?

>> No.11013649

I can cook, but I like to do easy stuff like chicken parm, pasta carbonara, or stir fry veg and chicken. Last time I did meatballs it took way to long for what I got out of it. I still like kugel even if its a pain. Grilling steaks is nice while camping but I don't do it at home.

>> No.11013666


That's salmon....

>> No.11014214

Years ago, people used to complain that this board was nothing but fast food threads and shitposting. Back then, it wasn't true as quality threads still outnumbered shitthreads. But the shitthreads started becoming more common so gradually that I hadn't even noticed until a few days ago that they far outnumber quality threads. Your thread, even, is a strong example of a shitthread. Rather than post OC and try to get something going, you just decided to bitch and moan instead. You're part of the problem, really. And now, so am I. : (

>> No.11014240

Self taught cook, I can make almost anything on a basic level and don't really need to use recipes anymore unless I'm baking.

Still haven't learned too much of the trickier stuff, although I can make great souffles and have no trouble with hollandaise or saboyan.

>> No.11014278

I feel dirty looking at these pictures

>> No.11014308

Why is it illegal to pull out my dick in public?

>> No.11014334
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I occasionally bake pies or pastry, I can cook all kinds of casseroles, Tender meat from the pan is my specialty, although I like it on the raw side. I do tend to make the same stuff often because I don't have my recipes organized.
Pic is some cinnamon rolls I made today, pretty good. shame cookalong and r8 threads are non-existent

>> No.11014342

>cook at school
Wut? School is for learning maths and spelling.
Cooking is a family thing, or at least it should be

>> No.11014348

That's one good looking egg anon

>> No.11014350

that looks pretty good anon!
I personally prefer my food on a plate, my asparagus pan-fried with salt and pepper, and my mushrooms not raw, but the fish looks good to me. nice food.

>> No.11014356

Try a potato mash with salmon and some vegetable (carrot/aspargus?) sometime, it's delicious. Otherwise asian cuisine might be something for you to try

>> No.11014362

Looks super. What's the consistency on the turnip mash? Looks a bit like jello

>> No.11015082

I can cook an assortment of dishes. I cook so often, i can't even smell onions or vinegar anymore.
I can make a pan sauce out of virtually anything (even stuff like peas or whatever).
I poach eggs often when I make salads or ravioli for lunch.
I make my own vinaigrette out of whatever I want.
I can sear all meat to perfection.
I can bake bread loaves, make my pizza by hand (the delivery is fucking disgusting).
I commonly make a ganache and use it in almost anything - though straight ganache is what i typically resort to.
I can make a meringue , tiramisu, etc.
The only thing I haven't touched is homemade pies.
However when it comes to day-by-day cooking, I usually look to see what I have in my fridge and then throw something simple together like a chicken Marsala (mushroom, scallions, with a Marsala reduced wine pan sauce) with white rice for dinner.

>> No.11015198

Most people's food pics here look like shit because they use terrible angles, take ugly close ups, have poorly lit rooms and thar disgustingly unappetizing blue flash that nobody ever bothers to colour-correct.
Just fixing those things makes most food look decent.

>> No.11015416


>> No.11015694
File: 1.40 MB, 2256x4032, 20180804_204853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went and got an associates in culinary.
So I hope I can cook a bit..
Tonight's dinner
Slow cooked brisket.
Garlic and green beans and okra in butter.
and Califlowermash

>> No.11015706

Motherfucker he can do anything with eggs.

>> No.11015713

What a fucking mess

>> No.11015730

>I went and got an associates in culinary.
>So I hope I can cook a bit..
>Tonight's dinner
>Slow cooked brisket.
>Garlic and green beans and okra in butter.
>and Califlowermash
A degree huh? That looks like corned beef, and I can see the pickling spices, so why would you just describe it jjust as brisket?
okra in butter? That's a new one.

I would eat the heck out of that, but it's odd pairings and recipes.

>> No.11015733

And why are you eating it in the bathroom?

>> No.11015752

Thats my bad. Brain said brisket but I knew it was corned beef. But yes corned beef.
Also in all honesty the schooling wasnt that great so i shouldn't really hype it up that way

Yeah the okra in butter was really good.

I was kinda trying to do that whole "meat and potatoes theme but with different ingredients to fit the keto meme I'm trying to do.

>> No.11015765
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Bathroom? thats my counter anon

>> No.11015770

Yes everything.
t. Chef

>> No.11015777

I have been cooking since I was old enough to walk and hold a knife. My parents are both great cooks and I learned much from both of them. Upon leaving the nest my cooking became a lot more varied and I branched out a lot to things that were not in line with my parnets combined style of cooking. Upon getting together with my gf(a year and a half ago), my catalogue of dishes, techniques an ingredients expanded even more as she had grown up cooking with her parents as well, but different dishes in different ways than what I had.
Today I can say that I have surpassed my parents in terms of cooking skill, knowledge and especially variety.

