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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11006098 No.11006098 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any foods to ease my chronic depression?

>> No.11006101


When im really depressed i just dont eat

>> No.11006103

Yes alcohol and those threads aren't allowed. Maybe try a shot of 9mm?

>> No.11006105

Eat healthy, dont eat garbage to feel temporarily better. Also go to the gym.

>> No.11006109
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>> No.11006111

Eat a balanced diet, and eat meals similar to what your ancestors ate since that's what you have evolved for. More than anything watch your macros and make sure you don't get so depressed as to not eat because that'll just make you more depressed

>> No.11006110
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Is fit that boring you have slug your way into ck? cyka blyat

>> No.11006119


For me, it’s the McChicken.

>> No.11006135

Depression is a meme. Just run a 10k tubby.

>> No.11006143
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>a nice stake dinner with some delicious sides and some ice cream to top it off
>a nice hot tub sesh
>more vicodin
>then go fall asleep in a cozy bed with some air condition and a nice movie

>> No.11006158

Pies and cakes and sweets

>> No.11006161

pot brownies

>> No.11006180

>someone in the foul grip of depression here
Eating habits aren't likely to change the condition my dude. Too bad right?
You need physical activity, a change in thought patterns, and an overhaul of your lifestyle overall.
Even then, it may not help, but it might, its certainly going to do more than just staying at home every day and being sad.
>I burst into tears in front of my landlord yesterday, that was fucking embarassing.

>> No.11006197

No wonder. You can't even greentext.

>> No.11006206


>> No.11006213

Hello newfag.

>> No.11006227

eat shit faggot

>> No.11006276

You're projecting anon.

>> No.11006294


>> No.11006403

A bullet.

>> No.11006412

al/ck/ isnt allowed anymore?

>> No.11006416

ok, now this is epic

>> No.11006433

Unironic redpill:
>Depression isn't a mood or an illness, it's a personality.

>> No.11006442

Objectively not true.
>well maybe in some cases, but not most.
It's a dysfunction in brain chemistry, leading to a perpetual feeling of unhappiness/sadness.
What causes it, who the fuck knows.
Don't knock it if you haven't been there.
It's a very difficult dragon to slay.

>> No.11006461

Nope. I've been on citalopram, wellbutrin, prozac, viibryd and more. SSRI, SNRI, you name it.
Low serotomin levels or low noreponephrine levels are not ever quantified and just thought of as contributors in the massively complicated molecular soup that is the brain.
There is no mind-body dialectic. It is one and the same.

>> No.11006487

You're arguing that depression is not a brain-chemistry imbalance:
By listing the many brain-chemistry-altering drugs you have taken to try to treat depression?
Get back to me when you can bullshit better.

>> No.11006497

If OP becomes an hero, then this thread becomes a last meal thread!

>> No.11006500

They didn't work.

So called "chemical imbalancem is just the symptom of the underlying problem: the personality.

Happiness is a choice.

>> No.11006503

Bottom shelf vodka. Just don't miss a dose.

>> No.11006506

for me, it's the McChicken, the best last meal

>> No.11006514

Well if that works for you, more power to you Space Cowboy.
I would characterize it more as a side effect of willpower and change, but that's me.
We can agree to disagree, everyone's a little different right?

>> No.11006524
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No, we can't agree. There is no room for debate.

>> No.11006526

Oh, I guess I have to destroy you as my mortal enemy then.
What's your address?

>> No.11006532

I'm not going to fight you. You can't teach a man anything he must find himself.

Keep perpetuating happy little white lies to make people feel that their placebo pills are fixing them.

>> No.11006534

.....Or maybe you aren't suffering from depression, but are just a silly bitch with little willpower....
TRUE depression, makes you unable to even get out of bed or take a shower.
You want to just die.

>> No.11006536

I don't take any pills. I am a bigger man than my problems. Nevertheless, they affect me.
>but not for long.
I had a breakthrough in the realm of thoughts today, and I now have the upper hand I think.
Feeling better already, after years.

