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File: 63 KB, 640x426, th5-640x426-6330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11008321 No.11008321 [Reply] [Original]

Lets have a taco thread

>> No.11008339
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Venison carne asada with pico.

>> No.11008346

>that thick tortilla
Yucatan or some country in Center America?

>> No.11008400
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>> No.11008425
File: 972 KB, 2514x1742, tacos_de_lengua-aka-beef_tongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No beef tounge?

>> No.11008437

** tounge

>> No.11008755

cilantro is not lettuce

>> No.11008932
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>the only requirement for perfect tacos

>> No.11008937
File: 117 KB, 880x586, jack-in-the-box-tacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level plebs

>> No.11008939

who the fuck eats only 2-3 tacos???

>> No.11008940

why do you beaners use 2 tortillas?

>> No.11008961

Food trucks and businesses use double tortillas so the ingredients don't break through one flimsy tortilla AND two fill you up more with less actual food.

>> No.11008985

>who the fuck eats only 2-3 tacos???
people who aren't f-f-f-f-f-f-f-atties, that's who.

>> No.11009002

there are a lot of authentic mexican restaurants near me and they all have 5 tacos as a standard order. fucking dumb yuppies throwing away 2 tacos

>> No.11009006

I went to Taco Bell last weekend, and it was a nice change...I don't have one anywhere around me so it's not as though I could go often...

>> No.11009011

5 tacos makes sense for an authentic mexican laborer who is busting ass working outdoors all day.

it doesn't make sense for Spergie McFatass from 4chan who spends all day sitting in front of a PC.

>> No.11009037

>double corn tortilla
>onion & cilantro

anything else on a taco is the doings of flyovers

>> No.11009041

Just started making my own tacos. Steak fajitas, guac, shredded cheese, and diced tomatoes on flour tortillas. Fucking delicious.

>> No.11009054

Those are big tortilla tacos, 2 is fine, they're bigger than your whole palm. The little ones you easily can have 5 of.

>> No.11009058

Comida autentica

>> No.11009064
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>shredded cheddar "cheese" on tacos

>> No.11009066


>> No.11009085
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Don't mind me just showing off God's greatest Taco restaurant he blessed upon us

>> No.11009131
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>He uses store brought tacos shells
>He puts Cheese on his taco
>He puts shredded lettuce on his taco
>He puts diced tomatoes on his taco
>He puts grounded beef mixed with taco seasoning on his taco

>He doesn't put carne asada on his taco
>He doesn't put cilantro on his taco
>He doesn't put onions on his taco
>He doesn't buy tortillas from his local bakery

>> No.11009148

My guess is that the corn torillas fall apart really easily so it takes two.

>> No.11009150

Flour tortillas are the only valid tortillas. Corn tortillas are gross and stupid cali 56%ers just latch to them because they are """authentic"""

>> No.11009153

>he buys tortillas
lmaoing at your life

>> No.11009155

Al pastor is best

Along with the usual onions and cilantro I usually add avocado slices and salsa verde

>> No.11009162


>super greasy tortilla

ew no thanks. I know what you're talking about and I'm not on board.

looks good m8, never heard of it.

>> No.11009164
File: 32 KB, 550x412, the-dirty-gringo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you just gotta get a gringo taco

>> No.11009171
File: 44 KB, 317x480, Where's_The_Beef-U2138651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the beef?

>> No.11009177

I've never had this but soft shell crabs seem like they'd be really good in tacos.

>> No.11009216
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Yeah it's a local LA restaurant here and they have restaurants all over both Orange and LA County, it's fucking great, it's one of the fews reasons why I don't just leave this shithole of state. It's mostly california-based for the exception of one in Las Vegas, if you have the misfortune to go to California, go here anon it's fucking magical in what they put in their tacos and burritos

>Pic related is the one I go usually

>> No.11009248
File: 2.15 MB, 3648x2736, 2017-03-30 18.31.31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My Chinese GF won't eat Mexican food.....so, more for me!