>> No.11015788

Those uneven knobs really triggers my autism.

>> No.11017140

one time i went into a room, forgot what i'd gone in for, sttod there for fifteen minutes then remembered and realised i'd gone into the wrong room. i'm 25

>> No.11017148

meant to be stood, apparently i can't spell either

>> No.11017154

I just Google everything and it turns out fine, being a chef must be pretty easy

>> No.11017194

I cook professionally and am pretty fucking confident with a lot of things, but if I all of a sudden had a family of four and were told that I needed to cook dinner every night for a week I'd probably have a heart attack from the anxiety.

>> No.11017196

I have been learning. It started with stuff from tasty videos, youtubers, etc.

Now I've started experimenting. Making my own recipes and stuff. Last night I made my own tomato sauce for the first time. I thought it would be an interesting challenge. A few days before that I made my own cinnamon rolls.

>> No.11017204

Just Google everything. It would turn out fine. Being a chef is pretty easy.

>> No.11017231

cringe and bluepilled
just take a /sip/ and let's talk about peperoni pizza

>> No.11017236

lmaooo just get ur food at mcdonalds whyte boi

>> No.11018307
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I think I can cook from raw ingredients. I can cook simple stuff. I can cook meat and fish like they should, I think. I like to use fresh spices but I can deal with dried ones, too. I grow some of my own stuff (like herbs) because they taste better.

>> No.11019922

if anyone on ck can cook then I am the pope of rome

and me not the pope of rome

QED : no one on ck can cook

>> No.11019932

Top jej look at this faggot michelinlet here big boy has 10 stars thinks he's got shit

>> No.11019945

worked in a kitchen for ~40ppl for 1.5 years, cooking for myself about 3-4 times a week, pretty decent i guess

>> No.11019957
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What do you consider "cooking"? Cuz I cook daily. Maybe not a three course meal, but my gf prefers my cooking to eating out. So, I got that goin' for me.

>> No.11019965

i can follow recipes just fine, i think cooking a bunch of eggs taught me a lot about heat

>> No.11019984

Honestly, I hardly ever can be arsed to cook and only get the most basic dishes right.
What I'm god tier at is stuff like salads, sandwiches, dips anything you can't over/undercook and whenever relevant I do contribute to cooking threads on those topics.

>> No.11020035

do you have a single star?


if you did have a star then I would be the pope of rome

but me not the pope of rome

therefore you caan do not cook

>> No.11020059


I have a job and an 8" penis. I don't need a fucking star.

>> No.11020067

and I am the pope of rome

>> No.11021025

I can cook from scratch simple stuff or follow a recipe. Am I a chef creating flavor or new ideas. no

if i had a kitchen i'd be cooking for myself all the time, but some people dont have that luxury

>> No.11021034

there's no way you're breaking 3 inches with that dish

>> No.11021091
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>For being a board about cooking, I don't see a lot of cooking threads
/ck/ was never about cooking. It's about complaining about the world of food

hello father

>> No.11021148

How do you cook brussels sprouts so that they're not bitter? I tried it a few times but never succeed, so I don't bother anymore.

>> No.11021163

i'm only really good at baking and creating mean desserts

its been too hot to do anything that sounds good lately that hasn't already been done so i just scream and bitch at everyone here cooking wrong honestly

however i can cook steak decently and prepare good sauces for pasta and etc. its not fucking alchemy for godsake

>> No.11021174

I know a couple of dozen recipes by heart beyond trivial stuff like "frying eggs" or "boiling rice."
There's not really a theme to what I know how to do. Sometimes I'll get inspired and I'll tell my self "I'm going to learn how to make X really well" and I'll just do it.
lately I've been going through a cocktail making phase.

>> No.11022077

This board is garbage. Most threads are about junk food and they reek american lardplanet from a mile away. I doubt 98% of people here know how to cook proper french or italian or anything proper in general. It's insane, like if /fit/ had only 20 people that actually lifted

>> No.11022084

why on earth would we care about the retards that we left behind?

>> No.11022092

go back to your pizza thread lardass. i bet your sense of smell and taste are so saturated by the years of abuse that you can only tell how greasy, salty or sweet something is

>> No.11022095

Yes, I understand basic cooking concepts and can apply them to the meals that I cook.

>> No.11022226

Same here. Except family recipes, those i know.

I just don't understand how you can fuck up a piece of meat or veggies. The cooking part is easy. The slicing and chopping part is rather slow compared to others but fun. Never made something that i didn't like.

>> No.11022245

Culinary student but I don't usually cook at home what I learned at school because when I get home I'm too lazy.

