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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 300x300, gerber-baby-food-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10996319 No.10996319 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do they sell it?

>> No.10996338

Did you fucking try it? Are you retarded?

>> No.10996350

He's right, though. It's weird that corporations expect us to feed babies food that we can't tolerate ourselves.

>> No.10996351

man suck my dick

>> No.10996360

That's a girl's job. I'm a man.

>> No.10996380

Not an excuse dumbass. I like food, I tried food. Its just bad, no matter who the "Target audience" is

>> No.10996428

Maybe if you have the palate of a child. For me it is delicious.

>> No.10996432

fuck off you are the one with a child's palate

>> No.10996454

Why you eating baby food, OP?

>> No.10996461

the fruit and dessert jars are pretty good

>> No.10996462

Babies can't complain and even if they could they literally don't have a palate yet

Next question nigger

>> No.10996470

>Babies can't complain
You haven't spent much time with babies, have you?

>> No.10996476

No sorry I'm not a cuck, queer

>> No.10996839

Women have been conditioned to not make their own baby food so they buy this shit for their child.

>> No.10996855

He addressed you as a man though

>> No.10996861

Usually to the people who aren't eating it.

>> No.10996862

babbys like it or else it wouldn't sell

>> No.10997020

Half the "people" here wouldn't eat peas to begin with

>> No.10997033

My wife did.

>boil one sweet potato
>puree it up
>like fucking 20 jars of sweet potato for a buck

(((Gerber))) is a scam.

>> No.10997037
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Thats why I make my own baby food out of veggies from my garden and a food processor.

>> No.10997041

Kinda same. Wife did the good ol titty for awhile then we give the kiddo a mcchicken

>> No.10997071

See I did/do that for my children. I also grow my own food. Zucchini was put in everything

>> No.10997073

Titties are fine for awhile but ya gotta mix in food after a few months. Start with veggies cause if they fruit first they're like "yeah fuck veggies."

(((Formula))) is also a scam.

>> No.10997074

Nice lookin garden

>> No.10997082

You know, I never really thought about this. Americans are so fucking scared of their parental instincts that they literally only do what corporations and the media tell them. They buy these processed shit because they don’t want other people to see them break the mold. They buy disposable diapers endlessly instead of just making their own etc, list goes on and on. Why are Americans so paranoid? I swear they think it would die if they just did their own thing as if modern technology is the only reason why a fragile baby can live, man you really made me think.

>> No.10997099

We're not paranoid, we're inept. The reason is that we've had industrial/processed stuff for so long that DIY skills have been lost.

>> No.10997100
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Its a lot of work while also taking care if a baby but its worth it.

>> No.10997106

I really want to look into cloth diapers for our next one.

>> No.10997116
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I do reusable diapers v. Its really easy. I still use disposable for trips outside the house.

>> No.10997146

True that, amen
Ain't nothing worse than those chemical shit ass powders to feed to your kid
No wonder so many white kids are autistic or have adhd

>> No.10997151

How do you like them? I have been looking at cloth diapers for a while. Is it worth the investment? Are there less rashes? Blowouts?

>> No.10997160

We have been programmed from an early age to become consumers. There was a malnutrition scare in the 50s because doctors were pushing shitty formula instead of encouraging breastfeeding. Also if you break from the ‘norm’ people say you are raising your child wrong

>> No.10997161
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>> No.10997166

>Also if you break from the ‘norm’ people say you are raising your child wrong

This was my whole point senpai

>> No.10997167

You never had a kid leak from a diaper? Albeit its a rare thing but that’s the main complaint I get from people who swear by disposable diapers

>> No.10997177

People are lemmings. And there is a lot of disinfo out there

>> No.10997186
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>You never had a kid

Haha yeah man of course I have

>> No.10997197
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Mind you. Hes only five months old.
Ive spent 90$ on diapers both disposable and reusable so far. Hes only over powered the diapers once or twice. I have enough of them that I only have to wash them every other day. My wife doesnt rinse out the pee pad when shes in charge of changing hin at night so our bathroom smells like pee until I get to them. I just hose both parts down in the bathtub and then hang them to dry until its time to run the wash. He had no rashes so far. They breathe pretty well.

