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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 110 KB, 960x960, Milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10994308 No.10994308 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about soy. Memesters on this site love to poke fun at people who consume soy products but let's face the facts: Soy is an excellent source of Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Protien, Omega3 VB12 and VB6. It can be used to improve cardiovascular health, help with weight loss and prevent certain cancers. Soy is great alternative to both meat and dairy for people who adhere to a plant based diet and even has more nutritional benefits. Some think that because soy is an estrogenic plant that makes it femme food, but soy actually contains phytoestrogen (plant based) and has no proven adverse effects on the human body, including hormone levels for both males and females alike.

What is your excuse for avoiding the soy?

>> No.10994324

>real milk hurts my tummy

what is it with soy boys and cringy baby speak?

>> No.10994328

soy does not factor into steak, eggs, bacon, garlic, onion and brassica's.

>> No.10994343

I'd make fun of you for being lactose intolerant, too.

>> No.10994350
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Sexual mimicry is commonly used as a mating strategy to gain access to a mate, a defense mechanism to avoid more dominant individuals, or a survival strategy. It can also be a physical characteristic that establishes an individual’s place in society. Sexual mimicry is employed differently across species and it is part of their strategy for survival and reproduction.

>> No.10994352

>let's talk about soy
Stopped reading there. Take it somewhere else faggot. The little alien misses you.

>> No.10994357

soy hurts my tummy

>> No.10994369

Stopped reading there. This isn't your blog.

>> No.10994379

But girls don't like feminine men

>> No.10994387

>girls don't like feminine men
>david bowie is a sex symbol

>> No.10994406
File: 202 KB, 640x394, soyboy vasectomy party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree OP! I LOVE SOY! I only eat food that contains soy.

>> No.10994414

>david bowie is a sex symbol
Amongst fags.

>> No.10994418

Bowie was androgynous, not feminine. He also had a huge fucking dick.

>> No.10994433

I don't. I love edamame as a snack and use the sauce a whole bunch. That doesn't stop it from being the HFCS of protein that turns everyone who overindulges in it into a fart sniffing poof instead of fat.

>> No.10994445
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>I love edamame

>> No.10994448
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Only the first panel is likely to happen and the 2nd and 3rd panels are the daydreams of a soyboy.
Also you can't avoid soy (sauce) cause its basically the equivalent of salt for asians. Only underrage and trolls even talk about it on the other boards, don't drag that shit here.
That said my favorite dishes are: fried tofu, mapo tofu and tofu pudding(?)-I don't know the american name for it, direct translation is tofu with sugar and ginger- makes a great dessert.
You shouldn't avoid it nor should you only consume just soy. Its a great filler like rice.

>> No.10994460

>being a weak ass bitch who can't drink milk is somehow preferred or any different to being mr soy boy hipster man
who the fuck drew this comic

>> No.10994462

>tofu pudding(?)
You're thinking of 無料ポルノ児童ポルノ

>> No.10994713

I find it funny that the "protagonist" of this comic is autistically shouting at the man who called him soy boy.

>> No.10994950

>femme food
lmao damn here comes the Well Read 4chan Queer Theorist
those totally exist

it was never funny
it was never a real insult
why get so fucking defensive about it
why complain months after it's relevancy
why complain months after the mods filtered the word for you

rose twitter is such a fucking joke

>> No.10994962

good pasta anon

>> No.10995009

>The downfall of the western world is due to a bean

Behold the politics of the superman.

>> No.10995065
File: 33 KB, 600x580, 1532790940683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amerisoys are this furious

>> No.10995080

honestly yeah, soy has decimated american agriculture along with corn
farmers stopped cultivating real food because the subsidies on those 2 big export crops and american health has suffered for it
now all of our food contains soy and corn additives
its one of the major reasons for americas processed junk food problem
why would people manufacture and sell real food at a premium when an artificial soy version is more cost effective?

>> No.10995094

I did not read a single word of your post. I was tempted to quote you but if I did that I might accidentally read it.

>> No.10995518

>having that image saved on your computer

Yup. *sips tea*. Confirmed soy-drinker

>> No.10995526

Then just don't have milk in your coffee?

>> No.10995536

soybeans taste like shit

>> No.10995540

China doesn't even want your soy anymore, America. Just watch your soy intake escalate as all that excess soy needs to be dumped on the domestic market. This is Trump's fault, by the way. Remember that when you're digging in to that extra helping of soy.

>> No.10995710

In real life the guy would still be laughing at this faggot as he has his temper tantrum.