>> No.11022247

4chan automatically strips EXIF data explicitly because of people doxing themselves.

>> No.11022306

Salmon? Looks good, visibly seasoned. Would eat

>> No.11022310

What's the meat under the egg and on top of the cheddar(?) Also, good choice of bread for that sandwich

>> No.11022330

Fry steak in pan on stovetop.
Remove ftom pan
Add 1/2 bottle of Worcestershire sauce to pan
Reduce by half until near syrup like consistency
Mix heavy cream to taste (treat it like coffee, the lighter the sweeter)
Place steak back in
Baste with sauce for another minute or two depending on thickness
Remove from heat
Garnish with fresh basil leaf and whole black or green peppercorn.
Less than $15 a dish if you make two portions of steak, Michelin star restaurants sell it for $35+

>> No.11022331

this thread is sad

>> No.11022332


>> No.11022336

>working on carnival cruise ship
as a lifeguard for the pool

>> No.11022342

My schools cut it mid year when i was in 7th grade. So pissed because i loved hitting the cafeteria with some bomb food while everyone else was eating processed cheese and fish portions and shit. I've been trying to bring it back since then but haven't made any progress in 13 years

>> No.11022348

Which country? If you say anywhere in SA, India, or Asia then you have easy access to better ingredients than i do

>> No.11022350


What is it with this obsession over green sticks? There is always at least one dish with horrible light and green sticks in these threads
always asparagus, green onions or green beans and some unidentifiable mush next to it

ffs, do something with them
no sauce
no bacon wrapped around them
never cut into pieces
and also ffs don't put this disgusting blob of white mush next to it
why would you even mash cauliflower to begin with? and it looks like you put creme on it
you disgust me

fucking low cultured swines

>> No.11022352

I know, but I'm paranoid.

>> No.11022353

That's some kind of fish anon

>> No.11022358

Baking is sadism for non-bakers. Goddamned chemistry class every time you crack open the recipe book

>> No.11022367

Noice. I've never cooked ocra before, is it easy to mess up? I'm thinking about trying it but it's rarely stocked in my area and sells fast. Gonna have to do it right or wait 3 weeks to try again lol

>> No.11022371

For being the most common ingredient, eggs are a bitch to cook proper. I'm still perfecting my over easy flip and my poach slide

>> No.11022383

Potatoes are still pretty raw but i struggle with pan frying them myself.

>> No.11022386
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>> No.11022397

Fuck you, baking is my worst ability in the kitchen. Actually, i rivaled the adults in my family as a kid but slowly declined as i learned more non baking techniques.

>> No.11022409

just look up "aesthetic" baking tutorials, usually posted by jp/kr and they're simple as fuck and make you get the basics down real quick, suggestions are mosogormet and cooking tree
weebish? possibly. good starting point? definitely.
simple ingredients/instructions 90% of the time, you fuck something up you learn from it due to it

>> No.11022417

I do, but not often because I'm fucking lazy and would rather pay somebody so that I have more time to read or something.

>> No.11022424
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>> No.11022426

I have an engineer friend who loves to bake because 'it's a science. you don't do something exact and it's all fucked up'.

>> No.11022437

>Over easy flip
This should be really easy. It only becomes hard if the eggs are sticking, and if the eggs are sticking it's because you didn't oil up the pan properly.
I see way too many people who don't use enough oil because they think less oil = healthy = better. When in fact you're better off using too much oil and then using a crumpled up paper towel to spread it evenly and absorb the excess.

>> No.11022442
File: 133 KB, 616x462, 12-Days-of-Cookies_shortbread-008_s4x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem, and if you want something really specific you can't find on those channels, scream at /ck/ and they'll shout at you in the right direction, it's how i managed to make good short bread cookie sticks

>> No.11022444
File: 212 KB, 600x1684, Ultimate-Guide-to-Chocolate-Chip-Cookies-Collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. everything down to how you sift the flour, or mix ingredients. I actually miss that half year of home economics. Baking trays of desserts with no cook book and blowing minds was the best. "I need a different sifter and more dark brown sugar! No not the mechanical sifter! Do you want lumps of raw flour in your cookies Nicole?"

>> No.11022450

My problem is all me, i have shaky hands so I'm constantly tearing on the pick up or dropping the bastards mid flip, causing the yolks to break or the egg to double over

>> No.11022458

if you were male, then you mom wouldn't have taught you to cook. if you were female, then the parents wouldn't let you move out until married.

>> No.11022459

Which isn't what science is at all, but it's exactly what your typical engineer thinks science is so I don't disbelieve you.

>> No.11022464

>Which isn't what science is at all,
Your wrong. That's why we have degrees in engineering and you don't.

>> No.11022467

Yeah, all I've got is a science degree.

