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10999345 No.10999345 [Reply] [Original]

>gg ez no re, coffee.

>> No.10999376

was ist das

>> No.10999383


Kratom. It’s amazing.

>> No.10999390

if i want tea/herbal infusion i dont care much which one its is out of mate/green/black/whatever
but if i want coffee i want coffee

>> No.10999416

That's what I thought it might be. I like kratom! It really helped me stop drinking so much. I don't do it too often but it's enjoyable. How's it relate to coffee though? I never really felt much of the alleged stimulant effect.

>> No.10999438


Were you using a white strain? The red strains are sedating, and the greens are allegedly balanced. Maengda's effect is noticeable.


Is it the taste? I can't understand how sane men can choose coffee over crisp, earthy green tea.

>> No.10999472

My ex was into kratom so I drank a bunch and it stopped me from being able to piss or cum.

>> No.10999485

Coffee tastes good green tea tastes like grass

>> No.10999486

its the smell, how does it not excite you every time you smell it in the morning

>> No.10999660

Where do you guys buy this shit? I tried to buy online at 2 or 3 different stores with good reviews but they all asked for my bank info... ain't giving that shit out..

>> No.10999670
File: 17 KB, 481x439, 2IKi9qld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10999683

Supposedly you can just burn garlic and mash it up in water to get something that tastes like coffee.

>> No.10999701
File: 103 KB, 480x308, A31D2422-7775-4E82-831A-C5995D03F1D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reliable, safe, and effective plant cure for opiate addiction is native to a country that has banned its use with the death penalty, the same country that makes a tremendous profit from exporting heroin
make u think

>> No.10999718

I bought from happyhippo.com, but I'm not a paranoid sit. BTW, first dose was good, second and third did nothing, and it backed up my intestines like a motherfucker. Threw out the last two teaspoons.

>> No.10999741

you can pretty much roast anything that contains polyphenoles and make it taste similar to coffee

>> No.10999842


I love the smell of coffee, but I’ve never had a particularly smooth blend. I don’t add sugar or creams to my drinks

>> No.10999844

whats the high like from this shit? is it really as relaxing as people say? i want to try it

>> No.10999850


It’s relaxing, but doesn’t oversedate you. At least from the two strains that I tried. It’s an extremely comfy high. I prefer it to weed even.

>> No.10999856

enhanciosa, google it. he was a guy who used to take orders on reddit, always reliable and good prices, I like the dude. I think he's gotten a little more professional now, has his own site I think? google it.

I actually always used either white or green, still never really felt energizing. ah well. it was enjoyable and helped with anxiety, and when I was in a cycle of habitual drinking a bit too often, it gave me something to replace the ritual a bit, really helped me cut down.


can definitely relate to that. it would make me feel really strongly emotional about my girl-at-the-time, but usually made it impossible to cum. numbed the dick a bit. I don't remember if it actually got in the way of erections, but definitely took the physical sensation outta things.

>> No.10999858

is it comparable to vicodin? its in the opioid family isnt it?

>> No.10999868

Daily user for more than half a decade, AMA

>> No.10999877

it's extremely comparable. vicodin feels a bit cleaner though.

>> No.10999879

opioid family but absolutely nowhere near the intensity, I haven't taken prescription-painkillers but if you're expecting prescription-painkillers, you'll be disappointed. like drinking coffee and expecting cocaine.

>> No.10999883

Exactly hoe does Vicodin feel "cleaner"? I would argue the exact opposie

>> No.10999885


sage for drugs

>> No.10999890

And all the threads about alcohol, coffee, many herbs, some spices, sugar, etc.?

>> No.10999891

kratom always makes me feeling muddy and stoney. less so than vicodin.

>> No.10999892


>> No.10999908

Perhaps you are taking something that is not entirely kratom?

>> No.10999918

Alcohol is a very dangerous drug that is much worse for your health and can even cause death. It tends to make people violent and drunk, unable to perform many tasks. This is literally the opposite of kratom, a mild Thai leaf with mild stimulant and sedative properties that does not seem to be harmful I'm the least and actually makes people more personable, energetic, and friendly

>> No.11000041

Keep up the good word imam.

>> No.11000312


This pretty much

>> No.11001124

Not being able to piss was even worse, I thought something was wrong with my prostate

>> No.11002459

Good goy

>> No.11002481

I love this shit. Gives you that sweet numb bliss like weed but without your thoughts running wild. Just wish it didn't taste like absolute shit, still makes me gag even though I drink it like coffee

>> No.11004147


I used it before work and blew the fuck out of everything I had to do. Shame it’s gonna be illegal soon.

>> No.11005494

Try getting whole beans and a grinder.