>> No.10995726

I think it was just supposed to be a humorous contrast with the guy's expression, you dip.

>> No.10996174

>Soy latte
>3 bean soup

>> No.10996195

>t. soyboy

>> No.10996214

It tastes like shit and makes you a girly man. If you're lactose intolerant then you are you are your genetic line's first step into an evolutionary dead end.

>> No.10996224

I have done this for most of my college life

I am that softboi that actually got in many girls pants.

I got so many girls talking about their home issues pretending that I gave two shites.

>> No.10996232

I think you need to leave.

>> No.10996241

coffee, soy... whats the third bean?

>> No.10996277

vanilla bean

>> No.10996281


David Bowie wasn't feminine though, the difference is that soygoys are genuinely cowardly wheres Bowie had an aura of male sexuality and darkness

>> No.10996285


You two faggots made this shit thread even worse. Give eachother aids.

>> No.10996298

>my tummy

>> No.10996301

>>real milk hurts my tummy
Imagine a grown man saying this. Fucking soy drinking faggots.

>> No.10996368

Unless scienceniggas hurry the fuck up with lab grown meat humanity will sooner or later end up with soy based food.
Livestock for 10+ billion people is simply not sustainable and will end up in meat becoming a premium product at some point.

>> No.10996373

It's a comic strip

>> No.10996375

Cry harder, soyboy.

>> No.10996377

All I'm saying is it's just a comic strip. It's not supposed to be real anon.

>> No.10996394
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>my brotha

>> No.10996395


>> No.10996399

Like clockwork.

>> No.10996431

No shit. It was the authors internal monologue put to paper after being called a soyboy. It's pathetic

>> No.10996686

recently i've been cutting lactose from my diet.

Been getting lactose free milk. are their benefits of switching to soy?

>> No.10996693


whatever lets you sleep at night, right?

>> No.10996711

> are their benefits of switching to soy?

you help hasten the destruction of the evil white race

>> No.10996738

that's why he said "Imagine a grown man saying this."

>> No.10996751
File: 476 KB, 750x756, F9CF3107-FBB8-4CAC-A6EF-FB489E589820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am soy bigot

>> No.10996790

I thought Soy was out and Boomer was in

>> No.10996795
File: 83 KB, 600x338, s0y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am groot.

>> No.10996800
File: 26 KB, 600x600, 75CA71CC-36CA-43B5-9831-F32C744A791D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m gay

>> No.10996816

>not owning your lactose intolerance and drinking raw milk for the best possible braps

low energy

>> No.10996825
File: 35 KB, 1280x720, Setsuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Gundam

>> No.10996928

women will routinely fuck things they don't like.
its science

>> No.10996950

There's none. I don't consume or consume different kinds of food based on shitty political or image-driven premises.

>> No.10996964

> Thinks women are attracted to penis
Porn is fake Tim, almost all women don't care and don't like penises. If you are average and last enough you're good with 90% of women

>> No.10997030
File: 748 KB, 500x536, 1530552036664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern men's obsession with simple sugar is a bigger issue I think. There should be a stigma against eating candy and drinking fraps + IPAs every day if you're a grown ass 30 year old man. Every single one that does this IME has that pasty nu male face and receding hairline.

Soy is a scapegoat. Sweets (and plastics) are clearly the bigger issue at hand

>> No.10997120

There is no vitamin B12 in soy products. Vitamin B12 is only obtained from animal products. Fuck off with your propaganda shit.

>> No.10997129

>Vitamin B12 is only obtained from animal products.

>> No.10997140

My first gfs favorite movie was that one where you see his bulge the whole time. She had such a boner for Bowie

>> No.10997147

this gentleman is correct. you can also get B12 from fortified processed and artificial foods, like the supplements vegans take to avoid deficiencies.

>> No.10997149
File: 306 KB, 600x450, 1408309291810.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there should be a stigma against acting like dick-sucking faggot

There used to be anon. There used to be.

>> No.10997241

there is plenty of semen which many men who eat soy also consume

>> No.10997353

It tastes like shit be it soy milk or some imitation meat.

>> No.10997398



he wasn't even feminine in the literal homolust movie he starred in

>> No.10997405

>Only the first panel is likely to happen and the 2nd and 3rd panels are the daydreams of a soyboy.

>in real life
>gets mocked for being a soyboy softcock
>says nothing, cries
>posts on facebook later lying about the encounter

>> No.10997537


>> No.10997554
File: 361 KB, 512x512, Z7HeRxU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks sheriff. I don't know what we'd do without you.