>> No.11022473

i got geology!
and also baking/cooking is some what of a science
especially baking as you're relying on chemical reactions more so than typical cooking which unless you completely fucked it, you can fix with adding more flavors
can't fix your fucked bread from being dry after its baked aye

>> No.11022475
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This was my breakfast this morning. I live in Japan, so finding half-decent steak is difficult to say the least, but I've been seeing more of this Australian stuff the past year. It's the best I can get locally, without going through expensive online sources.

>> No.11022479

Lol do you really think that all non super modern countries are still in middle ages?

>> No.11022481

You don't even have a GED. If you did you'd remember the consequences of fucking up your measurements in your middle school chemistry class. Probably don't even understand the importance of a control group and restricting variables in the scientific method.

>> No.11022484

We actually had an elective-like class during elementary school. Cooking was one of them. For some reason it wasnt really popular but I loved the shit out of it. Of course it was really basic, but I remember making deviled eggs and onion soup.

>> No.11022489

I'd say cooking is an art, baking is a science. You can experiment very wildly and easily, or even be very silly, with cooking and still consistently end up with something edible.
Meanwhile as you've said, with baking you just can't undo many things.

>> No.11022491

i've been autistically making spaghetti every couple of days for the past decade

>> No.11022493

why is it gray?
did you boil it?

>> No.11022496

I'm better than 95% of the people I know, but the bar is really low

>> No.11022497
File: 1.50 MB, 350x196, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science degree

>> No.11022498

Really? My paranoia has been cleaning up every image I upload here, even if I just downloaded it from somewhere else.

>> No.11022504

Your pans not hot enough lad

>> No.11022513

How obese are you?

>> No.11022515

Uhh, you forgot to cook the mushrooms and zucchini and tomato and asparagus bro....

>> No.11022517


This is literally how it comes out. I've been cooking steak for a while, I'm from Texas, and all I can say is this stuff must have been frozen for a long while.

>> No.11022518

I haven’t cooked a meal for myself in over a year. Sucks being a sperg in an apartment building that has a shared kitchen.

>> No.11022523


I mean, I call it breakfast, but I sleep in to 12 and then eat this and have nothing else until dinner at around 8 or 9. Today's my day off. When I'm working, I eat two small meals (breakfast and dinner, usually the same cheap homemade things) and 3 small snacks spaced out over the course of work rather than one medium lunch. My usual caloric intake is around 1900 a day, and that's including the alcohol I consume.

When you're a good boy, you can have nice things on the weekend anon. And I'm a good boy :)

>> No.11022528

Where did all the flavorful juices go anon? A grey steak means you let it dry out while cooking. With thin steak like that you can take a bouillon cube and some veg oil and make a paste to rub into the steak. Any dry seasonings along with salt work as well if you want more flavor freedom.

>> No.11022530

so brunch then

>> No.11022532

If it's your first meal it's breakfast. Break-fast

>> No.11022535


I literally get the pan as hot as it can go (which in Japan is pretty extreme, the average tiny apartment with one burner range will spit out a higher, stronger flame than most commercial kitchens in the US).

I toss that thing in, count to 20 mississipi, flip it over and immediately turn the heat off, count to ten, and then dump it on the plate.

>> No.11022540

I'm strugglin brehs, lost my mojo after i started cooking epic meal time meme foods 5 year ago, gib best recipe infographics preez

>> No.11022543

That's a halfway house anon

>> No.11022550

My daughter wanted a spaghetti dinner party for her birthday and after cooking my kid friendly and best adult sghetti for 25 people i can't bear to think about it, it was a weekly fave dawgs, I'm fugged

>> No.11022553

I had steaks half hour ago and just poyred the juices over the top of it; help me anon!

>> No.11022556

kid friendly is a meme they can eat the veggies like everyone else or go hungry

>> No.11022559

t. house husband

>> No.11022562

Yeah nah breh, you sort of want your kids to actually eat so I generally blend all the veg, the little spergs don't like texture

>> No.11022570

You can probs tell I'm not from here but I'm coo, ok? Just genuinely need menu help

>> No.11022574

I do it for a living, currently focused on curing/fermenting meats and salamis.

>> No.11022575

Nah, it was a hotel built in the twenties that they converted into apartments for grad students and poor people.

>> No.11022576

Swede turnips (purple top)?

>> No.11022581


>> No.11022584

they will eat when they get hungry enough

>> No.11022586

No kitchen? wut?

>> No.11022591

Good to know
t. newfag

>> No.11022611

I said literally nothing about heat.