>> No.10997203
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The okra is taller than me know but here is my set up

>> No.10997204

I was feeding this to my cousin's baby the other day. He seemed to like it (or rather kept reaching for it whenever I stopped) - albeit they haven't started him on the orange ones yet.

>> No.10997210

Nice! I have seen a hose like attatchment for spraying the shit into the toilet for when they move onto solids.
I will have to get the wife some of these.
Recommended brand?

>> No.10997214
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Fresh produce is the best

>> No.10997218

What is that

>> No.10997219
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>> No.10997222

What the heck do I do with zucchini besides sauté it

>> No.10997224

Red okra! Honestly my favorite variety to grow. The stems of the plant are a nice deep red. They turn green

>> No.10997226

I make the wife do the shopping I have no clue what brand Im using. I know even less about the other brands. I just use a detatchable shower head to rinse them off. I can reach the toilet with it. Plus a detatchable showerhead is great for pressure washing your taint.

>> No.10997229

When you cook them or pickle them

>> No.10997232

Stuffed Zucchini - cut in half and put in seasoning and breadcrumbs/cheese

Zucchini Bread - Can make savory or sweet like banana bread

I like to cut mine in half and roast them/throw them on a grill as a sidedish

>> No.10997235
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I'll have my kids drinking 'vark before grade school

>> No.10997236

Chop it, some colors of bell peppers you like, squash, some italian meat you like (capicola) boil tri color pasta, mix with a vinegar. salad

>> No.10997237

Dude a bidet is the best purchase you will ever make then.

>> No.10997247

I cut mine into match sticks and quick pickle them with red chili flakes, best accompaniment to a good beer

>> No.10997276

Slice it, Bread it with some added cornstarch. Then put it on pasta and cover both with suace of your choice.

I Cubed it tiny, sauteed it and put it in a burrito yesterday. That was tasty. It grows so fast I have to eat it most of the week.

>> No.10997280
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>> No.10997322

Kek my name is Charlie. She is gonna love that. Thanks man

>> No.10997382

Spooky wifemind
We also used reusable diapers and my wife also never fucking rinsed the pads when she changed diapers. She would always just put them on a radiator until everything smelled like a public elevator.

We used them almost exlusively up until around 16 months. When our son got a bunch of teeth at once, the diarrhea was too much for the reusables. We also do a lot more trips now, that he is older, so we switched to disposable for now.

However to the other anon interested in it:
It saves money, even more so when you get more than one kid.

No, they aren't leaky, stinky. Cleaning can be a pain in the ass when they got that disgusting sour soft stool from hell.

There is actually less rash because breathing is way better.

You will have to do a lot more laundry at some point. We have only ~25 of ones similar to >>10997197 and it worked out, but more would have been a bit more relaxed.

There is no need to stick to one system. Most diehard environmentalists will tell you, you need to do 100% or you are literally Hitler. Like the other anon we also used disposable for trips and visits.

No one asked, but when do you get the chance to talk about reusable diapers on /ck/

>> No.10997402
File: 154 KB, 1000x1318, 1525250028351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brother gets married
>After six years of marriage, they finally have a kid
>Sis in law and I are close enough that she tells me her plans to raise the baby
>Specifically mentions he'll be bottle-fed with formula because she thinks breastfeeding is demeaning to women
>Goes onto say she's planning on evicting him at 17 because that's the legal age they can be kicked out of home
>Brother agrees and even brags about how he'll do it
>mfw we were visiting our parents and he said this, only to get smacked across the head and yelled at for an hour by our mom over how retarded they are

American culture is fucked. You can't get a job anymore but people still expect you to own your own apartment by 16.

>> No.10997407
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>When our son got a bunch of teeth at once, the diarrhea was too much for the reusables

>> No.10997438

There's a common misconception that babies get diarrhea when teething since they drool more.

>> No.10997441

I know I was thinking the same thing. I am glad for the in depth explanation. My wife has been team cloth diaper since her first sonogram. She has a clothes line outside that I built her a while back so no worries about the piss smell.