>> No.11006543

Whatever you need to convince yourself that your own pain is unique and unfixable. You are Sisyphus himself.

I recommend you take a break from your own thoughts.

I never claimed you did. I just said you perpetuate the myth of depression by chemical imbalance that needs to be fixed by medication.

>> No.11006552

The food of the gods. Psilocybin mushrooms. Take a hero's dose and find yourself again

>> No.11006556

It has nothing to do with brain chemistry you dink

>> No.11006557

>you perpetuate the myth of depression by chemical imbalance that needs to be fixed by medication
>I never claimed you did.
What did he/she mean by this?

I am willing to agree that self-determination can cure the condition. We can modify our chemistry through mental action.

>> No.11006559

You know that the whole chemical inbalance hypothesis hasn't really been proven right? There is a significant number of psychiatrists and psychologists who don't believe this, and who also believe that SSRIs have poor efficacy or at the very least must be used in combination with therapy to have any effect. If you believe that your depression is caused solely by a chemical imbalance completely outside your control, that you are powerless to change the dysfunctional thought patterns you have fallen into, you will never improve.

>> No.11006562

Sources needed.

>> No.11006564

We know next to nothing about the human brain or psyche. Stop trying to claim definitive knowledge on anything involving the two

>> No.11006566

You can search these things too

>> No.11006568

Noone said chemical balance was outside of your control, you projecting reverse-snowflake.
I haven said personal action and willpower have improment effects in nearly every post.

>> No.11006569

I'm not trying to accuse you of believing all the things I'm arguing against, you probably don't. I'm speaking generally about a popular conception of mental illness that just convinces people they are helpless and need to buy a product (SSRIs, etc) to feel better.

>> No.11006570

We know you're a little bitch. All credible scientists are in agreement.

>> No.11006571

Most credible scientists are miserable cunts

>> No.11006573

Wow. Ugly.

>> No.11006577

*not haven, have*

>> No.11006583

I would agree that they are effective for some people. I don't know of many examples off the cuff, but the comedian Ari Shaffir was literally going to commit suicide until he started antidepressants, and is now off the pills and a, seemingly, happy and well adjusted person today.

>> No.11006586

I actually just saw my partner commit suicide less than a month ago. shot themself in the face. Can't stress enough to at least TRY taking the chemical jew because i really felt it woulda saved their life

>> No.11006590

Foods that promote better gut bacteria biome. Fermented veggies, more veggies and fiber in general, cutting down sugar and artificial sweeteners, not consuming any food that contains trehalose, etc.

There is a tight link between gut health/digestion and mental health, especially clinical depression and anxiety disorders. It's not some new age alt health thing, medical researchers when legit credentials are saying this and more and more clinical researches are pointing in this direction with each passing year.

>> No.11006597

why would you post that?
That's not gonna make any anons laugh

>> No.11006606

>this triggers my pseudo-science bullshit alarm
Please throw me a few sources, specifically the trehalose claim.

>> No.11006611

Anyone have any comments on this vid link?

>> No.11006651

Dude is ugly

>> No.11006667

pasta + butter + parmesan
works every time

>> No.11006752

Holy friggin' based

Cringed hard

>> No.11006780
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>> No.11006786
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i knew i recognized that image

>> No.11006788

a gun sandwich

>> No.11006859

God, I hope so. Next ban the fast food threads

>> No.11007326
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plant based diet, mainly hummus and guacamole

>> No.11007339

Pumpkin seeds, to be honest.

Zinc and magnesium = higher testosterone.

Higher T = mood elevation and better coping ability

>> No.11007383


>> No.11007396

lol that pepe is such a dummy lol!
look he can't even hold a rope right haha.
imagine how bad he must feel not being able to properly hold that rope haha.

>> No.11007417


>> No.11007445
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Shotgun mouthwash is quite effective at curing depression I hear.
Also pic related is based as fuck.

>> No.11007557

Trehalose danger is not fully established as of now, but why risk it if your gut biome is already fucked?