>> No.11022616

So in the real world you give your little ones food they will eat because fuck having having them sperg out on you, e.g. tonight my waifu and I had steak n 3 veg and they had sausages and 3 veg because I don't want to hear bitching whilst wasting money

>> No.11022617

Rooming houses it sounds like. And communal kitchens are a bitch. I'm assuming your landlord doesn't allow hotplates in the rooms (most don't because it can be a serious fire hazard around idiots)

>> No.11022628

Doing it right. And over time you add in things they don't like and then after a few meals of it you ask "i forget, do you like blah?" "No?" "I thought you did, do you like it now?" "I've always put blah in there" literally how my mom got me to eat dishes with onion in them when i was a kid.

>> No.11022641

Yep. I’m gonna have to suck it up and stop feeling weird with strangers though, eating takeout everyday is fucking expensive and I can probably count on one hand the number of solid shits I’ve taken this year. Plus, the original reason I thought a shared kitchen would be nice is I might strike something up with some of the qt college girls.

>> No.11022659

Dry rub. I rub in a base coat of salt (Remember, some of it will wash off during cooking) rub it in there. Take a blend of dry spices (i prefer powdering them or using ones already in powder form) rub those in so you can see them going under the surface of the steak. Leave a nice coat(not too light not too heavy, it's by how strong you want it) on there. Add leaf spices such as basil or parsley and gently pat them down. Cook steak however you do it, pan sear, broil, etc. And you're golden

>> No.11022660


>> No.11022664

You will once the place smells like a restaurant whenever you slap those burners on

>> No.11022680

Sounds good, cheers mate

>> No.11022691

Si, never underestimate a bouillon cube and veg oil paste. It works on beef and chicken.

>> No.11022699

Cooking ain't that hard. You just find a good recipe, follow it, and make MINOR changes where you feel it is appropriate. I cook for my family once a week and it's pretty much always a huge hit. Chicken Tikka Masala was last week and it was amazingly delicious.

>> No.11022705

Tikka is amazing

>> No.11022732

I live in sub tropical australia herbs are practically free I'm just after combos/inspiration

>> No.11022737
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>gets his sunday gravy out of a jar

>> No.11022752

Ahh, in that case..smell=flavor for the most part your combos will taste how the smell. I'm guessing you've cooked steak quite a bit and know how it tastes just cooked bland, imagine that with your combo and you'll almost never get a bad tasting steak.
I'd love to give more specific advice but I'm completely uneducated in Australian spices

>> No.11022813

I'm almost there. Taught myself to cook with Julia Child. Baking and sea food are really the final frontiers for me. I've done them successfully but need a few more recipes under my belt to feel like I really know what I'm doing

>> No.11022862

If you haven't already, check out Lidia's Kitchen

>> No.11022899

I've been cooking for myself for a while now but only in the last 6 months have I made an effort to make everything from scratch - sauces and pastes and stocks and shit. Sometimes it can feel like a chore but I love getting fucked up on the weekend and spending all night cooking and then having good food to eat for lunch at work.

>> No.11022973

Yeah, learned a lot from Jamie Oliver. His stuff is very easy to get into and learn some basics.

>> No.11023004

I am ok. I only cook pretty normal stuff. I can literally cut vegetables with my eyes closed though.

>> No.11023023

I have a certificated and have worked 6 months in restaurant kitchens combined. (tradional local food and chineese restaurant) did that as a hobby.

So yes i can cook... i cook in my home when i have enough time.

Do i cook tasty? - my GF eats it and i cook for my taste so ye its tasty for me.

>> No.11023036

However I had interest since i was 10 and by 13 i was doing my first burgers and bbq.

Sadly its hard work being a cook(nkt a youtube wanna be celeb chef) and does not pay well.

>> No.11023118

Well done, what shape pasta did you make? Especially since I doubt you’re Italian (as they despise chicken with pasta).

>> No.11023122

Pastries can be hard, but roasts are pretty easy imo.

>> No.11023147
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>having trouble with captchas

>> No.11023184

Not that guy but will try.

>> No.11023202

And as always, never cook your meats without seasoning it first (pretty sure everyone knows that but i don't want to risk the biscuit)

>> No.11023236


>overcooked salmon
>raw mushroom salad?
>absolutely destroyed, limp, boiled asparagus

Gross, dude. P sure this is a troll post.if not, being able to regurgitate recipes isnt “knowing how to cook”.

>> No.11023237

What doing in Japan my fellow larper?

>> No.11023248

Clean your oven anon.

>> No.11023250
File: 2.11 MB, 3264x2448, A4B25B90-0090-4CA5-B09E-F263AA77E5C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came up with a bit of a weird invention to use up some fridge stuff - ratatouille pie

>> No.11023287

>School is for learning maths and spelling.

Maybe if you're attending an out-dated Grammar School in the 1970s.
Modern, well-rounded schools also teach basic domestic skills like cooking and sewing (home economics), as well as basic handiness and practical applications of simple mechanics and chemistry ("tech-ed" or shop class).
Also available are basic computer skills like word processing and computer programming, civil skills like law and government, and other fun electives like photography and CAD.