>> No.10997443

I know they're little shit machines but you must be ugly as fuck if you can't tell the difference between the ass and the face.

>> No.10997446

Whew what a read. I bet she is a pleasure to be around.
>SIL is a Marxist Cunt

>> No.10997447

Why wouldn't the piss smell be gone when the diapers are washed?

>> No.10997456

Yes. The pee smell comes from before. Hell find out soon enough.

>> No.10997464

>al/ck/ was trashed to bring us a bunch of fat thots discussing day care
nice work everyone

>> No.10997471

I should have wifed you up, my pregnant wife won't water the plants to save her life, but she expects fresh lemongrass, basil and Thai chilis everyday.

>> No.10997473

Cool food thread y’all

>> No.10997476
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>> No.10997491

We won WWII and lost our minds.

>> No.10997494

Its covering all the bases.

>> No.10997498
File: 131 KB, 364x852, 53FEF993-D92B-48EE-BB6B-C00E46CDA8BD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10997499

>ITT: me being scared of having a baby

>> No.10997504

Bruh I’ll hve your baby for ya where ya wife at tho lol

>> No.10997518

>mfw I want five kids
>Already have names picked out for them for boys and girls
>It's motivating me to become a success in life so I can spoil them completely rotten

I'm graduating with my BA in Vet Science and Biology soon and I've been getting /fit/ so I could have health knowledge to pass onto my children.
I'm half-way there. Too bad it does nothing to solve my horrible interpersonal issues.

>> No.10997521

If you never leave the house anyway it doesnt change to much. I have a little bit less free time and woman wont leave us alone when Im in public with him.

>> No.10997532

I just put an ad on craigslist rejected a couple of fat woman and took a risk with a ginger and got my baby. Make sure to have a written agreement before you do the deed.

>> No.10997535

She pregnant, your cock is useless.
I hate shit and vomit and love leaving the house. Actually looking forward to putting her into one of those chest carry things and going grocery shopping though.

>> No.10997538

Hahaha does /ck/ eat baby food?

>> No.10997552

Tell her that if she don’t work she don’t eat. Being a stay at home mom is a privilege and my wife understands that. Reign in your thot

>> No.10997563

Pick a college freshman girl. Younger the better. If she is a little plain even better. The pretty ones become thots too easily. No femenazi cunts and you should be good to go

>> No.10997567
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An added bonus to the reusable is they can match outfits. They do need strip washed periodically as the detergent builds up in them reducing their ability to soak up stuff it can also make them smell.

Better than the nappies are reusable wipes which are just small face cloths for wiping arses with.

>> No.10997572

bruh look at this thread lmao

>> No.10997584

To be fair she doesn't get home until 9, but she leaves the house at 10.

>> No.10997586

Homely girls are cuter so that's good for me. Nothing is more of a turn-off than those who try to be models.

>> No.10997589

The best time to weed or work in the garden is at daybreak. My wife enjoys it. She sends we selfies and I happy to know that we chose a lifestyle were we both aren’t forced to work.

>> No.10997591


>> No.10997594

Yup this guy gets it. Instagram thots are just prostitutes that will become roasted cat ladies

>> No.10997596

We are testing out the stay at home thing after the baby is born, I have my doubts, but I make good money and she is good at cooking on a dime.

>> No.10997618

Tbh it was the best decision we ever made. She is happy and less stressed out than when she worked. The house is spotless and she is able to take control over the kitchen better. The kids are happier too. I don’t see why people work two jobs to pay for daycare when they have kids. Just live within your means.

>> No.10997639

Thanks for the input, and yeah the daycare costs are what made us think about it.

>> No.10998216

>more teeth
>better chewing
>food goes down more liquid
>food comes out more liquid
Not hard to imagine

>> No.10998278

Poor folks? Dunno.
Knew a girl who ate babyfood for lunch occasionally. She really loved that shit. Don't remember the brand, think it was olvarit. I guess some flavors/brands are probably very good.
If a baby doesn't like it you'll probably get it spit back into your face, so you probably don't need to try it yourself.