>> No.11009259
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I'll see your Taco King, and raise you a Castaneda's. Not sure if they are in LA or the OC yet, but they're all over the IE and SD.

>> No.11009319

You fucking burguers

>> No.11009324

Looks good mate!

>> No.11009339
File: 41 KB, 806x266, sagebrush-cantina-mexican-restaurants-michigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck they use the exact same logo as my local flyover texmex restaurant.

>> No.11009354

>Chinese food style plate
>Chinese style sauce containers


>> No.11009401

Ewww, it's a dirty gringo! You actually eat those?

>> No.11009406

Oh shit I went to one of those in Fenton, decent for what it is

>> No.11009540

How is California a shithole!?

>> No.11009778

Insane traffic congestion. Lack of parking. SJWs and fags everywhere. Broken budget. Retarded gun laws. High state income tax. Proposition 65. Do I need to continue?

>> No.11009803

We muck em

>> No.11010023

Beef tongue is great for when you want your food to taste you right back.

>> No.11010037

They fund all the red state budgets with their fed tax dollars, so it galls the flyover to admit he's actually more socialist than the state with a larger economy than the 5th largest economy in the world, Great Britain. Poor flyover magas, fail on even basic meme levels.

>> No.11010089

It never fails to amuse me how Mexicans consider "gringo" an insult. Mexicans are short, greasy, ugly, obnoxious, stupid, and smelly. The country they overrun is a literal shithole and one of the worst places om Earth. Nobody, anywhere, would ever want to be Mexican. Gringo is an enormous compliment.

>> No.11010109

Only real tacos are good

>> No.11010111

Try later some well done iguana meat in hot sauce tomatillo tacos

>> No.11010120

ITT: White people tacos

Lmao @ your life gringos

>> No.11010124


>> No.11010126
File: 60 KB, 640x640, 10647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it, i've got some tacos in my pics folder

>> No.11010144

Bastard USAfag. Tacos dont need sliced tomato. The rest is fine.

>> No.11010149
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>> No.11010154
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Whatever you say gringo

I'll be enjoying my 6'2 height, ripped chest and authentic tacos while ur fly over state slowly dies out

>> No.11010181

Horrible shit fake tacos.

>> No.11010187

Stupid americans.
Double tortillas is only authentic in taquerías in MEXICO.

Go to a real Street taqueria

>> No.11010191

Standard order can be from 3 to 6

>> No.11010204

Dont forget adding extra salt

>> No.11010209

Kill all stupid gringos now

>> No.11010211

I tought those microphones were rifles

>> No.11010225

They dont give shit about intellectual property
Besides probably its not registered therefore anyone can do shit with the logo

>> No.11010280

your pico looks like red diarrhea

>> No.11010354

my wife doesn't have a stomach so I eat whatever the fuck I want. Disabled chicks ftw

>> No.11010451
File: 477 KB, 1440x955, henrys_puffy_taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about the puffy.

>> No.11010481

Thats not real taco. Actually will be a kind of corn bread (gordita) fried and the just put in that shape by bending it

>> No.11010500

aww, they missed out on calling it Mary's puffy Taco

>> No.11010503
File: 225 KB, 627x363, tacos-de-guisado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's only if you're eating in a restaurant, in a stall you'll order two, and when you're on the second one you'll order two more, so you always have them hot.

There's other types of tacos that go with big, less greasy tortillas. Tacos de guisado for example, usually eaten during the middle of the day, unlike the small, meat only ones like pastor and cabeza, more common at night.

>> No.11010505

Does anyone know how to gracefully eat a taco? Because every time that I eat one, I spill my filling all over my plate and end up needing a fork to finish it.

>> No.11010520

wear gloves and pat the grease with a napkin

>> No.11010547

Actually it is a real taco. It's a corn tortilla fried until it puffs.

>> No.11010567


Nah, I just mean how do I eat one without spilling shit everywhere.