The goal is to create educated and productive citizens, not just rote repetition robots.

>> No.11023310

>add bacon and sauce to everything
>fucking low cultured swines
Choose one.

>> No.11023316

I cook pretty good. but i usually don't bother.

>> No.11023322


I like baking every once in a while. I dont actual cook tho. I make nachos sometimes... Lotta stuff to cut but no cooking.

>> No.11023325
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I make good soup and pasta dishes. Capable on the grill, excellent at saute temperature control. When I ask dinner guests to provide honest criticism it tends to fall within the 8 - 9.5 out of 10 range. The most frequent cited flaw in the meal is underseasoning of vegetable components. I have accidentally cooked london broil past medium rare three times and feel intense shame over that fact. I can bake quickly and with good results given a functioning recipe. My most consistent sauces are diavola, alfredo and hollandaise.
From an objective standpoint I think i'm okay. But I know I can do much better.

>> No.11023342

Home Ec and Shop class were a thing decades ago, but not today.

They have been phased out long ago in most places because of two reasons:
1) the need to add new content, like computer science, etc,
2) lawsuit happy parents are not pleased if little johnny burns himself in home ec or cuts his finger in shop class.

Even chem class is neutered these days. You just watch demonstrations on TV.

>> No.11023358

I remember in home ec. if we did that hiss and pulled our hands back real quick the teacher would just yell "what are fingers for?" And we'd yell back "burning!" Come to find out, that's a common quip among head chefs

>> No.11023362

Little punk ass pleb

>> No.11023367

Where's the pepperoni thread!?

>> No.11023372

That ain't Ja/ck/ kid.

>> No.11023373
File: 35 KB, 554x439, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of my younger relatives graduated High School only a year ago and they still had shop and home-ec.
Heck, their school was renovated to build a bigger workshop with professional tools and space to build sections of houses so they can practice drywalling and wiring and whatnot.

>> No.11023379

I hate them just because I'm filled with jelly now

>> No.11023389

That's nice. My way of doing it is to make a screenshot using shareX or puush of any pic I want to share here.

>> No.11023396

That's nice, but it's atypical.

>> No.11023398
File: 925 KB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180414_201928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do cook everyday, well mostly every evening because I work all week, and I do cook all day on weekends. And by that, I mean appetizers, starters, meal and desert. Cooking isn't very hard, it only requires two things:

First, stop setting yourself unrealistic goals. Many think cooking takes hoursa nd requires crazy skill, and the countless TV shows do nothing to help dispell that myth. Well no, eggs and greens with tabouleh can be prepared under 3 minutes, not counting the cooking, but you don't have to wait in front of it like a retard, and that's a fine and balanced fucking meal. I can prepare lasagna in about 10 minutes, 15 if I make my own pasta, couscous in 8 minutes, sauerkraut in 5 minutes, roasted chicken in 3 minutes, pasta with countless sauces in under 2 minutes, and any retard following instructions can do it. Oh, it won't be the best ever, it won't be some overly complicated dish, but it'll be a thousand times better than hot pockets and it won't take me all night.

Second, it's all about getting used to it. The more you practice, the faster you go, the more elaborate becomes, the better it tastes. The first time you make lasagna, it may take you an hour, but with enough practice, making bechamel, bolognese, pasta and assembling it can be done in record time. You'll realize some shit in your kitchen is poorly laid out, you'll move your spice rack, buy some new ustensils, cook closer from your fridge, and eventually you'll make cooking much more efficient and natural. If you never cook, you'll never be any better or faster.

Just stop thinking it's either a five star meal or nothing. Start my mastering omelets, steaks and pasta, and that'll be one huge step forward.

>> No.11023399
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>> No.11023402
File: 13 KB, 197x256, food revoloution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. Get this. Follow directions. If you can't into books, go watch Good Eats w/ Alton Brown.

>> No.11023406

You're going to most likely hate everyone on this program but America's Test Kitchen was great when i was first starting out. They do the experimenting with recipes to find out what works and what doesn't.
Spoiler alert: my mess ups in the beginning were minimal and all food was still good.

>> No.11023408

It's quite typical.
Any urban or suburban school fed from low-income neighborhoods will be the same.

Expectations on the students are lower, so the curriculum is focused on practical skills over theory (along with optional access to higher academics and international programs, so the smart kids can claw their way out) . The school will have a bad reputation in the city generally, deserved or not, so politicians earn brownie points with large renovations like these as a public good.