>> No.10997575

B12 comes from microorganisms in the soil. Livestock are fed or injected with B12 supplements.

>> No.10997607

I’ve gotten plenty of trannies too

>> No.10997613
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 9AEE424D-B3C8-4EE7-8CAA-3DB26B07F755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10997629

it would be nice if you provided sources instead of heresay

>> No.10997648

Soy has phytoestrogens. Causes breast cancer in men and women, reduces muscle mass, causes complacency (a weak society), ecourages feminine features (and bitch tits on men), and actually causes infertility in both men and women. Soy is okay every once in a while, but soy is in everything and that really gets your noggin joggin' considering the evidence. Also, look at Japan and tell me how many 6'0"+ strong men that are over 150lbs that don't have any European admixture. Now tell me how many men in Japan can pass for a female if they dress like one.

>> No.10997693

Soy is the most researched food in the world and there is no credible report that confirm any of your statements.

>> No.10997712

I'm sure japs being tiny has nothing to do with genetics and everything to do with soy. And how many of them have bitch tits?
All this pseudoscience revolving around it is absolutely ridiculous. This coming from someone who hates most soy products.

>> No.10997717

>look at Japan and tell me how many 6'0"+ strong men that are over 150lbs that don't have any European admixture. Now tell me how many men in Japan can pass for a female if they dress like one.
you must know the answer if you're asking me to tell you what you already know
but i don't know it
you tell me

>> No.10997719

>the Samurai, some of the greatest warriors of all time, beat the shit out of the lice ridden euro barbarians and confined them to Nagasaki
>Japs one of the few groups of people to resist the weak, crucified jewish criminal cult.
>takes the combined efgorts of all the allies and 2 nuclear bombs to defeat a tiny island of 70 million
>japs are weak soybois
You wish you could be that weak gaijin.

>> No.10997725

>A country where very few are overweight and they live a long time eats a lot of it. Therefore it's bad


>> No.10997781

China will own u soon

>> No.10997792

they might not be tall but they are still strong as fuck, and you can thank rice for that.

>> No.10997803
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>> No.10998261
File: 232 KB, 757x499, 5823095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soy oil makes my pee smell bad. (((Traitor Jews))) likes to sneak it into all of their canned goods and tortillas.

>> No.10998285

>names the Jew
>still echoes

>> No.10998570

>leddit spacing
bait harder

>> No.10998608

It's actual just normal formatting.

>> No.10998629

Reddit spacing is just something anons cry when they can't think of a real argument. Just ignore it.

>> No.10998666

Imagine avoiding vegetables

>> No.10998747

Who the fuck actually drinks soy milk? Almond milk (which contains no soy) tastes infinitely better is is 2x as healthy for you as dairy milk

>> No.10998755

Bowie literally dressed his skinny twink body in female dresses and women's clothes, wore make up, and sucked dick/fucked males

>> No.10998768

Not true, and the b12 in animal products is fortified just like how dairy milk I fortified with vitamin d. They use synthetic b12 generally and add it to whatever small amount is naturally there

>> No.10998792

why is a convict ordering coffee? I didn't know there were starbucks in prison

>> No.10998832

Based Bowie!

>> No.10998898

it's also more expensive for half the nutritional value

>> No.10998938

Are you taking about almond milk? I think soy is cheaper that almond, actually.

>> No.10999053

Almond milk is worse for the environment than soy

>> No.10999203

based comfy racism and homophobia

>> No.10999210

How about dairy?

>> No.11000458

soy is high in lecithin which makes you cum a whole lot more

>> No.11000472
File: 106 KB, 800x750, 1517663470164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>such a soyboy hipster man that you sperg and accidentally invert the standard "I am serious, i am silly, I am serious, I am silly" comic format and paint yourself as the overreacting spaz
So this is the power of soy....

>> No.11000481

Don't expect a response to that from a meat cultist. Almond milk might have a higher eco footprint than soy milk but if you crunch the numbers I believe it still comes out as far better than dairy milk

>> No.11000491

Nice incisors you have there. The meat cult is inside you!

>> No.11000504

Something something each almond takes one gallon of water to grow, in a US state that has constant water shortages, so citizens are told to just take shorter showers to compensate

>> No.11000512

This anon is right >>10997693
There are numerous studies conducted over the last 100 years about soy that all present theories with inconclusive results. Just a prevalent and reinforced negative stigma makes people in the west believe that its bad for you but its a staple food for people in the east

>> No.11000518


>> No.11000544

Cows use more.


