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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.55 MB, 2576x1932, 20180802_195003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11004762 No.11004762 [Reply] [Original]

Do Britbongs really do this???

>> No.11004765
File: 3.34 MB, 1881x1471, DUNCAN-THE-MAGIC-DRAGON-MIGHTY-MACHINES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course they do, this thread fucking sucks.

>> No.11004770

Of course not. Are you even real?

>> No.11004787
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>> No.11004789
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Whats wrong with it?
How can he be real if B-Reals eyes aint real?

>> No.11005054
File: 74 KB, 231x213, [delete this in Brazilian].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking bangers and mash

>> No.11005064
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>> No.11005315

Snorkers...Good oh !

>> No.11005318

The fuck is wrong with you?
Of course we eat bangers and mash you worthless Yank cunt.
Can't beat a couple of nice Lincolnshire sausages with some buttery mash made with maris piper potatoes.
Do you even fucking have tastebuds?

>> No.11005625

I'm American and what is wrong with sausages and mashed tatos?

God damn that sounds good right about now.

>> No.11006215
File: 1.78 MB, 1600x1200, iStock_000037298432_Medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its good

>> No.11006236

why do brits call cuts of meat such homoerotic names? fuck, why do all british weird names sound so homoerotic?

>> No.11006486


But bangers makes sense. In that they were a nickname given to cheap sausages made during war rationing had so much high-water filler, they would pop during cooking.

>> No.11006513

Literally nothing wrong with sausage and mashed potato.

>> No.11006528

You don't bang your mash? How do you live when you never stick your sausage in some mash?

>> No.11006770
File: 1.06 MB, 1753x986, 20161112_183856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like my sausage?

>> No.11006803

Those look suspiciously like instant mashed potatoes, anon.

>> No.11006854

Well said lad

>> No.11006975

How dare you

>> No.11007010

Sir, I stand by my previously notified accusation as to the provenance of those mashed potatoes.

Sir, you stand accused of using Smash instant mashed potato, and attempting to pass the very same off as a creation of thine very own handiwork, in contravention of the Act of Telling Porky Pies (2008) and the Act of Falsely Making Utterance in Representation of Cooked Potato Act of 1642.

How do you plead, Mr Anon?

>> No.11007026

Bangers and mash is really good pub stuff. I've only had in Irish pubs in NYC but it's always been good, it's great with some pints.

>> No.11007030

Go to some Irish pub late at night with a girl after being a bit drunk and get some bangers and mash, good times ensue.

>> No.11007038

I plead innocence!

>> No.11007042
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Your honor if I may, this is a ridiculous trial. Mr. Anon, my client is a reputable man of exquisite taste. The notion that a man of his status would resort to using instant potatoes is not only ridiculous it's slanderous.

>> No.11007044

I slandered yer mum last night if you know what I mean you English fop!

>> No.11007052
File: 90 KB, 620x387, 1533050327376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can see your honor, the plaintiff is nothing but a sad con man, trying to ruin my client's reputation and resorting to petty insults when presented with actual argument.

>> No.11007062
File: 92 KB, 650x371, Haxn-und-ne-Mass-650x371-1-42130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.11007092
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>> No.11007338

I bet he doesn't even have his potatoes mashing license.

>> No.11007341

this isn't keto

>> No.11007469

>Serving food in skillet
>Serving food on slate of stone
>Serving drinks in threaded jar


>> No.11007472

your closet gayness is showing

>> No.11007478

Officer escort this man out of here immediately.

>> No.11007524

oi wanker do you have a loicense for those hateful words you just bashed this poor sod with?

>> No.11007829
File: 155 KB, 640x320, OldPianta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard enough. The court finds in favor of Mr. Anon. 500 neetbux and a written apology will be issued to the defendant as damages. Court adjourned.

>> No.11007886

how in the fuck does bangers and mash sound homoerotic
seriously tho

>> No.11007915

Teenagers can't read the word bang without immediately thinking about sex.

>> No.11007917

The fuck is wrong with bangers and mash you turbonigger

>> No.11008392

it's just a presentation for a cool photograph you dense philistine, you dont have to do this when you eat alone at home

>> No.11009123

Yes. They also enjoy faggots and mash, with some spotted dick for dessert.