>> No.11023412

Oh, i forgot. Lidia's Kitchen is great. Her whole motto is "master the basics"

>> No.11023417
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I made this chicken paprikash last night

>> No.11023433
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I've just started taking cooking seriously a few months ago for my job since I had the opportunity to learn and do it, figured why not. I fucking love it honestly. I learn so much every day, and something about making a really nice looking meal and putting it on a plate for someone else to enjoy feels good man.
t. cook at a nursing home

>> No.11023435
File: 177 KB, 1215x837, simplissime_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno about books in your country, but in France, we have a nice series of books called "Simplissime". I think you can easily understand it even though it's in French, because the whole point of it is it's simple as fuck, with few ingredients.

That shit actually got people cooking again.

>> No.11023446

>It's quite typical.
No, it's not.
The company I work for does HVAC and electrical work, mainly for schools and other government contracts. For years (and I mean nearly 20) I have been called in to REMOVE far more services than I have installed. The general trend in the "industry" (if you can call it that) is to remove anything that kids can get hurt on.

I'm sure those kinds of things exist in some places, but the trend is downward, not upward.

>> No.11023470

The only thing I can say is that I am very glad none of my friends or extended family live anywhere near you, your experience is the complete opposite of myself and everyone I know.

>> No.11023502

How many people do you know whose literal job it is to service these kinds of things?

It seems to me like you're trying to draw sweeping conclusions based on a very small number of personal experiences.

>> No.11023507

Oh, and you're right that it is a sad trend. The last thing we need is less hands-on activities for students, but that's another point entirely.

>> No.11023516

Agreed. I just found out my old high school tore up the tennis courts, soccer field, and running track to build a 3 story extention to the school. I hope to every deity they bring back shop and home ec.

>> No.11023520

>How many people do you know whose literal job it is to service these kinds of things?

Me. I am a landscaper and schools are part of my regular contracts.

>> No.11023524

Nice. Whereabouts in the world?

>> No.11023532

The bit that's usually considered a socialist hellhole, which granted is becoming more true every day.

>> No.11023569
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>> No.11023578
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That's it.

>> No.11023583

Dammit. I was going for lulz. I even used the go to IASIP picture and everything lol

>> No.11023600
File: 596 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-1957305639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon speaks truths

>> No.11023603

That book looks awesome as fuck. This is what I want, simple cheap and healthy. Fuck the Americanization of everything where shredded cheese and variation of oil cooked in potatoes is the only thing people want to eat.
Is the book purchasable outside of France?

>> No.11023615
File: 39 KB, 380x475, simplissime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's already translated!

>> No.11023618

I dunno about that book, but "Jamie's Food Revolution" by Jamie Oliver is exactly like that but written in English.

Simple recipes, but it's actual from-scratch cooking. Step-by-step photos for everything.

>> No.11023649

I'll try and get both then. Cheers.

>> No.11023702

I think only /p/ keeps EXIF data these days for obvious reasons.

>> No.11023891

My high school lost it's woodshop class because some kid was being bullied and when he finally had enough he used a drill on one of the guys bothering him.

At least everyone left him alone after that.

>> No.11024013

>What's the consistency on the turnip mash?
It was good. Like mashed potatoes but with a little too much milk added, so a little thinner than I was expecting. I read you can change the boiling water a few times while boiling turnips in order to prevent this overly watery texture but I'm not sure why that would work.

Plenty of salt and some acid. I tossed mine in smoked paprika, salt, pepper, garlic, and olive oil, and roasted them in the oven till soft, then drizzled with a tiny bit of lemon juice.

Yes. 10/10 will cook them again. Next time I think I'll roast cubes like little home fries.

>> No.11024126

I don’t boil turnips when mashing them. I grate them then cook them low and slow with lots of butter. THe lack of starch means you really have to drive off moisture. When I make neeps I actually let them caramelise a bit as well

>> No.11024532

The better you can cook the less likely you are to take pictures of your food. When you get really good other people take the pictures for you.

>> No.11024546

But they’re unlikely to post it on /ck/

>> No.11024999

>i think cooking a bunch of eggs taught me a lot about heat
That one kid who watches the Gordon Ramsey cook eggs video 5 times a day, so now he thinks he's a good cook.

>> No.11025134

Anyone who wants a video of this being done
And no, i give no fucks if he's shilling for Knorr. The recipes are easy and delicious.

>> No.11025976

Sorry if all of you weebrains are not "intelligent" enough to use Einstein's most scientific invention, the microwave.

>> No.11026939

Learn to cook from real cooks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04tG82waTCk

>> No.11026998

bacon and eggs is all i need to know how to cook gf does the rest

>> No.11027008
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i make slop every now and then too

>> No.11027086
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>> No.11027109

About as many people who play an instrument on mu- basically no one

>> No.11027113
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>bragging about high school

>> No.11027116

Obeying prescribed rules isn't science, kid.

>> No.11027120

I play my waist flute all the time.