>> No.11000551

I don't avoid soy, but it doesn't have cortisone and insuline growth factor. No one deserves to grow up a manlet, feed your kids cow's milk (pasteurized, they also don't deserve organ failure).

>> No.11000597

I don't think this is right either.

>> No.11000796

it tastes like death. I prefer almond and rice milk. Or just regular milk, since i'm not alergic

>> No.11000800

Vanilla almond milk is really nice, I find.

>> No.11000871
File: 17 KB, 540x314, 1527659778457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parents made me drink soymilk from an early age, because it was around the time of mad cow disease and they were pretty paranoid about that stuff. Around the age of 7, I had a glass of real milk at a friend's sleepover. Never touched soy milk again

>> No.11000985

Labyrinth? Cause fuck thats what my ex said as well, except she described it as her "sexual awakening". Whats the deal with Bowie? I dont understand, someone redpill me on why females love Bowie other than money and fame.

>> No.11001018

>is 2x as healthy for you as dairy milk
Not really. The protein found in milk is some of the best you can get. There's a reason why they have to add calcium to almond milk too, just so they can advertise "50% more calcium than dairy milk!". There's nothing wrong with almonds or almond milk but don't try to say it's better than real milk.

>> No.11001024

>someone redpill me on why females love Bowie other than money and fame.
He was fucked up but in a good way

>> No.11001043
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>> No.11001067

>Also you can't avoid soy (sauce) cause its basically the equivalent of salt for asians.
Yes I can avoid it lol asian food is a meme and I don't eat it

>> No.11001071
File: 120 KB, 3000x2155, 16_Charts_People_are_Eating_More_Protein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My prooooteeeeiiiin

>> No.11001077

Literally nothing bad ever happened to anyone from eating too much protein.

>> No.11001093

Alot did actually

>> No.11001116

After going on a high protein diet to gain weight I can't eat eggs anymore - they make me vomit.

>> No.11001541

>I need an excuse to bitch about my failures without referencing myself.
>I know! I will blame a bean because it has "estrogen" in its contained substances, nevermind the fact it's phytoestrogen and therefore inactive for humans, and because a part of the population I do not like eats it often!

>> No.11001584

That's literally the joke you retard.

>> No.11001588

Phystoestrogens are a class of estrogen-like molecules that weakly bind to estogen receptors. Look it up and stop spreading misinfo, even if you think the overall effect is overblown.

>> No.11001764

im out of shape skinny fat and i've beat up commie soiboys who tried to start shit with me

>> No.11001773

believes studies done by big soy

>> No.11002092

*puts endocrine-disrupting pesticides on all your soy beans but only in amounts which are deemed acceptable by the government*

>> No.11002101

Everyone who said this post is pseudoscience has never qualified in a scientific subject or picked up a scientific journal in their life

>> No.11002107

People give soy alot of shit but regular milk has way more estrogen in it

>> No.11002119
File: 8 KB, 207x253, 1533173273299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try soyshill, now crawl back into your hole

>> No.11002296

didn't read rest because it wasn't a shitpost.

>> No.11002488

Because it tastes bad and I'm not lactose intolerant. Coffee should be black anyway, I only use cow milk for my oatmeal.

>> No.11002952

>>11001588 >>11001541
There are 2 types of estrogen receptors in the body, the Alpha and the Beta. Foreign estrogens bond to the beta receptors and have no long term effects on the subject. Natural estrogens made by your body bond to the alpha receptor, which cause someone to express a trait. thanks

>> No.11002958

Information is readily available to the common man in simple terms now thanks to the internet so you don't have to be a medical doctor to understand the findings of research - especially when research is deemed inconclusive. it just means we don't know

>> No.11003016

and that's a lot of soy, as nearly every farmer in the united states grows soy. if nothing else, it's a crop that can be sold, which also replenishes the soil so you don't have to leave as many fields fallow in your crop rotation. it's a good follower to growing corn, as corn essentially strips the soil of a majority of its minerals and nutrients.

the fact that a crop like this can also be used as a foodstuff for humans is gravy.

>> No.11003050

almond trees are insanely water greedy, like willow trees. also, the only area domestically that they can be grown in is california. california has been experiencing longer and harsher drought seasons over the past few years, so forcing them to grow almond trees smacks of the wealthy stealing from the poor.

on top of that, the amount of almonds that are in a half gallon of almond milk are maybe a half cup or so.

>> No.11003054

nut milk :)