>> No.11010574
File: 45 KB, 540x540, IMG_20180803_210808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lift it with three fingers, tilt it slightly so the part way from your mouth is a bit higher, and keep a plate underneath it at all times.

>> No.11010580

A taco with rice? Then its not a taco, sir.

>> No.11010583

Dont super fill oversize the taco Mr. Fatso Americano

>> No.11010587

Gotta use your pinky to kind of pinch the end shut

>> No.11010593


Alrighty, thank you!


Thanks, I'll try not to.

>> No.11010616

Dont overfill, dont overload with salsa, dont get the soggy wet tortilla, eat the taco when its fresh

>> No.11010623

>dont overload with salsa
Stopped reading right there

>> No.11010661

The pinky its a joke. The rest seems rational

>> No.11010670
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Pick one

>> No.11010702

>when you get hit in the eye with cum

>> No.11010715

Two big tortillas, rice, some cooked dish ranging from hot dog sausages cooked in spicy tomato and onion, to shredded chicken in mole sauce, maybe some fries, and topped with beans, cheese and salsa, is the traditional taco de guisado meal for everyone working far away from home, eaten around 2PM, at around $1 dollar each, you usually have two or three of those.

There's just different types of tacos.

>> No.11010729

>t. manlet

project more shorty

>> No.11010746

Sorry every mexican I have worked with has been 5'8 and under.

>> No.11010747

Dude, Jack in the Box tacos are no joke. They are absolute trash, but are amazing.

>> No.11010754

Everyone is escaping CA for a reason. Honestly if California did split off of the USA it would go the way of Venezuela in 15 years.

>> No.11010756

those "mexicans" you speak of were probably here longer than you gringo

>> No.11010771

Well I assume people who use a passport from Mexico to buy beer and predominantly speak Spanish are Mexican. As for how long they have been from what they would tell me most were 5 years or less besides one who moved here when he was in high school.

>> No.11010797

If you are a chicano and eat that disguting americanization then you deserve to be killed

>> No.11010929
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Just a filthy mexican, man. Those are also very common in parties, you'll cater a service with X number of stews. You cannot go more Mexican than tacos the guisado, it literally doesn't even describe the taco at all, just "taco filled with something that has been cooked". Anything. Poblano chillies in cream, cooked black sausage, a thin, breaded steak, stuffed jalapeños covered in beaten egg and fried. Anything.

>> No.11012180

I'm craving some good tacos de suadero

>> No.11012385
File: 178 KB, 1284x1021, yellow-guinea-pig-wearing-a-mexican-hat-white-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11012483

Some of my family lives in Texas close enough to see across the boarder. When a taco bell was built in town, the line up gridlocked the town for a day.

>> No.11012500

The only issue I have is I have the cilantro=soap gene.

>> No.11012665

If your born and at least raised in Mexico then you are mexican by having mexican citizenship.

There are somethings that can go in a taco, but rice is not one of them bro.

>> No.11012673

If they have Passport from Mexico they are mexican.

Why dont show a driver license from Mexico? Are you in Texas?

Were they 18ish kids to show ID? Why the Clerk ask ID if they were well above 18?

>> No.11012716
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>> No.11012750

Average mexican male: 5'7.5"
Average american male: 5'9.5"

>> No.11012845

Post the cat with hat with tequila Cuervo

>> No.11013281

based but not redpilled since the tomatoes

>> No.11013405

how does this compare to field roast line?

>> No.11013438

we really need a wall. we have so many wetbacks it is starting to affect the height average. fucking hell.

>> No.11013453

Venezuelan that recently moved to Mexico here
Red pill me on Gringas, Sincronizadas, Huaraches and Pambazps
Are they good? I work downtown CDMX, I recently discovered a taquería named La Auténtica, pretty good pastor, but I think I'm ready to try other things
Also, why do people here eat tacos de cabeza? They smell horrible, like they just boiled meat and didn't season

>> No.11013545
File: 77 KB, 1085x373, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average height for non-hispanic whites is just 5'10 so it's not much different
US whites are just manlets

>> No.11013574

What's going on ITT?