The current "definitive book" of brain-gut biome-immune system-inflammation link for non-academics:


Also, just google "gut mind link" "gut brain connection."

>> No.11007627
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Big dose of edibles with a stand up comedy special. Some refreshing drink.

>> No.11007708

ye serotonin production linked to ya gut

>> No.11007824


>> No.11007983

This is some Dark Ages tier thinking.

>> No.11009366

Using food to deal with depression just gave me a stress eating disorder. Don't go down that road, OP

>> No.11009374

Yeah, nothing like watching a college drop out talk about sex and genitals for an hour to cure depression. Really makes you feel better about your own decisions.

>> No.11009931

That thing has a pee-pee doesn't it.

>> No.11009942

Lots of carbs. Like, fries on bread type of carbs

>> No.11009986

Is that a trap?

>> No.11009992

Drink 4+ energy drinks and lots of candy

>> No.11010002

I bought some Secret Aardvark Hot Sauce because of how much it’s memed here. The aardvark on the bottle made me smile - I haven’t smiled in weeks.

>> No.11010009


You decide.

>> No.11010508

You know how on /fit/ we have FPH threads?

/ck/ are the people in those threads.

>> No.11010960

Thanks for the kek, chef.

>> No.11011133

Gross and un-Islamic.

>> No.11011234

>t. muhammed al muhammedi

>> No.11011240

objectively wrong and worst attempt at redpills

>> No.11011288

Nobody has said candy??

>> No.11011300
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>> No.11011323

that sounds great, but I'm a boring person so I guess I'd skip the vicodin

>> No.11011326

"the hacking of the american mind" recommends foods that increase your serotonin response, foods with tryptophan, such as turkey. i would say all the usual superfood culprits: whole foods, almonds, greens, sardines, berries, game meat, olive oil, coconut oil, red palm oil, seeds, sprouted grains, apple cider vinegar, fresh and dried chiles, cabbage, onion, garlic, ginger, miso. and cooking the best foods, for yourself, gives you a sense of purpose and accomplishment, also serotonin activators. post your best dishes, feel connected to community. when i cook it completely lifts me up.

>> No.11011329

Anzu is actually a girl. She's a cosplayer/model or whatever, might have an ED, that about sums that up

>> No.11011354

Lots of fresh veggies and water help me a little bit. Getting fresh air and exercise is even better. Go for walks. And as much of a meme yoga is, it just feels nice to stretch out.

It helps if you can find something that's healthy to eat and requires minimal prep. Keep cut up veggies in the fridge or buy a little party tray thing. When you get too depressed to cook but need something to snack on, you'll be more likely to eat the veggies instead of unhealthy stuff, or getting takeout. I've survived some of my worst days thanks to cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and triscuits with a bit of cream cheese. It's comfy and fairly healthy.

What helped me a lot though, OP, was counseling. They taught some really good coping skills, so when I get into a depressive dip I can crawl out of it a bit more effectively than I could before. Not perfect but miles better. But you gotta find a good one to work with. I've had a couple useless ones before I found the really good one. Medication didn't help me. Cipralex/escitalopram just made me really irritable, with nervous energy and prone to fits of absolute rage, and wellbutrin made me dizzy. I could have kept trying but I was tired of waiting for months and months and looking for marginal improvement.

>> No.11011691

Do vegans not consider offal meat?

>> No.11011726

Fuck you faggot. Kiss flames.

>> No.11011792

No because killing the humans that aren't vegan is on you know

>> No.11011817

Eat something you you don't usually eat that you usually really enjoy, at least for me that helps me see a little bit of colour in the grey mass of everyday depression. It won't be the same as when you aren't depressed but it's a whole lot better than reinforcing the bad feelings with a dry and bland meal.

>> No.11011844

not op but sounds like really good advice that i should probably start doing with the extra i got on my hands. this probably sounds like a dumb as fuck question but when you say counseling what do you mean? like how do i look for what you have in my area