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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11005320 No.11005320 [Reply] [Original]

Is my friend an asshole?
>I am at home and he is working (works at a pizza place)
>He asks me if I want anything when he is done with his shift and I say 2 slices of pepperoni pizza. I tell him that I would pay him back. He was working the night shift.
>He gets to my house only to tell me that they ran out of pizza (huh?)
>I shrugged it off and told him that that's fine.
>Flash forward to today, in the middle of his shift he called me and told me to meet him outside because he had something to drop off (he is staying at my place for a couple days)
>He handed me a box. Inside of the box were 3 slices of pepperoni pizza.
>He expects me to pay him back
The reason this is so frustrating to me is because I didn't even ask for pizza today and he expects me to pay for pizza I didn't ask for in a quantity I previously did not ask for in the past. Oh and the pizza was COLD. Any advice?

>> No.11005340

Microwave the pizza.
I find that best for when I forget food and it goes cold.

>> No.11005341

Worst thread I've ever seen

>> No.11005369

I had one slice already just to see if it is good cold. Not really. I will probably take your advice and microwave it.

>> No.11005455
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>hey man thanks for thinking of me but I didn't really feel like pizza today, you go ahead and eat it.

If he forces the pizza on you or gets stupid about it and you didn't want it that day, then he's an asshole.

>> No.11005463

Wait shit you've already gone and done it now OP. Pay the fine or serve your sentence in jail.

>> No.11005545

I thought it was mildly pleasant

>> No.11005558

You had to eat a whole slice to determine that?

>> No.11005569

He forced it on me. He is passive aggressive a lot of the time. What dumbfounds me is that he dropped it off while he was on a delivery for someone else. idk how my pizza was cold either maybe it was leftovers he is trying to charge me for that they were going to throw out.

>> No.11005586

Delay paying him back as much as possible and act like nothing ever happened. He might forget.

>> No.11005597
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>pepperoni pizza

Literal child.

>> No.11005617

Okay so your friend felt bad he couldn’t get you any pizza and then he went out of his way to get you some?
I don’t think you’re an asshole, but it’s not as if your friend is in the wrong
How much time passed between you asking and you getting pizza?
Thank him and pay him back, but tell him that you don’t want pizza the day after or that if there’s no pizza when you ask for it that you don’t want any surprises later

>> No.11005619

>Any advice?
When he asks to be paid back, tell him you ran out (of money). Then later randomly throw some crumpled Monopoly money at him.

>> No.11005741

Just don't pay him back, if you think he was an asshole then don't pay him for something you didn't ask for and cite your original request possibly days ago as the reason.

>> No.11005768


>> No.11005918

lesson learned. next time say "no thanks"

>> No.11006065

Yeah just get grown up pizza with onions and anchovies.

>> No.11006076
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>just get grown up pizza with onions and anchovies
Who puts soi on pizza?

>> No.11006196

Pay him a few dollars and never ask again. No need to start shit over this.
If he does stuff like that more often drop him.

>> No.11006372

What retard gets someone pizza they didn't plan for the next day

>> No.11006378

but I didn't ask that is the problem.

>> No.11006397

But he offered and you accepted he had intent to communicate material goods. By taking the pizza you accepted the contract if he takes you to court you would have to pay him.

>> No.11006405

Have you been here for like 2 days?

>> No.11006467
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Do what he did to you mister, first you have to get a pizza box, and then, put the money he wants in it, but give him more than what he asked for. Make sure you put ice in the box with the money so the money is cold when he gets it.

>> No.11006479

This is the only rational awnser other then throw him out or i guess fuck him in the ass

>> No.11006483

poop dollar

>> No.11006866

Newfag cancer
Go and stay go

>> No.11007992

Pay him back by sucking his dick uwu

>> No.11008124

yeah he sounds like a cheap arsehole, prob fobbed off a couple spare slices during his shift just to make a couple dollars off ya
dunno why he's charging anyway considering he stops at your place and is your friend(?)
personally me n my pals would not charge ea other for slices of fuckin pizza lol

>> No.11008130

literally this
stop bein a spaz apologist, anons friend is a jew and/or mong to the nth degree

>> No.11008182

>He handed me a box
You took the box
Nothing is for free

>> No.11008292

I just want to point out odds are he took that pizza out of the garbage and OP is literally eating garbage pizza as I write this

>> No.11008301

Your friend sounds like a cheap prick