Tacos are a hard corn shell. Don't you people mean burritos or something?

>> No.11013594

>Tacos are a hard corn shell.
You fucking gringo

>> No.11014229
File: 90 KB, 1000x982, punished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in shitty part of town
>Taqeria full of mexicans with cheap delicious food
>Move to better part of town
>Only has Taco Bell and white people $3-4 tacos


>> No.11014572

>Only has Taco Bell and white people $3-4 tacos
Welcome to the suburban bland, pasty ethno sub-state. Careful what you wish for.

>> No.11015414

>Gringas, Sincronizadas, Huaraches and Pambazos
Just try them, they're cheap and everywhere. Gringas and sincronizadas are meh but good if you are specifically craving wheat flour tortillas, best huaraches are carne asada and green salsa, and the pambazo is the little, crunchy blessing from god, none of that add a guisado bullshit, just have the plain potato and longaniza one.

The smell isn't the most pleasant indeed but most cabeza parts have a stronger flavor than your regular meat, so steaming them with just salt let's you keep that flavor. Try lengua for sure, ask for it to be chopped well the first time, but try the big slab of lengua at some point, it's very soft and pleasant to bite into.

Also go get some legit Korean and Japanese at Zona Rosa while you're here, for the experience.

>> No.11015515
File: 181 KB, 1920x1648, Tequila_Cat-Mexican_Hat-Sombrero-Cuervo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.11015525

a neighbor down the street, by my friends house, was having a quinceanera and it was catered by taco people. we were getting plates of them. they were the best tacos I ever had. I live in Houston so I can get tacos nearly every block I go.

>> No.11015545

>Soy Chorizo
Hola, Chorizo ¡Mucho gusto!

>> No.11015648

Yes, thank you anon.
Gracias anon.

I ate tonight enchiladas (real ones). Chicken inside of rolled up tortillas covered by thick mole (the sauce ameridumbs) and cheese and onions (no cream... cream is for tards)

>> No.11015652

Post your taco pics.
Also its a quinceañera. Its the celebration for her XV birthday. A way used before to say: my baby is ready to be fucked and married in old New Spain (Mexico).

>> No.11015659

Not real chorizo.
It has soy and veggie proteins.
Fuck this shit.

>> No.11015768

Underrated post

>> No.11015791

My dog doesn't have balls so I fuck whatever the eat I want.

>> No.11015910


>> No.11015957

16 is a big deal for chicks here in the states. "sweet 16"
Billy Idol - Sweet Sixteen

>> No.11015959

In the pig pen, we use blue cheese.

>> No.11016089
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>plastic casing not natural

>> No.11016120

>what is a taco placero
>what is a taco de guisado
>what are taquizas
>what are tacos de arroz con chile relleno

>> No.11016226
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>> No.11016272

Who here likes tacos de ojo, cesos, morcilla (or moronga depending on what shit part of the world are you) or tripas?

Just had all 4 and the blood sausage one was the best holy shit

>> No.11016278

>t. literal retard

>> No.11016443

Cesos is good but I dislike the greasy film it leaves on your mouth. Tripa is godly, and I like moronga but it really depends where you're eating it, unlike all the others.

Good taste, anon.

>> No.11016508

You like your tripas crispy/crunchy or mushy?

I don't even know why the FUCK theres places serving them soft and mushy

>> No.11016535

i made that joke last week when that was posted and no one respodned

>> No.11016550

taco taco
burrito burrito
taco taco
taco flavored keeeesseeees

>> No.11016614

Mushy is indeed garbage

>> No.11016709
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>> No.11016803

speaking of puffy, ever tried vapored tacos?

I have and taste rather good.

>> No.11017144

nice anecdote le cringe boy