>> No.10998290
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Good to know you're not procreating.

>> No.10998398

STtop being such a cuck

>> No.10998458
File: 36 KB, 500x500, hawaiian delight baby food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gerber’s Hawaiian Delight baby food is legitimately good but the jars are so small it’s not worth it for an adult.

>> No.10998543

Babies can't complain about the taste. Same reason why dog food's terrible.

>> No.10998564
File: 81 KB, 186x239, 1521548367358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeding your child a turbo flatulence fuel that would detonate its little intestines with a violent fart nuke
Sounds like something a vegan would do.

>> No.10998900

what the fuck is wrong with that crow in the bottom of the frame?

>> No.10998914

blowout soon, fellow baby

>> No.10999219

That's a cat

>> No.10999229

It's literally just mushed up peas, you should be able to "tolerate" it.

>> No.10999242


>> No.10999288
File: 2.15 MB, 4032x2268, 20170728_083345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a cat.

>> No.10999548
File: 1.79 MB, 859x888, toxoplasmosis1358640082797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sure your kid really appreciates the toxoplasmosis

>> No.11000784


>not shoving a steak in the mouth of your child who doesn't even have teeth yet

God, do you want him to be a fag?

>> No.11001437

Thats a fucking cat.

>> No.11001455

I'm sure to a baby it is the most delicious thing they have ever eaten. Because they can't chew on steak.

>> No.11001516

The entire reason "cuckhold" is an insult is because it implies you don't care/ don't know the children your wife is bearing are not yours, brainlet.

>> No.11001662

>not boiling the veg first

>> No.11001669

kids don't come into the definition of cuckold. it's merely wives

>> No.11001681

It's also literally just peas, no seasoning, no salt, just peas and water made into a mush. That's gotta be the most bland food ever, but yeah babies have no reference point for that.

>> No.11001691


>> No.11001692

not sure what bongs have to do with anything, sounds like you might be a little obsessed yourself

>> No.11001695

are you a soviet?

>> No.11001785
File: 77 KB, 600x600, chicken sticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try these OP. These are delicious. Like Vienna sausages without that weird tangy aftertaste.

>> No.11001790

Thats a newer definition. Came into being because of the massive amount of porn in the genre.

>> No.11001834

Hi! Have you ever heard of WIC? You know, the free formula government service? Do you even know how many gibmedats you have to deal with there? Lol but the white kids all had problems. Just like, a lot more blacks and undocumented Hispanict. Ex employee so

>> No.11001976

My 7th grade computer teacher ate a jar or two this stuff with his lunch every day.

>> No.11001987

I guess it's up to me to say it.

>> No.11001999

In French, gerber means to vomit.

>> No.11002010

Babies "tolerate" normal everyday vegetables because their neck beard hasn't grown in yet. It's typically a childhood long process that takes normal babies and converts them into corn syrup-fueled mongoloids.

>> No.11002065

The soviets had no minds to lose.

>> No.11002104

Blame the British. None of this shit would of happened if it weren't for the industrial revolution.

>> No.11002156

>feeding your kids with that shit
dude no, that's borderline child abuse

>> No.11002323

>blames British for his problems
>says would of

Sounds about right

>> No.11002327

>would of
Perfectly acceptable in American English, Bongtard.

>> No.11002328

What's wrong with "would of" all of the sudden?

>> No.11002385

but they won ww2

>> No.11002622

They leased the win from the US, we still owned it.

>> No.11002666
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>all of the sudden?

>> No.11002693

not him but
>taking bait this obvious

>> No.11002829

fuck off you filthy hippies, no one has time for cloth diapers

>> No.11003264

Look at the fag that hates money.

>> No.11003427

I'm pretty sure cuckold has mostly been just about a wife's fidelity. I'm reaching super far back in my brain but I think the Butcher's Tale from Chaucer refers to a cheated-on guy as a cuckold

>> No.11003506
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>> No.11003538

Youre probably right. I was just talking out of my ass on that post.

>> No.11003607

Corporations expect you to trade money for goods
That's literally it