>> No.11027149
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>responding to stale posts

>> No.11027395

>being French

>> No.11027405

Cooking is for gay anally obsessed niggers. I work a nice office job so some chump can cook my food fast and we'll with his expensive education. It's called contributing to the economy.

Ok Reddit haha

>> No.11027420
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>> No.11027473
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eating while typing

>> No.11027607

Does frying two glazed donuts for breakfast in butter count as cooking.

>> No.11027704

I only really know how to make the same boring flyover food that my mom used to cook up every night, and I cant even make it particularly well. It tastes fine I guess...

>> No.11027758
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I do but it's mostly pretty basic. I can make a good patty, omelette, improvised salads or garnishes.
When it comes to making dough, especially for baking, I fuck up a lot. I made a legit torte once tho, but its cake layers were hard to fuck up, even overbaked a little bit they got softened by cream layers.
I also have no fucking idea how to cut fish or chicken so I only buy fillet.
Anyway, 60% of your cooking skill is just cooking equipment you have. Everything became a lot easier after I got meat grinder, blender, different calibers of pans etc.

>> No.11027769

>Extra virgin
That makes sense.

>> No.11028434
File: 10 KB, 443x332, 1527520911394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cook pasta and meats, make sauces and do anything with eggs
Don't ever try to sound superior again lad.

>> No.11028546


4chan is a really weird place

>> No.11029325

Can you cook some for me anon.

>> No.11029332


Is that cheese I see in there .

>> No.11029348

I can cook everyday food but I'm no chef if that's what you mean. If I'm expected to grow my own herbs, make my own bread or pasta dough, have a pepper grinder, shit ton of knives and shit like that then no. I'm as much of a cook as any stay at home mom in my country claims to be

>> No.11029416

I'm a stay at home guy (male) and I do everything you described except for the autist knife thing and quite a lot more like a large 3 season garden, a few chickens and bees. Don't think every housewife (male) is as lazy as you describe.

>> No.11029717

Yeah it’s feta

>> No.11030194

>like if /fit/ had only 20 people that actually lifted
You did this on purpose, you fuck

>> No.11030443

I fried an egg once when my dad wasn't home.

>> No.11030564

This looks like one of those auto-meals you shove in that proprietary toaster oven.

>> No.11031030


>> No.11031034
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>>>11011027 (OP)
I'm just a cook

>> No.11031583

Pretty good advice. Also adding that you don't need a ton of equipment to cook well, I can think of dozens of meals that just need a pan, a knife and a wooden spoon.

>> No.11031606

I cook because im a women

>> No.11031755
File: 335 KB, 2048x1536, yuBbjLU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

medium rare entrecote
mediterranean style veggies
sauce bernaise

all organic and homemade

>> No.11031977

I can cook but don't really start threads. I might comment sometimes but I feel like a lot of proper cooking knowledge goes unnoticed too.

>> No.11032046

Hey, that looks good. Did you serve it with pasta?

>> No.11032654
File: 376 KB, 1500x2000, lasagne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful. Looks really yummy.
I wish I had a proper camera as well instead of my shitty cellphone.

Lasagne I made some time ago.

>> No.11032680

Did you put ragu on top of the beschamel sauce?

Looks good btw

>> No.11032926

Yes I did. Nothing overflowing though, somewhat bolognese style sauce with some extra tomato puree. It was quite nice and not soggy (I don't like soggy lasagna).

>> No.11032930

>soggy lasagna
That was the reason I asked. I usually end up with parmesan cheese on beschamel sauce...will try to save a bit of sauce on top next time

>> No.11032944

Introduce a steady intake of lion's mane mushrooms into your diet. It will help your memory.

>> No.11032968

i can cook

>> No.11033446
File: 76 KB, 600x805, 1527105773140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a culinary major from a pretty prestigious local school. Starting the Disney program in a couple weeks.

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one on this board who actually works with food for a living.

>> No.11033552

/ck/ is a slow board, take your ADD meds and chill.

>> No.11033558

>can do anything with eggs

except fertilize them you fucking virgin.

>> No.11033574
File: 2.80 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You not
Grug am chef
Grug make food at cave-home
Grug make fabada with pork cheeks, chorizo and blood sausage
Grug top it with Italian Scamorza
Grug show you pic

>> No.11033588

Grug no think that look like Scamorza
Grug think he no remember well
Grug now think it pecorino romano
Grug make himself sad

>> No.11033625

This anon can. I've inherited a lot of subconscious skill from cooking with my mother a lot growing up. I rarely do anything too complex but I make some killer pasta from scratch and some pretty good ravioli. Also do a bitchin' meatloaf. It's one of the few things I pride myself on.

>> No.11033666
File: 15 KB, 206x244, download (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek